Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

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Log 1 Matter | Antimatter Page 27

by Selina Brown

She nodded and sipped her chocolate. A rumble nearby made them both look outside.

  “Another bad storm,” Dad teased.

  Her melancholy took a break. “Fun storm you mean.”

  He seemed relieved at her reply. “What are your plans for tonight?”

  “Movie, sleep in, read in bed, and then I’ll work on the bike. You?” Ara grimaced. “I forgot; you two are heading off.”

  “Will you be okay? We worry about you.”

  Ara sighed. “I’ll be fine. Have a good time.”

  That night, after waving them off, she walked back up the steps and closed the door. Why on Saratoga did she suddenly feel spooked? She had been watching a horror film before they left and decided not to finish it. A creak to her left made her jump, and Puddy Unit 8 meowed. Ara closed her eyes and laughed at herself. The “Puddy Unit” was a play on her Mobile Unit status. Ara had come up with the idea as a kid, and now she didn’t like it but the new generation of kids thought it a great idea.

  Boop. Ara jumped again and pulled out her Voice, annoyed with the new tone.

  “Hey, want to come and sleep over? Henry and I are going surfing tomorrow and we’ve got your surfboard still here. Not that you actually surf.”

  Ara didn’t even hesitate, or laugh. “In the hour?”

  Ashley laughed. “Not enjoying alone time?”

  “Not really.”

  “An hour it is. We’ve made up the spare room but expect three kids in with you by morning.”

  Ara grinned. “I hope you made up the big bed then.”

  “We did—” One of the kids screeched Ara’s name in the background. “Have to go. See you soon. Love ya and I suggest you hurry; they are winding up now they know you are coming.” There was more screeching.

  “Love ya.” Ara hung up and, with a bounce in her step, grabbed the letter and ran down the steps to pack a bag.


  On her day of leaving for Wilds, Mum and Dad cried. Ashley, Henry, and Gralten left the kids and partners at home to see her off. She wasn’t permitted to take her Seeker, some security risk, so she was booked in to take the Space Lift to a military shuttle and then a heavily escorted ranger cruiser to Wilds, in the Kovac System. Kovac. Her new home. Ara almost burst with excitement.

  “They are all set up, Ara. So don’t worry about them.”

  She’d been worried about her guards but they were well ahead of her, apparently already organizing things with the Wilds Security Teams and administration. Wilds was under the administration of the Twenty-Fourth Regional Queen and two major kings. It was also where Korbet had once lived, well, not on Wilds, but on Jetarn, another planet in Kovac Station. Ashley cried the most with Ara and she almost changed her mind. A surge of rebelliousness took hold, sick of doing things she—what? Didn’t want to do? She did want this and she did want to become a planet engineer. But maybe that was just programmed into her. Bitterness threatened to overwhelm her.

  “It’s just life, Ara.” Ashley pressed her chin down with a smile being slightly shorter than she. His dark blue eyes were watery and black hair short for a change. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Come and visit, whenever you can.”

  “I will. We will.”

  They hugged again, and Ara heard the announcement. It was time to leave. She bravely gave them all one last hug and smile, and walked out to the space elevator. As it lifted the occupants into space, she stared at the monitor as Saratoga landscapes grew in patches, and then she lifted her eyes. It was time to move on. But first, to confuse her enemy, she had to take a convoluted route to Kovac consisting of some transportal routes and some ranger routes.


  Station: Kovac

  Galactic System: The Eye

  Planetary System: Wilds

  Southern Continent – Temperance Island

  “I’m sorry we aren’t quite ready for you, but it was urgent. We’re a little short staffed at the moment.” Malcom was a friendly, short male with dark hair. He had dark green eyes and was so thin she wondered if he was sick. She felt quite protective as she walked next to him. From one of the many installations dotted around the continent they headed down a steep path, which leveled out into heavy woodlands and out into a region adorning a lake surrounded by cottages. Each cottage had trees and understory interspersed behind and between them.

