PAWSitively Sinister (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 11)

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PAWSitively Sinister (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 11) Page 5

by Patricia Fry

  Ruth let out a sigh as she and Savannah watched Mattie walk away. Before reaching the cab, she stopped. “Hey, don’t forget to call. I promised Mims I’d get her some help.”

  The two women waved and nodded.

  Once the cab had disappeared from view, Ruth put her hand on Savannah’s arm. “Thank you so much. I don’t think I could have done it on my own. There is just too much history between us. I resent her for what she did to our parents and I think she is jealous of me—or the way she perceives my life to be.”

  Savannah nodded. “I’m sure she is.” She then said, “You seem a little overwhelmed by her presence.”

  “Overwhelmed?” Ruth said. “Oh yes, that is a good word for it. I do not want to become her… pushover… know what I mean? … her easy touch… ”

  “Yes. You can’t rescue her from herself. She can’t expect you to be her… ”

  “Saving Grace?” Ruth said. “No way, José.” She thought for a moment and said, “But I would love to help her help herself if and when she is ready to get off the streets and become a productive citizen.” She waved her hand in front of her face as the tears welled in her eyes. She cleared her throat and asked, “So, what do you think? Do you want to involve Rochelle? Could she help Mattie’s friend like she helped Artie?”

  Savannah placed Lily back in the stroller and sprinkled a few baby puff snacks in the tray before responding. “All we can do is ask. I don’t think Rochelle has her shingle out in any sort of formal manner, but she seems to like helping in situations where she can.” She thought for a moment and said, “I’ll call her this afternoon. She just might be interested in working with this woman. Sounds like it could be a fascinating case.”

  “Like Artie’s,” Ruth said.

  Savannah nodded slowly. “Yeah, it could actually be similar to his—a blocked memory—something too awful to face.” She looked beyond Ruth. “Hey want to go see what the guys are digging up?”

  Ruth looked at her watch. “I’d better go help Laura, Gail, and the others. I’ve been gone quite a bit this morning. Both women stood and Ruth hugged Savannah. “Thank you again for being here for me. It means a lot.” She pulled back and looked up at Savannah, saying, “You’re a good friend.”

  “You, too, Ruth. Thank you for trusting me to get involved in your family matters.”

  Ruth laughed. “Oh, I do not think I have done you any favors by dragging you in.”

  “Hey,” Savannah said, “anything I can do to help… just call me. I’ll be in touch after I talk to Rochelle.”

  Ruth nodded, then said to Lily, “’Bye, little one,” before walking off toward the mansion.

  “Let’s go see what Daddy’s doing,” Savannah said, making sure Lily was strapped into the stroller.

  “Da-da?” Lily said. “Da-da?”

  “Yes,” Savannah said excitedly, “Da-da.” She stooped over and kissed the baby on the forehead. “You said, Da-da. Now let’s go show Da-da your new word.”


  When Savannah and Lily arrived at the site, the digging project had been completed and the rented equipment was being loaded onto a trailer.

  “Hi, hon,” Michael greeted, when he saw his wife approaching. He said to the baby, “Whatcha doin’, punkin’?”

  “Tell Daddy what you said, Lily,” Savannah prompted. “Daddy, Daddy,” she repeated.

  Lily looked at Savannah, then reached for her dad.

  “Who is that, Lily?” Savannah asked. “Is that Daddy?”

  But the baby wasn’t going to speak. She just stretched her arms out toward Michael and began to whine.

  “Did she say ‘daddy?’” Michael asked as he unbuckled her from the stroller and lifted her into his arms.

  Savannah nodded. “She said ‘da-da’ just as plain as day.”

  “Awww, did you say da-da? You’re such a smart little girl, aren’t you?” he said, tickling her tummy to make her giggle.

  “So did the digging tool work?” Savannah asked.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Come look how wide the pit is at the bottom. We could have a party down there.”

  “Wow! Looks like the papers got buried,” she noticed.

  “’Fraid so,” Michael said. “Arthur and Suzette are looking for a taller ladder and some brooms. We may even need to use shovels to move the dirt that fell. I hope all this effort is worth it.” He nodded toward the bungalows where he’d seen Savannah talking with Ruth and Mattie. “How’d it go with Ruth’s sister?”

