Dalton, Tymber - Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Dalton, Tymber - Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Demon Seed [Siren Classic] (mobi)

  Her anxiety ratcheted up when she felt a cool breeze brush against her arm, not like the air-conditioner, but something cold and clammy.

  Kal started slapping at the buttons, fighting her panic, until she found the one at the bottom that tripped the buzzer. The cool breeze worked its way up her bare arm, across her shoulder, to the back of her neck.

  With her heart hammering in her chest, Kal started pounding on the door and screaming for help.

  The cold breeze encircled her neck and settled against her other ear. In her mind, as if whispered to her, she heard a soft, “Hello.”

  Her control snapped.

  In the total blackness she started crying, screaming as she attempted to pry the door open and kicked at it. After another interminable moment she heard Aidan on the other side.

  “Kal, honey? Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m not freaking okay! Get me the heck out of here right now!”

  “I’m working on it.”

  “There’s something in here with me!” She continued screaming and kicking, pounding on the door. The cold feeling slithered down her other arm before wrapping around her legs.

  “What did you say, Kal?” Aidan asked.

  “Get me out!” she shrieked.

  A moment later, the lights came back on, making Kal scream again. She whirled around, crying, certain she’d see…


  She was alone.

  A moment later the door opened, the elevator stuck three feet above the floor below her destination. Aidan reached in and pulled her out and into his arms. He was alone.

  “You okay, babe?”

  She nodded. She tried to quit crying, but now that relief had displaced her fear, she clung to him, desperate, emotionally overloaded as the adrenaline crash hit her.

  “Shh, it’s okay, babe,” he softly reassured her. When she recovered, he held her at arm’s length. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She wiped her face on her shirt. “I’m sorry, I guess I freaked out.”

  “What was it?”

  She started to say, then paused. “I…guess I just freaked out. Not enough sleep and the total darkness got to me.”

  He nodded, but looked concerned. “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” She started to head for the stairs—no way in heck she’d ride that elevator again—and stopped. “Crumzola. The camera.”

  He smiled and held out his hand. “Let’s you and me go get it together. We’ll walk.”

  She smiled and let out a relieved breath as she laced her fingers through his. “Thanks, Aidan.”

  * * * *

  Aidan waited until the next Sunday evening to talk to Ryan again. He found his boss alone, cooking in his Atlanta condo.

  “Expecting company?” Aidan slipped onto one of the barstools at the counter.

  Ryan glanced up from the skillet. “Not particularly. To what do I owe this visit?”

  Aidan nervously twisted his hands together. “What’s going on, Ryan? Why are you so insistent that Kal and Will be together?”

  “I have my reasons. You should know that.” He glanced at him. “You haven’t done a very good job at keeping them together, have you now?”

  Aidan wouldn’t meet Ryan’s gaze. “I don’t want Will to bolt.”

  “You’re practically hiding her from him. That’s not what I wanted. Even you’re smart enough to know that.”

  “I love her.”

  Ryan arched an eyebrow at Aidan, who clarified. “Like a sister. Duh.” He studied his hands. “She reminds me a lot of Chloe,” he quietly added.

  Aidan knew he didn’t imagine that Ryan’s posture changed, stiffened. Yeah, a low blow and a calculated risk, but he had to find out what in home’s name Ryan’s game was. He also knew he didn’t imagine the sudden tension in Ryan’s voice.

  “That took place many years ago. You know damn well I don’t wish to talk about her.”

  “You’re not going to hurt them, are you?”

  Ryan glared at Aidan, his green eyes blazing. “Do you really need to ask me that? Have we not been through enough together, known each other long enough to answer that question?”

  “You know what I mean. Don’t give me that self-righteous crap.” Aidan composed his thoughts for a moment while he watched Ryan cook. “She’s a good person. She’s a total, complete innocent. You’re not trying to bring her into The Firm, are you?”

