Uptown Girl: A Short Story (Sexy Jerk World Book 4)

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Uptown Girl: A Short Story (Sexy Jerk World Book 4) Page 2

by Kim Karr

  The walls inside were covered in mirrors, and I watched him from all angles as he pounced like a predator on the prowl.

  I liked that.

  Then again, I wasn’t a cat with a meow, I was a lioness, and I was ready to roar.

  When he was standing in front of me looking like he wanted to devour me, my knees went a little weak.

  I didn’t like that.

  Just because I wanted to torment him, tease him, taunt him, I stepped to the side. With that leave-it-to-beaver grin stretched across his face that should not have turned me on the way it did, it didn’t take long for him to follow me.

  And it took even less time before his hands were on me, and I swear I couldn’t find the air to breathe.

  I didn’t like that, either.

  He was the boy-next-door, and yet so possessive.



  I liked that!

  His fingertips trailed over the middle of my thighs as he moved in between my legs and bent to brush his lips near my ear. “Kiss me,” he breathed, hot and heavy.

  Control was a thing I always had—in my life, and with men. I said when, where, and how. I didn’t succumb to orders, from anyone.

  So I didn’t know if it was the fact that I felt overworked, or that this man was some kind of crazy aphrodisiac, but I didn’t give a damn about control right now.

  Almost ferociously, I grabbed hold of his face and pulled him to me so I could crash my lips to his hungry mouth.

  It wasn’t long before he took over. Moving his lips, thrusting his tongue, and demanding all I had to give.

  And I had a lot to give.

  Soon the kiss was out of control—wild and hurried and frantic.

  Pressing me against the elevator wall, his heat seeped through my body, but I shivered nonetheless when his hands slipped under the hem of my skirt and his fingers toyed with the hole in my hose.

  Soon though his fingers drifted up to find me soaking wet. “Oh, fuck.” Ethan sucked in a breath, knowing I was more than ready for him.

  I nipped at his lip. “Good boys don’t swear.”

  His free hand was around my neck and holding me in place. “Who ever said I was a good boy?”

  “I did.”

  “I will prove that statement wrong.”

  The feel of him was so thrilling I couldn’t figure out where to put my hands on his body first, so I let him dominate me.

  For now.

  Soon, though, I found myself wanting to feel his arousal as much as he wanted to feel mine. To satisfy my need, I ran my hand down the front of his pants and outlined the very hard erection he had going on.

  Letting me go only so far, Ethan removed his hand from under my skirt and stepped back. I gasped in excitement at his alpha power play. I found it to be a thrill and a rush.

  His terms.

  I would explore his body on his terms.

  I got it.

  And I would go along with his rules—for now.

  “You’re hard for me,” I told him.

  “I know I am,” he said, “and soon I’m going to show you just how hard by fucking that pretty little mouth of yours.”

  I raised a brow. “I thought you were going to pound your cock into my pussy first?”

  “Oh, I am going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours tonight, Fiona, you can bet on that, but first I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

  “Maybe I want your tongue on my clit first.”

  Fast as sin, he grabbed my hand and pressed it firmly against his bulge, and then he leaned forward to speak into my ear. “I think we could arrange for both to happen at the same time, don’t you?”

  Right then I wasn’t sure I could stand on my own—my knees went weak and I swear the earth moved under my feet.

  I’d never met anyone like him.

  He was my match.

  I liked that, and I didn’t.

  I closed my eyes and curved my hand over him. His pants were smooth under my fingers and beneath them I could feel how big he was. I gasped again as he grew even harder, hotter, beneath my touch.

  The door dinged open, and Ethan straightened, pulling me behind him immediately until he had a chance to make certain we were alone.

  No one was in sight.

  With our lips attached, we made our way down the hall. He stopped to push me up against the wall and feel my breasts. I paused to pull him to me so I could run my hands over every ripple and hard muscle of his torso.

  All this pushing and pulling made it take at least three times too long to get to the room, but it was so worth it.

  At the door, he pulled out the key and I snatched it right up. I made fast time of swiping it. The light turned green and the door unlocked.

  We were past the hallway and in the room before the door clicked shut, and our hands were everywhere even faster.

  An air of desperation wove its way between us. He pushed me up against the wall to cage me in with his strong body, and then he was up against me.





  In this one fleeting moment, a thought passed through my mind. I knew lust. I knew desire. I knew arousal. What I didn’t know was what else this was between us. All three, or something completely different?

  I stopped thinking when he placed his hand inside my blouse, ripping the buttons off as he did.

  He didn’t care. Neither did I. Especially when he started to thumb my nipple.

  “You have the best tits,” he groaned. “I’ve been dying to feel them, see them, taste them.”

  Momentarily distracted by the beat, beat, skip of my heart, I couldn’t come up with a good response. Oh God, now his teeth were grazing my skin where he’d pushed my hair aside and his other hand was resting on my hip.

  This was my heart—Skip. Beat. Beat. Beat. Skip. Beat. Beat. Beat. Skip.

  His mouth was just above my shoulder and he was sucking my skin between his teeth, the tip of his tongue circling against it. His one hand was still on my breast and now the other had slid from my hip to between my legs.

