Destiny's Temprtress

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Destiny's Temprtress Page 37

by Janelle Taylor

  When Elisha and Shannon parted, their gazes met. She moved her fingers over his lips, marveling at their ability to entice her to such madness. “I’d better leave,” she stated a little breathlessly.

  Elisha dared not press her, but he thrilled to her response. Watching her mount the stairs, he smiled and plotted her surrender.

  “I see all went well with your little private dinner,” Molly commented dryly behind him. “But why did she go upstairs alone?”

  Turning to frown at his obliging assistant, Elisha said, “Because she’s a lady, and ladies marry men before sleeping with them.”

  Molly smiled skeptically. “Don’t be foolish, Eli. I’ve never seen any woman more infatuated and bewitched by a man than she is by you. She would probably do anything you wished if you followed her upstairs and worked those abundant charms on her. I won’t tell.”

  “I already know how you can’t keep your word and confidences,” he stated in a barely veiled insult. “When the time’s right, she’ll be mine,” he stated smugly.

  “She already is, my blind and foolish rogue. She’s just being coy, or you’re being too cautious and insecure. When you aren’t looking, her eyes are all over you. I suppose you’re going to tell me that flush on her cheeks just now was because of the heat.”

  “Mind your own affairs, Molly. Foolish words and ideas are dangerous. You wanted Steven, so take him. You don’t have to worry about Shannon stealing him. She’s going to marry me within the month.”

  “She’s agreed?” Molly queried, angered and relieved. “Yes,” he stated confidently, tasting the remains of her kiss. “But don’t go spreading the news until I tell you it’s all right,” he warned.

  Molly nodded in vexation, then left him standing there. No doubt he was planning to sneak up the back stairs after convincing everyone he was gone! She couldn’t wait to relate this news to Steven.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Monday dawned cold and crisp. That afternoon, a letter was delivered to Shannon. Mattilu brought it to her room the moment the roughly dressed man departed. Anticipation and excitement filled the redhead, for she knew it had to be from Blane. Shannon ripped open the seal and hurriedly read the stunning message. Her eyes widened and her lips parted as terror washed over her. She paled and trembled. She read the missive slowly and carefully, withdrawing and analyzing hidden messages.

  “What’s wrong, Miss Shannon? Is Major Stevens injured or captured?” the woman inquired fearfully.

  “No, Matti, I suppose he’s fine. The letter is from him. He wants me to come to Charleston immediately and secretly. He says the Rebel forces are tracking us. They’ve checked Raleigh, Fayetteville, and Charlotte. They’ll be here in a few days. I have to get away. There’s train fare inside. I can’t let Simon locate me with Blane gone.”

  The older woman did not reason long before protesting, “I don’t understand, Miss Shannon. Major Stevens was to come back here for you. He wouldn’t tell you to meet him somewhere so far off. You can’t travel alone. Are you sure that letter’s from him?”

  “It must be, Matti. It’s signed with both of his initials. Who else would know his real name and code name? Besides, the clues are too clear for it to be from anyone else. I need to check the train schedule before Eli comes to dinner. If he discovers I’m leaving, he may try to stop me. I’ll have to deceive him until he sails tomorrow.”

  Mattilu peeked over Shannon’s shoulder to read the letter while the younger woman was staring off into space. She read:


  Your Uncle Charles is longing for you to visit as we planned. Please come immediately. He secretly looks for you each day as his health goes worse. I have enclosed train fare. Leave today if possible, as death is near. I was telling him about our last trip through many towns. Now, our valiant soldiers are traveling that same route. Perhaps they’ll enjoy Raleigh, Fayetteville, and Charlotte as much as we did. They should be arriving in Wilmington by Wednesday or Thursday.

  A friend told me our lawyer, Simon Travers, will be arriving with the troops. I know he’s eager to see you and discuss that problem back home. Uncle Charles said he wouldn’t burn any of your letters because he has friends who might want to read them. I am well and eager to see you.