  Ryan slammed a pot onto the stove and jabbed his wooden spoon in the air at Aidan, spattering béarnaise sauce on the counter in the process. “What did I just tell you, Faust?” Ryan’s voice rose, loud and strident. “Do not question me or what I must do! I have my reasons. That’s all you need to know.”

  Aidan studied the other man. “You won’t tell me what’s going on because you don’t want Will to find out. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  Ryan’s shoulders slumped. “Drop it, please. Just do as I ask.” He waved his hand and Aidan disappeared, sent back to Tampa. Ryan looked at the food, then dumped it in the sink and used the garbage disposal to take care of it.

  He’d lost his appetite. Aidan was a man with a good heart. A truly good heart. He was loyal and loving and protective of those he considered friends and family.

  Unfortunately, Ryan didn’t need a good-hearted man. What he needed was a well-positioned sneak to push Kal and Will together and get the ball rolling. Aidan had done everything possible except throwing a blanket over Kal and buying her a chastity belt to keep Will away from her.

  He sighed. That left him with only one alternative, the one he’d hoped he wouldn’t have to resort to. Besides being risky, it would make him even less popular than he already was. Not that popularity was a huge concern of his. Unfortunately, there was no other way.

  After washing the dishes, Ryan walked to the living room, sat on the couch, and closed his eyes. Once done, he couldn’t undo it. He allowed himself no grief, no regret. The past was over, no matter how much he wished he could relive it. Will had to return to The Firm. Despite Ryan’s repeated attempts throughout the years, Will had steadfastly refused to rejoin them. Ryan had hoped Will wouldn’t force his hand, allowing him the chance to pursue a little happy ever after of his own for a change.

  It wasn’t to be.

  Considering his position, perhaps that was for the best after all. His own happiness was irrelevant. He had a job to do.

  Ryan touched his dark red garnet amulet and muttered a low, rumbling incantation dredged from the bowels of his memory. As the dark mist gathered and congealed in front of Ryan, he gave it the information it needed before sending it on its way. Then he stood and walked to the kitchen. There he poured himself three fingers of bourbon, straight, and downed it.

  Chapter Six

  After several weeks in Tampa, Kal received news that the network had set up a huge out-of-town shoot in Gainesville. Kal had never been there before. They would investigate two locations over several days. She packed for the trip, relieved to know she’d be riding with Aidan. She’d come to look forward to road trips with him, enjoyed the hours spent laughing at his goofy sense of humor and their playful banter.

  All in all, in the time she’d been part of the Otherworlds crew she’d spent maybe a total of six hours in close proximity to Will Hellenboek. All of that time with his stony, unsmiling gaze trying to focus anywhere but on her.

  The Great Brooding One really was a mystery of epic proportions. Perhaps the show should investigate him.

  Kal had learned to not ask Aidan too much about Will, because he wouldn’t answer and it made him uncomfortable ducking her questions. Instead, she observed. She got good at eavesdropping on their conversations in the office and watching Will’s interactions with others in a group. Will never smiled, but no one got the same chilly reception she did.

  She was the only girl on the crew.

  Come to think of it, the only times she saw Will interact with women were in restaurants or with hotel staff. Even those conversations he kept to clipped, short exchanges, th
e bare minimum needed to complete a transaction. Oddly enough, fans didn’t seem to be an issue. When she went out alone with Aidan—which was most of the time, because he’d apparently adopted her—it wasn’t unusual for their meal to be interrupted by a fan looking for an autograph. Will’s chilly essence kept fans away, almost to the point they didn’t seem to recognize him in public despite his wild popularity. Kal couldn’t ever remember seeing a fan approach Will. Aidan, and to a lesser extent Purson and Gery and some of the investigators, were always asked to sign autographs or have pictures taken.

  They reached their motel and settled in for the evening. Her room was next to Aidan’s. After eating dinner with the crew and other investigators—this time all men—Aidan invited himself over to Kal’s room for a few games of poker.

