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Radiance Page 6

by Shayne McClendon

  Clearly, Elijah overstated her distress.

  In tandem with the thought, she called, “Good morning, Elijah. Kiss my ass, Delkin.”

  He blinked at the pissed off side of her he’d been unaware she possessed. She ducked into the limo and a ripple of awareness shot through him.

  Gabriella didn’t look back. Winters didn’t acknowledge him.

  Seeing her inner fighter emerge, he recognized that he’d hurt her far more deeply than he intended.

  The woman had been an impulse decision, one meant to show he wasn’t waiting around for Gabriella’s attention.

  How his date for the evening looked hadn’t even crossed his mind since she resembled so many others who were similar in nature. That she was barely dressed was also common.

  In hindsight, he’d ignored Elijah’s comments about Gabriella’s embarrassment about her scars. He’d forgotten her insistence during their first conversation that she wasn’t Harper’s type.

  How the fuck was he supposed to fix the cluster he created?

  Elijah’s eyes flicked to his and away. Sighing, Harper got back to work and knew he’d have to figure it the fuck out if he ever expected his oldest friend to talk to him again.

  Chapter Eight

  Mid-November 2014

  Two weeks following her birthday party at Trois, Brie found herself restless on her first night back at the club.

  She missed Elijah constantly and hid her sadness.

  There were no more nightly visits but she continued to listen for his knock, just in case. She hadn’t seen the bodyguard since the night he told her to seek the comfort she needed.

  She didn’t cry but she worried about her newfound anger. It wasn’t an emotion that sat well on her shoulders.

  Riya and her men looked vibrant and happy, whispering together and laughing quietly. Zach and Quinn waited for Tawny, talking to Hudson about recent changes to the market.

  Other members frequently approached and she’d smile and converse for a few minutes but she wasn’t really in the mood.

  Brie was frequently lost in her own thoughts.

  Though Riya and Tawny inquired, Brie remained unwilling to share information about Harper and Elijah. It seemed over before it began but…she hoped. Her mind drifted to the two men constantly and she was furious with Harper’s callousness.

  She wasn’t sure how to go about finding, much less pursuing, a casual relationship at this stage of her rehabilitation.

  Looking around, she wanted to explore the unique space on her own two feet. The cane was too slow and she needed both hands while she sketched.

  She itched to see everything inside the historical building. There was an elevator to the second floor but she was embarrassed to use it.

  “Gabriella.” Hudson’s voice pulled her from her unusual introspection. “Would you like a tour?”

  She shook her head with a sigh.

  “The upstairs…”

  “I’ll wait, Hudson. When I see it, I want to walk. To explore and be able to sketch without having to make sure I don’t fucking fall.” Her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry…”

  “Ssh. I understand.” His voice was gentle as he reached out to place his hand over hers. “I’d have already gone mad.”

  Turning hers over, she gripped him like a lifeline. “I need this to happen faster.”

  “Your recovery?” She nodded. “You’re doing remarkable. Your doctors are blown away by your progress.”

  “I can do more.”

  “You will. I know you’re impatient. What can I do?”

  “Forgive my behavior.”

  “You’ve done nothing wrong, Gabriella.”

  Rubbing her temple, she whispered, “I feel like a raging bitch.”


  Tawny collapsed in the chair beside her. “Did you call me? I distinctly heard raging bitch.” Grudgingly, Brie laughed. “Hating this shit, huh?”

  “I mean…fuck.” Releasing Hudson’s hand with a final squeeze, she gave the redhead her full attention.

  “You feel helpless and that must chafe like nipples in winter.”

  Laughing, Brie nodded. “Something like that. I don’t mind putting in the work. I just want more headway. I want…I don’t even know what the fuck I want.”

  “I get it.” Tawny sighed. “Bet it doesn’t help that your last experience before all this was being crawled over by the dynamic duo of dirty sex. Must make you antsy.”

  Hudson choked on his scotch.

