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Radiance Page 8

by Shayne McClendon

  Stunned, Brie managed, “Um, I-I feel like I know you, too.” The couple laughed warmly and she was struck a little stupid. “I mean…shit.”

  Lucas sat on the sofa beside her and brought his wife to sit on his lap. “You bubble over with goodness.”

  A nervous laugh escaped Brie and she put her hand over her mouth. “Exactly as described, good lord.”

  Amelia grinned. “He gets that a lot. Kind of panty-meltin’, huh?” Unsure how to respond, Brie tried to smile. The tall woman chuckled. “No need to be embarrassed. Who doesn’t love Sam Elliot?”

  “I mean…really,” Brie said deadpan.

  “Riya mentioned you’ve been fightin’ your way back from a major car accident.” Shay reached out and held her hand. “I’m impressed as all hell.”

  Victor gave her a wink and she was struck by the fact that he had almost the same eyes as Hudson. “When you’re back on your feet, you need to trip on down to Georgia. The local boys would follow you like puppies and we’ll stuff you full o’ fried chicken and peach cobbler.”

  “A long way from New York City but a nice little timeout,” Amelia added. “You’d love our place in Montana, too. Nothin’ for miles and miles but sky, trees, and mountains.”

  “They sound lovely.” Brie’s mind suddenly exploded with a hundred questions and she started talking a mile a minute.

  The couples didn’t seem to mind.

  Eventually, Max hauled over a couple of chairs for himself and Victor. They were some of the most open and honest people she’d ever met.

  It was surreal to meet two more of the men from Riya’s dissertation. The ones Brie had more than a little crush on while she was reading.

  The reality was even better. She talked to them for hours and she felt as if she’d found kindred spirits.

  * * *

  Hudson and Natalia appeared after the staff party at Trois ended and hugged her between them. They presented her with another sculpture from Hudson’s collection and the memory of the first made her hug them for a long time.

  At her ear, Natalia whispered, “You have to join us tomorrow. We’re going to bust open the new dishes.”

  “I’m not intruding on…”

  Placing her finger over Brie’s lips, the blonde arched a brow. “We’re going to vegetate all day and you’re going to hang out with us so trying to resist us is pointless.” Plumping her lower lip, she winked. “Still love them. I can’t help it.”

  The confession made Brie snicker and she puckered comically for a kiss that she received. Natalia swooned dramatically and Hudson caught her with a grin.

  Clearing her throat, she said, “Um, you should let me cook.”

  Natalia huffed indignantly. “We catered.” Releasing a sigh of relief made her friend put her hand on her hip. “I can cook. Some stuff. Maybe.”

  Rubbing noses, Brie told her, “You’re a fucking gourmand with tea and cookies.”

  She was so grateful to friends who went above and beyond to include her in their lives.

  There were times she felt as if she had nothing to offer but they always made her feel welcome, protected, and loved.

  They would always be the ideal Christmas gift to her.

  Chapter Eleven

  New Year’s Eve 2015

  Brie was determined to feel good. She refused to dwell on her sadness.

  She was about to begin a brand new year. She was nine months past the accident that almost killed her and getting stronger every day physically.

  Riya and Tawny insisted on taking her shopping and for an extended spa day to prepare for the outrageous annual party.

  The outfits they tried to put her in made her giggle maniacally.

  Finally, hand on her hip, Tawny huffed. “The hunters will be out en masse tonight and we’re presenting you accordingly.”

  “First, no. I’m not interested and I’m not cleared for sex if I was interested…which, I repeat, I am not. Second, there’s no way I’m exposing that much skin. Especially when I can’t wear appropriate shoes. Three…” She held up her cane. “Figure it out, Red.”

  Stomping away, she mumbled, “Nobody lets me do anything!”

  Grinning, Riya asked, “You’re sure you’re not interested? The inquiries at Trois are growing.”

  Her eyes widened. “No.”

  “Oh yeah. Natalia didn’t tell you?” She shook her head. “Probably because most of them are too young.”

