Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

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Log 1 Matter | Antimatter Page 32

by Selina Brown

  “I would recommend Karu, but a Pure-Gen first.”

  She was unhappy with that. “What about Balin?” Seeing his expression of disapproval, Ara sunk lower into the tub, annoyed and wondering if Korbet might agree.

  “Tell me what you are thinking?” Kavela asked her, gently feeling her distress. By now, Silvia and Jon were listening.

  She rose again and looked down at the water steaming, her wet hair dripping water over her shoulders. “I see energy like you. I’m worried I won’t be able to control myself at Virgo. Would you say I am stronger than Karu?” Had she been in control with Caleb all those years ago?


  “Then I may have to postpone my own Virgo until I learn control or find someone stronger. I had not realized it was so dangerous. Caleb said I had the ability to stop him from pressing me, but in a moment of passion what might I do?”

  Silvia’s eyes widened but she did not interrupt.

  And her comment seemed to confuse him. “Weren’t you caught up with Caleb?”

  “What? Oh, that…” Her voice almost squeaked avoiding their long lovemaking session on the mountain. “There were rocks in my back and leg, I was uncomfortable but I let Caleb override me.” Because she couldn’t forgive Caleb and Meg, maybe that had acted as a buffer of sorts on the mountain top. It allowed her to sub-consciously control passion. Kavela met Silvia’s outraged eyes.

  “It was a little while ago, Silvia. A younglings’ tryst.”

  “Except Caleb had his Virgo already and should have known better.”

  Jon patted Silvia’s head and received the “look”.

  Ara chewed her finger. Good thing she didn’t mention the resort cabin. She ran a quick calculation. “It was a hundred years ago!” Again, she was aware her perceptions were skewed.

  “Kavela”—Silvia smiled encouragingly—“maybe you should consider it. We can talk about it later?”

  He nodded and Ara smiled gratefully. She had never considered she might actually hurt someone, and now she was genuinely worried. That wasn’t a good way to go into Virgo. She worried he would refuse anyway.

  The next day both Silvia and Jon walked with her down the cool corridors to the palace’s terminus. This time she was allowed to return to Wilds using the personal transportals.

  “Try not to worry, Ara.” Jon hugged her after Silvia did.

  She smiled at them both and when the guard nodded the portal was ready, she stepped into the swirls.


  Station: Kovac

  Galactic System: The Eye

  Planetary System: Wilds

  Ara’s Home

  Again, Ara was grateful to get home to Wilds. The way she was treated on Saratoga annoyed her, to Pure-Gens she was a child, to the Eighth Race she was equal. She felt more at home in the muck and hard work than the pomp and ceremony. She loved her work. She was seriously considering applying to apprentice under Habitat Management. They were keen on her too and began some preliminary applications. Tara was waiting for her by the terminal’s main desk, talking to one of the administrators, and smiled when she stepped through.

  Tara drove them home firing questions about Ara’s visit.

  She and Tara had found a new hobby. They created ladybird robots—after Ara remembered one had landed on her boot at the Saratoga Wildlife Park and wouldn’t be dislodged, to Tara’s annoyance—that would allow them to fly messages around to each other. To ensure no one else could access them, they used the energy of the Strike. Ara loved those times, giggling over their secret, bringing them even closer together. Tara held their first success in the palm of her slender hand. It was a quarter of the size of her palm.

  “Now we just need to make it smaller.”

  “And have one of the spots light up to indicate there’s a message.”

  They worked out the light, but after several attempts to make it smaller, they gave up. They had no access to the nano labs for their hobby. They needed specialized nano circuits and engrams for the type of encrypted data they wanted it to hold. One night, they were in front of Ara’s fireplace, staring at the bug on the ledge.

  “We’ll just ask Robia to breed ladybirds this big, and then no one will be suspicious.”

  Tara laughed. “Aunty … that’s … so funny.”

  They rolled around the floor laughing.