  “Tawny…lord.” Brie couldn’t contain her grin. “I’m stuck in limbo. Truthfully, I could use a distraction.”

  Considering, she asked, “What about that sexy motherfucker who gave you the penis sculpture?”

  Her heart contracted painfully but she covered it. “It’s a fucking whale and you know it.”

  “Sure but it’s definitely phallic. I mean…seriously. From the shape to the blowhole, I see penis.”

  “Bitch, you see penis in everything.”

  “A-fucking-men. Anyway, what about calling him and his hot bodyguard to work your pretty ass over and remind you why you need to keep getting up in the morning?”

  Brie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No way could she share the complexities of Elijah and Harper with Tawny. The woman was way too unpredictable.

  “I’m can’t handle them right now.”

  “Why not? I thought these were done deal orgasms.”

  “I’m not strong enough physically or emotionally.” She chose her words with care. “I offer nothing of value at this point.”

  Tawny stared deeply into her eyes. Brie got the impression the woman saw more, knew more than most. “You’re not just a hole to fuck. If either of them don’t see the value in every goddamn thing else you have going on, fuck them.”

  Twisting her hands in her lap, Brie murmured, “I’m not firing on all cylinders. I’d probably get sex mixed up with love.”

  “You need some disconnected play time.”

  “I have no clue what I need. I’ll be fine. I just have to be on my own feet for real. I couldn’t even handle full on sex yet.”

  Tawny made a funny tapping motion on the arm of the sofa. “Want some good news?” Brie nodded with a smile. “Joshua and Jessica are here. They’re heading this way.”

  “Oh god…”

  “Chin up, buttercup.”

  The outgoing and adventurous couple who’d been part of Riya’s dissertation ignored everyone else as they approached and knelt on either side the chair where Brie sat.

  Hudson’s eyes were huge.

  Joshua took her face in his hands. “You’re fucking gorgeous. What’s this I hear about you feeling bad?” He kissed her full on the mouth, licking inside and following with several small kisses that trailed along her jaw to her neck.

  Jessica stroked her fingers through her hair. “Injuries couldn’t snuff you out, pretty girl. Looks like you’re kicking ass and taking names to me.” She gently cupped the back of her head and delivered a kiss that made Brie’s breath catch in her throat. The blonde moaned. “You’re delicious.”

  “You look overheated, Brie.” Joshua worked her light sweater off her shoulders with a wink. “I really want to see as much of your skin as you’ll let me until I’m given permission to pet you everywhere.”

  She wore black jeans and a turquoise shell top with flat boots that ended just below her knees. The weather was turning cool but he was right. Brie suddenly felt very warm.

  In tandem, the couple ran their palms over her shoulders and down to her hands.

  “Still silky and golden. Soft and tempting.” Jessica’s eyes lifted. “You think a few scars makes me want you less, Brie?”


  “They make me want you more. You’re a fighter. Nothing makes me hotter than a fucking fighter.”

  Joshua ran his hand up her inner calf to her knee. “What’s different? Something’s different.” Rising, he cupped the outside of her breast. “Are these smaller?” />
  Brie nodded, overwhelmed by their attention and unable to form a coherent sentence.

  “I thought you were hot before but damn. I bet you like yourself better now. That’s what matters, you know? They’ll still taste as good as I imagined.”

  He kissed her again and she felt dizzy.

  When he broke it, Jessica waited and they traded her mouth back and forth for a couple of minutes. The entire time, their hands stroked over her body through her clothing.

  Finally, they hugged her hard. “You should let us love you down, Brie. You don’t have to do anything or worry about our pleasure at all.” Joshua raked his hands through her hair. “We would be so careful. What do you think?”

  She confessed, “I can’t think.”

  The blonde traced her cheek with the back of her knuckles. “You don’t have to think. What you need is pleasure without being flooded with emotional stimulation. We’d be great friends for you, Brie. We’d make sure you had fun and remembered you’re still young, without twisting you up inside. Just the ticket, I think.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, Jessica grinned. “Hey, Riya.”

