Destiny's Temprtress

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Destiny's Temprtress Page 33

by Janelle Taylor

  “You mean she ain’t just being kind?” he inquired in surprise.

  “She’s trying to reach out to you, but she’s afraid of how you’ll take her overtures. Women have to be careful when they expose their feelings. Some men mistake their reasons and actions.”

  “When she learns how me and Blane’ve been fooling her and Molly, she won’t feel that way much longer,” he stated sullenly.

  “Then don’t tell her until the war’s over. But you should let her know you’re interested in her as a woman, before some man snaps her up and away from you. A man can keep a woman dangling and guessing only so long before she looks elsewhere.”

  Jeremy gazed at her, then grinned. “I suppose you’re right. I’ll make sure she knows I’ll be available after the war. I wouldn’t want some officer or sea captain stealing her away. When Blane returns, give him this note. Make sure no one reads it but him—no one, Flame. According to our plans, he should be returning within a few days.”

  Jeremy bid her good night and left. Shannon stared at the sealed note in her hands, then impulsively opened it. She fumed, for it was in code and totally indecipherable.

  Sky is red. Flames are burning. Lovebirds flown away. Sparrow spiked. Many are flying to no returns. An eye behind. One More was wrong. One side is wrong. Our blood runs. A well of surprises.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The weather was stormy on Tuesday, so Mrs. DeRossett canceled the society meeting at her home and the collection of goods. Thursday, another train of wounded men halted in Wilmington. This time, injuries were fresher and more severe. The Ladies’ Relief Society volunteers labored unselfishly until each man had been tended, and most did not complete their tasks until after the dinner hour. Shannon watched the train depart from the station with relief and sadness. She couldn’t help but wonder if Corry were facing similar conditions elsewhere. Blane had been gone for twenty-six days. Elisha had been gone for three. She had never felt so lonely, so miserable, so weary, or so vulnerable.

  One of the ladies insisted on having her carriage drop Shannon off at the hotel. Shannon was too fatigued and depressed for company or food. Carefully avoiding guests and her two hostesses, she went to her room immediately. She was delighted to find a tub of hot water awaiting her before the fire. She quickly stripped and sank into the soothing tub. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her aching body. She didn’t know how much more suffering she could stand.

  “Yes, Blue Eyes, you can steal my tub if you need it that badly,” a mellow voice teased from behind her.

  Shannon opened her eyes and whirled around to find Blane hunkering down by the tub. “What are you doing here?” she asked in undisguised astonishment. “How did you get in?”

  “Those questions sound awfully familiar. Let me see…Now where did I hear them before? Alexandria?” he jested merrily.

  “Is that all you have to say after being gone for weeks? Why did you leave without telling me? Where have you been? Why didn’t you send word?” She impatiently stormed him with questions.

  Blane chuckled. “I see you’ve been missing me and worrying about me. Good, because I’ve been doing the same about you. It was a sudden move, and I didn’t realize I would be away so long. But it did solve our little problem of how to fool Molly.”

  Shannon stared at him. He hadn’t answered one of her vital queries. She decided not to probe him. From the looks of his face and neck, he had been shaving in the bathing closet during her arrival. His grin warmed her. “I’ve been so lonely. When can we leave here?”

  As he dried the water and traces of lather from his face and throat, he responded, “In a couple of weeks. I have one more short trip to make; I’ll be leaving at dawn. It looks as if the Union’s going to try to take Fort Fisher next month. If all goes as planned, they’ll move on to capture Wilmington and Charleston. If that plan works, Shannon, it’ll all be over. Then we can concentrate on our private lives.”

  A surge of joy raced through her at this last statement. She eyed his bare torso and her gaze locked with his as they admired each other. “Does Molly know you’re here?” she inquired anxiously.

  “No, and she won’t. Matti’s bringing my food up here. Do you mind if I share your room tonight, since you confiscated my bath?”

  “Your bath?” she echoed in confusion. Suddenly she blushed as reality struck her. “She knows you’re staying here with me?”

