To Love a Shooting Star

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To Love a Shooting Star Page 20

by K'Anne Meinel

  It was days before she felt her strength coming back. Erin pampered her and for that she was grateful and guilty. She was normally so strong but the doctor explained her body could take only so much for so long before shutting down. She needed to build that strength back up and it would take time. She still came across as cold and angry though and Erin felt shut out. After two weeks though they had a knock down drag out fight. Kate was sick of feeling the invalid and wanted to take the T-Rex out. Erin was concerned it was too much and they finally cleared the air. The boys were amazed as they heard that weekends yelling from the closed bedroom door. During the week they had been down in Los Angeles at school but Erin had commuted a lot to take care of Kate along with Sean. Kate had had enough. She had sunbathed, relaxed, gardened, but under constant supervision. She was feeling better and worried that the strain that both Erin and she could feel in their relationship was ruining it. The yelling that both of them engaged in surprised them both. It was a release that soon had them both laughing of all things. The worry they both had experienced over the other was calmly discussed. They went out to dinner in the T-Rex, together and openly that night making the trip up to Buellton to relive their first date. They were happy to be together and it seemed like old times which they both appreciated.

  In June they had the double pleasure of both Brad and Jill’s graduation to attend. A week later the wedding was scheduled. Jill’s mother had gone all out. Kate had been involved via the phone, the fax, and the computer but until she got there physically she felt left out. As the mother of the groom she didn’t have as much to do but she wanted to help and had done so admirably from afar.

  Erin had arranged her schedule so they could be back there for two weeks. Her boys were excited that their ‘step’ brother was getting married. They teased him mercilessly but he loved them too and teased back. Jill was a bundle of nerves but the gown that Erin and Kate were honored to see was going to be lovely. She was going to make a beautiful bride.

  Kate and Erin flew in with her boys after they were released for their summer vacation and two days before the graduation ceremony. Leaving the boys at the hotel to play in the pool with its slides and games and lifeguards they went shopping for the two graduates. Kate had decided on giving them his and hers Toyota Corolla’s which had a hybrid engine and she knew would appeal to her son’s eco-friendly mind. They got a black one for him and a blue one for her and gave them early, driving the vehicles up onto the lawn of their apartment with a big bow tied around each of them. Brad and Jill were thrilled at the gifts! They argued over who got to drive which and their friends swarmed them with requests for rides. Erin gifted them each with $1000 gas cards so they were set. Kate arranged for insurance for a year for both of them.

  The graduation ceremony was enormous but then the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire wasn’t a small school. Kate was amazed that no one recognized Erin right away and it wasn’t until they were meeting with the ‘in-law’s’ that anyone came up to ask for an autograph. All of Jill and Brad’s friends knew about Kate and Erin so it was inevitable that photographers showed up to show the happy event. Some welcome, some intrusive. The two bodyguards they had with them kept the worst at bay. The hoopla of their ‘coming out’ that spring hadn’t exactly died down yet. After going out to dinner with ‘the folks’ the graduates went out to a carefully orchestrated graduation party. No one had keys and everyone had alternative transportation for this safe party. Erin and Kate met with Jill’s parents that evening to discuss the wedding plans of next week.

  Everyone pitched in and helped the kids pack up their apartment and fit as much as they could into their cars and the U-Haul trailers they had behind them. It was amazing how much junk the two of them had accumulated over their years together at college. They weren’t sure where they were going yet and all their things were going into storage near Jill’s parent’s house in Mosinee which was near Wausau. Both of them had resumes out all over the country but they were seriously hoping to wind up in California as they both liked the climate. Jill’s parents weren’t happy with that idea but as it would be the first job in their careers for both of the kids they were resigned to it.