  He delighted teaching her the game, and she admitted she enjoyed it. They never played for money, although Aidan couldn’t help teasing her about one day coaxing her into strip poker.

  She got the distinct impression he only teased though, and wasn’t seriously flirting.

  No surprise, Will didn’t eat breakfast with them the next morning. Kal spent the day with Aidan, scouting the locations and taking notes, coordinating with the film crew for B-roll opportunities and setup shots. Lunchtime, no Will. Aidan assured her that The Great Brooding One was fine and simply holed up in his room taking care of other business. But from the set of Aidan’s jaw and tone of voice, Kal knew he was covering for Will. Again. Most likely Will was staying away because of her.

  On the one hand it irritated her, and she took it personally. Was she so horrible to work with that he couldn’t bear the sight of her? She had no problems with any other crew members or investigators. That left Will as the common denominator.

  He’d have to suck it up or he’d have eleven miserable months ahead of him.

  Will blew off another preproduction meeting before dinner. Then the crew took an hour of free time before heading to the first location.

  Kal rode from the hotel with Aidan. She knew he hadn’t told Will she’d be on location tonight—Will thought she’d be working with the second film crew at the other location—and hoped the fireworks would be kept to a minimum.

  “I’m sick of this,” she groused. “What is his deal, anyway? Just tell me and get it over with,” she demanded as a way of breaking the uncomfortable silence.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a terrible liar,” she said.

  She couldn’t read the emotion behind his smile. “So I’ve been told.”

  “Then answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  “What is. The deal. With Will?” Not that she expected Aidan’s answer to be any different than all the other times she’d asked him that exact same question.

  “He’s a very private guy, sugar. He’d have my balls if I talk to you about him.”

  “Why doesn’t he want women on any of the shoots? I deserve an answer.”

  Aidan nervously shifted behind the wheel. She knew his fidgeting was more than trying to get comfortable. “He just doesn’t. It’s a personal thing for him.”

  “He’s not gay, is he?”

  “Do we really have to have this conversation?”

  “Look, I need this job, you want this job, so why don’t you work with me instead of against me? Give me something I can use to get into Will’s good graces.”

  Aidan sighed. “It’s not you, I’ve told you that.” He was quiet for a long moment. “He doesn’t want to get involved with anyone.”

  Kal processed that for several minutes. “What? How does that in any way relate to us working together? He can’t keep his pants zipped around women? He throws himself at them? He’s a male nymphomaniac? That makes no sense.”

  Aidan shook his head. “I can’t tell you any more than that, sweet cheeks. Just let me take the lead. You’re right that we all have to work together. That means you have to trust me.” He turned his gaze on her. “Can you do that?”

  Frustrated at Aidan’s lack of information, and with no other choice, Kal slumped in her seat. “Fine.”

  * * * *

  Will was already inside the building and directing setup when they arrived. Aidan took Kal around to a side entrance and kept her presence from Will until they turned a corner and bumped into him while he was adjusting an improperly positioned infrared camera.

  Will took a step back. “What is she doing here? She’s supposed to be at the other location tonight.”

  Aidan stepped between them. “She’s going to hang with me all night. She doesn’t want to be here any more than you want her here, so chill out. She’s got a contract she has to fulfill or she gets screwed. Calm down, dude. Show a little respect, okay? She’s just doing her job. I’ll take care of her.”

  Will’s eyes skipped over her face, to the floor, skittered across her again and then to Aidan. Every time Will’s gaze met hers, Kal felt sweet, tingly heat build in places she wasn’t used to feeling warmth.

  “Just see you do, Aidan. We talked about this, dammit.” Will glanced at her and dropped his gaze again.

  Why the heck wouldn’t he look at her?

  Will took a deep breath. “I told you, Kal, it’s nothing personal. I’m sorry. I have my own way of doing things, and the network is sticking their nose in where it doesn’t belong. I know it’s not your fault. I’m sorry you’re caught in the middle of all this.”

