Love’s Secret Baby

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Love’s Secret Baby Page 8

by Goode, Ella

  “Can I be the flower girl?” Veronica asks.

  “Of course you can,” I tell her.

  “Why don’t you pick out one of your dresses, pretty girl?” Melody tells her daughter, who doesn't have to be asked twice before bolting inside.

  “You’ve got an hour.” Jonas walks over toward me, giving me a kiss next. I smile against his mouth. I think an hour is one hour too long.

  “You okay?” I lean into him as I look up at him. He wraps an arm around me.

  “In an hour, I’m going to have everything I ever wanted. You and Jax are all I’ll ever need.”

  “Hey! I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just say that,” Melody chimes in.

  “I thought you wanted more babies,” I tease. Jax lays his head against Jonas’. Veronica clearly wore him out. I’m sure the ice cream he ate a little while ago will kick in soon and he’ll have his second wind.

  “I’ll want all the babies you’ll give me.” With a husband like him I am more than happy to oblige. “Might have one in you already.”

  “Okay. I’ll take Jax and check on the dress.” Melody holds her hands out for Jax, who doesn't look like he wants to leave his daddy anytime soon. “I got popsicles.” That has his head lifting up and arms reaching for her in no time at all for them to make their way inside. They leave Jonas and me alone in the backyard.

  “Everything really okay?”

  “How can it not be okay? I not only got you back, I got Jax. Nothing else fucking matters. We’ll work the rest out in time.” He is right. This is all that matters.

  He lifts my hand from off his chest, slipping a ring on to my finger. When he first asked me to marry him, it was our first date. He pulled my hair from my ponytail and used the hair band to tie around my finger. I thought it was romantic but he insisted he would replace it the next day.

  It wasn't exactly the next day that I got a replacement because we didn't get out of bed for a good three days after he’d put that temporary ring on my finger. I told him I didn't need anything big. Hell, I didn't need anything at all. All I wanted was him. But Jonas being Jonas went out and bought me a giant ring. He said it wasn't about the money. He just didn't want anyone missing it. From the weight on my finger I have a feeling this one is no different. I probably shouldn't find his possessiveness sexy, but I do. The man loves me so damn much he wants the world to know.

  “Fifty-eight minutes.” I lift up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “Then I’ll be your wife.”

  “You’ve been my wife since the moment I put that hair tie around your finger. Now we’ll be a family.” He kisses me once more before I run like hell to get ready for my happily ever after.

  Chapter 21


  The spring air smells crisp and the setting sun turns everything a golden color. Luca shifts in the chair next to me, silently puffing on his cigar. His sister, Gia, and Darby are over by the new pond we put in. It’s empty for now. Darby’s not sure what fish she wants to put in. Jax wants a turtle and a frog, and so the fish need to be compatible with those animals. We moved out of the penthouse a month ago into this three story five bedroom brick house. I told Darby that I wasn’t sure if it was big enough for the number of kids we were planning to have but she said if we had more than four, I’d have to get a new wife. I told her that four sounded like the perfect number of children. For now, though, we only have the one.

  “Broken! Broken!” Jax yells. He runs up and deposits two large plastic pieces in my lap. I fit the blocks together and hand them back. He raises his toy in the air as if it’s a championship belt and shouts, “Yay! Yay! Daddy fix! Daddy fix!” and then he runs off.

  “You put together two blocks and he looked at you like you just built the Taj Mahal,” marvels Luca.

  “Kids are great,” I say with a self-satisfied smile. My gaze drifts toward Darby, whose hot as fuck figure is shrouded in a shapeless dress. I picked it out this morning when I remembered the Wards were visiting. There was no reason for Luca to see one curve of Darby’s lush figure since she’s mine and he needs to find his own damn wife. Darby’s stomach is flat but we’ve been working hard at getting her pregnant. Her monthly hasn’t come yet so our hopes for a second child might be coming true. If not, I’ll put in the hard work of fucking her over every surface possible. Oh, the task of being me. If the Wards weren’t here and Jax was with his nanny, I could bend Darby over the cushioned bench, ruck up the hem of that dress and have my cock inside of her steaming pussy in less than thirty seconds.

  “Your shit eating grin tells me you aren’t thinking about kids,” Luca says, interrupting my fantasies.

  “You’d be wrong.”

  “Then you were thinking of making kids and it doesn’t count.”

  I lift the snifter of brandy to my lips to hide a smile. “You should think about making your own instead of coveting my family,” I reply over the rim of the tumbler.

  Luca puffs on his cigar for a few moments before answering. “It’s hard to believe I had Darby in my home for two years and I couldn’t convince her that life with me was better than the one she lived over my garage.”

  My fingers tighten around the crystal, the sharp edges of glass digging into my palm. “It’s good that you didn’t. I would’ve hated to put your sister through an unnecessary period of mourning.”

  “You would’ve put me in the hospital?” Luca jokes.

  “The grave,” I say in total seriousness.

  Sensing my lack of humor, Luca jerks his head around to look at me. “You’re not serious.”


