To Love a Shooting Star

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To Love a Shooting Star Page 15

by K'Anne Meinel

  After breakfast Erin began clearing up all the wrappings, carefully shaking out any presents that might be still in the papers before putting them carefully in a garbage bag. She then began transferring her desk items to her beautiful new antique desk in the den. She loved it with its fine polished top and matching chair. Kate really knew what she liked. It fit with Kate’s antiques too. Kate had rearranged the den so their desks faced each other but with Kate’s being a roll top it’s higher back formed a one foot wall to Erin’s antique. Kate had put cork board along this divider and it went well with their desk arrangement, she had put push pins in the shape of a smiley face and as corny as that was Erin loved it. The cracker jack box Elijah confiscated. He immediately opened it to eat the cracker jacks but was disappointed in not finding the customary prize. Getting to the end of the box though he said “there’s something in here” shaking the box though he couldn’t dislodge it. Kate watched from the kitchen where she was putting dishes into the dishwasher. Erin stood leaning against the counter as Peter and Sean played Guitar Hero and Brad and Jill snuggled on the couch together watching. Reaching for the box Erin peered into it to see there was a large something wedged in the bottom of the box. She began ripping the box back not realizing that Kate had stopped stacking dishes and was watching her intently.

  Slowly she ripped the box back. Wedged at the bottom was a square box. Elijah reached for it but Erin was intrigued and turned slightly “hey, that’s my prize” but he backed down at Kate’s slight frown and shaking of her head. Erin didn’t see that as she was slowly opening the second box. Inside was a jeweler’s box with the famous words ‘TIFFANY’ across it. Her startled eyes flicked up at to meet Kate’s amused ones as she opened the box to find an absolutely huge stone with smaller graduated and colored stones leading from the center piece. Realizing it was an engagement ring her eyes filled with tears as she looked from it to Kate. Kate stood there grinning like a Cheshire cat, pleased at her surprise. Erin grabbed the ring and the box fell from her hand as she reached out to Kate and wrapped her in an embrace. Neither realize their audience as they kissed deeply. Not that the boys hadn’t seen signs of affection from these two over the years but usually they were both more discrete. Finally the clapping and whistles penetrated Erin’s and Kate’s consciousness. Both grinning and with tears in their eyes they broke apart. Erin handed the ring to Kate who understood perfectly and smoothly slid it on Erin’s petite ring finger on her left hand. It fit perfectly.

  “These are all types of Topaz. The center one is a Topaz in its natural state, no heat to change its color. As Citrine is both of our birthstones, the second stones are yellow topaz, the third Swiss blue, the fourth are purple topaz, rare but topaz all the same.” Kate told Erin, you could hear the emotion in her voice as it broke through the tears. Swallowing to keep her voice steady she was holding Erin’s hand as she told her the stones.

  Erin pulled her back into an embrace regardless of their audience. She loved this woman and she wasn’t going to hide it from their family. The boys and Jill all soon came over to add their congratulations and admire the ring. They were fully supportive of their Mom’s. They knew that these two women loved each other. They even appreciated their normal discretion, never making them or their friends uncomfortable with their affection. Today though was an exception and they wanted their Mom’s to know they supported them.

  Jill’s parents and sisters arrived the next day and were fully welcomed into the extended family. They were of course surprised to meet Erin Ingram but at the same time Kate was still the wonderful woman who had welcomed their daughter time and again and they hid their surprise at the relationship. Kate had put them up at a local hotel as well as gave them the keys to her Rover. Kate rented a van for everyone to go sight-seeing and Jill and Brad showed her parents and sisters all their favorite places. Plans were made for a June wedding after the two of them graduated college.

  After the New Year it seemed they never had time off. With awards shows looming it was a constant whirl of parties and red carpets. Kate as one of the writers along with Omar and Faith and George Kovochny were welcome on the red carpets now. The announcements for the Academy Awards had come out right before Christmas and Heart Strings was up for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, as well as Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography and Best Musical Score. Erin was ecstatic. Seven nominations was incredible. They had to get through the ‘minor’ awards shows first before the culmination in the Oscars. First the Golden Globes then the Screen Actors Guild Awards or SAG, then the MTV Awards and then finally the People’s Choice Awards as well as many minor ones that the picture had been nominated for and every one of these had to have a ‘presence’ of someone or everyone at the awards and banquets.