  Ara sat back up and sighed. She picked up the brochure again. “There’s a GEL tech course on Saratoga.”

  “Why not enroll?”

  “Because your dad is teaching it.”

  Tara broke out into giggles again.

  Sub-Log XXVIII


  Station: Perza

  Galactic System: Sarato (Spiral Galaxy)

  Planetary System: Saratoga

  Twenty-nine years on and Virgo was close.

  Ara had already finished Habitat Management and had been working with that team for five years. The Eighth Race mostly managed Wilds, and the apprenticeships were ten years to twenty years but because of her previous qualifications and work, she did it in eight. In comparison, learning to build planets and systems was a minimum of one hundred years, for any race.

  Closer to her Virgo, Kavela was cleared for the ritual but was still looking for other suitable partners so hadn’t actually signed anything. She felt some dismay at her last visit with Silvia who said there were few to choose from. Certainly, on Saratoga there were only eight registered Pure-Gens. Vin had been one choice but it was rejected by the Planet of Law, though Ara didn’t know why. The queen began to teach her the theory of control in case Kavela decided not to offer. It was after one of these sessions that she was reacquainted with Oaran, a Second-Gen relation of Silvia’s. He was a sweet male, smitten with Ara. He said he was going to do the GEL class as well but looked at its applications for HaV.

  So, with Kavela in mind, they set the date, which was to be after her basic course and pre-exams for the GEL Tech course.

  One night, Ara woke feeling strange. Her mind was more alive than ever. She couldn’t quite work out what was different until the day following her pre-exam.

  She pulsed to Korbet wanting to use short ArT but elected for the more formal approach to demonstrate how very annoyed she was.

  Ara said mentally, “You!”

  Korbet replied, “Honeybee, what’s wrong?”

  Ara pulsed angrily, “You lifted that mind block.”

  Korbet asked, “How did you know?”

  Ara fumed. “Because I remembered you as a baby, that’s why! My Virgo is all ruined now!”

  “Ara … Ara?”



  Two weeks later, Ara scored well, despite being bleary eyed from a dance and dinner date with Karu who had ended up contracting to be her Virgo partner. She decided she didn’t mind that too much. Caleb had taught the basic class on GEL tech and how to mine, combine, and manipulate the Lygon. She was still obsessed with spheres, something GEL did not like being formed into, but her final project failure had resulted in some breakthroughs, hence the high scores. Businesses were already adapting her work and she was approved for the full course. It would take several years but Kavela agreed to give her time to finish it, keen to see if it had any application in planet engineering. Oaran passed too, top of the class, but was still eager to explore its use in dimensional bridges, a new concept that might replace the current HaV travel. Caleb was going to take him as an apprentice and Ara groaned. Caleb was already a Master of Spatial Engineering and taking on apprentices!

  He was still with his lover, and they hunted over the years.

  Karu took her glum self out to celebrate.

  It was a night neither of them would forget.

  But she contacted Kavela after getting home and hiding out in her room. Nervously, she picked up her Voice.

  “Ara, how are you?”

  “Kavela, Karu and I were … um … celebrating passing my pre-exams and I … let myself go a little.” She chewed her finger. “He h
as some concerns.”

  “I will look into it, Ara. But something else is bothering you? What is it?”

  “I um … I seem to be much stronger and I don’t know why.” It was a lie but her instinct told her to keep what Korbet did quiet. Her voice was a wail now. “Even Caleb was worried after a little kiss!” He’d also been pretty excited but she wasn’t going to tell Kavela that either! “I can’t go through with the Virgo! What if I hurt Karu?”

  “Did you hurt anyone?” His voice was concerned.

  “No,” she wailed, “Caleb shoved a Delucio in my mouth and I zapped the entire dance floor. I mean, we were all a little drunk. Everyone had a good time but it’s not the point.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  She could hear in his voice that he tried not to laugh.

  “Let’s meet with Silvia.”