  He shakes his head. “You’re crazy then. There’s no woman out there that is worth going to prison for. Even if I wanted a family, and I’m not saying that I do, one woman is the same as the next. You give her nice things, compliment her a few times, and she’ll be willing to do whatever you ask. There’s no need to go overboard.”

  “I hope you’re just posturing, Ward. Or you’re going to be a miserable bastard.” I don’t even have to imagine what life would be like without Darby and Jax. I lived it for nearly three years. It’s a soul draining experience that leaves you feeling like a robot.

  He stubs out his cigar and shifts in his chair, putting on an earnest expression. I lace my fingers behind my head and lean back against the cushion. Darby is walking toward me.

  “Jax now thinks you are the greatest builder of all time,” she teases and settles in my lap.

  I press a kiss into her rose-scented neck. “And I’m not?”

  “No, of course you are,” she giggles.

  I nuzzle her some more because I know her neck is sensitive and women, unlike men, can be in a constant state of arousal and no one would know it. She pinches my thigh, but I ignore it, trailing my nose from her neck to the hollow of her collarbone that is exposed by the wide neckline.

  Someone clears their throat. I roll my head in the direction of Luca and arch an eyebrow.

  “I just wanted to remind you that you weren’t alone.”

  “More’s the pity,” I sigh.

  Darby pushes at my chest and I allow her to move an inch away from me. “Behave. Dinner’s almost ready. I’m starved.” She pats her belly. “How about you Luca? You hungry?”

  “When am I not?” he says drily.

  “Then come sit down at the table. The chef will be out soon.”

  Still holding Darby, I get to my feet. Luca follows suit. We all convene at the table, except for Jax, who is still happily running around in circles, waving his bricks in the air. Gia sighs. “It’s so nice here. Maybe I should move.”

  “That’d be awesome,” Darby claps her hands.

  “Wait until the cold sets in and you’ll be glad you’re home where snow is just a thing you import for parties,” Luca says. The chef appears and serves up the steak along with about a hundred sides. I split open Darby’s baked potato and fork in butter and sour cream along with a generous helping of cheese.

  “You’re always welcome,” I
tell Gia. “Jax, come on over and get some potatoes.” I’ve got a bowl of mashed ones along with his favorite vegetable—carrots. I cut up some tiny bites of beef for him and larger pieces for Darby.

  “Thanks, honey.”

  “My pleasure.” And it really is. These small things that I get to do are the reason I get up in the morning. At one time, my life was ruled by Willits—how could I make it bigger, stronger, wealthier. All those things left me empty. Now I have my family and it’s given me a purpose in life I didn’t know existed. Darby may have been the one to lose her memory, but I think I had lost my way. Thank fuck I figured it out or maybe I would have lost her, too. I’ve been given another opportunity with Darby and I won’t ever mess that up. I think it’s okay to lose your memory so long as you give yourself—and your heart—a second chance.



  5 years later

  I stare out the window watching the pool company inspect it one last time before they leave. They came out two days ago to uncover it early. We get to open ours earlier than most. Jonas has gotten us a heated pool. We had to let it set for a couple of days while the water heated and the treatment to the water kicked in.

  The kids were all about to come out of their skin waiting. I have to admit, I feel the same way as they do. I always get excited for this time of year. Thankfully Melody stopped by an hour ago to take all of them out for ice cream to hold them over a little longer. It was extra warm today, making it the perfect day to swim. If I didn't know any better I might have guessed Jonas had issued an order to the sun to make sure it came out for us. He would try to do anything to make us all happy.

  One of the two men out by the pool gives me a thumbs-up, letting me know it’s ready to go. I am going to sneak out and enjoy a few minutes of the sun before chaos gets back here. It would be beautiful chaos but chaos nonetheless. I love them all but a little mommy time sounds good right about now.

  I grab my towel, ditching my robe as I go. I already have my bikini on. I swear I am almost as bad as the kids with my excitement. I didn't sleep in my swimsuit like they did, but that was because Jonas has me naked soon after he slips into bed next to me each night. I know better than to wear too many clothes to bed. Jonas has a habit of ripping things when he’s trying to get at me.

  I hurry out of the patio door, putting my things on one of the chaise lounges. I adjust my bathing suit that I absolutely love before I head for the steps. I dip my toe into the water, almost screaming because it’s still a little chilly. I decide to just bite the bullet and immerse myself into the water. As soon as my small bump gets halfway in, I feel a kick from my little girl. I smile down at my stomach.

  “You better stop. Your daddy will be mad he missed that kick,” I whisper down at my belly. I’ve started showing sooner with each baby we have. I told Jonas this was going to be our last. The twins kept our hands full but now that they are off and running, I had begun to get the itch again. I made Jonas promise me that this time it would be a girl. I don’t know how he did it but he pulled through. I am having my little girl. Finally, I will have someone to face all these boys with.

  “How's the water?” I look up at one of the pool guys. I think he said his name was Cyrus.

  “Still a little cold.”

  He bends down, putting his hand in.

  “I think you’re just getting used to it. The temperature feels right.” He’s probably right. The first swim is always a little cold. The excitement makes you forget. “Lie in the sun for a bit. Get nice and hot.” He smirks at me. “Hotter and that should do the trick.”