  When he worked his lips up my chest, he stopped at my neck and bit a little harder. I cried out in sheer pleasure.

  The hiss I got in response wasn’t to be missed, and it was then that he tilted my chin to look at him, to meet those blazing blue eyes. “Still hate me?”

  I turned my head to bring my mouth close to his ear. “I never hated you, only disliked you, but you’re growing on me.”

  The movement happened so fast. One second my feet were on the ground, the next I was in his arms, wrapping my legs around him, pressing my chest to his, and then my feet were back on the ground and I was standing in front of the bed.

  “Why don’t you show me how much you don’t like me, Fiona.” His voice had grown thick with so much desire I swear it was oozing sex.

  Fiona. My name on his lips made my stomach jump nervously.

  I didn’t like it.

  His hands moved so fast. One second my blouse was on, the next it was off. One second the thin straps to my bra were up on my shoulders, and the next they were down. Like Houdini, his hands were magically on my breasts for the shortest of moments, as if he just needed a little touch. Then my bra was off, and Ethan was hissing in my ear. “Fuck.” He was cursing that one delicious word over and over.

  As I hurriedly ripped his shirt buttons open in haste, I heard one spring against the wall.

  Oh well.

  Rapidly, I moved to his belt. He didn’t stop me. He was too busy running his hands down the sides of my body and back up. Undoing his belt, I tried to shove his pants down. “I’m changing the game plan,” I told him.

  “Oh yeah, how?” he panted, stopping me.

  “You’re about to find out.”

  “I can’t wait,” he growled.

  By the time I stepped out of my skirt, it had already pooled at my feet. Ethan watched me, licking his lips, and I smiled at him.

When I started to toe off my pumps, Ethan stopped me. “Leave those on.”

  “Kinky.” I slid my panties down.

  “Very,” he smirked. Having already toed his own shoes off, he was removing his pants and boxers, and then he was tossing a very old looking foil packet on the bed.

  “Is that from high school?” I asked, not entirely kidding around.

  He shrugged. “College. No, law school.”

  I opened my eyes wide in disbelief. It wasn’t like I carried condoms in my purse when I went to work. “You have to be joking.”

  He was standing tall. “I don’t typically bring my dates to hotel rooms.”

  “Where do you bring them? Sex clubs, where they have bowls full of condoms, medium to magnum?” I asked coyly.

  “Funny, Fiona, funny, but it’s not expired. And no, I usually take my dates out to dinner and then back to my apartment, where I have condoms in my bedside drawer.”

  I tsked. “Such a good boy.”

  He strutted toward me, and his delicious cock was thick, long, and very ready. Everything moved so fast once again. His hands were on my hips and he was pulling me against him as his mouth found my throat. “I know that eventually you’ll learn to stop calling me that, but until then I will be the only one making plans. And I’m going back to the original one.”

  I was staring at his cock. “Anything you say, college boy.”

  He shook his head. “Up here, Fiona, my eyes are up here.”

  I looked up.

  “Now pay attention, once I fuck your sweet pussy, I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours, and then I’m going to eat you like a starving man.”

  Gasping without words once again, I let the fact that we had one old condom go because all I could think was I am good with that.

  Licking up my neck, his mouth fused to mine and we fell to the bed in a tumble. Caught in the net of passion and web of desire, the only thing that mattered was what was about to come.

  Body to body.

  Skin to skin.

  Heartbeat to heartbeat.

  Never losing our connection, Ethan effortlessly managed to move our bodies to the head of the bed. Once I was resting on one of the pillows, he reared back and looked down at me.

  The predator on the prowl.




  Without much thought, I reached down to touch him, feel him, but he was already twisted around and was expertly ripping open the condom package and stroking the latex down to his base.

  Reaching for him once again, I was ready to fuse more than our mouths.

  Fast as sin, he captured both of my wrists with his hands and pushed my arms over my head. My fingers curled over the headboard as I looked into his eyes. Even though I was not accustomed to men selecting sexual positions for me, I held on.

  Like lightning, he struck and positioned himself on top of me. Once there, he used his arms to keep from crushing me. Like this, his cock nudged me, and oh God, I felt tiny tremors all through my body.

  So ready for this, I parted my legs for him and tilted my hips to allow him entrance. He rubbed his tip over my pussy, pushing in a little before lowering onto his forearms and reaching between us to guide himself inside me.

  I moaned when he was all the way in, and he did too. Louder, with a sound more ferocious than I’d ever heard from any man.

  His thrusts were deep, quick, and felt so good. He moved. I moved. The rhythm was automatic. It was if we knew each other’s body, when clearly we did not. Yet, there was no fumbling or guessing. Just two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.

  He fucked me fast, and then faster still. Slow was not on the table right now. When he pushed up onto his hands to drive his cock deeper, I opened wider, and wider still until I was wrapping my feet around him, all the while my hands continued to grip the headboard.

  He said he wanted to fuck me, and that was exactly what he is doing.




  In the spirit of adjusting to make each thrust better than the last, he slid his hands beneath my ass to tilt me against him. And God, the delicious friction had my body climbing higher and higher and higher still.



