Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

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Log 1 Matter | Antimatter Page 36

by Selina Brown

  It was cool in the massive courthouse. It was so big; she could barely make out faces on the top tiers across from her let alone those below. Ara’s nerves were so fragile she kept feeling a tingling in her hands. Rubbing at them made no difference. After a moment, the irritation went away and she forgot about it. This first part was just preliminary and they’d learn nothing new here. They were made to sign, swear, and listen to numerous speeches with the last one being the most serious.

  “This case is Level Gold. Under no circumstances are you to pass information to anyone who is not a Pure-Gen. You are to block all telepathic links to these sessions and shield your thoughts with the security you will be issued with now.”

  Ara took her tab—liquid data—without hesitation. The last thing she wanted to do was to leak information after reading that five attempts had been made to break into the security and all perpetrators had been killed. There was one leak too, from a meeting on another planet, and that king had been executed. The news was guarded but known to Pure-Gens. The warlords, who weren’t Pure-Gens, were very busy.

  By the end, Ara felt sick already and she still only had her theories. They were told for the vote they could bring their special guards who had top security. Interestingly these did not need to be Pure-Gen but had to meet very tight and high clearances. Ara rubbed her head. Vin had already mentioned them, they had to undergo a painful transition bombarded with matter and energy. She hoped none of her guards had gone through that.

  Afterwards she walked in the gardens enjoying the last rays of sun. After a half hour walk past her block, and nodding—she forgot how many times—to others walking, the recreation building assigned to her block loomed ahead and to her left as she followed the path. The trees thinned enough for her to see the building properly.

  Walking inside she looked around the foyer. A sporty looking male offered to provide a quick tour. She found her way back to a climbing wall but it was booked. Watching for a half hour distracted her for a little. There were twenty different levels of walls; the one she wanted to try was advanced, with overhanging ledges. There were two changeable walls, made of a special granular Lygon, but it was popular. She wasn’t aware so many liked to climb.

  She really didn’t feel like reading or exercising and, while she mulled, Kavela found her.

  “Ara.” His eyes travelled up and down her body, she felt every nerve lighting up.

  “Hello, Kavela.”

  He smiled. She sighed over his exceptionally well-made body, and he was wearing only shorts, showing off his smooth, tanned skin with tattoos. Her fingers itched to touch him.

  “I hear Caleb is reaping the benefits after your Virgo.”

  Ara was shocked, hurt and didn’t know what to say.

  “Don’t overthink it, my lovely, you’ll hurt yourself.”

  Her mouth dropped open; his eyes were wary, but the mental image did not validate his words. The mental flash was “Don’t overthink it, you’ll get hurt.”

  And then she realized the hurt was what he was doing to her, not about Caleb. Was he in some kind of danger? Everything screamed out that he was and Trickster’s comment about her enemies took a stranglehold.

  She closed her mouth and said weakly, “Rumors were right. You really are an arse.”

  “Yes well, we need to work on your riposte.” But there was relief in his eyes. “You’re intelligent enough to develop the cutting wit that most Pure-Gens wield.”

  He took her by the arm and directed her to the wall, the third most advanced. “I have this part booked, would you like to join me?” He flicked his hand at a male who gave her a smirk. “We will be master and mentor soon.” His eyes said they’d be a lot more, contrary to previous words he had uttered, but she was unable to deflect him. Before she could say “no” he helped her with a harness and an attendant brought her climbing shoes. They had their safety speech and then Kavela offered to belay first. She still considered leaving but, with his eyes only, he challenged her to undo the harness. After a half hour, she found him to be a good climbing partner.

  “I’m sorry.” It came out husky and the expression in his eyes begged her to forgive him.

  Since her mind had cleared of fog, so much seemed wrong in the world and she couldn’t work out what it was. And since she was sure she was right with her assessment of Kavela, she played along. His relief was her answer. So, for two hours, and during a break, he was his usual charming self and suggested a race to the top. At the end, she was smiling naturally, getting through her fear and enjoying the little competition. Kavela must have known how to help her. He was unusually witty, sometimes almost cutting when speaking of others. Of course, this was during the race as he tried to distract her. She still won two out of four races. She mentioned her earlier thoughts to Kavela about climbing being popular.