  Now everyone turned their concerns to the wedding planned for the next weekend. Kate and Erin along with Peter and Elijah flew from Eau Claire over to Mosinee, a short flight. They rented two cars and drove up to their hotel, a Holiday Inn Express. Sean was due to fly in with his girlfriend later in the week. After packing their stuff into storage Jill went to live with her parents again and Brad stayed at the hotel with Erin and Kate in his own room which he would give up to Sean and Veronica when they arrived. Peter and Elijah had their own connecting room to Kate and Erin’s. Sean and Brad as well as Jill had a great time showing Peter and Elijah as well as Veronica around the town where they had grown up. It amazed ‘big city’ folks to realize how other’s lived. Wausau wasn’t exactly that small of a town though, it just felt that way.

  Kate called and texted some of her friends to meet her and Erin for dinner at the Oriental Garden across from their hotel on Wednesday. It was the only night they weren’t going to be busy with wedding plans. Kate was thrilled when her friends all agreed to meet there and bring their mates, she wasn’t sure it was her they wanted to see but Erin. She didn’t care though, she was very proud of Erin and Erin understood she wanted to kind of show her off.

  Erin and Kate deliberately were exactly on time. Kate was pleasantly surprised to see everyone had arrived a little early. They must be anxious to meet them, or at least Erin. Haley and Craig and her two daughters as well as his son were there. Christine and her husband Matt and their two sons. Lona and Bill and their one son. Jennifer and her husband Pete who Kate had never met and their daughter and son. And finally Jerry and his girlfriend Reina were there. Kate had been friends with most of the women and Jerry for years when she lived there. Once she had gotten her inheritance and began changing her appearance and then moving to California they had all lost touch to a degree except for emails, texts, or Facebook. She wondered why a couple of them were here except that she knew Erin was the draw. This small town mentality and the fact that Erin was famous would be gossiped about forever. Only Haley, Craig, and her two daughters were invited to Brad and Jill’s wedding. None of the others really knew her son so they were not going to be there. Kate greeted them all giving out hugs before introducing them all to Erin.

  “Well you all know Erin of course” she put her arm around Erin and noted which of them tensed at the gesture before she introduced each and every one of her friends.

  The restaurant gave them a private room so they could enjoy their meal in peace. Kate had called ahead from Eau Claire with the reservation and they had been delighted to comply. She didn’t realize how much she herself had changed in the years she had been gone until they began to reminisce and then ask about their lives in California. It had been a good decision for Kate to leave, she had outgrown the small town but she missed some of these people. Jerry and she had dated, sorta. Nothing serious but had instead become good friends. The others she had worked with at various times except for Haley. Haley and she had been lovers for several years before Haley decided she wanted and needed a man in her life and had found Craig. Kate had taken a few years to get over that but had remained Haley’s friend.

  Her friends were amazed at the change in Kate. She had always been an attractive and pretty woman but had been a jeans and no make-up kind of girl. Now she wore a beautiful and sophisticated casual dress and was made up to a T. Her teeth had been straightened and she had lost weight. Although they all had seen her on the TV they were amazed at the transformation in person. Kate was amused at the awe that the children held her in but she thought perhaps that was due to Erin. Erin was relaxed and chatted easily with everyone. They were thrilled that she wasn’t snobby or standoffish as they expected Hollywood royalty to be. Kate couldn’t have been more proud. They all lingered at the restaurant until quite late when the kids began to
drive the adult’s nuts with their boisterousness. They all said they would stay in contact and Kate said she’d see Haley and her girls on Saturday at the wedding.

  The text message came in about 9a.m. local time. Kate heard the buzz of her phone but wanted to ignore it. She thought perhaps though it was something to do with the wedding so she better check it. She was startled to see it was from Haley. What the heck? ‘Can you meet me downstairs in the lobby?’ Kate thought for a moment glancing at Erin who slept beside her. She quickly texted ‘be right down’ and slid out of bed to get dressed. Not wanting jeans and a T for this meeting she slipped into a casual and cool dress she loved and slipped on a pair of heels. Not bothering with underwear she quickly brushed her teeth and hair and put on some light makeup. Thinking quickly she jotted a note to Erin on the courtesy paper that the hotel supplied and left it on her pillow. Watching Erin sleep for a moment gave her intense pleasure and she left the room with a smile on her face.

