Slayer Trials: Urban Fantasy (Hidden Vampire Slayers Book 2)

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Slayer Trials: Urban Fantasy (Hidden Vampire Slayers Book 2) Page 8

by H. J. Lawson

  “Go on, get out of here,” I say playfully as I push him out of the bathroom.

  For some reason I have a guilty feeling, even though nothing happened. I peer around the door to make sure no one is around. Luckily it’s all clear.

  “Tomorrow you will see why we believe in you,” Theo says as he leaves my room.

  “I hope so,” I mutter softly.

  The sound of heavy boots fills the hallway and my heart sinks as Lakia approaches.

  I scurry back into my room, gently closing the door behind me, hoping that it doesn’t give me away.

  My heart races as I press my ear to the door. I wish these damn rooms weren’t soundproof.

  Thump … thump, goes my door, making me jump for the second time tonight.

  I gulp, then open the door.

  “Hey, I just saw Theo down here—why is a trainer down here?” Lakia asks, looking at me intensely, like she’s trying to read my reactions.

  “Don’t know. I’ve just been in my room,” I respond, quickly and bluntly.

  Lakia’s mouth gapes open and she shoves me. “Sadie, I didn’t know you had it in you.” She winks.

  “What?” I swiftly shake my head. “It’s not like that, it’s nothing, all right.” The words pour out before I can stop them.

  Lakia’s hand cups her mouth.

  “I was only joking.” She frowns.

  My shoulders slump down. “We were just talking.”

  “What’re you two gabbing about?” Ryder says, taking me by surprise; he must have been just behind Lakia.

  “Nothing. Come on,” Lakia says quickly, changing the subject. I keep my eyes low, not wanting to look Ryder in the eyes.

  “See you tomorrow.” Lakia winks as she looks back at me.

  I shake my head as I slump against the wall. What the hell does Lakia think happened? I’m going to have to speak with her alone tomorrow.

  As I am turning to go back into my room and think about everything that has happened today, something—no, someone—catches my eye.

  Where's she going? Grace’s mousy brown hair is hanging down around her face as she quickly walks down the hallway—not the one that leads to the sleeping quarters.

  That corridor only leads to one place: the exit … quitters’ door.

  She cannot leave, especially now, after what Commander Cheng said.

  “Grace,” I call out as I run down the hallway toward her. She disappears around another corner; I speed up and turn the corner after her.

  "Grace,” I repeat. She looks at me and shakes her head as she continues to head to the door, the only door out of here.

  "Wait up.”

  Grace doesn't stop, but I'm quicker than her.

  I slam my hand on the door before she can fully open it; my force jolts the door closed.

  "Grace, you cannot leave," I say frantically.

  Grace shakes her head. "I cannot stay," she mutters quickly.

  "You have to."

  "What's the point? I'm not going to be in the top twenty. I may as well go now." She lowers her head.

  After my performance today I don't think she's the only one going home. I just hope whatever they gave us kicks in soon, like Theo said it would—and hopefully they gave her a double dose.

  "Give it one more day," I plead.

  She lets out a big sigh. "What difference is one day going to make?"

  I wrap my arm around her tiny shoulders. "Exactly—what differences is one more day?" I say softly as I move her away from the door.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I slump down onto my bed, worn out from the meeting with Commander Cheng, the first day of training, and convincing Grace not to leave. I hope that was the right decision—it has to be. I just need to work out how we can pass this darn trial.

  Jesus, it's going to be hard enough just to get me through and now there is a whole group of us. What was I thinking?

  My eyes are heavy from staring at the wall, but I am fearful of what I will see when I sleep.

  I’m losing the battle, and my mind plunges into darkness.

  My heart skips a beat. He’s here—Aaron’s here.

  I run toward him, down the clinical white hallways of Sector 105. All I want is his arms to wrap around mine … him telling me everything will be all right.

  An odd squeaking sound comes from his direction. My legs drive forward, quicker than my mind can register.

  One of his hands is down at his side … it is wrapped around a mass of black hair.

