Men of Valor, Books 1

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Men of Valor, Books 1 Page 23

by Kiru Taye

  "Thank you for coming, Ezemmuo. I'll walk you to the door." Emeka arose and followed Ezemmuo outside.

  Nonye's grip on Ezinne's hand tightened. "You knew this all along." Her voice barely above a whisper. Ezinne had to strain to hear the words. Nonye's face still looked pale and distressed.

  Ezinne nodded, her stomach feeling heavy. "I did."

  "Why did you never tell me?" Nonye asked, her agitation apparent.

  "Would you have believed me?" Ezinne asked.

  Nonye broke the gaze and looked away shame-faced, her lips turned down, her eyes lowered. It was the first time she'd seen Nonye back away from a confrontation.

  "I promised our mother that I would not tell anyone,” Ezinne added. "The king threatened to kill us all if it ever came out I was his daughter as well. I couldn't take that chance. I had no choice but to keep quiet. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you. I already knew how mean the man could be. I've experienced it firsthand."

  Nonye lifted her sad eyes and held Ezinne's gaze again. "I know. I was shocked when I found out he wanted to sell you to that leery old man, Ichie Uwaluru. But tell me, something else happened, didn't it? I can see it in your eyes."

  "I cannot say." Ezinne shook her head, tears clogging her eyes. She was the one to look away this time.

  "Please. You've kept so much from me, and I'm just finding out that we're sisters. Blood sisters. I'm still in shock. Now I understand why we used to be so close. We were always more than best friends." Nonye pulled on Ezinne's hand tighter, pleading with her eyes, tears glittering in their depths. "Please. I promise to be the best sister you ever had. Just tell me."

  "Ok. You have to promise to not tell a soul."

  "I promise."

  Ezinne paused. "I was raped… by Ichie Uwaluru, and the king knew about it."

  The tears fell from Nonye's eyes. "I'm so sorry for all the pain you've suffered especially the ones I've caused. Please forgive me."

  "I forgave you already. Most of the things you did because you didn't know who I was. It was not your fault."

  Nonye reached across and pulled Ezinne up before hugging her. Tears stung Ezinne's eyes. She lowered her eyelids. For the first time in a long time, she felt as if she really belonged. She'd reconnected with her sister. Things were going to be all right after all. Even if she didn't have Emeka, knowing that Nonye wanted to stay her sister gave her comfort.

  Emeka returned to his obi, and Nonye stood back, wiping her face with her hand.

  "I'll leave the two of you to talk," Nonye said before moving to the door.

  "Nonye, wait. We all need to talk. Your place is here." Emeka held her arm stopping her.

  "Don't go," Ezinne said worried about what Nonye would do now that she knew Ezinne had been with Emeka last night. "I'm sorry about what I did last night with Emeka. I have wronged you."

  Nonye looked from Emeka to Ezinne and shook her head. "Didn't you hear what Ezemmuo said? I'm the impostor in another woman's home. I have no place here." She walked back and took Ezinne's hand putting it on top of Emeka's hand. "I forgive the two of you. You were meant for each other. I kind of knew that from the way you looked at each other for months. I was just blinded by my selfishness to see things for what they were." Her voice sounded choked, and she paused, coughing briefly. "My prince, you better take care of Ezinne or I'll have the warriors of Umulari here in a flash. She is my sister and a princess. You'd better treat her as such."

  Nonye turned to Ezinne and smiled. "You take care of Emeka. He is an honorable man. The best husband you could ever have. Take care of each other. And don't worry about the peace treaty. I'll make sure my father keeps to his side of the bargain." Determination and tears shone in her eyes. Nonye nodded once, withdrew her hands, and walked out the door.

  Ezinne stood there in silence, not knowing what to do, her hand falling to her sides. It was a shock to her that Nonye had so relinquished Emeka and actually given her blessing to the two of them. She looked up at Emeka who also stood watching her in return with such a look of intensity. Her stomach tightened, her heart pounding, heat rose in her body. Was he going to send her away?

  Then with a growl he lifted her into his arms, holding her in a tight hug as if he'd never let her go.

  "Don't ever scare me again like you did today. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you," Emeka spoke, his voice gruff with emotion as he leaned his head against hers.

  "I won't. I've realized that no matter what happens my place is by your side, if you still want me as your wife." Ezinne's voice filled with emotion. She couldn't bear to think of a life without Emeka.

  "Of course I do. Didn't you hear Ezemmuo? You are my wife, divinely chosen by the gods," he said, lifting her chin. The intensity of his feelings shone in his eyes.

  "Then who am I to argue with the gods. I'm yours, here to stay, my prince."

  "Welcome home, my heart. My princess," he said before kissing her with fervor.


  Author's Note

  Thank you to everyone who purchased and read Men of Valor, Books 1 – 3. I hope you enjoyed reading the stories about three courageous women who defied convention in a time when tradition dictated the lives of all, and of the men who loved them regardless.

  If their stories have left you panting for more, don't despair. There are more Men of Valor stories coming soon. We'll get to see Nonye walk the path to redemption in her own story as well as the story for Jide, the palace guard. You can read the prequel to his story in Her Protector, which is free to download.

  Be sure to add me on social media for up-to-date information on upcoming releases. I look forward to connecting with you.

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