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Radiance Page 19

by Shayne McClendon

  “I did very little. I accept my lack of event ability but chipped in for graphic design and whatnot. Riya and Lola pulled out all the stops.” She winked. “They managed to keep Tawny out of the mix.”

  “I don’t know if I’m sad or intensely relieved.”

  Her laughter halted abruptly as Hudson joined them from inside. “Oh my sweet baby Jesus. You look wonderful…and casual.”

  Dressed in light linen slacks and a shirt in a lighter shade without a tie, Hudson’s dark hair and eyes were a striking contrast. Then she looked down and realized he was wearing ratty sandals on his lovely feet and thought she might faint.

  “I need a picture of this shit. I want proof.” He grinned. “This was an inspired idea. Once again, you’re the man.” Watching them happily, she nodded. “Always leave them laughing. I’m going to get my drink on. Yell if you need anything.”

  Trading kisses, she wandered away to explore.

  They’d been on the open ocean for a couple of hours when she noticed people drifting toward the rear deck. Curious, she made her way there as well.

  A small helicopter landed on the pad there. She stared in stunned fascination as Elijah and Harper stepped from inside.

  The aircraft lifted into the air and the men smoothed their hair in a hypnotic synchronized movement. Elijah spotted her first and they made their way to her side as guests stepped aside in awe.

  Practically incoherent from the blood rushing around her body, she murmured, “That was quite an entrance.”

  Harper took her hand. “Winters made sure the yacht had the capability. We didn’t want to miss it.”

  Sliding his palm along her neck, Elijah said nothing as he claimed her mouth. He took his time, made her ache all over, and when he lifted away, she stared into green eyes that made her melt. They roamed over her body slowly.

  “Caramel and cream. You’re delicious, Brie.”

  Glancing back and forth between them, she admitted softly, “I know I’ll think of so many clever things to say later. Right now, I’m speechless.”

  “That’s a first, Gabriella. I’ll make a note.” Bending, Harper worked his mouth over hers and she moaned. “I concur. Delicious.”

  She hugged them each tightly. “I missed you bad. I’m so fucking glad you made it.”

  They hugged her back and held her between them as they ordered drinks.

  The day felt complete with them there. Watching Elijah and Harper attempt to adjust to her friends and their outgoing personalities amused her. Having them close enough to touch salved her heart.

  They’d spent another nine days apart. Separation was becoming harder. She was careful to hide her need to see them and showed her happiness when they were in her orbit.

  It would have to be enough.

  Lola and Leonard approached and Brie held out grabby hands to hug Hudson’s longtime assistant hard. “Girl, you outdid yourself with all this.”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “You know the king gets irritable if things aren’t exactly so.”

  “Hmm…and I know what a perfectionist you are. Nice try.” Looking at Leonard, she quirked a brow at his khaki slacks and casual linen shirt. “No suit. I think I may fall over in shock.”

  The driver and bodyguard laughed. “Still armed.”

  “Like I didn’t know.” He hugged her and she raised up to kiss his cheek. She felt Elijah stiffen at her back and internally rolled her eyes. “You know Harper Delkin and Elijah Eklund.”

  The siblings grinned and Lola winked. “Yup.”

  “I worked for Delkin Acquisitions after the military.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that, Leo.” She watched Leonard move his gaze from her to Elijah over her shoulder and give him a slow smile. “So…old friends?” she said as cheerfully as possible.

  “You might say that. Or you might not.” Leonard returned his attention to her. “However, I’ll admit you’re in excellent hands. If you weren’t, I’d be…angry.”

  Brie blinked and looked at Lola who struggled to hold back her smile. “Is that a Hulk reference?”

  “Yes.” Leonard said succinctly and bent to kiss her cheek. “That’s enough flexing and glaring for one day. I’ll see you later.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger and she snickered as he walked away with a single incline of his head at the men behind her.

  Lola added, “Stop by this week so we can finalize the reception itinerary.”

  “Will do and I’m so glad you’re coordinating. I have no clue what I’m doing.”

  “Utter bullshit. You’re brilliant. See you later, Brie.”

