Men of Valor, Books 1

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Men of Valor, Books 1 Page 19

by Kiru Taye

  "Isn't that going to be uncomfortable?" she queried, eyebrows raised.

  "I don't mind the discomfort. I'll get the guards to bring me more bedding to make it comfortable. Do not worry."

  Her nod seemed reluctant. "If that is your wish."

  "It is." He smiled at her. "Go on. Lie down. I'll be next door if you need me."

  He opened a wooden trunk and took out more bedding and walked into the other room. The lamp had already been blown out. It was only the flickering light from his sleeping chamber illuminating his way. He didn't mind the darkness. He made himself as comfortable as he could and settled in for the night.

  Sleep didn't come quickly. He spent long moments listening to the sounds from the other room. The creak of the pallet as Ezinne settled onto it. The soft sound of her regular breathing when she fell asleep. For some time, he thought about walking over to the door to watch her sleep but decided against it.

  Going there would only be tempting fate. He laid still making plans about what he would do to help Ezinne. He also worked on suggestions he would make to his father about their relationship with the King of Umulari.

  Eventually sleep came, and he drifted off, an image of Ezinne in his mind.


  Something woke Emeka. He opened his eyes, allowing it a moment to adjust to the dimness of the room. His senses attentive, searching his surroundings. There was no light in the room, but a lamp flickered low from the next room. He could hear the sounds of the night life around the palace, the palace guards patrolling. Otherwise everything was silent.

  After a while, he heard another sound. It was faint at first. He strained his ears, listening harder. Then he heard it again. The quiet sound of someone crying. Realizing it was coming from the next chamber, he stood up and walked to it.

  Ezinne lay on his pallet crying in her sleep. In the dim light he could see the tears streaked down her face. Standing over her, he waited to see if she would stop. She didn't. Instead she trashing about as if she was fighting someone. It looked like she was having a nightmare.

  Without hesitation he bent down, picked her up, and placed her on his lap. She struggled for a moment, still in her sleep. He rubbed her back, whispering soothing words in her ear. Gradually she stilled, a soft sigh whispering against his chest as she relaxed into his arms, her arms going around his back.

  Holding her, he inhaled the musky scent of her body, her warmth seeping into him, stirring him. Now that she was calm, he would put her down and go back to his lounging chair. Having her in his arms was feeding the hunger within him that wouldn't be sated.

  What was the point in torturing himself?

  When he tried to lay her back on the padded pallet, her hold on his body tightened. He debated what to do. He couldn't sit up all night. There were important matters to be discussed in the morning. He needed his wits about him.

  But he didn't want to leave Ezinne, if she felt more comfortable. Still holding her, he laid down on the pallet, the softness of his skin teasing his body. He was glad for the barrier of his clothes keeping pulsing manhood away from her slick depth.

  He would stay with her only for a little while.

  Listening to her soft breathing, he soon joined her in sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ezinne woke up disorientated, unsure of where she was. The gray light filtering through the closed window told her it was early dawn. Yet she knew she wasn't in her own bed. Whatever she was lying on was padded with fur, softer that her sleeping mat.

  Glancing around the bed chamber, seeing the artifacts and lion fur hanging on the walls reminded her of her location.

  Prince Emeka’s chambers!

  With a rapid jolt, she sat up, memories of the previous day raced forward in her mind. Emeka getting injured in a spar with Ikem, dinner that never happened, and their luckless attempt at lovemaking.

  “Oh,” she groaned in horror.

  She’d been a walking disaster.

  First she’d distracted Emeka causing him to be injured. Then she turned up late to dinner. Finally she’d topped it off my recounting her rape ordeal right in the middle of their height of pleasure.

  If her ruinous actions hadn’t confirmed to the prince how unsuitable she was for him, revealing that she was 'damaged' ensured he would never touch her again. No man in his right mind would come close to her knowing what had happened to her. She had sealed her own fate by telling him.

  She clutched her head as she recalled the ordeal of reliving her nightmare. It had been the best thing to tell Emeka. As much as she'd wanted him, still wanted him, it was much better for him to know the truth about her before they'd made love. She could have kept it from him, allowed him to possess her.

  Perhaps he would have realized she wasn't a virgin. But she could have explained that away.

  It would have meant telling lies to him. She had already withheld so much from him, especially on matters regarding Nonye. When it came to her own being, her body, she felt she owed him this one truth, as much as it had pained her to see the look of shock and anger in his eyes last night.

  She was glad for one thing. There had been no derision in his eyes. At the end, he had looked upon her with compassion. Even when she knew he wanted to get up and do something like find the man who had violated her, he'd still held her, his arms protective around her.

  By letting her stay in his bed, he’d allowed her some luxurious comfort. And deprived his body of the same.

  Was he still next door? She hadn't heard any sounds from there. She needed to get up and go back to her quarters. Part of her didn't want to move from the bed. It wasn't just because of the luxurious comfort. It held the warmth and scent of Emeka.

  She lay back down, closing her eyes, burying her face in the fur, and taking a shuddering breath. Emeka’s masculine scent invaded her nostrils, and an innate longing stirred within her.

