Reavers of the Tempest

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Reavers of the Tempest Page 63

by J M D Reid


  Bronith: A hunter who witnessed the moon nymph Eyia dancing upon a moonlit glade. He fell in love with her. But when the moon set, she danced up the moonbeams. He followed her, refusing to be parted from his love. He chases her still, his constellation behind hers in the night sky.


  Chaylene the Shieldmaiden: The Vionese member of the Hopeful Company. When the Hopeful Company was betrayed, Chaylene attacked the Tyrant-King. She surprised Kaltein’s forces and bought the Company time to flee at the cost of her life. Riasruo placed her in the Heavens.

  The Church of Riasruo: The official religion of the majority of the skies. Only the Agerzak barbarians reject Riasruo’s benevolent gifts. The church is symbolized by the five feathery rays of Riasruo. The clergy of the Church is divided between the priestesses who minister to Riasruo’s flock, and the skeins, the male monastic orders that fulfill various, specialized roles. Only Luastria, as Riasruo’s favored race, can serve as clergy, and most come from the Jwauahwii Flock. The Church performs anointments of newborns, marriages, funerals, and Blessings, as well as devotional ceremonies on Dawnsday where effigies are burned in bonfires, symbolizing a person’s sin to be cleansed by the flames.

  The Church (Organization): The lowest members of the clergy are the acolytes. They perform the bulk of the church’s rituals from marriages to funerals. The only services they are not allowed to perform are the Blessings. Priestesses serve in a Parish, which may be a simple temple in a small town to a region of a skyland where they wander on a circuit from village to village. Multiple parishes form a Diocese administered by a Bishopress. Most skylands are a single Diocese, while the large skylands (Les, Vion, Vaarck, and Ulanii) are split into several. The Canton is the largest administration level stretching across multiple skylands. Each of the fifteen Cantons are administered by an Archbishopress who serves on the Synod of the Faithful, the advisory council to the Bishriarch, the head of the Church.

  The Circle of the Stars: The thirteen constellations that encircle the world around the elliptic. As the year passes, the sun rises before a different constellation. The thirteen months of the year are named for them: Yruoujwia, Coajyii, Aernigk, Isame, King Lhesh the Blind, Haashwil, Dread Mehnet, Nmiozhn, Bwuova, Ameche, Neiddar, Lsaapsu, and Hruvv.

  Coinage: With metal being scarce in the skies, coins are manufactured from porcelain with ground gemstones mixed in. With an engine that uses Major Pressure, the coins are hardened to the point of near indestructibility. While all nations, except the Theocracy, mint their own coins, they follow the Vaarckthian model of names. The lowest coin is the Sapphire. 5 Sapphires make up a Ruby. 4 Rubies (20 Sapphires) make up a Diamond. 5 Diamonds (100 Sapphires) make up an Emerald, the largest denomination.

  Constellations: The skies are populated by the heroes, monsters, and mythical beasts of bygone eras, placed in the skies at the whim of Riasruo and Theisseg. The stories and legends of the past are painted on the tapestry of the night sky.

  Cyclones: The Cyclones are mighty maelstroms that rise out of the Storm Below. At the heart of each is an engine called the Eye that sits in a calm center. It glows gold and pulses with lightning shooting out into the Cyclone. The Stormriders’ lives are tied to the Cyclone and are unaffected by its violent winds. If the Eye is not destroyed, the Cyclone can ravage a skyland before the engine’s energy peters out. Every skyland has at least one ship ready to defend its eastern shores. Many questions persist about the Cyclones and the Stormriders.


  The Dawn Empire: The Dawn Empire was founded when Lanii, Riasruo’s daughter, hatched from a golden egg on Jyuou, the easternmost skyland. Lanii’s descendants ruled the skies in peace from Vauabrii on the Skyland of Swuopii. On the first day of 1026 SR (1 AF), the Great Cyclone struck. Xaiutwoa III and her heir Niiwa perished, but her youngest daughter, Yriitwao, survived.

  The Dawn Empire in Exile: In the wake of the Great Cyclone and the loss of Swuopii, Yriitwao II succeeded her dead mother as the Dawn Empress. She established her new capital at Ianwoa on the Skyland of Ulanii. Over the next 150 years, the Dawn Empire contracted as skylands rebelled. In 148 AF (1173 SR), Pwayii III died without an heir. She entrusted the Dawn Empire to the Bishopress of Ulanii, creating the Theocracy of Riasruo.

  Dawnspire: Another name for Sky Towers used in the Autonomy.