  My legs give way beneath me, slamming me to the cold white floor as I try to stop at the sight. Behind him is a crimson red trail of glimmering blood, obscured by the hall lights.

  He is dragging a body.

  It’s Lakia’s black hair.

  He’s dragging Lakia’s body … The corners of his mouth curl upward as he smiles, revealing red splatters staining his white fangs.

  I can’t get a grip on the glossy floor as I try to push my body up from it. It's like I’m treading water. I can’t move … Aaron’s getting closer.

  Blood drips down his chin, staining the white floor.

  “You’re next …” Aaron’s voice pierces my mind, dark and coarse.

  That’s not his voice, I tell myself. It's not Aaron!

  Turning my head away from Aaron, I see a silver gun on the floor.

  I reach for it; Aaron starts to move towards me, fast. I push backward against the cold wall; I have nowhere to run.

  Stretching my hands upward with the gun firmly between them, I point it toward Aaron; he drops Lakia’s lifeless body to the ground. Blood oozes out of the puncture wounds in her neck, her eyes are wide open, pierced with fear.

  “Leave me alone,” I scream at Aaron. In a blink of my eyes he’s standing in front of me.

  “I though you said you loved me?” Aaron asks, tilting his head as if I’ve upset him.

  “Leave me alone,” I plead in between sobs, pointing the gun at him.

  “Ha, you could never kill me.” Aaron laughs loudly, flashing his sharp fangs.

  He’s right, I can’t kill him. My hands tremble uncontrollably as his roars of laughter vibrate through my bones.

  I scream out. Lakia’s face is in front of me, with her fangs ready to bite into me.

  A second later she’s lying back down on the floor, but now with a fresh bullet wound in the middle of her forehead, blood dripping down into her open eyes … I killed her ... I killed her.

  My body thrashes from side to side. Wake up! I snap.

  I push my hands into my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears, sweat and guilt.

  It was just a dream, I tell myself as I try to stop crying.

  But I would choose to kill Lakia over Aaron … that’s not a dream. He’s not only my boyfriend, he’s also my best friend, he’s my heart.

  I bury my head under the thin white sheet, embarrassed that whoever is watching me can see me crying.

  With no clocks in the room, and no windows, I have no idea what time it is.

  Even if I've been asleep for fifteen minutes, that's enough. I'd rather be sleep deprived than suffer any more of those nightmares.

  All I want is to see Aaron, but I’m terrified that when I do he will be different. I cannot let my fears take over, especially not now, when I have to pass this trial.

  I stretch my legs out; there are no aches or pains from yesterday. Even though the workout was relatively easy, it was still a workout.

  My body feels stronger, almost like each muscle is wrapped tighter together, creating one powerful body.

  Until I get out of this room there is no way of seeing if I'm stronger or if my mind is playing tricks on me.

  I decided late last night that the only way I can protect my family is to pass this trial. Then once I’m out on assignment I will find them and protect them. If I leave now they will drug me and I will not have the skills to protect them or myself from the vampires.

  My only hope is training ... Wait a second—we are free to
walk around as we please.

  No point lying here in self-pity; it's time to fight.

  I shower and leave.

  It's empowering not waiting for the alarm to go off. It's one element of the day that they haven't been able to control.

  Gently, I push down on the door handle to Lakia's room, trying to make as little sound as possible.

  She's lying in bed with Ryder’s arm wrapped around her, sound asleep.

  I silently close the door; I cringe for her. I wonder what show they put on for the cameras last night.

  I really want to tell her about the cameras, about the water, but what good will that do?

  The only good thing I can do is get her out of bed to train. Tomorrow, if there is another training day, I will bring her with me, and Grace as well.

  Stepping into the white hallway, a feeling of deja vu hits me … this is the white hallway from my dream, only now there isn't a trail of Lakia’s crimson blood staining the white floor. I look down at the spot where her body fell last night. A cold shiver runs over my body, like someone has stepped over my grave.