  Then she remembered something else. Last night she'd had a nightmare. It was the rape all over again. The terrifying ordeal had haunted her almost every night. But last night's dream was different.

  In this one, Emeka had come to her rescue. He'd pulled Uwaluru off her body and stripped him of his manhood. He'd then picked her up and comforted her, promising that no more harm would come to her. How she wished that the dream was true.

  What was the use in yearning for something she couldn't have? She wasn't just a slave. She was a tainted slave. Not fit to be looked upon by a prince. She ached for the man she knew would never be hers.

  As soon as Nonye returned, she would plead with her mistress to send her back to Umulari. Anywhere. As long as it was far away from here. She didn't think she could live with seeing Emeka every day, wanting him and knowing she could never have him.

  He'd been good to her but it was best if he didn't have anything to do with her any longer. She was no good for him. She'd only bring trouble to him if she stayed. One of these days she would be tempted to go to him and beg him to claim her.

  Pushing off the pallet, she stood up and tidied her skirt. She wanted to leave quietly without waking him. When she walked into the adjourning chamber, Emeka was not there. She wondered where he'd gone so early but put it out of her mind as she left his quarters in a hurry. It was probably best that she hadn't seen him. She didn't know if she could have walked away from him.

  She went to her chamber, picked up what she needed, and headed to the stream for a bath.


  Emeka sat in conference with Amobi discussing action required with regard to Umulari. But his mind kept jumping back to Ezinne. He'd returned to his quarters after a brisk early morning walk and swim to find Ezinne gone.

  Instantly he'd missed her. A part of him had wanted to see her rise from her sleep to confirm that she was feeling much better this morning. The need to be there for her, to protect her grew every moment within him. Seeing her again this morning would have gone a long way to allaying his concerns about her.

  Yet her not being there was a good thing
too. It removed her allure from his path. Prevented him from being tempted to make love to her. Even now he could still feel the warmth of her soft body against his and her feminine scent from last night. How he'd managed to fall asleep just holding her he didn't know. He must have used up his last reserve of control.

  This morning he'd woken up with her sprawled over him. Her head on his chest, her arms on his shoulder, her thigh and leg across his lap. His manhood had pulsed with the longing to be buried within her.

  It had taken sheer will power to extricate his body from her hold instead of turning her over and sinking into her warm core. But he couldn't allow his baser being to take over. She had been used and abused by others. He couldn't do the same to her.

  The only viable option for him had been to get out of the bed and go for a vigorous walk through the forest. The cool morning breeze and the wet leaves lashing at his skin was enough to cool his ardor. He'd then swam a few laps in the rock pool before returning to his quarters to find her gone.

  "Have you decided what you'll do about your wife in Umulari? Do you still want her brought home immediately?" Amobi's matter-of-fact query drew Emeka out of his reverie.

  "Yes," he replied. "In the light of new information, I want her back as soon as it's possible. There are matters I wish for her to attend to."

  "I'll inform Ikem at once. He should go to Umulari tonight. Otherwise tomorrow morning."

  "Good. There are matters about Umulari that gravely concern me, and the sooner Nonye returns the better."

  "The issue of bound slaves is very perturbing considering they are our allies," Amobi replied and scratched his chin, his expression pensive.

  "Yes, it doesn't look good that we are allied to a kingdom that still treats people in such a scandalous way. I spoke to my father earlier, and he is in agreement. He'll have talks with King Agbado."

  "This is a great relief. I've been concerned about it too after I overheard a few of our citizens discussing the matter too. They are worried that you might reintroduce slavery into Umunri." Amobi paused for a second and stared at Emeka with his forehead creased in a frown. "There is another matter that concerns me though."

  Emeka met Amobi's gaze. "Speak your mind."

  "You can tell me to mind my own business, but I only raise this since I noticed you seem a bit distracted. In fact, you've been sidetracked for a few days now."

  "Amobi, get on with it," Emeka said, his tone impatient. "It's unlike you to waste time getting to the point."

  "Well, I only choose to tread carefully here as the rumors may be doubtful."

  "What rumors?" Emeka suspected he knew where his adviser was going with his ramblings but he didn't want to make it easy for him. If Amobi had chosen to listen to gossip, he could sit and squirm first.

  His embarrassment obvious, Amobi shifted, his chair squeaking in protest. "I heard that you've taken a slave as your concubine. Is this true?"

  Emeka took a long breath in before exhaling in frustration. He wasn't angry with Amobi's insinuation. In truth he has glad the man had brought it up.

  Speculation would’ve commenced as soon as Ezinne became a regular visitor to his quarter in Nonye's absence. Nothing stayed hidden in the palace for long. There were always spies everywhere. This was why he always lived his life above reproach. Until now.

  Now he'd become a topic for market gossip because of Ezinne. A wry smile curled his lips. He had no regrets about it. Getting to know her has been an exhilarating experience at times. Last night had been excruciating, though.

  "Amobi, when did you start hanging around market women and their gossiping?"

  Emeka shook his head in disapproval at his adviser who visibly paled at his insinuation. Yet Amobi's gaze didn't flinch. Emeka didn't expect it to. The man's intentions were noble albeit misguided.