  “Okay, I guess. I need to call Rochelle and see if she’ll work with Mattie’s friend like she did with Arthur—but she has no money to pay her, so I’m not sure it’ll work out.”

  Just then Arthur and Suzette walked up carrying an eight-foot ladder. “What about Ms. Rochelle?” Arthur asked. “Someone wants to see her and can’t afford it?”

  “Yes, Ruth’s sister’s friend—the one who used to live here. She’s having frightening nightmares and Mattie believes that visiting the mansion triggered them. Well, I guess they started when she saw an ad in the paper for the estate sale. There could be something in Miriam’s past that’s… haunting her.”

  He hesitated before saying, “I’ll help. I’ll pay Ms. Rochelle if she wants to work with the woman.”

  “Arthur, that’s generous… ” Savannah started to say.

  “Hey, if it has to do with this… place… where evil seems to lurk… I feel partly responsible. I’d like to help.”

  She stared at him for a few seconds, then said, “Okay. I’ll let Ruth know so she can tell her sister. But first, I’d better call Rochelle and see if she even wants to work with Miriam.”

  As Savannah walked a short distance away to make the phone call, Michael gestured toward the pit, “So, Arthur, are you going down there?”

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Can you manage it?” Michael asked.

  “I think so.” He grimaced. “I’ll be glad when I finish the plastic surgery, though, and get my full range of motion back.”

  “Yeah, you’ll be so much more agile after all of your surgeries,” Suzette said, smiling. “It’s a bummer when the scars hamper your movement. I even was able to play soccer at school after my surgery scars were healed and after therapy. It was way cool to be free of the restrictions. If your doctors are as good as mine, you’ll be really thrilled with the results.”

  “I hope so,” he said, “but I have a long way to go before I’m able to play soccer or even go bowling.” He sighed. “Okay, I’m going down. Where’s that tote bag thing you brought out, Suzette?”

  “Here,” she said, handing him a denim bag with handles. She then kissed him. “Have a good trip.”

  “Wait,” Michael said. He took a broom from Suzette and tossed it down into the hole. “Why carry it?”

  “Indeed,” Arthur said, laughing.

  Michael and Suzette watched as Arthur eased down the ladder into the pit. He spent some time down there carefully sweeping the loose dirt to one side and picking up all of the documents he could find scattered around the floor. After several minutes, he shoved the papers into the tote bag, slung it over his shoulder, and began the slow climb out of the small cavern. Michael placed Lily back in the stroller and when Arthur emerged, he took the bag, so Arthur could more easily step off the ladder. “So what do you have here?” Michael asked.

  “I’m not sure. It may take a while to sort it all out.”

  “Well, let’s get started,” Suzette suggested. “Aren’t you guys super-curious?”

  “Sure am,” Michael said. “Arthur, did you get everything?”

  “I think so.” He peered into the hole. “This is all I could find.”

  “Here, let’s pull the ladder out and I’ll cover the hole with that piece of plywood,” Michael said. “We don’t want visitors… or cats… falling in.”

  After Arthur helped Michael pull the ladder up and cover the hole, he picked up the tote, saying, “I’ll go spread these out over the dining room table where
we can organize them. Coming Savannah?” Arthur called when he saw her walking back toward them after making the phone call.

  “Where?” she asked.

  “We’re going to examine these documents and see if we can figure out why they were tossed down there.”

  “Let me feed Lily and put her down. Where will you be?”

  “Dining room.”

  “I’ll meet you in there.” Before walking away pushing the stroller, Savannah asked Michael, “Hon, will you put her portable crib somewhere closer to where we’ll be?”

  “Sure. Did you talk to Rochelle?”

  “Yes. She and Peter are coming out this afternoon. They’re interested in the sale. And she also wants to talk to Miriam, if we can get in touch with her. I texted Ruth and asked her to call her sister.”

  Michael nodded. “Good.” He then said to Arthur, “I’m going with Savannah to get the baby settled. We’ll meet you in the dining room in about twenty minutes to see what secrets are in those mysterious documents.”

  Suddenly, Michael noticed Savannah staring off into the distance. “What is it, hon?”

  “Oh, I see Pearl out there among the roses. If you don’t mind, Michael, I’d like to go speak to her.”