  His smile turned supercilious. “Ara, there are over four million Pure-Gens here and this is the only climbing facility. Most people here are locals.”


  He smiled as they packed away their gear and took out a hand towel to wipe his face. “Get some sleep, Ara. Or join me for the night?”

  The suddenness of the invitation startled her. Confusion reigned within her mind and heart.


  She turned to find Ziana smiling at her.

  “We’ve organized a table for dinner.”

  Kavela bowed to Ara slightly. “I will leave you then.”

  “Thank you for inviting me to climb, Kavela.”

  He had an erection, noticeable in his tight, black climbing shorts. And her own reaction was telling. She was wet between her legs and an ache made her want to accept his offer. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Just ask to find my suites.” He gave her the hand towel.

  She wanted to be suave, not salivating.

  “We can talk, Ara.”

  “I will.” But she didn’t want to talk, even after his rude words. What was wrong with her?

  With a quick nod to Ziana, he left them.

  Ziana touched her arm. “We weren’t sure whether or not to interfere.”

  Ara went with Ziana. “I’ll just shower but, yes, I’m glad you did. I fear my hundred-year apprenticeship will contain many lessons I will not want to learn.”

  The concern on Ziana’s thin face gave her pause but Ara squeezed her arm.

  “I’ll meet up soon.” Ara saw the chasm now, deep and dangerous. She was about to step in hoping she didn’t die in the action.

  “Ara, don’t you like Kavela? He was your Virgo choice so I’m not sure I understand?”

  “He’s… I’m just not accustomed to receiving attention from one as esteemed as he is.” It was lame but Ziana seemed to accept it. Whatever was up with Kavela she couldn’t endanger him and as she turned she spotted a thin male with black hair leaning on a wall near a busy table watching her. He gave her a look of sheer hatred that startled her, and not just a look, she felt it. He really hated her! He wanted her dead. With heart pumping, she saw the male turn away and join some sandy-haired male with his back to her. Ara’s mouth was dry, her vision swimmy.

  She flushed as Kavela’s initial greeting came back to her. She crossed her arms in front of her and unconsciously dug into her skin.

  “…he’s well regarded and he’s offered to assist you over the course of this case.”

  “Oh. He didn’t say.” She tried to focus but that hatred! What had she done to deserve that? Why did he want her dead? The dark eyes held hers but Ara excused herself, not wanting Ziana to think she was critical of Kavela. She wasn’t. She felt like crying, and tweaked her skin to ensure she kept herself together for the walk back. It wasn’t as effective so she had to do it twice and finally gained some control over her emotions.

  “That was stupid.”

  Viper shrugged and leaned back on the grassy hill where they met. “She will soon forget it.”

  Cobra shook his head, still annoyed. “This is operation critical; her strength will be we
akened here, opening her for more attacks….”

  “Not unless you also find her weakness!”

  “I did. You were too busy almost ruining our plans to see it. I’ve got Tarus misbehaving on one end almost helping Nyx’s cause and then you almost messing up our cause.”

  Viper sat up in the dark, trying to make out Cobra’s face in the moonlight. “Sorry, you’re right. Go on.”

  “She pinches herself when the pain gets too much.”

  “Ah. I didn’t take Ara for self-harm. Do you think Tarus has seen that and hasn’t reported it?”

  Cobra rubbed his arms. “No.” His voice died off near the end as he mused over it. “I’m sure he would have mentioned that because it is a new avenue. Since I spoke to him I see where he’s drawing our boundaries, seeing Caleb as old game that shouldn’t be abused, but I told him we will have to cross some of the boundaries and reuse the old games such as Caleb and Ara’s relationship. He’s agreed to stay out of it but will voice his concern if we are losing our decency in the fight.” Cobra scratched his head. “But that will happen eventually. We can’t do what we must and be bloody virtuous. Nyx agreed to the Dictates, that’s what we have to remind ourselves. Just keep in mind he’s being affected by the Lacuna as well, corruption is leaching through all of us.”