  The Desperate Alliance: An alliance of the Dzet Clan, the Jwauahwii Flock, the Soweral Flock, the Vaarck Nation, the Vion Nation, the Ethinsk Tribe, and the Zzuk Tribe against the Wrackthar’s aggression. Iiwroa, the representative of the Jwauahwii Flock, proposed journeying to Mount Wraiucwii and beseeching Riasruo for help. The Hopeful Company was formed, made up of a champion from each nation. Ultimately, the Alliance prevailed and defeated the Wrackthar.

  Dzetian Zalg: The only race of Zalg carried into the skies by Riasruo were the Dzet Clan. They are characterized by brown to yellow fur and beady, black eyes.


  The Empire of Vaarck: Also known as the Vaarckthian Empire. When the ship engines were rediscovered by the Republic of Vaarck, the merchant princes expanded their commerce to the surrounding skylands. When a rebellion threatened them, the Republic appointed Zhnavth Ckaeqoigk to lead their military. After routing the rebellion, the general used the military’s loyalty to declare himself Emperor Zhnavth I Ckaeqoigk. In two hundred years, through a series of expansive conquests, most of the skies were under the Empire’s rule. Only the Theocracy of Riasruo and the Kingdom of Agerz remained free. Thanks to the Agerzak’s metal weapons and fearless prowess in battle, the Empire of Vaarck suffered three devastating defeats attempting to conquer the barbarians. These defeats weakened the empire and emboldened the nationalist rebels around the skies. Today, the Empire only controls the central skies, the heartland of the Vaarckthian peoples.

  Engine: A magical construct with a gem at its core attached to a wooden frame. The combination of the right gem, the right wood, and the right Blessing can produce different results. With ships, the entire hull is the frame. Scholars research new combinations all the time, discovering new devices to ease life or create new weapons. Engines are used in the saddles of flying beasts, to mint coinage, to irrigate fields, and to control the weather. Numerous engines exist for warfare. These weapons are expensive, but most believe the advantages outweigh the costs.

  Ethinski Gezitziz: A race of Gezitziz characterized by red scales with yellow underbellies, and ruby to sapphire eyes. The majority dwell in the Ethinsk Union in the northwestern skylands.

  The Ethinsk Union: The nation of the Ethinski Gezitziz located in the northwestern skylands. The Ethinski won their independence from the Empire in 299 VF. They are famed for their high-quality ceramics, including their fine porcelain. Every seven years, the nation elects a doge to rule their republic.

  Eyia: A moon nymph danced on a moonlit glade before a mortal named Bronith. When morning came, she was forced to leave her lover and return to the moon for a thousand years. But he followed her. Now Eyia rests in the skies, her constellation forever chased by her lover Bronith.


  The Five Sacred Beasts of Riasruo: When the world was in its infancy, Riasruo created five beasts to teach the mortal races. Thus were born: the Vermilion Roc Coajyii, the Golden Hawk Lsaapsu, the Alabaster Ostrich Hruvv, the Azure Songbird Shian, and the Rainbow Peacock Xiadwul. The popularity of her beasts only increased Theisseg’s jealousy and led to the start of the Sisters’ War.

  The Free Nests of the Soweral: The nation of the Sowerese Luastria dominates the northern skies. The ships of the Free Nests are the fastest. The country won its independence from the Empire of Vaarck in 308 VF. The Free Nests are a constitutional monarchy led by an empress who is advised by the parliament.

  The Fringe: A region of the Autonomy that used to be the two Agerzak Kingdoms: Thusseldem and Mecheissen. During the Pirate Wars, the Autonomy subjugated this region to gain safer shipping lines to the Great Empty and the lucrative whale oil. The conquered territory was nickn
amed the Fringe. The Autonomy colonized the area, establishing sugar and pineapple plantations.


  The Gezitziz: A species of lizard-like, bipedal humanoids. Their origins lie in the Age of Mist when Haashwil, a serpent-like Szezziith, was rewarded by Riasruo and granted arms and legs. Two tribes of Gezitziz were carried into the sky at the end of the Wrackthar War: the Zzuki and the Ethinski.

  The Grand Temple of Riasruo: The seat of power of the Church. It resides atop a hill overlooking the city of Ianwoa on the Skyland of Ulanii. From here the Bishriarch and the Synod administers the faithful of Riasruo. At its pinnacle resides the Sun Lance.

  The Great Cyclone: On the Summer Solstice, the first Cyclone attacked. It struck the great Skyland of Swuopii, dragging it and the other eastern skylands down into the Storm Below and leaving behind the Great Empty.