  “I could hardly conceal the fact, Blue Eyes. Don’t worry about your reputation. Matti understands our situation,” he jested unwisely.

  Shannon’s cheeks grew red with anger and embarrassment. “I’m sure you don’t care about flaunting our relationship, but I do. I don’t want anyone, including Mattilu, thinking badly of me.”

  Blane’s expression became serious, as did his tone. “What’s wrong, love? You don’t appear happy to see me. I came a long way just to be with you tonight. Perhaps I should have sent a letter instead.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I’m sorry, Blane. I’m so tired and scared. I want this war to end. I want to go home. I don’t like this spy business. Please don’t be angry, but I can’t do it anymore.”

  “What’s happened while I’ve been gone?” he inquired softly.

  Shannon tried to explain her mixed emotions. “I’m sorry, but I can’t be responsible for death and destruction. You do what you feel you must, but leave me out of it. I’ve seen too much suffering to help you.”

  Blane caressed her cheek and smiled. “Don’t worry, Flame; I’ll be happy to retire you from service. That way, I’ll know you’re safe. I always knew you had a tender heart beneath that tough facade. You relax here until my return, then I’ll take you to Savannah.”

  “You promise?” she entreated, ecstatic with that news.

  “I promise. Now hand me that cloth and soap and I’ll give you a refreshing scrub.” Blane bathed an exhausted Shannon then dried her. After placing her on the bed, he insisted she drink his brandy. Pressing her to her stomach, he gently and firmly massaged her entire body. As he stared at her sleeping form, his heart filled with love and pride. He stripped and bathed before Mattilu returned with his meal. He asked her to remove the tub and water in the morning, explaining Shannon’s fatigue. He also asked for her to slip him a large breakfast at dawn, before he sneaked out again.

  Shannon was awakened by stimulating sensations over her body. She smiled and wriggled as hands and lips teased over her flesh. Opening her eyes, she could barely see Blane in the soft lamplight. “I guess I fell asleep,” she remarked drowsily. She yawned and stretched.

  “For a few hours,” he replied cheerfully. “It’s morning—well, almost morning. I didn’t think I should leave again without telling you.”

  Shannon grinned. “You’re getting smarter every day. Do you mind if I say be careful for the hundreth time?”

  “I would mind if you didn’t,” he responded. “We have about one hour before Matti brings our breakfast and I have to leave. What should we do with it?” he inquired huskily. “Anything you want to talk about?” he asked, propping his dark blond head on arms folded behind it. He stared at the ceiling and waited in suspense.

  Shannon rolled over and fell across his chest, her fiery locks falling around their faces. “Now I see why you rudely awakened me so early. Let’s see, exciting topics…The only one I can think of is Blane.”

  “Good, because the only one I can think of is Shannon. You notice I prepared for such a stirring conversation?” he hinted, wrapping his arms around her and running his fingers over naked skin that quivered beneath his touch. When they playfully tickled her ribs, she wriggled again, her bare flesh stroking his and inflaming him from head to toe. He moaned as his body loudly declared its needs.

  He flipped her to her back, then tossed the cover aside to gaze down at her. “Do you have any idea how beautiful and tempting you are? We’re perfect together, Shannon. Lord, I’ve missed you, woman.”

  Blane nuzzled her neck, causing her to giggle and squirm. He s
pread kisses over her face and mouth and neck. He was thrilled by her responses this morning. He had been worried about the sea captain whom Mattilu had mentioned to him, especially after learning that Shannon had refused to expose the man’s supply voyage. But from experience, Blane understood how hard it was to betray someone you knew. Mattilu had explained how deeply distressed Shannon had been over the news of Sherman’s and Sheridan’s wanton destruction. He realized that Shannon must have guessed he had been keeping those facts from her. Clearly her loyalties were becoming divided and confused. But to turn to another man, a Rebel, a dashing blockade runner? Hoping it had been nothing but a ruse to mislead Molly, he held silent on that unsettling topic. Maybe Shannon had been lonely and afraid, as she had told him. Maybe, like any woman, she had enjoyed the masculine attention. Maybe she had been angry with him.