  "Look at me. You've know me most of my life. Do you think I've taken a slave for a concubine?"

  "Ordinarily I would say no." Amobi scratched the goatee on his chin. "But your behavior in the past few days puts doubts in my mind. Yesterday I saw the way you looked at your wife's handmaiden. The look that passed between the two of you indicated there was more to your relationship. And when you got injured, I saw her take a step toward you, though she came no farther."

  "Not that it is any of your business what I do in my personal life," Emeka replied. He'd purposefully indicated for Ezinne not to come any closer to him in public to prevent this kind of speculation. He should've known Amobi's observant gaze wouldn't have missed such subtle signals.

  Amobi looked up, his frown deepening. "My job involves keeping abreast of everything happening within this kingdom and advising you on the right action. Yes, your personal life is not my responsibility, but if it affects the perception of the people toward you, then you have a problem that I'll need to resolve."

  Emeka's irritation rose that Amobi dared to instruct him on matters concerning his personal life. So, he was acting out of character, but he was also a human being.

  "Look, I have no intention of arguing about the remits of your job and responsibilities. Firstly, Umunri has no slaves. You know that. So no citizen here can be referred to as one." Emeka paused to emphasis the point, and Amobi nodded in agreement.

  "Secondly, the girl's name is Ezinne. Yes, I have a relationship with her but not in the sordid way you are thinking." He let out a concentrated, resigned sigh. He might as well tell Amobi most of it. Sharing it with someone would help to relieve some of the pressure he felt in his chest. "Ezinne is my companion. Nonye assigned her to keep me company during dinner while my wife is away. We have simply gotten close as she's shared some personal things about herself. She is a young girl who has been through a lot. I would not be human if I didn't feel some compassion for her."

  Amobi looked at him and raised his brow in a silent query. Emeka knew where his friend's mind had raced to but he had a simple answer for him.

  "No, I have not bedded her," Emeka said.

  "I'm only asking because I heard she spent the night in your quarters yesterday." Amobi shrugged.

  Emeka sat back, shocked. He knew news traveled fast. But Amobi must have an informant close to him. One of my personal guards? He would have to investigate and find out who was leaking information. Although in truth, Amobi was not the enemy. But if one of his staff was that disloyal, who knew where else he sold information to. He had to find the culprit.

  "Who told you that?" he asked with a brusque voice.

  Amobi had the grace to look chastised and lowered his gaze. "You know I cannot tell you that. The question remains, is it true? If so, then we will have to stop the rumors spreading and come up with a reason why she was there. You are the heir to the throne. Keeping the goodwill of your people is very important."

  "I told her to spend the night because she revealed something distressing that happened in her past, and she was distraught. It was late, and I didn't want her going back to the servant quarters. So I asked her to stay. She slept on my bed, and I slept in the adjourning room. Happy now?"

  "What was the distressing thing from her past, so I know what information to disseminate?"

  "I cannot, or rather will not, tell you that. It's a personal matter to her, and I promised her I would keep it to myself. And don't even think about going to ask her. I know how your mind works. You will have to come up with your own twist to the story."

  "Very well. I'll get on with dealing with the matters at hand."

  "Yes, you do that. I'll see you later."

  Emeka was glad when Amobi left and he had some peace and quiet. He summoned Jide, the head of palace security and informed him that he needed investigations carried out into which of his staff was spreading gossip about the activities in the palace. He wanted everyone questioned and the culprit brought to him immediately. He then dismissed the rest of his personal guards.

  He sat alone in his obi, glad for the solitude.

  He used the quiet time to mentally prepare for his consultation with the chief
priest later that day to discuss Ezinne. It was the one thing that troubled his soul. He needed her at peace.

  He was still seated in his chair when an unexpected Nonye glided in with her entourage.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ezinne was on her way back from the stream for the fourth time that day. Though fetching water was not one of her chores, she had chosen to help out the other servants. She wanted to keep busy so that she didn't have much time to think about Emeka.

  Thoughts of him had been swirling around in her head all morning as she sat at the weaving loom. She eventually gave up because her mind wandered so that she made many mistakes.

  She had chosen to do something more menial as the physical exertion would quickly wear out her body and mind. She also silently prayed for Nonye's quick return so she didn't have to visit the prince's quarters any longer.

  Although she yearned to see him, she knew it was better to avoid him. The less interaction they had between each other the better. Going to the stream and keeping to the servant quarters meant she was less likely to encounter him.

  As she walked down the footpath leading from the stream to the palace with her ite balanced on her head, one of the other servant girls approached her.

  "Ezinne, you have to hurry. Your mistress is back," the girl named Oma said.

  Ezinne stopped, unsure if the girl was joking with her. "Are you serious?"

  "I'm serious. You have to hurry back. She doesn't look very pleased at your absence."

  "What am I to do?" Ezinne asked, suddenly panicked because she knew how angry Nonye could get. Nonye would not be happy that she had been helping fetch water when she was assigned to other tasks. "Do you mind taking my ite so I can run back quickly?" she beseeched the other girl, hoping she would help her out.

  "Of course. Give it to me."

  "Thank you so much." She placed the ite on the other girl's head before walking in a hurry back to the palace.


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