  Turning, she glanced at Harper. His expression was carefully blank.

  Elijah followed Leonard’s progress across the room.

  Frowning, she asked, “Everything okay?”

  “Yes.” When she didn’t look away from his face, he lowered his gaze to hers. “I dislike him around you.”


  “He’s dangerous.”

  “I’m aware. So are you.”


  Her eyes went wide and she was floored at the implication. “You’d better explain that before I throw a stereotypical female hissy fit in the middle of this classy affair, Elijah.”

  He led her outside and guided her away from other guests. “Men such as us are…territorial, Brie.” She placed her hand on her hip. “If you were angry, upset, he’d step in to protect you.”

  “I see and that’s a bad thing because…?”

  “I don’t want him touching you.”

  Tapping her fingers, she inhaled carefully and looked at Harper. “Nothing to add?”

  “I’ll let him take this one.”

  “Excellent. It’s my turn then. In the past ten months, there have been absences that lasted as much as a month. I haven’t bitched or whined, I haven’t in any way tried to change you or weighed in on the lives you lead.” Meeting silver eyes, she added, “Even when you regularly had call girls escorted to your apartment.”

  “Shit. Gabriella…”

  “Not to worry. It wasn’t Elijah who told me the risks you were taking with my body. I worked in the building before I lived in it. I know people from the parking garage to the penthouse. All the workers and many of the residents. With your frequency, it was bound to be noticed.”

  Being honest with herself, Harper looked ashamed about his actions.

  She shook her head. “I kept my mouth shut. I’ve asked for nothing from either of you. I possess a goddamn vagina but I happen to be picky about who I allow to access it. Something tells me your total number of sexual partners would terrify me. You’re ten years older so you probably lost track a couple hundred pussies ago…both of you.”

  Elijah’s eyes closed.

  Putting her shoulders back, she said through gritted teeth, “As for being territorial, I notice it didn’t change Harper’s behavior in the goddamn slightest so if you think for one second that I’ll censor innocent interactions with any of my friends who care about my personal safety and happiness to placate your egos, you can fuck the hell off.”

  She walked inside and avoided people who would’ve asked her questions she was in no condition to answer. Going into the ladies’ room, she worked to calm her temper and settle her hurt feelings.

  It took a long time.

  * * *

  As Brie left the restroom, Elijah pulled her out of the hallway into another room.

  She had a moment to exclaim, “I’m still mad!”

  Then they gripped her tightly and took turns annihilating her senses with kisses and touches. Minutes later, they lifted from her enough to stare into her face.

  “I’m sorry, Brie. As drawn to you as I am, I know how other men like me see you.” He inhaled carefully and slid his palm along the side of her neck. “You don’t understand the way dangerous men perceive you.”

  “How powerful men in general perceive you,” Harper said as he added his warmth to the other side.

  “I’m nice t
o everyone. I like people. To me, it doesn’t matter whether they’re a pretzel vendor or a mercenary or the head of a multi-billion-dollar corporation.” She scrubbed at her tears. “I’d never betray you, damn it.”

  “I know. I know, Brie. I’m sorry.”

  “My friends are all I have when you’re gone. None of them talk about either of you because they know I have no clue where you are, what you’re doing, or when you’ll be back. They aren’t a threat to you. They help me laugh when I really want to cry.”

  “Forgive me,” Elijah murmured as he pressed his face to hers. “I was thoughtless.”

  Lifting her hands, she curled her fingers around their wrists. “No matter how lonely I get I’d never hurt you. I need you to believe in me, Elijah.” He pressed closer.

  Harper shook his head. “It’s because of me, Gabriella. The way I’ve been hasn’t been easy for him.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry there was such a thing to hide from you more than your knowledge of it. Elijah demanded I stop and get full blood work to ensure your safety. He didn’t want to hurt you whereas I hadn’t even considered how you’d feel.”

  “It hurt but you never made promises so I let it go.”

  Harper kissed her temple. “I’m sorry. There’s been no one else and there won’t be.”

  “As long as we’re together,” she added. He looked at her with a frown. She shrugged sadly. “Don’t make such an open-ended promise.”