  She’d expected anything but an apology from him. She nodded. “Okay. Thanks.” Well, that could be called progress, I suppose.

  Will turned and quickly strode away as they stared at his back.

  Aidan released a long, relieved breath. “See? That wasn’t so bad. Come on. Let’s scope this place out.”

  * * * *

  Will swore under his breath and walked out to his car. He leaned against it and gulped the night air, tried to get Kal’s scent out of his lungs.

  What the fuck was it about her that did this to him? His cock throbbed inside his jeans, not an unfamiliar sensation over the years, but it wanted to rip free from his body and follow her and do things to her he hadn’t done in…

  He shook his head as another stabbing bolt of pain pierced his soul. This was way more than getting a piece of ass. There was something going on, and that fueled his discomfort even more than the obvious feelings she instilled in him. Her voice drilled straight through his brain, in a good way, staying in his memories and refusing to leave. She smelled sooo damn good, too. Fuck, it felt worse than being in a bakery with chocolate chip cookies in the oven. He wanted to bend her over and…

  Will squeezed his eyes shut and tightened his fists until his fingernails dug into his palms. The pain eventually brought his brain and other rebellious parts of his anatomy under control. Fuck. She could not stay on the shoot tonight, not anywhere close to him. Not in the same room, Christ, not even in the same building. He couldn't handle it. He couldn’t stand not burying his face in her hair and holding her body against his.

  On the heels of that, the old, familiar pain flared in his soul, agonizing, shredding him from the inside out.

  Oh yes. That was enough to help him focus on his purpose again. To be out of pain would be a blessing even if it meant giving up a beauty such as Kal.

  After several more minutes, Will’s heart finally slowed from a wild gallop to a raging trot, and he returned to the base to check the equipment again.

  * * * *

  Cabrio, one of their longtime volunteer investigators, was a popular guy who usually had a calm, reliable head on his shoulders. He agreed to take on the third floor and didn’t mind working alone when the situation called for it. The building was so frigging big, they had to split up or they’d never get it completely covered in the time allotted.

  At the far end of the third floor, he set up a folding chair in a room pegged as having activity and sat, listening.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that his EMF meter wasn’t spiking, he’d swear he felt high levels.
A creeping feeling washed over him. When he turned his head, he swore a shadow slid from his field of vision.

  After ten minutes of this he carefully stood and slowly backed out of the room. There was something there, and he had to get one of the other guys up there with the FLIR to take a closer look.

  * * * *

  Cabrio emphatically pressed the issue back at base. “Aidan, I’m telling you, someone needs to go check that room. Seriously.”

  Aidan looked at Purs. “What do you think?”

  He shrugged. “Gery and I are still working on the other end, we’re not done yet and it’s after midnight. You and Will should go check it out.”

  Aidan looked at Kal. “You’ll be okay here by yourself?”

  “Yeah. Why?” she asked.

  Aidan didn’t want to admit in front of everyone that Cabrio wasn’t the only one seeing shadows. He thought he’d caught a whiff of something earlier, but without any proof he wasn’t about to say anything around the volunteers. Not tonight, because whatever it was, it felt…


  Adrian watched as Cabrio set off to talk to Will. Kal studied him. “What’s going on, Aid?”

  He forced a smile. “Too much caffeine and not enough sleep, I think.”

  I hope, he thought.

  * * * *

  Gery and Purson returned to the far end of the building. Purson looked at Gery. “It’s not my imagination, is it?”

  Gery agreed. “Something’s off around here. You feel it, too?”

  Purs looked around. “I don’t know what it is. It feels different than it did earlier. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t imagining it.”

  “Not something good?”

  Purs shook his head. “No. Not even in the same universe as good.” He looked at Gery. “If it was up to me, I’d shut the shoot down right now. We’re being stalked.”

  * * * *


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