  “No problem,” he said. “I’ll change Lily and feed her.”

  “Great. Thanks. I’ll catch up with you two later,” she said, kissing both of them before heading toward the rose garden.

  “Hi there, Pearl,” Savannah said as she approached.

  Startled, the woman peered up from a kneeling position. “Oh, hello Savannah,” she responded, lifting herself up using the rails on her gardening bench. “Come down for the big sale?” she asked.

  Savannah smiled. “Sorta. Michael has a conference in the city and we thought we’d spend a few days helping Arthur.” She focused on the older woman. “How are you?”

  Pearl tightened her lips. “Pretty good, I guess.”

  “The roses are lovely,” Savannah observed.

  “It’s been a good year for them,” Pearl explained.

  “I’m sure they’re responding to your care,” Savannah offered. After an awkward silence, she said, “Pearl, I want to thank you again for coming to my aunt’s rescue when… we… ”

  “Got lost wandering around in the marsh… at night… chasing after a cat?” Pearl said with a half-smile.

  Savannah nodded. “Yes. I don’t know what we would have done… ”

  “Nor do I,” Pearl said, rather sternly.

  “As I said at the time, if there’s anything we can do… ” Savannah started.

  “Thanks,” Pearl said. “I still don’t know what my future will be.” She took a deep breath. “Thank God for Arthur. He hired an attorney for me, you know, and he got me out on bail.”

  Savannah rested one hand on the woman’s arm. “Arthur believes in you, Pearl. He remembers now what happened that weekend when he and Karen were children, and he’s ready to tell the truth in court.”

  She shook her head. “Yeah, if they believe him after all these years of silence.” She looked Savannah in the eyes and took her hand. “Thank you, Savannah. It means a lot. I’m sorry for sounding so negative. It’s been… rough.” She glanced around her. “I don’t know what I’d have done without my rose garden.” She nodded toward the mansion. “… and my grandson.” She looked up at Savannah. “You know, I always thought of them as my grandchildren. I’ve never been the same since… ” She then picked up her pruners and turned toward a rose bush. When she faced Savannah again, she handed her a large yellow rose and smiled. “Thank you, Savannah, for your kind words and your offer. I certainly will let you know if there’s anything I need.”

  Feeling as though she’d been dismissed, Savannah nodded. “Good luck, Pearl. I’m sure everything will be okay.”

  Pearl’s smile was strained. “Thanks,” she said. She started to turn away, but instead said, “What are they digging out there for, do you know?”

  “Well, it seems that this place has even more secrets. Arthur found something strange out in that old pond the other day. Didn’t he tell you about it?”

  When Pearl shook her head, Savannah said, “There’s some sort of underground chamber out there and the guys dug up some personal documents that had been hidden or discarded in there. In fact, I’d better go join them, they’re just about ready to do the big reveal—see if we can figure out what they mean and why they’re in that pit.”

  Pearl looked puzzled for a moment. Shrugging, she returned her attention to the roses.

  Chapter 3

  It was one fifteen in the afternoon. Lily slept peacefully in her portable crib in a corner of the large dining room as the two couples ate sandwiches Savannah and Suzette had made. They’d resumed sorting the documents, when Savannah received a text.

  “It’s from Rochelle,” she announced. “They just pulled into the drive. I’ll go show them in.” Upon entering the living room, she noticed that Ruth was marking some of the merchandise. She called out, “Hi Ruth. Rochelle and Peter are here. Is Miriam going to make it?”

  Ruth nodded. “Mattie said they would be here by two thirty. I will call to see if they are on schedule.”

  “Great,” Savannah said before heading toward the front door. “Hi, you two,” she greeted when she saw Peter and Rochelle walking up the steps. “Come on in. Did you bring your pocketbook?” she quipped. She looked out at the sky, adding, “… and your umbrella. Looks like it’s going to rain.”

  “Yeah,” Peter said. “We got a few sprinkles driving out here.”

  “Oh my, look at all this great stuff,” Rochelle said, glancing around the room. “I could get lost in here.”

  “Better give me your credit card for safe-keeping,” Peter joked. He then enveloped Savannah in a bear hug. “Hi, pretty woman. How are you?”