  She’d been on the final cruiser for twelve weeks. There were a lot of activities to do onboard but Ara felt she’d had enough rest and had been employed in the engineering room by the third week after she begged to be put to work.

  “But, you are to be a queen—” the captain stuttered.

  Ara was stymied and then grinned. “You know how difficult we can get when we don’t get our own way so you’d better let me work.” She winked at the captain and leaned in close. “Better for your staff that I’m kept busy.”

  She’d stared at Ara and then burst out laughing.

  “I’ll talk to our Engineering Superintendent.”

  And now? It was good to breathe in the fresh air. The sun was low on the horizon and it was thankfully cool, they’d reached the first cottage and kept walking along the cobbled path, which was well below each of the little gardens surrounded by low, dark green picket fences. Hearing Malcom cough she worried but asked, “Oh, did anything happen?” She held her breath, waiting for the lie.

  Malcom stopped at the second cottage, opened the little gate, and looked her in the eye. “We had to put all new security in place ready for your arrival. The vetting process meant we lost some staff due to discrepancies in their files while others refused.” He began to walk up a narrow path to the steps. “We are getting a new batch of eager volunteers though, all keen to work with you, so don’t be too worried about it. We aren’t!”

  He was grinning so widely that Ara laughed, tension leaving her shoulders.

  They walked up a couple of steps and he opened the door. “It’s basic but warm. Your home will be ready in several months, and we think you’ll love it here.”

  “I think I will too.” The whole planet was dedicated to wildlife breeding, care, research, and planet seeding. At a noise at the open door, she turned.

  A sharp-faced male with pale brown eyes came in holding two of her carry bags. “Hi, I’m Denn and dropping your bags at your den.”

  Ara laughed at the jest.

  “Since you laughed at my bad pun—” he looked over his shoulder and yelled “—get a move on and meet my new best friend.”

  He placed the bags by the couch and Ara had a quick look around. It was all woody, with a fireplace in the middle of the room, rugs everywhere, cozy, small kitchenette tucked in the corner to her right, bedroom to her left, she could see the bed through the open doorway all made up with dark reds and whites. Malcom was closing what looked like thick drapes in her room. A large, dark male entered with her largest bags, and a muscular woman followed and introduced herself.

  “I’m Karan and this is Xavier.”

  The giant smiled and nodded. He headed for the bedroom, floorboards creaking under his weight. Denn sighed. “He doesn’t talk a lot but he’s great with the animals. You’ll be with our team, Ara. But there’s—”

  “I’ve got it, thank you.” Malcom ushered them all out and they managed a wave before disappearing down the path. Xavier smiled again and followed them. Malcom closed the door and palmed a GELpad; soft lighting filled the room and he went to the fireplace. “I’ll get this started for you if you’d like?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He smiled at her. “A PuG with manners, I like that.” The way he eyed her off made her realize he was testing her.

  “I grew up on a farm and hung out with FiGs mostly.”

  He pressed something and flames burst into life. Ara saw it was gas, not wood. “These are slow burn logs; the gas just starts it off or you can just run the gas.” But he seemed relieved with her reply. “I’m sorry to say you’ll be teased about it once they get to know you, though some will make s
ly comments.”

  She shrugged. “I’m used to it.”

  “There’s food in the cooler and cupboards. Denn will drop your vehicle around at the back. There’s a road that runs right around the outer perimeter of these cottages. There’s an open carport and short driveway. Your Seeker will be here in ten weeks I believe. What else?” He tapped his brain and Ara wondered if he was accessing data. “A few days off to get your bearings, and then a week of inductions and finalizing all your paperwork. There’s a map of walks, and a list of activities. I heard you climb?”

  Ara nodded, she was keen to try the climbs. Korbet told her about some of them but only Wilds workers and escorted friends and family were allowed on the sites. It was one of the perks of the job.

  “I’ll make sure you receive clearance and there will be the usual safety and emergency seminars you’ll need to sit on, but we’ll book you in when the new recruits come through. I’ll leave you now.”

  “Thank you very much, Malcom. You’ve made me feel very welcome here.” Ara had been a little nervous. Most of her life one of her family members had been there or close by. For the first time she was independent, as independent as she could be.