  Blane prayed she wouldn’t discover how Mattilu and Jeremy had betrayed Elisha Carter to the Union. He wished he had been here to stop them, because it was unlikely that the captain could have succeeded in such a wild scheme. A trip up the York River to sneak past Union lines with countless supplies? The idea was too absurd for a smart man to consider! By now, the Rebel Gate could be sunk or captured and her captain could be in prison or dead. That wasn’t his way of getting rid of a rival, even if the man had proposed to and was hotly pursuing his woman. He understood how Elisha must have felt, but only one man could have her. He knew if Shannon discovered Elisha’s fate, she would blame herself. No doubt Elisha was blaming her right this moment, if he was still alive. God forgive them all for the terrible things they were compelled to do to win this tragic war.

  He gazed down into Shannon’s lovely face and mesmeric eyes. No, he couldn’t blame Elisha Carter for falling in love with this woman. And he couldn’t blame Shannon for refusing to bring about the man’s capture or death. He had seen the anguish in her eyes and had heard it in her voice when she told him it was over for her. She possessed such a gentle soul and tender emotions. He could never force her to go against her conscience or beliefs. At least she wasn’t asking him to cease his work and forget his duty. He would be just as understanding. Blane assailed her again with kisses, caresses, and tickles.

  Shannon tried to stifle her laughter, fearing they would be overheard, but Blane was stealing her senses and control. It felt wonderful to be in his arms again. What did it matter if he had secrets he must keep from her? Everyone had his private thoughts and moments that could not be shared—even with a true love. She loved him enough to accept him as he was. They needed each other; they depended on each other. Their values were similar, if not alike. Each was tolerant of the flaws in the other. Their passions matched. They were creating a deep and strong relationship, a blended history, beautiful memories. They were comfortable together. They trusted each other, even with their lives and happiness. He was accepting what she could not do, and she was accepting what he had to do. They were changing, growing, sharing, meeting on all emotional levels.

  Despite Blane’s fiery kisses and warm caresses, Shannon noted that the air in the room was chilly and the fire was nearly out. “Are you trying to freeze me?” she asked mirthfully, yanking on the discarded covers.

  “Surely you can’t be cold at a time like this?” he wailed comically. “I’m burning up, woman. Want to share my heat?”

  “Emotional fires do not warm the physical body, especially not during winter. Do you realize today is Thanksgiving? And Christmas isn’t far away? Give me some cover, you beast. I’m freezing.”

  “We should be giving thanks for our good fortune,” he ventured, refusing to move off her while he covered them. As she winced and frowned, he taunted, “Next you’ll be accusing me of mashing you. Complain, complain, complain. I knew it was going to be like this when I was forced to bring you along. Be grateful woman; it’s Thanksgiving.”

  “If you were to tell the truth, Major Stevens, you would admit that this is the last thing you expected when you agreed to become my partner,” she responded, drawing his head down to fuse their lips. After kissing him feverishly, she murmured, “Now, will you please take advantage of me and this enticing situation before Mattilu brings our breakfast?”

  “Who needs food when I have this luscious body to feast upon?” he replied, slipping below the covers to find her breasts with his mouth.

  Shannon closed her eyes and savored the blissful feelings he was creating within her. She let his lips and hands wander freely and greedily over her body. When she could no longer stand the bittersweet pain of being separated from him, she urged him to enter her and possess her. The sensation of his flesh being engulfed by hers was staggering to her senses. She felt as if every nerve in her body was alive and throbbing. She craved him fiercely and completely. She refused to think of his imminent departure.

  Blane felt ecstatic within her. Her body molded to his as if they had become magically joined. He had thought of this moment every night since he had last seen her. Raging jealousy had flooded him when he had heard of another man’s pursuit. If he hadn’t known before how much she meant to him, he certainly knew it now. He feared to admit he would have betrayed Elisha Carter to the enemy before allowing him to have this woman. Again, thoughts of Corry and Hawke tried to push themselves into his mind, but he resisted.