  “Excellent,” she said. She hugged Rochelle briefly. “Thanks for coming out.”

  “Hello Rochelle, Peter,” Ruth said upon joining the threesome. “Nice to see you again.” She put her hand on Savannah’s arm. “I do not think they can make it. Mattie just called. They cannot get a ride.”

  “Oh,” Savannah said, frowning. “I’m sorry, Rochelle, It looks like we brought you out here for nothing.”

  Peter cocked his head and grinned. “Nothing, you say? It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

  “Yes it is,” Rochelle said. She reached out to Savannah. “No worries. We’ll figure a way for us to meet—perhaps we can pick her up and bring her out one day.” She looked around. “If this place is the root of Miriam’s fear, then we probably want to meet here.” She paused. “In fact, this might be a good opportunity for me to look around.” She glanced at Ruth and a couple of the estate sale workers. “… if that’s okay.”

  Ruth nodded.

  “Of course it’s all right,” Savannah said. “In the meantime, come in and browse. As you can see, there are some amazing things here. I understand some pieces are quite old.”

  Just then, Michael appeared with Lily in his arms. He greeted Peter and Rochelle warmly. The couple acknowledged him and then focused on the baby.

  “Awww. Are you going to be shy with Uncle Peter?” he teased. He put his hands over his eyes, spreading his fingers and peeking at the baby. “You’re gonna make Uncle Peter cry… ”

  “She just woke up from a nap,” Michael said. “It’ll take her a few minutes to get her bearings.”

  But that didn’t stop Peter from trying to engage her and soon Lily was laughing at his antics.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, tickling her tummy and making her giggle.

  “She gets prettier every time I see her,” Rochelle said. Just then, something caught her eye. “Arthur, hi there.”

  The young man walked swiftly toward Rochelle and embraced her. He shook hands with Peter, and then said to them both, “I’d like you to meet Suzette. Suzette, this is Peter; he’s an artist, and Ms. Rochelle,” he said smiling at her, “… well, she’s my savior.”

/>   “Oh, Arthur,” Rochelle scolded, playfully. She smiled at Suzette and reached out, hugging her warmly. “So nice to meet you.” She turned to Arthur. “She’s beautiful.”

  “I know,” Arthur said, beaming.

  Rochelle stared into Arthur’s face. “And look at you. You look great.”

  “Oh, the surgery, yes, thank you. Now I have new scars that need healing, but better, huh?”

  Rochelle smiled. “Well, I didn’t have any complaints about your looks before—but, yes, you’re even more handsome.”

  Arthur grinned at her, then said, “Hey, I don’t know if you’re interested, but Michael wants to see my old quarters. Want to join us?”

  Peter and Rochelle exchanged looks and agreed they’d like to tag along.

  “Leave the baby with me,” Ruth suggested. “She can hang out here—it’s been a slow afternoon.”

  “Sure,” Michael said, handing Lily to her. “She’s napped and changed. She might want some of her snacks.” He turned, saying, “I’ll go get her stroller.”

  “Snacks are in a baggy in the stroller,” Savannah said. “So is her sippy cup.”

  “I’ll stay here and help Ruthie,” Suzette offered. She chuckled, “I’m supposed to be on duty today, anyway.”

  “Okay then, let’s go to the dungeon,” Arthur quipped. As the two couples followed him through the cavernous room, Koko appeared from inside a box half full of linens. “Oh, there you are,” Arthur said. “Come on, girl, wanna join the tour?” He stopped. “Wait. Where’s Rags?”

  Savannah gestured toward their suite. “In his pen.”

  “Awww, he’s probably ready for some company and exercise,” Arthur suggested.

  “Yeah, probably,” she said. “I’ll go get him.”

  Once Savannah had returned to the group with Rags on his leash, the entourage walked through another room and down a long hallway to the theater. Arthur then led them into a dressing room to the right of the stage. “This is the way my mother came into my quarters,” he said, opening a carefully hidden door inside a large closet. “She had one of her highly paid workmen put this in. I wasn’t allowed to use it because I might be seen, of course. Anyway, she kept it locked from the outside, so I devised the entrance into the turret. One day I stumbled upon the secret door in the pantry where Savannah and Detective Craig found me that night and I was finally able to go outside… but only at night, after dark, as you know.”


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