  Shopping for dresses with and without Erin, Kate was ready to scream. She was stressed out and tired. She had her own work to contend with and resented the red carpet spiel where she was shunted aside by photographers as ‘just’ a writer. Omar and she kept their spirits up with shenanigans that made others laugh. From their first dance back in October down the red carpet they now had not only danced but once skipped hand in hand. Erin wasn’t as amused anymore. She too felt the strain of the non-stop schmoozing and partying. She detested shopping as well and had to have a different gown for every occasion. She would have liked a relaxing time and those days were few and far between. Tempers were short as the weeks went by with the countdown to the Oscars. Erin was also feeling the pressure of seeing Kate shunted aside. She desperately wanted Kate at her side but knew it wasn’t possible, or was it?

  To add to the pressure shortly after New Year’s Kate’s lawyer received a thinly veiled threat that Doctor Gulbara was going to release the fact that Erin Ingram was visiting her ‘friend’ when she was in the hospital. It was all worded in a way that they couldn’t sue but the implied threat was THERE and Kate was very upset. She informed Erin, apologizing profusely for putting her in such a situation. She was willing to drop the lawsuit which was what the Doctor and his lawyer’s wanted. She didn’t want Erin’s reputation to suffer in any way because of her. Erin was furious of course but not at Kate. They were both under tremendous pressure but how dare he even imply to release this information to the public in order to get Kate to drop her seven-figure lawsuit. Because Kate’s attorney had his entire file they knew they had no defense and were resorting to delay tactics and now thinly veiled threats. Erin advised Kate and the lawyer to stall for the time being. As slow as paperwork, red tape, and the courts moved this was possible but Kate was miserable knowing what this was doing. She even offered to break up with Erin which upset them both at a time when they both needed each other. Erin convinced Kate not to go to such extremes. They were both relieved to put it on the back burner for a while, letting the lawyer handle it. He too was angry at the threat and was wording a response worthy of an Academy Award itself. He’d get them in court if they even breathed a word of scandal but then all it took was a ‘source’ to ruin Erin’s reputation forever.

  They both wore their eternity rings openly. Depending on the party or red carpet event they even wore their engagement rings. A few more discerning photographers as well as journalists had asked Erin about her rings but she just smiled and ignored any and all questions about them. This speculation though had a mind and fuel of its own. Norm was already a little wired about her and her ‘supposed’ engagement and to whom. He of course knew to whom but couldn’t reveal it to anyone so the speculation grew out of proportion especially as her name appeared more and more in the trades and rags with all the publicity that Heart Strings was receiving. The fact that Erin had won so many awards and been in Hollywood for so many years just made the public feel they owned her. The feeding frenzy had begun and Norm wasn’t sure he could keep it quiet if something leaked about Kate. He knew about Kate’s lawsuit so the pressure was on for all of them. Then Erin suggested something that blew all their minds.

  “Kate, how would you feel if I came
out of the closet?” They were getting ready for the People’s Choice awards. Erin was already dressed and ready. The limo for her was due to arrive shortly.

  Kate froze in the act of putting in her earrings. Her hair swept back in an elegant French braid she looked incredible. Erin had loved the dresses she came back with for the various awards shows and couldn’t wait to see what she would wear to the Oscars. “Are you serious?” her heart felt like it had dropped to her stomach. She put her hand over her belly button ring and pressed trying to keep the butterflies at bay. Erin wasn’t helping. Tonight it was her turn to give a speech if they won any awards for writing because Omar and the Kovochny’s had made speeches at all the others and while she had gone up to accept with them she never really spoke.

  Nodding, Erin watched her lover intently. She had thought about this a lot since the premieres back in October. She was proud of Kate and her accomplishments. Why shouldn’t she be proud enough to show her off on her arm, in public, for the entire world to see?