  Blinking away the sensual fog the couple wove around her, Gabriella realized her friends were watching the three of them with their mouths open. Natalia sat quietly on Hudson’s lap, having joined them at some point.

  Riya struggled to find words. “Hey…you guys. Um, you know Brie is still recovering, right?”

  Joshua and Jessica smiled at Brie while they lightly traced her face. “We heard she was feeling a little down, frustrated with her recovery time. No fucking way were we going to miss a chance to show her how sexy we found her from day one. We can be gentle, lick her from head to toe, and remind her what pleasure is all about without doing anything to set her physical therapy back.”

  The imagery immediately sent signals to Brie’s nipples and womb. Just the thought…

  “We’ve masturbated to the thought of you many times. That’s the kind of impression you made last year when we met. We heard you hooked up with the hot stoic guy and his delicious girl. Sadness like you wouldn’t believe at the missed opportunity.” Jessica shrugged. “We got it though, they telegraph we’ll-fuck-your-brains-out real subtle.”

  Natalia and Hudson stared at the younger couple. It was one of the few times Brie had ever seen them truly speechless. Natalia’s eyes met Brie’s and she issued a shaky laugh.

  “We heard they’re engaged, totally your BFFs, and you’re back on the market. Fucking awesome news and we’d like to cover you in some much-deserved pleasure.”

  They lowered their lips to the skin beneath her ears and planted warm kisses along her shoulder.

  Brie met Tawny’s eyes. The redhead stared back, the only one not shocked by the couple’s appearance or hard press.

  “Did you do this?”

  “Sure as fuck did. They talk about you every time I see them.” She shrugged. “They wanted you before the accident. They restated their desire to lick you unconscious without going against doctor’s orders so I brought them tonight.”

  Winking at Hudson, she added, “I concur with all their accidental compliments.”


  “Brie, shut up and let them touch you.” She smiled as her men scooped her up and settled her between them. “You deserve to remember ecstasy. They can remind you and ensure you end up a quivering mass of nerve endings.” Blowing her a kiss, she added, “Just hush and let it happen.”

  Taking a deep breath, Brie let herself fall into the way the couple caressed and murmured to her.

  Their voices were low enough that no one else could hear them and so soft that her mind layered them over each other. Smooth Texan accents turned her insides to melted butter.

  “You forgot how beautiful you are but we can remind you. Touching you, making you feel amazing, is such a small gift we can provide that’s completely selfish. We won’t hurt you, won’t take more than you can give. We’ll make you feel so good. Let us show you what you need.”

  They pulled back to look at her face. Holding her hands, they placed them on their faces and guided her over their necks and shoulders.

  She whispered, “You’re both in amazing shape…”

  “We have stamina for days, Brie. We want you to touch us. Take whatever you want, whatever you need.”

  They moved closer to give her more access to them and she relished the chance. The temptation to touch and be touched was almost overwhelming.

  Joshua was still in incredible shape and Jessica reminded her of Natalia, slender and almost delicate.

  Her gaze met Natalia’s and her friend winked.

  “I’d love to…sketch you together.” Brie looked at them shyly. “Would you let me do that?”

  Their smiles were brilliant. Jessica asked excitedly, “Could you draw one for us to keep?”

  “Oh yeah. I can do that.”

  “Whatever you like, we’re open to, Brie.” They resumed kissing her and said at her ears, “Any position you want to see. We can hold back for a long time. We can do that between licking and sucking you.” More touches. “Maybe you could tell us exactly what to do so we get it just the way you want it.”

  Holy shit…the possibilities.

  “How’d you get here, Brie?” Joshua asked the words quietly as he massaged the inside of her thigh. “I’ll get you safely anywhere but the destination should feature a bed. We’re going to lay you down and spend hours feasting on every inch.”