  “Alright.” Her voice was dull and afraid. She chewed her nails, and then the skin around them.

  Three days after Virgo and after a soak in the hot spring, she headed to the homestead. Her stomach gurgled with hunger and nerves. She had an invitation from Caleb. Now she was no longer considered a virgin she was free to engage her love interests.

  If she wanted to.

  She had been waiting, somewhat impatiently, for him to contact her, and grabbed the family jeep driving fast over the dirt roads to a cabin used by those out hiking or hunting. Ara parked next to Caleb’s dark over lander and saw the cabin door open. She ran over the grassy, slightly mossy, grounds and entered. He was standing waiting for her, his ice green eyes hidden by heavy lids.

  They immediately connected mentally using their implants, both now exchanging desire, thoughts, and wants. Caleb couldn’t take his eyes off her. In no time, they stood naked in front of each other and he ran his hand up her arm. He smiled, his eyes narrowing a little as she licked her lips. Her fingers ran down his body, middle of his chest. Her blue eyes were trailing. His body was firing up, his mind blazing with hers.

  “How long do we have, Baby?”

  “How long do you want, Monkey?”

  He grinned. “Don’t get cocky. You won’t fry me will you?”

  She jabbed him. “No. I have full control now.”

  “Do you?” He pulled her closer.

  “Not that you care.”

  “Do you know why I chose a Pure-Gen for my Virgo?”

  Ara was torn by curiosity and annoyance remembering his choice. Curiosity won out. “Why?”

  “She taught me how to block, how to control, and how to make use of my skills with a Pure-Gen.”

  Ara stared at him. “For me?”

  He smiled lazily.

  Now she was torn between hugging and rewarding him.

  C. Reward please, I don’t think I can wait much longer

  A. So much for control

  But Ara kissed him on the lips.

  She knelt down and ran her tongue along his penis. He held her head and directed her. He gently tugged her up and they came together hard and fast. She surprised him how hungry she was meeting his every move. He bit her gently on her lip and neck. She responded with wildness so he took advantage and showed her how vigorous they could get using just their bodies then their minds then both. On one occasion, she was relaxed over his lap. His legs were out in front of him and he leaned on the wall. He was running his hands over her arse and ran his fingers down her silky, wet folds. It made her lift her arse and he contracted every time just watching it. She was close but he stopped. She started pushing her arse up and complained. He spanked her.


  He laughed. “Some love being spanked, Baby.”

  “Did your Virgo choice teach you that too?” she asked dryly with a hint of annoyance.

  He laughed. “No, I just wanted to do that to you when you were with your Virgo choice.”

  Ara smiled at his teasing and relaxed again.

  He ran his hand over again and down. This time he continued until she came and he slid out and raised her arse, thrusting into her. She slid her arms down so her arse was the only thing raised. He took his time and, with his mind, he pushed her sluggish Aryan mind along. He enjoyed it and she enjoyed being pushed. It opened up a new game for them. She resisted him, teasing him, and he pushed, loving it, driving him crazy until he gave the last push.

  Satiated finally, they cuddled and talked, neither wanting to get up but knowing their time had come to an end. After she left, he tidied up the cabin.

  That night Ara lay on her own bed, thinking.

  Everyone had gone to bed, and she made her wall transparent, since Dad installed new ones along the passage, to see out into the night sky. To the right were the Katron mountains but she couldn’t see them from her bed. Caleb had made her laugh, and loved her in a way that was easy. At this point in her life, she’d take what she could get. She sensed his sadness that her inability to forgive, and his feeling that he wasn’t good enough for her, created a barrier for them. Deep down inside she knew, in a sense, she was protecting him. She wasn’t sure exactly why. That inner raging war between loving and hating him was like a spark in her Sawol. But they didn’t want to not have each other so they found a medium to work with.