  Kate sat down before she could fall down. She had known of Erin’s unrest and had tried to cover her own resentment when she was ignored. Making a name for herself with her own accomplishments she was surprised to be thrown into contact with Erin’s world by the success of Heart Strings. “I think we need to talk about his, A LOT before you decide.”

  Nodding again Erin waited. It was a hell of a time to throw this out there but then when was a good time, they were both so busy. If Kate wasn’t getting ill at the thought of giving a speech or going up before millions of people on TV she was tapping away on her laptop writing notes or stories for her various personas.

  “Jeez Erin, this could ruin your career!”

  Smiling Erin doubted it “I can see your point but really, I just proved that I can be sexy in my late forties, funny as well. The awards prove that. I already knew my capabilities. In Hollywood it’s kind of an open secret that I have been with a woman in the past. Your just not that visible with me” she referred to the fact that Kate never EVER went to Hollywood parties with Erin, they had of course met by ‘accident’ a few times over the years. Instead she had chosen to remain anonymous and in the background and as much as Erin appreciated her discretion she now wanted to make a change. One that would and could affect both their lives traumatically.

  Kate hesitated “could we just not talk about this now, CHRIST, this is a hell of time to bring it up.” She worried already. She had a lot on her mind these days. Her own career had taken off exponentially these last few years and these award shows were killing her now as well as the lawsuit. She kept saying a mental mantra, ‘just until the Academy Awards, just until the Academy Awards.’

  Erin walked over and rubbed Kate’s back. She knew the stress was getting to her, it had been a hell of a ride the last few months and it wasn’t over. Already Kate had received inquiries from other directors to do her magic but she had accepted none and using Norm as her agent had delighted and frustrated him at the same time.

  “Mom! Your Limo is here!” Peter yelled up the stairs.

  “Coming” she called as she grabbed her silk wrap and quickly gave Kate a peck on the cheek. They didn’t really acknowledge each other in public and probably wouldn’t get a moment alone again until the next morning. After the awards shows there were always outrageous parties and Kate kept to Omar and the Kovochny’s so she didn’t feel out of her element. Many was the time that Erin had observed Kate looking lost and panicky and had wanted to comfort her, include her. She hated that they pretended to just be working acquaintances. The charade was killing her and she knew it was time.

  Bette Midler announced the candidates Best Screenplay, she had done an incredible rendition of the song for Heart Strings which moved the entire audience to tears. The fans in the balcony, all of which was open to the public were screaming and Bette had played it up using humor in only the way she could. She had the audience chuckling in the palm of her hand as she announced the five sets of candidates.

  “And the winner for the Best Screenplay is.....” drumroll “Heart Strings!” the audience began screaming themselves hoarse. They drowned out Omar Kahlid’s, Kate McCall’s, and Faith and George Kovochny names as they were announced. Seated four rows behind Erin they rose as a unit and exchanged hugs. Erin stood and clapped as they went by her exchanging a wink especially for Kate as she passed on Omar’s arm. Kate leaned heavily on his arm as he guided her up the stairs in her heels, good thing too as she knew she would trip otherwise. Kate took a deep breath to keep from throwing up as she walked to the microphone.

  “I lost the coin toss so it’s MY turn to make the speech” Kate began looking conspiratorially to her co-writers. The audience laughed in appreciation. “I’m Katrina McCall” she rolled the name off like a Russian Literacy Professor, Omar and the Kovochny’s laughed behind her knowing how nervous she was. “I wouldn’t be here to accept without the brilliant screenplay written by Omar Kahlid” her arm indicated Omar standing behind her, “or without my friend Erin Ingram’s having let me read the script, or without the polished work of Faith and George Kovochny, two incredibly talented writers. Our collaboration helped to result in this beautiful film we are all so proud of. I thank you the public for voting for our work, I thank my co-writers for allowing me the opportunity to work and learn with them, and I thank Erin Ingram for bringing it to my attention in the first place” at this she shared a special look with Erin, looking straight into her eyes, blue meeting green with a spark. Erin grinned in response and no one thought different of them as the camera’s recorded it all. Kate backed away from the podium as she and the others were led off stage to report back stage. They were kept there so long that they stayed there to watch as Erin won for People’s Choice of Best Actress and then Best Film. Kate stood back and to the side as she watched Erin handle the reporters. A couple were persistent about the rings she wore but she adroitly changed the subject.