  “Good idea.” I begin to make my way out of the water.

  “Did you just call my wife hot?” I stop on the stairs to turn and look at Jonas, who is standing behind the man I was talking to. Cyrus looks over his shoulder before he turns around, standing up a little straighter as Jonas approaches him.

  “I think we got the pool ready to go for you sir.” Cyrus ignores my husband's question. I make my way up the rest of the stairs and out of the pool.

  “I think you should get the fuck off my property.”

  “Jonas.” I half hiss his name. It won’t do any good. He’s already worked up and nothing I say is going to calm him down.

  “Don’t even look her way,” Jonas barks when Cyrus starts to turn toward me. He stops immediately, turning his attention back to Jonas. “I won’t repeat myself.” The man all but runs off of our property. I have to fight a laugh because Jonas is ridiculous and I don’t want to encourage his behavior.

  “Is that suit new?” Jonas asks as his eyes roam all over me. He’s on me before I can answer, his fingertips running along the strap of my bikini top. His touch causes my body to heat up immediately. I lick my lips, suddenly not wanting to swim at all.

  “Do you like it?” I do a little spin for him showing him the entire thing and watch as his eyes heat.

  “I more than like it. I need a little taste.” He leans down, taking my mouth in a possessive kiss. One I know has a little more edge to it because he thinks the pool guy was hitting on me. He’s being totally ridiculous, but I like it. “I can’t leave for more than a few minutes and someone is hitting on you.”

  I roll my eyes. “He was not hitting on me. I’m pregnant with stretch marks.” I point to my belly. I don’t care about the marks. I was proud of them and was more than willing to rock a bikini. It helps that my husband can’t keep his hands off me. He makes me feel like the sexiest thing in the world.

  “Trust me. He was hitting on you but you keep on believing he wasn't.” He shakes his head at me. His hand goes to my stomach. He can never get enough of me being pregnant. I don’t mind. He can touch me all he wants. He missed out on Jax. I would never take this experience from him.

  “How was the office?” He had to pop in for a few minutes this morning. Jonas mostly works from home but sometimes he has to go in to headquarters here. They have offices all over the world. He can really work anywhere. He took over the company when Grams got voted out by the board. Now she is off at some fancy retirement place far away from us.

  “Easy.” His hand dips lower, freezing when our little girl gives a kick. His eyes go big. I smile up at him. I love seeing his face light up; it brings me so much joy. “Darby.” He closes his eyes, his forehead dropping to mine. “I can’t believe you’re giving me another baby. You have no idea what it means to me. I love you so damn much.”

  My eyes sting with tears. Jonas really thinks I hung the moon for him sometimes. That I’m the only woman to ever face having a baby and that I do it all for him. I do it for him but for us, too. Growing our family makes me happy.

  “You did this for me, too. You said you’d give me the family I never had. You didn't only give me that but you gave me so much more.”

  “I’ll give you anything you ever want.” His mouth drops down to mine. I wrap my arms around him, pushing my small bump into him. Life can’t get any better.

  “Dad, let her up for air,” I hear Jax say. My eyes fly open. Jonas smiles against my mouth, giving me one last kiss before tucking me into his side. The twins are already pulling on their life jackets to jump right into the deep end. Those boys have no fear.

  “Did you get your mom ice cream?” Jonas asks, lifting his eyes from me.

  “Of course I did.” Jax holds up a to-go bowl from my favorite ice cream place. He walks over toward me. I only have to lean down a little for him to kiss me on the cheek. He is growing like a weed. Jonas hugs him, kissing him on top of the head before he runs off and jumps into the pool with his brothers. Their laughter will be etched into my memory forever.

  It seems like a lifetime ago that I woke up in that hospital bed with no memory. The anger I once felt for the time that was taken from Jonas and me is gone. It led us here to this moment. This family that we have. We fought for it and it is ours. No one can ever take this from us. Our love will never be forgotten.

  * * *

  My loves! Hark, a new book i
s here. Since you all loved the last secret baby book so much, I cooked up another one. These are fun stories! Keep loving them and I’ll keep writing. Have a good March and stay healthy.


  Also by Ella Goode

  Killer Love / Killer Crush

  King’s Castle

  Secret Baby

  Oh Snowy Night

  FU High: Ace of Hearts, Deuces Wild, and Two of a Kind

  Loyalty Card

  She’s the One & My Only One



  Smooth Kisses, Sweet Kisses, Saved Kisses

  Finding Home & Bring Him Home

  Captured, Kept, Stolen

  Make Me Yours

  She’s All Mine

  Pretty Prize

  Three of Us (Twins #1) and Belong Together (Twins #2)

  Their Private Need (Michigan, Easy and Annie)

  His Bold Heart (Chelsea & Wrecker)

  Her Secret Pleasure

  Captive Ride

  The Last Christmas Present: Billionaire Holiday Romance (a Daddy story)

  The Wolf’s Mail Order Bride

  Beauty in Summer

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  Copyright © 2020 by Ella Goode

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


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