  Malcom glanced around the room, checked the fire, and left her. Ara smiled and began to unpack. Her ISVoice beeped and she lifted it to her ear. “Ashley, I’m here!”

  “First, these Inter-Station Voice devices are awesome. Second, when can we come for a visit?”

  Ara grinned as she looked around her temporary home. “Well, if you are happy to sleep in one bed then come on over. But aside from that, my new place will be finished in several months.”

  “We’ll book now.” His voice was sour and Ara walked to the bedroom seeing the bathroom had a door into her room too. “The Avatara dissention is affecting space routes and more people are travelling public…” As Ashley talked, Ara unpacked and made herself dinner. It was good to know they could keep in easy contact. “…so, what’s your new position again? I’m bursting with brotherly pride. Everyone I know is jealous.”

  “Well, you may need to pretty up my title, it’s “Wildlife Worker Level 8”, I think I’m just above the kitchen hands.”

  Ashley laughed. “Well, you’ll have the run of the place in a few thousand years, have replaced all the smelly critters with realistic robot animals, and be climbing the tallest mountains drinking hot chocolate.”

  Ara giggled over his ridiculous summation. After Ashley hung up Ara received calls from Henry, Gralten, Mum and Dad, Marc, Ersen, Sacha, Tara and Caleb, Terzon, Bel, who was staying over at Tekko’s home, and finally Jesran. After the first few weeks, most of her friends had called, even Queen Silvia, and she spent most of her free time talking. With being so busy she had little time to think about her Mobile Unit status and why she was really on Wilds.

  But beneath her general pride of doing a good job there was a drive to prove herself. To prove she wasn’t just on Wilds because of Maya. To prove that she wasn’t just a honeypot or Mobile Unit, there was more to her than that. Ara knew something inside her was skewed, and it tainted her perceptions, but since she had no choice but to comply, she decided she might as well make something of it. And when her self-esteem wasn’t being battered by doubts, she tried to enjoy herself, or talked to Ashley.

  Sub-Log XXIII


  Station: Perza

  Galactic System: Sarato (Spiral Galaxy)

  Planetary System: Saratoga


  Jamie was relieved that her work for the Saratoga Wildlife Park had become a stepping stone and it was still good that she was offered a dream job while waiting for her application to become a Planet and Systems Engineer to be approved and organized. Caleb was already almost done with his hundred-year Spatial Anomaly Apprenticeship and Jamie knew that irked Ara. While Tara continually tried to stall her own growing up to match Ara’s slow one, Caleb continued his life. Ara had, of course, loved Tara all the more for that, but urged her to live her life. For a hundred years Ara would have to study and work under Kavela, the Aryans’ only Planet and System Engineer. His teams were already preparing the way.

  Security for Wilds had been tricky. The entire planet was a wildlife resort, breeding institution, and rehabilitation for all kinds of animals. When Tara joined Ara on Kovac his staff had paid up their bets to him after he declared Tara would follow her. Of course, they had moved too, leaving a small contingent on Saratoga for when Ara went home to visit, like now, for her Virgo. Jamie was back on Saratoga and looked at his watch, aware of some tension with Ara’s parents. He met with Terance.

  “Jamie, come in.”

  Ara’s father handed him a schedule on a tablet.

  “The Koen are coming on those dates. I wanted to give you plenty of warning. Three. One is Karu, the Adonis. He’s interested in Ara and I believe Kavela suggested him for Ara’s Virgo.”

  Jamie did not approve of Terance’s involvement with the Koen. But, again, it was not his place to protest unless it endangered Ara. Jamie did not approve of Kavela, the illegal Pure-Gen with the crazy sister, Sibella, who they believed were under the influence of the Establishment.

  He felt as if a hand squeezed his heart. “Very well. We’ll prepare. What level of contact is Karu to have with Ara?”

  “All going well, they are pre-approved for TAP, and then Virgo.”

  “Does Ara know?”

  The male blushed, his dark eyes wary. “Not yet.”