  Viper nodded. “So we know her strength and weakness, we will target her critical vulnerabilities, the self-harm, by continuing attacks to undermine her strengths.”

  “We need her off balance but not alert.”

  “You’re using military tactics on a person!”

  “She is not a person; she is a Mobile Unit.”

  “Good point. Let’s talk about Nyx.”

  “The only person who can kill Nyx is Nyx, but we need Ara, the Vanguard.” He sneered the last word.

  “You think it will be easier to wear down her will to live this way?”

  Cobra nodded.

  “We should approach Aven. She has her memories still of life outside. She hates Nyx too. I think she hates Ara as well and has been tweaking the Cardinal Unit.”

  “I’m not sure about that, let’s wait a little longer.”

  The way Nyx had publically humiliated Aven in the Consortium Annual Games left many feeling sick. The magistrate had disciplined Nyx but then Aven said Ara had done something to her as well, and Aven had come close to killing herself. It seemed odd to Cobra that Ara should be following the same path as Aven when dealing with pain. He knew Aven hadn’t told Nyx about the self-harm or about what Ara did. Maybe Aven had messed with Ara’s biosuit as a form of revenge when Nyx went missing after being inserted into that other biosuit? Aven had the skills to embed a certain behavior. He thought that maybe Trickster had raised Nyx on his own.

  “How’s the alliance bit going?”

  “All arranged.”

  Viper nodded, pleased. “And the next phase will be driving the Mobile Unit to death.”

  “Kavela is bucking but we’ll have him back under control. A little bit of torture here, threats there, accidents, poisoning, you name it.”

  Ara met up with her group, and was enjoying her night, a little. It became uncomfortably noticeable that, as much as Kavela wasn’t aware of her, he was. She saw his energy continually ease out and entwine with hers. At one point it became sexual and she had glanced over at him, seeing him quiet at his table, not looking at her, but she knew he knew what he was doing.

  That night, papers arrived despite the strange feelings.

  It was her apprenticeship papers.

  He had filled in the details and all she had to do was sign.

  She felt a strange resistance to signing them so she didn’t. He’d annoyed her anyway. Make him wait. There was no rush. She put down her stylus. She now sensed relief. It was so odd so she looked around the room. Was it possible the shadow guards, that Randy/Korbet assigned to her, were influencing her? And now her mind was clear, she remembered that she and Caleb had been rather naughty in how they had learned about the shadow guards. Maybe Korbet, as Prince Randy, never organized it.

  “Hello?” she asked, glancing around.

  Then she felt silly.

  Ignoring the feelings, however, she found herself walking down the halls, knocking at Kavela’s door. He opened it and smiled when he saw her. “You look edible, Ara.”

  After she entered they didn’t talk at all except at the end when they were lying naked on the bed when he asked about her dalliance at the HaV coordinates. He traced his fingers around the blue flower on her arm a few times but didn’t say anything.

  “I don’t know who it was. Maya fed me the information.”

  “Hmmmm, well, just take care my lovely. I had a strong urge to be there to protect you and we’d only just entered HaV.”

  She was appalled. “That’s dangerous.”

  He stroked her hair and tweaked her nose. “Then don’t scare me like that again.”

  A. Is everything okay?

  She didn’t expect him to use short ArT but he did.

  K. There is so much to tell you but please, Ara. Trust me?

  A. Yes

  He kissed her again.

  K. Pretense for why we aren’t talking

  A. Of course … hmmmmm

  Much later, as they splashed in the bath, he smiled at her and his foot found hers.

  K. If you feel certain urges, don’t fight them

  She stared at him.

  A. Like not signing the apprenticeship papers?

  He smiled. “Exactly.”