  Haley watched Kate walk down the steps to the lobby. Wow had she changed! Ever so sleek to look at these days she really had her shit together. She even walked differently than she had years ago, but maybe it was the heels. Kate looked around and spotted Haley sitting on one of the plush chairs around an unlit fireplace that faced windows overlooking the pool area. Smiling in greeting she sauntered over and passed in front of Haley to plop down on the couch nearest her chair.

  “Hi, how are you?” she asked in genuine greeting.

  Kate’s perfume assailed her nostrils, she smelled so damn good! “I’m good, you look nice.” Haley indicated the dress.

  Looking down Kate smiled, she had probably never worn a dress when Haley knew her but with Erin around she wanted to look and dress feminine always. “So what’s up? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “Yeah, I got the girls off to their jobs and had some free time” Haley took care of special needs people at the Health Care Center.

  “That’s cool. Did you want to get some breakfast? They have a Continental breakfast here at the hotel.” Kate indicated pointing over her shoulder at the hotel desk.

  “Maybe later, I wanted to talk to you.” Haley looked at Kate earnestly.

  “Is something wrong?” Kate asked alarmed. She had after all just seen Haley and the rest of her friends the previous night.

  “Kate, you can’t marry Erin.” Haley spoke slowly and calmly but her intense look made Kate a little uncomfortable.

  “Why can’t I marry Erin, I LOVE ERIN!” Puzzled Kate was frowning at her ex-best friend.

  “Kate, I just don’t see it working for you. She is so famous and so rich. Is that why you are with her?”

  “Are you nuts?” Kate was confused. “She is one of the most intelligent women I have ever met, she is endlessly fascinating. And to top it off SHE LOVES ME! Imagine that, little ole me.” Kate gave it a slight redneck twang. She was puzzled. What the heck was Haley getting at?

  “You left here a few years ago determined to start a new life and from all appearances you have. But this isn’t you. You aren’t this high profile couple. You’re a quiet and unassuming person. Has fame and fortune turned your head?” She had to bring her friend down to earth and see reality.

  “Haley, what IS this? Are you so unhappy that you can’t bear to see ME happy?” At a glance Kate realized she had hit part of the truth. Haley was unhappy. Reaching out she took Haley’s hand in her own. “Haley, we were friends once. We were more than friends. You cut me out of your life completely. Not only as a lover but as your best friend. I got over that, I tried to understand you had different needs that I couldn’t fulfill. I moved on.”

  Haley loved the feel of the hand holding hers. It was too public though for her there in the lobby of the hotel and she pulled back. Kate looked at her knowingly. “Are you and Craig okay?” At Haley’s nod Kate sat back again and said “so what is this?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not unhappy with Craig. I love him and I think I want to marry him but sometimes I just don’t know. Seeing you, seeing you like THIS” she indicated the dress and the smooth polished look “it makes me wonder what I am missing. I do miss you, I miss our friendship.”

  “I think I know you pretty well Haley. That was part of the problem. We knew each other so well for so long. When I got depressed and hurt you got distant and fell out of love with me. I’ve moved on and changed, A LOT. You are seeing a me that you never knew and you’re wondering if that me is someone you missed out on.”

  Haley shrugged but answered “I don’t know, maybe. I just don’t see that you are this person, that maybe you’re trying too hard to show off to your poor country friends how much you’ve changed and how important you now are.”

  This annoyed Kate but she didn’t let it show. “Haley, how many of these ‘poor country friends’ have really stayed in contact with me? I tried, I did the whole Christmas card thing, letter thing, email thing, even the Facebook thing. No one else made an effort so I gave up.”

  “You call it giving up when you called us to announce that you were going to be on Ellen and Oprah? That you put it up on Facebook? That was so ‘in your face.’ I think you were showing off.”