  Major Steven Bs James

  Even if Shannon’s attention had not been distracted by pensive deliberation, she wouldn’t have guessed that the ex-slave could read and write. “Miss Shannon,” the woman called to her and interrupted her ruminations. “You had better take care of the train ticket. It’s getting late. I’ll have your bath and clothes ready when you return. Be careful.”

  Mattilu did not stop Shannon when she read her the letter and explained the clues. “I’m supposed to burn it so no one can find it and read it.” She walked to the fireplace and tossed the letter into the flames. She watched the paper until nothing was left of it. Then she placed the money in her dress pocket and hurriedly departed.

  Shannon was gone for over two hours. When she finally returned, Mattilu was nearly frantic. She observed Shannon’s dejection. “Where have you been, chile? The depot is a short walk. I’ve been scared silly.”

  Shannon tossed her woolen cape over the sofa and sat down wearily. “It’s awful, Matti. I don’t know what I’m going to do. There won’t be any trains until Thursday; and then I’d need a pass from General Holmes to ride it, if it’s an emergency. I checked on buying a horse. There are none for sale or rent. I checked on stages and carriages. There aren’t any, Matti. Unless I walk or find a horse to steal, I can’t leave town. I dare not travel with soldiers as a nurse; the word must be out on me by now. You know I won’t be difficult to locate. What shall I do, Matti? There is no other path to escape.” Shannon didn’t think to mention that she had spoken with Sarah Jane and had asked her friend if she knew of a deliveryman whom she could hire to transport her, for the woman had offered no help or advice.

  The moment she made that statement, her gaze locked with Matti’s and she saw the answer clearly. “Captain Carter is sailing to Charleston at dawn. Dare I ask him to take me along? You know what he’ll think. Heavens beware, for I have no choice. Oh, Matti, I wish you could come along to protect me from his romantic pursuit. I so wanted you to come to work for me.”

  “You convince Captain Carter to take you to Charleston, and I’ll be right there with you. I’m ready to leave this place. I’m smart and I’m an excellent worker. I won’t have any trouble finding me a job. I promised Major Stevens I wouldn’t let no harm come to you.”

  “You’ll go with me?” she asked incredulously. “I would take you to Savannah with me, but I don’t know what I’m going to find there. If we can get you a job in Charleston until I get matters settled at Greenleaf, I can send for you to come and work for me.”

  “Nothing would suit me better, Miss Shannon. I’ll get you and me packed, ’cause I know you can persuade the Captain to take us aboard. Just don’t you go promising him something you don’t plan to give. Thanks makes a man terribly dangerous and unpredictable.”

  “First, we need to create a plan to convince Eli to help us. I’ll need writing paper, pen, and ink. We’ll prepare a letter that will convince him I’m in danger. We’ll use the envelope from Blane’s letter. See if you can find paper he won’t recognize.”

  Her brown eyes brightened with mischief. She remarked, “We have a guest who will aid us, and he won’t even know it! I saw a writing set with plenty of unusual paper. I’ll go fetch you two pieces right now. You get all pretty for tonight.”

  When Matti returned with the pen and ink and stolen paper, Shannon had completed her bath and was wrapped in a blanket. How she wished she had her own clothes. Her silk robe would feel marvelous. She told the woman she would write the letter before dressing.

  “What if Captain Carter recognizes your handwriting?”

  “I can write with both hands, Matti. I used to do it to entertain myself. My scripts are different. He’ll never guess the truth.”

p; “I hope not, Miss Shannon. We don’t need another problem.”

  “Listen very closely to the plan, Matti.” When the woman sat down beside her, Shannon related the details of her scheme.

  Elisha leaned against the railing at the foot of the stairs. His alert gaze kept shifting upward as he eagerly anticipated Shannon’s arrival. It was twenty minutes after six o’clock, and Shannon had not appeared. He decided to wait until six-thirty, then go check on her.

  Molly unwittingly aided Shannon’s ruse when she noticed Elisha’s presence and approached him. She was furious with Shannon and Mattilu. “If you’re waiting for that haughy bitch who’s been eating and boarding free, she’s packing to leave; and she’s taking my best serving woman.”

  “What are you talking about?” Elisha inquired in puzzlement.