  Knowing there was time to make love only once, they did so with tenderness and leisure, until passion’s fires were burning too brightly and fiercely to be controlled. Blane timed his release to match hers and their gazes fused to visually share this special moment. As the last wave of rapture flowed over them, he sealed his lips to hers and kissed her with such gentleness that her heart surged with emotion.

  She didn’t want him to leave, but she could not beg him to stay. What would she do if anything happened to him? He had become her life, her present, her future, her existence.

  There was a soft knock at the hall door. Blane looked down at Shannon and grimaced. He rose, slipped into his pants, then answered it. Soon, he returned to ask her to join him in the other room to eat. He didn’t have to make his request twice. Shannon got out of bed and wrapped the blanket around her shivering body. Blane apologized about the fire, but each knew there wasn’t time to warm the room.

  Blane had placed the tray on a table. Shannon grinned as she joined him. “I’m starved,” she confessed at the realization.

  “Good, because that’s what you and Matti will use to explain the feast if anyone noticed it. You did miss dinner last night.”

  “Your perception and cunning never cease to astound me, Major Stevens. I suppose you have dear Matti keeping a close eye on me for you,” she playfully teased, sipping the hot coffee to warm her.

  “Naturally. Surely you don’t expect a smart man to leave his woman at the mercy of panting suitors.” From the corner of his eye, Blane saw her flinch slightly. He waited for her to deny or admit to her new friendship with Captain Elisha Carter, but she did neither. He prepared her plate and passed it to her. He did not miss the way her hands were shaking and prayed it was from the chilly air. He had also realized how few times, if any, she had mentioned her brother lately. He immediately scolded himself for his doubt and concern. He knew the fear of losing her was making him insecure. That was ridiculous. Hadn’t she proven her feelings countless times?

  Shannon wondered if Mattilu had mentioned Elisha to Blane. What did it matter? She did not owe Blane a report on her behavior during his mysterious absence. She had done nothing wrong. She was allowed to have friends and to distract herself from her worries. If Blane doubted her love and attachment to him, he would have to deal with those feelings privately. Besides, he might think she was only trying to make him jealous or force him to remain with her. She would ignore the subject of Eli and concentrate on them and her food.

  Shannon’s mind roamed as she silently and eagerly devoured her meal. She had purposely not mentioned Corry, because she had feared it would plunge her into despair and she would behave like a child in front of Blane. He was so str
ong and brave, and surely he expected her to think and behave in a similar manner. It was so hard. No one had told her it would be easy or swift, but no one had warned her it would be this difficult! Her childhood world had been lost forever.

  Her brother was on her mind constantly, especially when she helped with the injured men and read accounts of furious battles in the newspapers, and during holidays. Holidays had been such special times at home. Other than Blane, what did she have to be thankful for today? Even if Corry were alive, there was no guessing his condition or suffering. She had come to fear she might never see him again.

  Shannon had stopped eating and was staring at the floor with narrowed eyes, clenching and unclenching her teeth as powerful emotions washed over her. She was eating a farewell breakfast, one that could easily mark a permanent farewell. Blane had vanished for nearly a month, then had returned unexpectedly and secretly. Now he was heading off on another mysterious assignment without explaining. If he didn’t return, she wouldn’t even know in which direction to seek him. Like a cunning thief, he had sneaked into her room, stolen a night of passion, and was sneaking out again. Did he have to do so much spying and scouting? He wasn’t Lincoln’s only agent.

  Shannon was becoming angry with the men who were continuing this futile war, angry with her father for dying, angry with him for placing her in Simon’s care. She was angry with Hawke for not returning when he was needed desperately. She was angry with herself for being so rash, so helpless, so torn between the two sides fighting this war, and perhaps so selfish in wanting to seize this happiness and protect it. She was angry with her brothers for their sorry fates. She was angry at Blane for playing such a large role in certain victories. She was angry with God for allowing this bloody conflict to continue this far and this long. Yet, she was fiercely trying to master her depression, to understand both sides of each issue. All she wanted was for their lives—what was left of them—to return to some semblance of normalcy.


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