  I edge around the spot as if her body is still there, then I let out a sigh. It was just a dream, I tell myself. Just a dream.

  My mouth gapes open. I can feel the blood racing to my heart as it pounds uncontrollably inside my chest. He's here ... Aaron's here.

  I cannot move, frozen with shock and fear. Is he really here or is this another dream? And if he's here, is it really my Aaron?

  He stares at me from the other end of the hallway, also stopping in his tracks.

  Our eyes connect, and I can see the warmth of his love for me in his dark brown eyes. Creases appear in the corners of his eyes as he starts smiling.

  I look down toward his mouth, where he is flashing his white teeth … his fangless teeth. It’s Aaron … my Aaron. This is no dream—he’s here.

  Instantly I take off running toward him, every muscle in my body pushing me forward. Almost too quickly—I tumble forward as I trip over my feet, then I quickly regain my balance.

  A little laugh escapes me from excitement and nerves.

  The smile has gone from Aaron’s face and he appears confused at how quickly I appeared in front of him. I wasn’t expecting him to look at me differently, like there was something wrong with me.

  A coarse, deep “Hey,” comes from Aaron’s throat—he sounds like the boy in my dreams. I flinch.

  Aaron coughs. “Hey; bad throat. How did you get to be so fast at running?” Aaron says as he rubs his throat. The cough breaks the coarse sound, replacing it with Aaron’s normal voice.

  I don’t answer Aaron. Instead I wrap my arms around his firm body … he’s warm.

  His arms wrap around mine, pulling me in.

  “I said I would find you,” Aaron says as he draws me in with his hands still firmly in place.

  I can hear the thud of footsteps coming closer; there are about ten more kids approaching, with Theo leading them. He nods at me.

  “Other kids from the treatment sector,” Aaron says as he sees me looking over to them.

  He pulls me closer to the wall, out of sight of the oncoming people, then captures my lips … his lips are warm against mine. Heat washes over my body.

  He releases me sooner than I want. “I thought I lost you,” I whimper.

  “Never,” he says, then pushes his lips more intensely against mine.

  “Sadie.” Theo calls my name as the others enter our hallway. A few guys look and smile at me, as if Aaron has told them about me. I can feel red rising to my cheeks as everyone stares at us.

  Aaron’s arm is firmly around my waist, like he has no intention of removing it. My head hovers over his chest; I can hear his heart pounding.

  “Why don’t you show Aaron around since you are up?” Theo says as he carries on walking with the others. “There is a timer on in the hangar, counting down to breakfast,” he adds.

  Quickly the group turns and heads down another hallway.

  Aaron wraps his other arm around me, and we stand there motionless and silent.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Are you okay?” I mumble into Aaron’s chest, not wanting to move away from his warmth.

  “They say so,” Aaron says.

  “What do you mean?”

  "I was unconscious for the treatment. I woke up an hour ago on a train—we all did. I have to go for an injection every morning. They are meant to be working on something that lasts thirty days, but it's not ready yet.”

  "And my parents?"

  "Blake took them to the parents’ sector," Aaron states.

  “Sector 07,” I add.

  “Yeah, whatever it’s called.”

  "Do you know where it is?" I ask.

  Aaron shakes his head. "After you left, another guardian came, Jarred. He took me and some other kids to the treatment sector and Blake took the parents to their sector,” Aaron explains. Blake is my link to finding my parents.

  "Come on, I will show you the hangar," I say, peeling away from his grip. I don't want to, but I know there isn't much time to be alone and talk.

  Aaron's hand finds mine, and our fingers tangle together. He raises my hand and kisses the back of it. "I've missed you." He smiles.

  "I’ve missed you too. It feels like longer than a couple of days," I add.

  "I’ve no clue what day it is," Aaron admits.

  "Maybe Sunday, or it could be Monday. Either way, it doesn't matter what day it is as long as you are here." I smile; my body feels lighter with him here.

  I lead him down the corridor in the direction of the hangar.

  "This is where we were training yesterday, and I guess today as well," I explain as we walk into the hangar.