  “You mean she hasn’t told you? She’s leaving tomorrow, and she’s stealing Mattilu from me. They’re both ungrateful bitches.”

  Elisha glared at the offensive female, then mounted the steps rapidly. He knocked on Shannon’s door several times before Mattilu finally opened it. He could tell the black woman was distraught. “What’s wrong, Mattilu? Molly tells me you and Shannon are leaving town.”

  The woman called on her deceitful accent and sly wits to elicit Elisha’s aid. “Yessir, Captain Carter. I wuz suppose to come tell you she can’t come downstairs to eat with you tonight, but I wuz afeared to leave her alone. She’s mighty upset and sceered. Poor Miss Shannon, if’n that chile ain’t got enough troubles with her papa and brothers, now some terrible man is after her. He’s acomin’ with legal papers which says he can force Miss Shannon to go with him. The soldiers are gonna help him steal that chile. Poor Miss Shannon can’t find no way to escape ’em. Ain’t no trains or horses or stages or nothing. I got to hep her git her away from him,” she vowed cleverly.

  “When is he arriving?” Elisha questioned.

  “That letter told her Wednesday or Thursday, sir. Miss Shannon wanted to run off afore he got here, but she can’t find no way. I give ’er some brandy to hep settle her down. Lawsy, Captain Carter, I don’t know whats to do. I wuz goin’ with her to her papa’s house to work. I done tole Mrs. Molly I wuz quit aworkin’ for her.”

  “You fetch us something to eat and drink, Mattilu. I’ll talk with Shannon and see what this is all about. Don’t worry. I won’t let anyone harm her. Where is she? Who was this letter from?”

  “She’s alyin’ on the bed, sir. She’s been acryin’ and aworrin’ ever since she came back from the train depot. I been tryin’ to comfort her. This Mister Travers must be a wicked man. It ain’t right he kin hunt her down like an animal and force her to live with ’im.”

  “You run along, and take your time. I’ll take care of her.” Elisha watched Mattilu’s departure. He opened the door and entered the bedroom. He found Shannon lying stomach down and facing the wall. She was weeping softly into her pillow. The letter that Mattilu had mentioned was crumpled beside her glorious red mane.

  He sat down beside her and began to stroke her hair. His other hand reached for the letter. He read it without asking permission:


  You saved my life two times, so I owe you. Something crazy is going on and I can’t make it figure. There’s “fire” everywhere and doing things even war don’t allow. How can this be, as you sit there? I been doing some checking and I don’t like what I’m hearing and seeing. If I didn’t know you, I would say you was guilty of these matters.

  The man you spoke of to Mister L. is riding with troops. He’s gonna find you there by 28 or 29. You ain’t got no chance against him and his papers, if the troops don’t arrest you for these crazy charges. My advice is to git like a fox from a chicken pen. If you come to Uncle Charles, I can help you get home. I can look for you on December 5 to 12. Don’t stay and fight cause you can’t win this one. I know you thought you were out of this mess. I’m sorry, but ain’t no word on Corry. I think he got free.

  I’m sending a little money. Get a train of you can or use it for supplies. Wish I could help more. Can’t get to you. I can promise to try and clear your “name.” I hate to say it, but the evidence looks real and bad. Git while you can. Stay safe and happy, Shannon. I pray I see you soon.

  Your partner

  As Elisha continued to stroke her hair silently, Shannon put the remainder of her desperate and clever plan into motion. “I’ve really made a mess of my life, Matti. I was so impetuous and foolish. I was going to prove I had guts and patriotism like my family. I had visions of doing wonderful and noble things for the Union, but all I did was help nurse Rebel soldiers and be a part of other agents’ disguises. Now, I don’t know what’s happening or how to stop it. Where did it go wrong? Where did I fail myself and others? I’m no help to either side, Matti, because they’re both wrong.”

  Her hand pounded the bed as she faked a rush of anger and frustration. “It makes me so mad. I haven’t done anything wrong, but they won’t believe me. Who’s doing these terrible things to me? Who’s using me to hide his own crimes? I would have been safer staying with that Union agent, but I couldn’t without helping him. I can’t betray the South, Matti—not when I see and hear what the Union’s doing.”