  The Great Empty: The great sky to the east. Haunted by vast clouds of krill that nourish the mighty whales.


  The Hopeful Company: A group of seven heroes, one from each nation of the Desperate Alliance, who sought to reach Mount Wraiucwii and gain Riasruo’s aid during the Wrackthar War. Led by Iiwroa, the company faced many dangers, but ultimately succeeded and gained her Blessings, shifting the fortunes of the Wrackthar War. The members were: Iiwroa (Diplomat of the Jwauahwii Flock), Rakl (Miner of the Dzet Clan), Ukzin (Spearman of the Ethinsk Tribe), Nreef (Swordrooster of the Soweral Flock), Qobthien (Huntsmen of the Vaarck Nation), Chaylene (Shieldmaiden of the Vion Nation), and Zzupwish (Broodmother of the Zzuk Tribe). Only Iiwroa survived the company’s journey.


  Iiwroa: A Jwauahwiian diplomat and leader of the Hopeful Company. Only she and Qobthien survived to reach the summit of Mount Wraiucwii. She beseeched Riasruo and was given the Goddess’s Blessings. Qobthien perished on the return journey. With this new magic, the Desperate Alliance defeated the Wrackthar. Iiwroa perished at the end of the Wrackthar War.


  Jwauahwiian: A race of Luastria characterized by brown feathers while the males have bright red feathers about their eyes and throat. They have eyes that range from green to gold. The Jwauahwii Flock dominates the Church of Riasruo. While they can be found throughout the skies ministering to the followers of Riasruo, they primarily dwell in the Theocracy of Riasruo in the northeastern skies.

  Jwiaswo: A minor deity and one of Riasruo’s lovers. He embodies the Red Moon. He is full every 104 days on the first evening of a new season. The only evening he and his brother are full at the same time is the Summer Solstice, which marks the start of a new year.


  Kaltein: The Tyrant-King of the Wrackthar Humans. His lust for power led him to free Theisseg by sacrificing Hruvv, the last living Sacred Beast, atop Mount Wraiucwii. With the Dark Goddess’s Blessings, the Wrackthar quickly conquered and enslaved the world. Only the Desperate Alliance resisted. When Riasruo granted his enemies her Blessings, Kaltein’s forces were defeated. Forced back to Romeich, his castle, Kaltein summoned the Storm out of spite and perished.

  The Kingdom of Agerz: The origins of the Agerzaks are lost to the confusion of the Age of Isolation. The Agerzaks, believed to be Stormriders, conquered and colonized the eastern sky, circa 200 AF (1225 SR). When flying ships were rediscovered, the Vaarckthians were surprised to find the barbarians occupying the bones of the Queendom of Xwuoupy, the Duchy of Thugri, the Kingdom of Amev, and the Empire of the South. After weathering three wars against the Empire of Vaarck, civil war fractured the Kingdom of Agerz into a myriad of domains. In twenty years, eight petty kingdoms emerged.


  Lanii: The daughter of Riasruo. On the Summer Solstice, right after the skylands were lifted above the Storm, a golden egg hatched on Jyuou, the easternmost skyland. Lanii emerged fully-grown. The survivors of the Wrackthar War proclaimed her their Dawn Empress by universal acclaim. Lanii ruled with wisdom before ascending into the Heavens to become the constellation called the Golden Daughter, leaving behind her daughter Xaiutwoa I, to rule the Empire of the Dawn.

  The Luastria: A species of bird-like humanoids. The most favored race of Riasruo. Only Luastria, primarily of the Jwauahwii Flock, are priestesses for Riasruo. Luastria live longer than Humans.


  Marriage Day: A holiday celebrated on the Fourteenth of Hruvvoa in the southern skies of the Autonomy. Commemorates the day the Duchy of Vesche and the Kingdom of Arxo were united.

  Metal: The rarest material in the skies. The only sources were those the original inhabitants brought up from the ground below two thousand years ago, and the armor and weapons scavenged after a Cyclone attack. Most metal is hoarded by various governments, used to produce compasses and the dies that stamp coinage. Ceramics and bones have replaced most uses of metal in the skies.

  Moon Nymphs: A race of celestial beings who dwell on the two moons. Once every thousand years, they descend on the moonbeams to dance the night away in forested glades or lonely hills. When dawn comes, they have to return to the moons. Eyia is the most famous Moon Nymph.