  Tawny landed between them. “Blondie is a firm believer in seasoning. Especially where you’re concerned. Doesn’t like the twenty-somethings sniffing around her baby girl.”

  “Shut up,” Brie said laughing.

  “Fine. After you try on this jumpsuit.”


  “It lights up!”

  “Fuck you, no.”

  “Come on…it’s festive!”

  In the end, they compromised on a bronze sweater that was softer than a hundred baby kittens, brown leather pants, and matching riding boots.

  Tawny was somewhat appeased, Brie was comfortable, and Riya looked as if she’d spent the day running a daycare.

  They did her hair and makeup. It took both of them trading off to straighten her hair. She kept shaking her head and saying, “I warned you. Did I not warn you?”

  When it was finally done, they stared at her in stunned fascination. “Brie. Holy shit. That’s gorgeous.”

  “Thanks.” The lowest layer brushed the top of her ass. In its’ naturally curly state, it was around her bra line.

  Tawny wrinkled her nose. “You’re absolutely sure…”

  “Positive. I don’t need any more dicks in my life.”

  “Ha! I see what you did there.” Clapping her hands, the redhead announced, “Let’s hustle. Zach and Quinn promised to play hide-n-seek their penises with me.”


  “I know, I know. It’s not really fair. I always know their hiding spots.” She shrugged. “Somehow, the game never gets old.”

  Laughing, they headed downstairs and climbed into the M’s Towncar. They chatted with Rodney all the way across town.

  None of the men would arrive for a couple of hours so they went early to help Natalia with any last minute details. She always outdid herself and Trois was stunning.

  Lights and fabric descended from the massive chandelier to the four balcony corners. They watched her order staff like a pretty, very sexily dressed drill sergeant.

  Stunning straps of black leather crisscrossed her narrow body in strategic places and formed what appeared to be a precarious mini dress. Leather stilettos tied up her ankles.

  Hudson entered and greeted their group but when he caught sight of Natalia, he did a comical double-take that made them all snicker as he kidnapped the blonde to her office.

  Brie called out with a grin, “Anything you need us to do while you’re…busy?”

  “Bowls.” It was all she was able to manage before they heard a door slam.

  The three of them were gutted by laughter. When her stomach stopped hurting enough to talk, Brie said, “I assume snack bowls with all the chocolates and stuff?”

  Riya carefully blotted her makeup. “We can do what we want. She’ll be so fucking mellow when she comes back she won’t notice shit. Oh god. Did you see the cartoon wolf thing he did? I fucking died…”

  Then they were off again.

  When the couple emerged an hour later, Tawny pointed two fingers at Natalia and said, “Bitch got blowjob Botox.”

  Retaining their composure was impossible, especially after the blonde blew them a kiss. It was no use.

  Other members started drifting in and the club filled with conversation and celebration.

  When the third pair of men approached her just to chat around ten o’clock, Brie wondered what the fuck was going on.

  She accidentally said, “You know I’m still out of commission, right?” She tapped the top of her cane.

  A very big man with dark red hair trimmed high and tight winked a
bright blue eye. “Aye, lass. I’m Gerard Weatherford. My friends call me Gear.”

  Blinking at the heavy Irish accent that disconnected her central nervous system for a second, she managed, “I mean…I’m still in physical therapy.”

  His friend was as tall but leaner. The smile he turned on her was lovely and showed his dimples. Gentle brown eyes and hair made him seem very friendly.

  Also in a heavy Irish accent, he told her, “Several months more, accordin’ to the grapevine. Finnan Brodie.”

  Shaking hands, she glanced back and forth between them, waiting for one of them to explain their interest.

  “Pretty girl, we’re not lookin’ to tackle ye to the nearest bed. Met yer redheaded friend in Amsterdam. She and her men spoke highly of ye. Business brought us here and we seized the chance to introduce ourselves.”

  “I don’t…are people trying to set me up?”