  At the party later Omar asked Kate if she was okay. Between the exhilaration of winning, AGAIN, the trepidation and relief of giving the speech, the earlier announcement that Erin had thrown her, she was ready to collapse. A tightness had taken over her chest and wouldn’t go away. Champagne made her immediately tired and food made her nauseous. Is she didn’t know better she would have sworn someone slipped her a narcotic again. Meanwhile, coping with the stress in her life otherwise was going to kill her or give her an ulcer. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Erin was concerned. Kate couldn’t or wouldn’t dance tonight with Omar. Her usual attempt at humor and vivaciousness fell flat and waiting until she was certain Erin couldn’t see her she slipped away to the bathroom and left the party soon afterwards, catching a cab home.

  The boys were at Sandy’s for the night and she was grateful as she let herself into the house. Erin wanted to move saying it was too small for their family but Kate had come to like the beautiful French styled home. It was convenient for their lifestyle and she didn’t find it too small except for the lack of closet space. The house they shared in Santa Barbara was huge in comparison but that was probably because the amount of land that held her gardens and orchards gave them a lot of space. Kate peeled herself out of the form fitting dress. Looking in the mirror she liked what she saw. At 45 she had a good healthy looking body. From swimming and a good diet she kept the fat down. Having had liposuction she had gotten rid of the excess fat that diet and exercise never got rid of. Perfectly straight teeth had also been cosmetic but that was years ago when she had first come into her inheritance. The pain and drama of that were long gone. Kate wasn’t even sure if she had ever mentioned it to Erin.

  Jeez Erin, what a bombshell she had dropped tonight. Great timing Kate thought, just what she had needed before leaving for the awards show. Shaking her head at herself in the mirror she turned to start the shower. As it was heating up she thought she heard the phone. She’d forgotten where she put her cell phone and by the time she found it in her purse under her gown the house phone was ringing. Answer
ing it she said into the receiver “hello” she didn’t realize after a night of talking how rough her voice sounded.

  “Are you okay? WHERE ARE YOU?” Erin barked at her.

  Amused Kate answered “since you called the house phone, we will assume I am AT the house.”

  Erin wasn’t as amused. Kate hadn’t looked well all evening. She didn’t sound good and with her disappearance Erin had worried. Normally they gave a sign when one or the other was leaving a party. Usually Kate left first anyway. Tonight Erin thought something had happened and had become alarmed. “I’ll be there in a little while.”

  Still amused Kate answered “okay, I’ll be HERE, bye.”

  Erin rang off but her thoughts were totally centered around Kate she rolled down the window separating her from the driver “can you hurry a bit?” and he nodded in response. Working for the studio’s he had driven Ms. Ingram before and knew where she lived. Never one to make requests it must be important if she asked him to hurry.

  Kate had just finished her shower as Erin walked in the door. Seeing Erin literally knocked the breath out of Kate. All made up, glamorous for the Hollywood Awards Show and parties, she looked incredible. Kate just stared in awe as though she hadn’t seen her all night. Erin stood and stared as well, Kate, washed of all her own makeup and naturally very white appeared pale and drawn. Her hair wet and stringy from the shower didn’t enhance her looks at this moment.

  “Are you okay?” Erin asked alarmed.

  “I’m fine” Kate frowned “why? Did something happen?”

  “No, you left the party and I didn’t know you had gone. Omar asked me if I had seen you or I wouldn’t have known you’d gone.” Erin sounded angry but you had to really know her to know she was keeping it in check.

  “I wasn’t feeling well tonight, nerves you know.” Kate went to sit on the bench across the bottom of the bed.


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