  "Training for the trial?" Aaron says.

  "They told you about it?" I ask.

  "Yeah, basically we have to pass or they stop looking after our parents. And ..." Aaron pauses as fear washes over his face.

  "And what?" I demand.

  "And ... they stop our treatment," Aaron says, looking down at the gray concrete ground.

  I place my hand under his chin and lift it up so we are looking into each other's eyes.

  "What happens if you don't have the treatment?" I ask. Fear fills my stomach as I already know the answer.

  "I turn into one of them," he says softly, not breaking my stare. His eyes look different, as if the black section is larger, deeper somehow.

  I rock onto my toes and kiss him gently on his lips, then pull away so there is only a breath between us.

  "They’re watching us; there is a camera in the speaker. Don't look at them," I whisper, so quietly I wonder if he can hear me. His body goes tense as the message reaches his brain.

  I kiss him again.

  “They poison the bottled water with devil’s breath—it erases your memory. It tastes like metal,” I whisper, then kiss Aaron.

  “Theo told me; he held me behind after our briefing,” Aaron says.

  “What else did he tell you?” I whisper into his ear, wanting to know if Theo told him about last night.

  “What else is there?” Aaron looks at me, confused.

  “That we have different DNA in us,” I say.

  “Yeah, that as well.”

  “Did he tell you about me?” I draw my lips in as if I want to take the words back.

  “What about you?”

  “That I’m some kind of super weapon or something.” Aaron smiles in response.

  “You’re something all right.” He grabs hold of me, lifting me up off the ground, taking my air with him. I let out a little gasp; he’s stronger than before.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him again, this time more intense, needy. I need him and I don’t care that they are watching us—right now it's just me and Aaron.

  Beep … beep. The digital alarm breaks us from our passionate make-out session, and we both gasp for air. My mind feels dizzy with joy.

  I glance over to the red numbers: sixty min
utes till breakfast.

  “They don’t have clocks here, or windows,” I say, still wrapped up in his arms.

  “Time control,” Aaron says, rolling his eyes.

  “Time control,” I repeat. “We have to be in the top twenty.”

  Aaron stares at me deeply.

  “I know,” he replies. “And we will.”

  I show Aaron where the sleeping quarters are; there’s a room a few hallways over from mine for him. Then we head over to Lakia’s room.

  I pound my fist against the metal door; I don’t like the idea of catching them undressed.

  Lakia opens the door and squeals. She wraps her arms tightly around Aaron’s neck, and color rushes up to his cheeks. When she lets go I notice his neck: there are two circles where the vampire’s fangs punctured his neck. Aaron catches me staring at them, but doesn’t say anything.

  Ryder marches out of Lakia’s bathroom. “I wouldn’t go in there …” Ryder starts to say as he waves his hand in front of his face. Then a smile appears on his face when he sees Aaron. “Nice of you to join us,” he says as he walks over and slams his hand onto Aaron’s back. Aaron pulls Ryder in and they give each other a man hug, which consists of slapping each other on the back, making a loud clapping sound which echoes up the empty hallway.

  “You ready for a fight for position one in the stupid trial?” Ryder says as he steps back; there is a serious note in his voice.

  “Hell yeah, we all have to get into the top twenty,” Aaron replies, as if his life depends on it ... which it does.

  Lakia slumps down onto her unmade bed. “There is no way I’m going to be in the top twenty,” she says, slouching her shoulders down as if she’s already surrendered to the fact. “I may as well leave now,” she adds, defeated, resting her head in her hands.

  “Can you two talk to her? I’ve tried all night but she will not listen. Glad you’re back, mate, see you in the dining room. I need a shower and clean clothes,” Ryder says as he leaves Lakia’s room.

  I sit down next to Lakia on her bed.

  “Sadie, are you safe here? I could also do with a quick shower,” Aaron says, rubbing his hands together.

  “Yeah, you go—can you remember where the dining area is?” I ask; I showed him on the way back to the rooms.


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