  The auburn haired man laughed loudly. “Not at all. There’s idle chatter that Eklund claims ye.” It made her heart skip and he stepped closer. “However, should it not work out, know there are other…opportunities.”

  Tawny appeared at her side. “Gear. Finn. I see you’ve met Brie.” She planted a smacking kiss on Brie’s cheek.

  “Red. No more home cooked meals.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You love feeding me. You’ll never cut me off.” With a smack on her butt, she added, “I’m returning the favor. My girl will never starve.”

  Both men laughed. They each took her hand and kissed the back. Finn winked, “No pressure, lass. It was a true pleasure.”

  “Keep us in mind if ye get lonely, pretty girl. We’ll make ye laugh and treat ye right.”

  She watched them walk away and turned to Tawny with a frown. “Stop trying to fix me up.”

  “When those assholes who have you dangling on a string get their shit together, I will. Until then, you need to know there are many men out there who would love to get you in their clutches. They need to know that shit, too.”

  Sighing, Brie nodded.

  Their usual group got a little bigger when Marci showed up after eleven with the Ghonim cousins. She looked frazzled and was still wearing a business suit with a classy chignon.

  Kissing all their cheeks, she explained, “I literally just stepped off the plane an hour ago. You guys look fantastic. I look like one of those women in the Excedrin commercials.”

  They caught up with everyone’s latest news and Brie kept her attention firmly fixed on the friends she desperately needed as midnight approached.

  Natalia rang a bell when there was one minute remaining in a year filled with incredible revelations, trauma, and the beginnings of a new life she never thought she’d have.

  At the ten-second mark, an arm wrapped her waist and gently pulled her around. She stared into green eyes she’d missed even more than she realized until she looked into them.

  “Happy New Year, Brie.”

  Elijah kissed her and didn’t stop until the room erupted in cheers and the sound of party favors.

  Breathing him in, she reconnected to the taste and texture of his mouth as his hands held her close. She held him hard and took the moment for what it was.

  When he lifted away, she followed him for an instant before she caught herself. His smile liquefied her brain.

  Harper stood at his side but Elijah didn’t release her.

  They stared at one another for a long moment before she whispered, “Happy New Year.”

  “I’m sorry, Gabriella.”

  Inhaling carefully, she asked, “Do you know why you’re apologizing?”

  “Some but…not completely.”

  “It’s a start.”

  Lifting her hand, she held his shoulder and tugged him down for a kiss. It shook her the hell apart. He ate at her like a man starving with his hand on her ass until Elijah tugged her away and claimed her mouth again.

  At her ear, Harper murmured, “Your hair. I’ll probably dream about it dragging over my bare skin later.”

  She moaned into Elijah’s mouth.

  For an hour, they kissed her, held her, and gave her the contact she was desperate to have. Every minute she spent in their presence put more of her heart on the line but she couldn’t care about her need to touch them. She wouldn’t pass up the chance to do so.

  Elijah stroked her and she let herself fall down the spiral of love and hope he represented.

  Harper was rougher. There was a desperation, a confusion, that surrounded him and she did her best to offer him solace.

  Brie forgave him. She gave to him.

  It was who she was.

  * * *

  Elijah initially insisted on going to the club to check on Brie. He hadn’t planned on taking her focus from her friends.

  Then he’d watched from the second floor as two men he knew well approached her and openly flirted.


  “Is that Gear and Finn? What the fuck are they doing in the States?” Harper asked quietly. Straightening, his fingers clenched on the balcony railing. “Elijah…”

  “Wait. She’s constant, true. Brie won’t entertain the thought of others when she’s unsure of us.”

  Brie was polite but clearly not engaged.

  When the two men kissed her hand and walked away, her effervescence winked out.

  Harper straightened his suit jacket. “We need to go down there. Now. There are too many circling her tonight.”

  Smiling slowly, Elijah said, “Moths to flame.”