  Jamie kept his face passive. “Is there anything else?”


  Mountain Installation

  Jamie visited the command room, accessing it via the back of his cabin in the mountain. “What do we have on Karu Gravlon that’s not public?”

  “The Adonis?” One of the females giggled and quickly turned to find the information seeing Jamie’s stern eye. “Everything. What do you want?”

  Jamie tried not to smile then. Viki was a challenge but always found what they needed. She was their logistics expert. Many years ago, Jamie stopped asking where she acquired stuff.

  “The usual.”

  She smiled. “Well … let’s not start with his history as it’s his involvement with the Koen that is more interesting and relevant. The Koen are a branch of Avatara fighting to improve the conditions of Earth but not stop the experiment. They also envisage a time when Earth will be merged with Aryan Society, but the other mainstream Avatara want genocide.”

  Jamie groaned as he listened.

  “Cut the crap, Viki. Jamie knows all that shit.” Diane strolled in and shook her head. “Just give Jamie what he needs, as I already prepared.”

  Viki pouted but brought up the much shorter presentation. “There. You can read it yourself.”

  Diane’s hazel eyes held an apology. Jamie rolled his eyes and read Diane’s succinct report. After he read it, he turned to Viki. “Did you get the dagger?”

  She jumped up and brought him the intricate box with satin-covered weapon and silk rope. He almost discarded it but remembered that, as the boss, he had to allow for some variation. “Thank you, V. Nice packaging. Excellent dagger.”

  She smiled then, winking as she left. “Ara will love it. I’ll send it off now.”

  Jamie walked to his office, seeing it empty. He blinked and then remembered it was being redecorated. He headed down the passage and found his new office. Most of his things were in boxes still. He moved to the back of his desk finding most of the essential things in place.

  He palmed the GELpad on the desk because he wanted to access the military files on the Cardinal Unit. Marc’s idea of how to work Sacha’s idea about the honeypot had been building in Jamie’s head, interrupted because of her and their move to Kovac. If Ara had been some kind of draw card, her security would have to be increased. But then while Maya had not sent out any Cardinal Sentries that did not mean she wouldn’t do it in the future to protect her Mobile Unit asset. But once that happened the trap would be triggered and what did that mean
for Ara?

  The first thing he did was to access the matter level records. Yes, they were still rising and reaching the levels that might trigger genocide. His fingers paused over the keyboard and then he cursed. “Nuts!”

  A laugh made him look up.

  He jumped up. “Diane, no time for laughter. Ara was sent to Wilds by Maya.”

  She moved out his way and ran down the main passage into the command and control room. “Jamie, we’ve got—”

  “Listen everyone. Ara was sent to Saratoga for a reason, to draw those in Iota curious as to her purpose. We all know it’s somehow linked to matter levels. Think of honey drawing bees. I believe that Maya sent Ara to Wilds for another similar mission.”

  “What’s the panic?” Diane asked. She looked bewildered.

  Jamie calmed himself. “The panic is that, while the trap was near invisible until Sacha worked it out from Maya’s manipulation of Ara, it won’t be so invisible now. People who were worried about Ara being on Saratoga—”

  “Will be worried about Ara being sent to Wilds.” Kyle finished for him, nodding. “Once is fluky, twice is spooky.”

  Jamie and a few others chuckled at the rhyme. Diane’s hazel eyes were wide.

  Peter said quickly, “We’re going with your gut?”

  Jamie stared at him and nodded. “We are. Better safer than sorrier. The fact is the Cardinal Unit is only downloading data Maya wants it to, and she’s not above deception. Get moving. I want increased security. I want scans of the planet itself. I want to know what exactly they do on that planet that’s not public.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  “On it.”


  Diane nodded. “Right. But why Ara? Why not just… Oh, a CU sentry is too obvious and scans will be detected. Ara’s like an injured queen bee.”

  “Or because she’s a Pure-Gen it confuses the purpose behind what Maya is doing?” Peter added. “Ara may be, for example, a new model that Maya is designing.”


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