  She wiped real tears from her face, for she was suddenly terrified this plan would go awry. “If I stay and try to battle this so-called evidence, Simon will catch me. I can’t return home with that beast, Matti. He’s already stolen my family’s holdings, and now he’s trying to steal me. He practically owns me, Matti; and the law is taking his side. If only I could get to Charleston and Savannah, I know Corry would find me and help me. If he can’t, I’ve got friends who would hide me and help me. I’m sorry, Matti. I know this isn’t what you expected from me when I hired you.”

  Shannon sat up and turned as she said, “Even if we have to walk—” Shannon stared at the man beside her. Her body could not have assisted her ruse better, for she flushed and shuddered unconsciously. “Eli, what are you doing in here? I thought you were Matti. Where is she? I sent her to tell you I wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t join you for dinner.” She looked at him as if praying he hadn’t overheard her words. Her gaze fell to the letter within his grasp. She made a grab for it.

  Elisha moved it out of her reach. “Why didn’t you come to me for help, Shannon? Why run off without telling me anything?”

  Shannon’s eyes narrowed and flamed as she pretended to unleash her warring emotions. “So you could blackmail me into following your wishes? I’m tired of men taking advantage of me because of things I haven’t done! Why must you all prey on defenseless women? I knew you wouldn’t believe me. You tried to kill me because you thought I had betrayed you. I knew how this sudden departure would appear to you. I was hoping to get away before you revealed a dark side. Even so, I was going to leave a letter for you with Sarah Jane.”

  She breathed heavily. “It doesn’t matter, because I can’t find a way out of this town. I’m about to be unmasked, Eli. That should make you happy. Perhaps you are the one who told them where to find me. You might get to witness my death after all, because I will confess to being this legendary Flame before I let that foul devil take possession of me. Just go away and leave me alone. I have to think and plan. I trusted you, but you were only playing with me.”

  Elisha seized her arms and yanked her close to him. “What in tarnation are you talking about, woman? Stop talking crazy and in riddles. Why didn’t you come to me? You knew I would help you.”

  “Yes, right into your bed,” she accused, looking hurt. “Have you forgotten your little tale of living on your ship and having no place to sleep? I was going to come to you for help. I was going to beg you to take me to Charleston. What did I care about the blockade dangers with Simon stalking me and the Confederacy thirsting for my blood? I asked where a shipless captain would go to rent a room. I don’t have to tell you what I discovered, do I, my honest and devoted suitor? That night you tried to kill me, you asked why. That’s what I’m doing
now, Eli. Why? What do you really want from me? Were you betrayed and attacked? Did you stay here Saturday night because you didn’t trust me? Was it all a pretense to lure me into a false sense of security, to entice me to remain here until these troops arrived to arrest me? My heavens, my old partner trusts me and helps me more than anyone, and I did nothing to deserve it. It’s all so confusing and frightening. I don’t know who or what to believe anymore.”

  Elisha ruefully confessed, “I did deceive you, Shannon, but not for those reasons. I stayed here that night because I was afraid you would panic and run away from me. Tarnation, woman, look what I had done to you! I had to make certain you weren’t injured. I wanted to stay here all night without touching you to prove to you I could be trusted. I won’t leave you here in danger. You get packed and I’ll take you to Charleston, if you’ll promise to forgive me.”

  Shannon stared at him skeptically. “You’ll take me there?”

  “It’s dangerous, but I can get you through their lines.”

  “What about Matti? I promised to take her with me. She’s become my friend, and I need her. Besides, I couldn’t travel alone with you and a crew of men. What would people think and say?”

  “We’ll take her with us. After we eat, you two get packed while I go see Captain Sellers. He owes me more than one favor.”

  “I can’t go downstairs looking and feeling like this!” she protested, wiping the tearstains from her cheeks.

  Elisha smiled. “Matti’s bringing our dinner up here. You relax and let me handle everything. We sail at dawn.”

  As he spoke these last words, Mattilu knocked on the hall door to announce their meals. “You get freshened up while I let Matti in,” he told her.


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