  Meantime, Kavela had been polite when he finally left Saratoga, and oddly distant. She had even tried contacting Kavela and, again, he was polite but careful to speak of her impending apprenticeship and focus on becoming a planet engineer. He had been kind to her that was all. Why did it pain her so? She curled up on her side ready to go home and get back to work.


  Station: Kovac

  Galactic System: The Eye

  Planetary System: Wilds

  Ara’s Home

  When she returned to Wilds, her friends had even set up a welcome home banner with some rude suggestions and images on it. She laughed, and met them at the local bar. She wanted to talk about the new Zoion templates; they wanted to talk about the Virgo.

  Finally, Ara stumbled to bed.

  She was tired and ready for a decent sleep. Work would have to wait for a couple of days while she rested, cleaned and gardened. Sleep came quickly.


  Results from CU actions 1117317627853867

  MOBILE UNIT disconnected

  DATA BURST packaged

  SENT to Planet of Law only

  End check

  The next morning Ara’s connection with Maya ended but there was no log. Her eyes popped open. That was odd. She had to force herself to get up. “I will not disappear. I will not just disappear.” Never had she felt so alone but she was more scared that a CU sentry would come and get her. She jumped at a knock on her door. Laughing at herself, she doubted CU sentries knocked on people’s doors. Ara grabbed a long dressing gown and wrapped it around her body. It was cool and windy outside. She entered the foyer and, for a change, closed the door before opening her front door.

  One of the administration juniors stood nervously. “Message, Lady Ara.” He handed her a special EBrain. It was silver and Ara knew it had heavy encryption.

  “Thank you, Jacob. Do you need to wait?”

  He nodded and she let him inside. “Foyer is fine, ma’am. This is urgent.”

  “Alright. I won’t be long then.” Ara smiled and took the EBrain into the lounge. She sat and provided her SNA. After several moments, data streamed and then the message appeared. Somewhat concerned over the timing, Ara returned the EBrain to Jacob. “I’ll be an hour.” She noted his consternation. Was she supposed to go in her PJs? No, she could see him reason. She should have time to dress. Ara tried not to laugh.

  He came to a decision. “Would you like me to wait, ma’am? I can carry your bags?”

  Deciding he might have been grilled about it, she nodded and re-entered her home to hurry. This time he came in and sat on the couch. All she wanted was to return to work but she received official notification from Saratoga officials. All Pure-Gens had to report to their allocated birth homes to attend their queens and kings. It s
eemed odd that she’d been disconnected so soon after her Virgo, was it some kind of marker?

  With the due date so close, she had to put in for emergency leave, and the Wilds’ public transportal was already booked for her use. Even with taking a tablet that would shut down part of her brain it was an uncomfortably long nine hours. It was odd because she was sure as a baby she had calculated that she’d only take nine seconds, like messages. Shaking her head with nerves kicking in, Ara considered what she needed to do. Her Seeker was to be picked up from Wilds by Silvia’s staff so Ara had her transport close to home.

  Ashley was there to greet her at the Saratoga City terminus and hugged her tight. His black hair was long and tied back. He nudged her along. “Everything okay?”

  “I have no idea.” She smiled at him. “It’s good to see you; it’s been such a long time.”

  Ashley laughed at her, his dark blue eyes lighting up in mischief. “Yeah, another Virgo is it? Not satisfied with one after such a long wait you have to have another.”

  Ara laughed gaily and saw Ashley had driven into the city. She climbed into his jeep as he shoved her bags in the back seat. “Are you a rebel now or special permission?”

  From the looks they received, Ara felt a little on display.

  “Orders of the queen. It was to be a full convoy but I convinced them I should pick you up.” He ran around and into the jeep. He sped off and screamed around a corner.

  She clasped the door handle. “How did you manage that?”

  “Ah, just got here first.”

  Ara burst out laughing as Ash screeched through the streets with a few people yelling at them. They exited the city limits in no time and were soon on the road. Coming in the opposite direction was the convoy.

  “Shit, Ash.”


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