  Mount Wraiucwii: The tallest peak in the world. At its summit lies the Temple of the Heights. Here was the only spot that Riasruo or Theisseg would step foot on the world. Haashwil used this knowledge to trap Theisseg at the end of the Sisters’ War. During the Wrackthar Wars, the Hopeful Company fought through the Wrackthar to reach the summit and speak with Riasruo.


  The Neta Skywars: The Empire invaded the Autonomy to resubjugate the nation from 343-347 VF. At the end of the war, the Empire lost four skylands: Antil, Nyame, Rhebe, and Ambre.


  The Office of State Investigations: The Autonomy of Les-Vion’s law enforcement department tasked with investigating crimes that span more than a single skyland. They are a small organization with few offices outside of the major cities of the Autonomy. The investigators are nicknamed “griffons” because they possess the same tenacity as the wild beasts and because they wear the double-headed griffin of the Autonomy sewn as a badge on their black waistcoats, above the heart. They operate Rhision Prison in southern Rhogre where the Stormtouched are quarantined by the Autonomy.


  The Petty Kingdom of the Agerzaks: Eight small kingdoms that formed out of the fractured Kingdom of the Agerz. The young kingdoms are constantly warring with each other while sheltering the various pirate bands that plague the skies. Two of the Petty Kingdoms, Thusseldem and Mecheissen, were conquered in 356 VF by the Autonomy. At present, the Petty Kingdoms are: Estapf, Femch, Lepfen, Ruppen, Sobben, and Yoharen.

  The Pirate War: To have safer access to the lucrative whales of the Great Empty, the Autonomy conquered the southern two Agerzak Kingdoms: Thusseldem and Mecheissen. The war lasted from 355-356 VF.

  The Principality of Wlensk: A lone skyland in the western skies independent from the other nations. Populated by Zzuki Gezitziz and ruled by the Grenl family, descendants of the first Prince of Wlensk.


  Qobthien: Huntsman of the Vaarckthians and member of the Hopeful Company. Only he and Iiwroa survived to reach the mountain’s summit. Qobthien had to carry her up the mountain. He died on the journey back from Mount Wraiucwii.


  Riasruo: The Goddess of the Sun. The Goddess Above. When Priopii, the sky, sang Creation into being to cure her loneliness, she birthed the twin goddesses, Riasruo and Theisseg. Together, the sisters sang the world and its inhabitants into being. For a time, the sisters lived in harmony. But Theisseg grew jealous of the attention the mortal races gave Riasruo.

  Rope: A unit of measurement. The average Human male stands two ropes tall.

  The Rosy Prayer: A wordless song of worship sung to the first rays of the rising sun on the Summer Solstice. Originally sung by the Dawn Empress from atop the Tower of Morning. After since the Great Cyclone, it is sung at every temple of Riasruo across the skies.


  The Sisters’ War: When the mortal races reviled Theisseg’s monstrous children, the goddess became incensed. She
unleashed her children upon the world. The war raged until Haashwil tricked Theisseg and trapped her upon Mount Wraiucwii.

  The Skeins: Monastic orders of the Church of Riasruo made up of male Luastria. Each is devoted to a different calling. The Skein of Charity runs soup kitchens and collects clothing for the poor, the Skein of Devotion spend their days singing songs of love to Riasruo, the Skein of Hospitality runs hospitals and clinics, and the Skein of Adjudication settles disputes between the other parties.

  The Skein of Adjudication: Formed out of the Theological Treaty at the end of the Age of Isolation. The Church of Riasruo had fragmented into a myriad collection of sects, many with quite heretical views. The Bishriarch created the Skein of Adjudication to bring all these sects into the correct teachings through diplomacy, proselytizing, and compromise. Secretly, they also employ various methods of assassination, including poisons and plagues. In the present day, the skein has dwindled to almost nothing.

  Sky Tower: Artifacts left over from the Dawn Empire. Their use and purpose was lost during the Age of Isolation. There are only a few scattered across the skies. They are tall towers made out of crystal. Also known as: Dawnspires, Crystal Teeth, Sunrays, False Towers, and Diamond Hearts.

  Skyreef: Drifting rocks that float through the skies. Usually they move in large patches of tumbling boulders. Fish often live around skyreefs. They are a hazard to navigation, but usually drift so slow they can be avoided.

  Skyrift: Great walls of clouds rushing down to the Storm Below. Rifts suck up anything that gets too close. Most ships take a wide berth around them.

  Sowerese: A race of Luastria characterized by gray feathers spotted brown, with the males having bright-green crests on their heads and black feathers on their bodies. They have red or blue eyes. The Soweral Flock lives primarily in the Free Nests of the Soweral in the northern skies.


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