  “Yeah, maybe I was to a degree, who wouldn’t. We were both coming out of the closet with a BANG! It was also a warning so no one was unduly surprised except for the content.” Kate smiled wryly at that generalization realizing she was really underselling the point.

  “You didn’t tell anyone that you were coming out of the closet; it was so in our face. Did you even warn your family?” Haley knew her too well.

  Kate squirmed a little. She hadn’t told her siblings or in-laws but she justified it in her mind that they probably guessed anyway. They too had cut her off to a degree with never visiting and that once a year Thanksgiving crap. “They probably guessed anyway. What is this all about Haley? I haven’t done anything to hurt anyone. My boys are okay with it, I love Erin, she loves me, so what is this all about?”

  “I think you’re making a mistake. You don’t need to be the poster children for the Lesbian Alliance.”

  “No Haley, we aren’t. The fact that Erin is famous makes some of that is inevitable. I too have a certain celebrity without Erin and I work hard at my books. Few people knew my face because I never put one on my books.”

  “You don’t have to marry her to have that fame.”

  “No, I don’t have to marry her at all but given the opportunity I’d like the chance to make it work. I love her, it’s as simple as that. She makes me feel so good sometimes it scares me. What if I screw things up and she becomes unhappy with me as you did? Why can’t you be happy for me for finding someone so terrific? Why is this an issue?” Her expression changed to something that Haley hadn’t seen in years and it made her stomach clench in remembrance “Don’t you realize it’s thanks to you I can love someone? You taught me to love someone, regardless of their sex? Because of WHO they were?”

  “I think you’re going to regret going too far by marrying her. According to the papers she cheated on her last girlfriend and they were together over a decade. Didn’t she have her boys while they were together?”

  Kate was becoming extremely annoyed. What right after all these years did Haley have to be butting in? “Yes, she cheated on her ex but that was a different situation, a different relationship, and frankly it’s none of my business. Yes they have a relationship now because of the boys.” Kate wasn’t going to tell Haley how annoying it was to have Sandy in the picture or the stunts she had pulled over the last few years. “Haley, just because you didn’t have the guts to stick it out with me and now that you’re becoming bored with Craig doesn’t give you the right or the excuse to criticize what I’ve done with my life. I’m sorry if you believed I was holding a torch for you, perhaps at one time I was but that is OVER. Very OVER, for both of us. I’d have liked to remained friends but let’s be honest, we are nothing more than acquaintances and ex-lovers. Let’s not leave this with anger and resentment.”

p; Haley agreed with her but didn’t tell her, she knew she had been out of line but had hoped, she didn’t know what, but hoped perhaps that maybe Kate was faking. She could see now that she wasn’t and didn’t like it one bit. Kate had a point though. She didn’t want to be angry and she knew she was just bored with her life, that was her problem, not Kate’s. “Look, I’m sorry. I thought as your friend I could talk to you about this and apparently I was wrong.”

  “You could always talk to me, but things are different now. I wouldn’t hurt Erin for the world. I won’t leave her, you remember how monogamous I was. I will always try to work things out with her unless she wants me to go. She doesn’t as far as I can see. She loves ME!” Haley could hear the pride and wonderment in that last statement. She believed Kate, she really did. She herself had watched Erin last night at dinner and she could see the love and respect that there was for the two of them. The casual little touches, the intimate looks. It was really wonderful to see, she still resented it though, they had it together at one time and fate had ruined it, maybe Haley should be honest with herself, she had not fought for it, she wanted something else. She couldn’t help but admire the guts Kate had shown to be open and public with Erin.

  Just then Erin walked into the seating area “Hi guys, ready for breakfast?”

  Kate looked up in surprise and smiled brightly at her girlfriend. She noticed that Erin was carrying the note she had left on the pillow.

  Haley stood up quickly and said “Morning Erin, no I won’t be staying for breakfast. I’ll see you both later this week at the wedding. Bye for now.” She quickly left giving them both a wave.

  Kate stood up as Haley practically sprinted out and then turned back to Erin with a shrug. “Let’s get that breakfast.”


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