  A. The flower?

  His eyes narrowed a little.

  K. Not mine, the container was left with a note to give it to you and, before you ask, I don’t know why it wasn’t given to you and I don’t know who Nyx is

  Ara snorted.

  A. I’ve got enough on without searching but—

  K. Ara?

  A. It might be a love story

  K. Or a horror

  She splashed him and he pulled her under by the feet.

  That night, Ara tossed and turned alone in her own bed.

  She kept waking up hearing noises, and creeping around the large room thinking someone was sneaking around. All she achieved was scaring herself even more.

  Ara spiked her exergon line. “Korbet?”


  He’d been asleep.

  Korbet asked, “Ara, what’s wrong?”

  She felt stupid, and scared.

  He seemed to pick that up.

  Her Voice beeped making her jump and she picked that up.

  “Ara, how much of that time in the Perza nursery do you remember?”

  Should she tell him Maya had been fogging up her mind? She decided not to. “Something about Purity’s Bridle, um … your mother treating you like a baby.” She listed a few other things.

  “Mostly things where I had strong feelings. Listen, you have plenty of guards.”

  “But I … I think there’s someone … um … dangerous after me, here, on the planet. He must be a Pure-Gen or had that procedure.”

  He was quiet for a moment.

  “Ara, I’m going to have one of my guards step out of the shadows. You’ll understand when you see it. Alright. Don’t panic. They are Aryan Pure-Gen Vampires.”

  Ara almost laughed, thinking he was teasing her, but her memory again sharpened and she saw a form in the dark pop out of the air almost, step forward and stop in front of the bed. The woman was tall, slender, and Ara thought she had dark eyes and hair.

  “Hello Ara. I’m Saffron. My husband and I have been your guardians since you were a baby. We will not allow anything to harm you.”

  Ara sighed and nodded as Saffron stepped back into the shadows. Vampire? Earth had strange ideas about them.


  “I saw her. Thank you.”

  “I think you are scared at the moment. We know the two males you are worried about and they are nowhere near you, okay?”


  “Good girl.”
/>   She couldn’t even be bothered arguing.

  “Get some sleep, honeybee.”

  Sub-Log XXXII

  The next morning, gritty eyed still, Ara walked with others up the broad marble stairs and moved in between the massive Swords of Peace. Their society was built on Upper Trust, meaning, while everyone had arms, peace existed. The Lower Trust had failed as inevitably someone would want what the unarmed person had. But, as Zarti had pointed out yesterday, this only applied to the Eighth Race in a few places. The way his dark eyes had captured hers she knew he was talking about Estancia, it had the highest crime rates. Ara had learned Estancia had risen to 25% corruption while all other stations were sitting under 4%.

  However, agreed upon duels existed for a slight, a contract broken and if the person had sufficient skill, otherwise it had to be submitted to the Planet of Law. Duels had simple rules, no projectile weapons and first blood drawn was the winner. Killing was prohibited. All duels and results had to be registered in the Planet of Law Duel section. Seconds could be used. Ara went off on a fantasy of dueling over something, or Caleb and Kavela dueling over her. She tripped, flushed, and cleared her mind of stupid fantasies. But a type of crazed frenzy crept into her mind making her want to laugh at all kinds of things. Trying to control her growing sense of chaos, she stopped for a moment, and she leaned on a pillar. She closed her eyes and tapped into the Strike, the filament. It burned inside her for a microsecond but it was enough to steady her.

  Entering the massive lobby, statues of judges lined the walls. Ara was directed to the left, up more stairs, through a narrow opening and took her place at the very end. She was on a row by herself. She was the last one ever made. Maybe she’d always be on her own on this row, or there might be six other Aryans after her—farmers, all of them. She giggled and clamped her hand over her mouth. She then noticed a few Aryans were shrouded in dark cloaks and hooded. How rude. Unless they were the registered special guests and were disfigured from being bombarded with matter and energy. How awful for them.

  But she giggled again.


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