  His eyes never left mine, not even when he readjusted our position again, this time to slide a hand between us to stroke my clit in time with his thrusts.

  That’s when I really started to tip into the swirling oblivion of orgasm and I couldn’t hold onto the bed any longer. Letting go, I raked my nails down his back, not quite hard enough to draw blood this time, but hard enough to leave my mark.

  Words were said by him. By me. I didn’t know what or by whom. All I knew was I was on the edge, higher than I had ever been. Insane pleasure whipped through my body. It was practically animalistic in nature.

  It was like we were moving in the most feral way.




  Losing myself in sweet nothingness, I felt pleasure wash through me in shimmering rays of color, and then I was coming in long, rippling waves, calling out his name, and God only knew what else.

  “Keep your eyes open,” he grunted through gritted teeth.

  Trembling from head to toe, I opened my eyes. I hadn’t realized I’d closed them. As soon as I saw his face, his come face, I started to unravel all over again, riding those waves for as long as they’d carry me.

  Ethan shuddered as his impending climax struck. I watched everything about him: the strain on his face, the lowering of his brows, the way his eyes first squinted and then practically rolled back in his head, the way his mouth parted in a perfect O to let out his groan.

  Once his climax had left its mark, instead of rolling off me, his arms slid beneath me and he clutched me tight. And when he burrowed his face harder into my skin, I pressed my head against him. When I did that, he bit me.

  “Ouch.” I slapped his arm.

  He pushed himself off me to roll to the side with one arm and leg thrown over my body. “Do that again.”

  “You want me to slap you?”

  He shook his head and laughed. “No, pain isn’t my thing. The sex part because holy fuck,” he said, his voice gravelly, sex-stained. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “Yes, holy fuck is right.”

  Almost giddy, we smiled and looked into each other’s eyes, probably both reliving what just took place.

  It was intense.



  Insanely hot.

  Once both of our breathing was almost back to normal, Ethan moved to get rid of the condom in a nearby trashcan and then resumed his position right beside me.

  I rose to my knees.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Fucking your cock with my mouth, like you planned.”

  There was a wicked grin on his face. “I actually think you like me.”

  Tits out, I gave him a seductive stare. “Maybe a little.”

  In a quick move, he rose to his knees and pushed me onto the bed, where he trailed his hot mouth down to my navel. “I’m changing the plan.”

  Oh, that felt too good.

  “I thought you wanted to fuck my smart mouth?”

  “Oh, I do. I will. I am going to, but we have all night, and no more condoms,” he said, blowing against my clit. “Unless you’ll let me take your ass.”

  I slapped him again.

  “So oral it is,” he laughed. “Now I have to taste you.”

  Bucking at the contact, I certainly was not going to argue or tell him to stop.

  I rose on my elbows. Ethan on his belly, on the bed was just about the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  And soon his mouth was on my sex and I cried out when he kissed me there, right there, on the spot made to drive every woman wild.

  Then he licked me, and moaned, “Oh, fuck, you taste so good.”

  It was so strange. I did
n’t want to like him. He was everything I didn’t want—an attorney at a prestigious law firm who was quickly climbing the ladder and headed toward politics. To boot, he had the boy-next-door looks. He was good. But who cared? For the short time we had together, I was willing to think of him as what he was right now.



  A bad boy.

  Hell, an alpha male if that was what he wanted.

  And yes, even his uptown girl…

  If he insisted.

  Chapter 3


  Fiona Hargrave

  It was undoubtedly the longest case in history.

  Taking another four weeks after the night that Ethan and I fucked, we had finally presented our closing arguments. We’d decided we wouldn’t make contact again until the verdict was reached, except for seeing each other in the courtroom, everyday, that was.

  By the way things were looking, we would be seeing each other Monday, and not only in the courtroom.

  It had been so damned hard.

  But it shouldn’t have been. I’d vowed I’d never be that girl.

  I knew for a fact that Ethan was the kind of man to get married, have two kids, and buy a house in the burbs.

  That wasn’t me.

  I wasn’t for him.

  That didn’t mean I didn’t want to fuck him raw because I did.

  I glanced at the time. Almost eight. I was meeting the girls at a club at ten. I should probably hook up with someone just to stop thinking about him.

  His hands.

  His mouth.

  That cock. That magic cock. Those fingers. Those thighs.

  I was in a fever remembering every part of Ethan Miller’s body.

  Even after I’d taken a cold shower, I was still thinking about him, and now my nipples were erect and my clit pulsing.

  Flopping back against my pillows with the ceiling fan spinning lazily overhead to dry me before I got dressed, I closed my eyes and tried to rid him from my mind. Images of me crawling up his body to center my pussy over his eager, waiting mouth were all I could see.

  The air on my body felt so amazing, and I didn’t want to put clothes on. I ran a hand over my breasts, tweaking my nipples. It had been a month since we’d fucked, and he was still on my mind.

  “You will fuck someone else tonight,” I told myself aloud. But then countered that statement with, “No, you won’t. Just like the past three Saturday nights out, you’ll come home and masturbate.”


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