  * * *

  After spending a couple of hours reminding Brie how much they wanted her, they prepared to leave the club. They purposely passed the mercenaries who worked for Delkin Acquisitions regularly.

  Gear and Finn were highly sought after, effective, and much appreciated by the few women in their circles.

  “Eklund. Delkin. I assume ye’ve appropriately marked the lovely Miss Hernandez. A pity.” Gear met Elijah’s eyes with a smile. “I was hopin’ ye’d treat her like the others.”

  “No. She’s nothing like the others.”

  The smile faded from the big man’s face. “Ah, Elijah of the granite heart…ye’ve fallen at last?” He didn’t respond. “I bid ye well. She’s a pretty lass with many interestin’ friends.”

  Winking, he turned back to the bar and held up a hundred-dollar bill. Tawny skipped up to grab it and gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Gear. Don’t bet against me.”

  Played so easily by a woman everyone underestimated.

  “Dump the coffee tycoons and come away with me, lass.”

  “Nope. They were gymnasts.”

  She walked sedately to Elijah and Harper. “I’m curious…how tempting do you think Brie would be to our mutual friend?”

  Elijah growled and Harper flinched.

  “He has a soft spot for the ones who glow and he’s a veritable smoothie of the two of you. Fuck with her and I place her squarely in Hollow’s path.” Drawing herself up to her full height, she added softly, “You know she’d be good for him.”

  There was no doubt in his mind Brie would be good for him but Elijah refused to give her up.



  “Don’t.” It was the closest a man like him ever came to begging and both of them knew it.

  Her green eyes stared into his for a long moment. “Okay. Don’t let him hurt her again.”

  Then she walked away and Elijah took a relieved breath.

  * * *

  Three days later, Brie was supposed to fly to Washington to visit her parents but all flights were grounded.

  She didn’t admit her relief to anyone. She couldn’t confess her fear about returning to a place that held memories of her weaker self.

  Though her parents were sad she wouldn’t make it, they were thrilled with the remote meetings she held with the winery staff and the growth of the entire division.

  That she hadn’t touched the principle of her trust fund stunned t
hem and they openly questioned her about it.

  “I still work. I earn a salary from the winery and take on projects with clients. That’s a safety net I’m grateful for but I’d never abuse it.”

  “You and your sister humble us, Gabriella.”

  Her mother and father visited her often and she met Isabella for lunch once a month or so but going back to her home, to the place where she’d always felt less was a difficult step.

  Instead, she found herself hanging out with Tawny at the club.

  “Where’re your men tonight, Red?”

  “Traveling. They’re closing on that chain Hudson turned them onto out in Utah. I told Quinn it was better if I stayed behind because I’d offend the locals.”

  “An unfortunate truth. You really have to keep your number of arrests within reason, Tawny.”

  She released a heavy sigh. “I know. The lawyer the guys put on retainer for me is so awesome though. I think the sweet thing secretly wants to go straight to be with me.”

  “You’re a mess.”

  “Yes, yes I am.”

  For a couple of hours, they talked randomly and it was always enjoyable to spend time with a woman who seemed to know interesting facts no one else knew.

  Suddenly, Tawny froze and gave a low whistle. “Look who just walked in.”

  Following her line of sight, Brie gasped when she saw Harper and Elijah choose a table diagonal from theirs and order drinks. The corners of the club were dim and intended for privacy.

  The men were more relaxed than she’d ever seen them. She let her eyes take in their movements as they shrugged suit jackets off their shoulders and hung them on the backs of their chairs. Elijah’s shoulder holster stood out starkly against his crisp white dress shirt.

  “In all seriousness, they’re fucking hot.”

  Brie was unable to form a rational response but wholeheartedly agreed. She held herself immobile, knowing too much movement would draw Elijah’s attention. She wanted the opportunity to observe them without their knowledge.

  As if she read her mind, her normally energetic friend was motionless and quiet as well.

  For a long time, they watched the pair.

  Finally, Tawny said softly, “You should go over there. They want you more than you realize. I kid you not.”


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