  Jessica added in a whisper, “Where’s the closest place to get you naked?”

  * * *

  Harper watched a fit young couple crawl over Gabriella and thought his brain would explode.

  He moved to stand up and Elijah ordered, “Do not draw attention to your presence. She needs to be touched.”

  “Then fetch her, Elijah.”

  “She’s no more a dog than she is a rabbit. She’s a kind and beautiful woman who deserves better than what you would do to her. Sit there. Enjoy the result of your fucking games.”

  “Your mouth…”

  “Says far less than it could. You’re many things. A hypocrite was never one of them. Two weeks ago, you flaunted a woman in front of her who is everything she knows she’s not. Your type, as she so accurately described it.”

  Shame curled in his belly. He lashed out, “Your type as well.”

  “Never. I could barely tolerate them. It was made only slightly more bearable if they were gagged.”

  The shock of the admission rocked him. “All of them?”

  “Each and every one.” He broke protocol and met his eyes. “You rubbed your lack of care in her face. You hurt her. I told you you’d lost her. That night, I told her to seek comfort wherever it could be found.”

  There was no doubt Elijah wanted her desperately. “Why didn’t you…”

  “Shut up. For once in your fucking life, shut the fuck up and think before you speak to me as if I only met you today.”

  Crossing his arms at his back, he faced forward and did his best to disconnect from Harper’s presence. It had been many years since he’d attempted it.

  Harper’s gaze returned to the image of Gabriella in the grip of a focused assault on her sensuality.

  Where she’d seemed nervous and hesitant initially, she gradually gave in to a nature that craved human contact. Her hands drifted to the back of one dark head, one light. He watched her eyes close and her lips part slightly.

  She was fully involved and it was spectacular.

  After half an hour of public making out that had him harder than he’d been in a long time, they helped her stand and walked with her to the exit.

  Harper held his breath as he realized she was truly going to let the couple take her home.

  His eyes connected with Hudson’s and the man smiled tightly. There was no doubt in his mind that his somewhat friend and rival had been aware of his presence from the start.

  He wanted Harper to witness the fact that Gabriella was not
without options of her own.

  “I hope they give her everything she deserves,” Elijah said quietly. “I also hope they don’t steal Brie’s heart. For that, I might never forgive you.”

  He meant the words.

  At the apartment, his bodyguard checked the house, pronounced it clear with a nod, walked into his room, and closed the door.

  In his own bedroom, Harper’s body was in chaos. He pictured what the couple was doing to Gabriella. He wondered if they were tasting her at that moment. Eating her pussy, sucking her nipples, and touching her everywhere.

  He quickly undressed and stepped in the shower. Fisting his cock, he let the pleasure build slowly as he considered the image they made. When he came with a gasp, he remained under the spray for a long time.

  There was no way he could stay in New York. He needed to get Elijah out of the city as well.

  His friend was not the only one who hoped they’d get another chance in the future to touch Gabriella. The woman spun out his brain, made it hard to think.

  * * *

  Elijah showered and sat in focused meditation. One day, he’d have the chance to touch her. For now, he hoped she took everything she needed and deserved.

  Calming his mind, imagining the happiness Brie would feel receiving touch, allowed him to sleep deeply for the first time since the unfortunate events on her birthday.

  The following day, they returned to Washington.

  Chapter Nine

  Early December 2014

  Harper had been off-balance for weeks. It was unfamiliar and unwelcome. Upon their return to the Delkin family estate, Elijah settled into the routine he’d held since he was a child and all but ignored his oldest friend.

  The bodyguard spoke to him in his capacity as his head of security. Otherwise, the man refused to interact on any level.

  Harper finally had all he could stand. On the way to their meeting, he said quietly, “I’ll talk to Winters.”


  “Gabriella.” When Elijah didn’t move or respond, he nodded. “I know I messed up. I’m sorry.”

  “I wonder how he’ll react to your second apology.”


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