  Elijah claimed her mouth for a long time and when he pulled away, he said against her lips, “Do you forgive me?”

  She nodded and the last of her anger dissipated. It was impossible to hug them any tighter, to get any closer. Needing so much more, she wanted to cry in frustration and he picked up on it.

  Elijah gripped her hair and tilted her head back. “You’re almost there. Another week until your appointment.”

  “I get why you worry. I can’t hold you hard enough, I can’t show you.”

  “Show us what, Brie?”

  “How much I love you.”

  Picking her up, he carried her across the room and settled on a couch near the window. “I never doubt how much you love me. I don’t worry about you. I just…I know the temptation you present to men like me, to men like Harper.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’re lonely.”

  She nodded and he pulled her closer. Wrapping her arms around him, she drew her legs in to touch as much of him at one time as possible.

  Her palm spread over his heart and she nuzzled her face at his neck, inhaling the scent of him with a shaky sigh. He smoothed her hair and ran his palms over her body through the dress.

  “You’re so sensual that I forget sometimes what you really need.”

  Harper sat on the other end of the couch. “What?”

  “Touch. Connection.” He kissed her forehead and Brie raked her fingers through his hair. “She’s affectionate with her friends and it helps but not enough. It’s why she was hurt by what I said.”

  “I don’t…what do you mean?” The confusion in Harper’s voice was clear to both of them.

  “We show up, push her as far as we can sexually, then we’re gone again. It’s wearing on her.” Nudging her face up, he said, “Why didn’t you tell me, Brie?”

  “It’s pathetic.”

  “No.” He smoothed his palm over her cheek. “Not pathetic. You’re loving. We’re taking a lot and neither of us noticed you weren’t taking enough.”

  “I don’t need much,” she whispered. “Usually I’m okay.”

  “Okay isn’t good enough, Brie.”

  After ten minutes, she didn’t feel as if she was going to shake apart. Lifting her head, she stared at Harper. Crawling across the couch, she sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

  He tensed and held her awkwardly.

  “You don’t have to touch me back, Harper. Just…let me be like this for a little.” She held the back of his head and inhaled the clean smell of him. “I know it’s stupid to you. I know.”

  “You’ve been lonely?” She nodded against him. “I’m sorry. I’m not accustomed to women who have real emotions. I understand how someone like you would need to be hugged and everything.”

  “Someone like me?” She was almost afraid to ask.

  “Gentle. Sweet. It makes sense.”

  “Just give me a minute to remember how you smell, how you feel.” She hugged him tight and listened to him breathe. Rubbing her cheek over his shoulder, she planted a kiss at the hollow of his throat and moved to get up.

  His arms tightened and held her in place. “You can stay.”

  Heart pounding, she relaxed against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, petting the hair on the back of his head. She was careful not to fidget.

  Elijah moved closer, his arm stretching out on the sofa behind them and wrapping his hand around the darker man’s shoulder. His other stroked through her hair.

  Harper inhaled deeply. “You’re kind of like a cat.”

  Looking at Elijah, she said, “I hope you like cats, Harper.”

  “They’re not bad,” he told her. “They don’t usually like me.”

  Rubbing her hand over his chest, she whispered, “This one thinks you’re pretty amazing.”

  “I’m sorry. I was selfish and inconsiderate, Gabriella. It won’t happen again.” Then he kissed her temple and settled her more fully in his arms. The lull of his heartbeat soothed her.

  The sun was at a different angle through the window when she opened her eyes and realized she’d fallen asleep. Harper was asleep on Elijah’s shoulder, his face fully at peace. She watched him without moving.

  Meeting green eyes, she smiled softly and Elijah winked.

  Only when Harper stirred did she pretend to wake up, stretching and rubbing against him. Sitting up, she took her time kissing them, her hands on both at all times.

  Taking a deep breath, she held them close and said, “I really needed that. I hate that we argued. I’m glad we didn’t leave it that way.”

  Elijah cupped her face in his hand. “We didn’t argue. I was a misogynist ass and you didn’t let me get away with it. I’m more worried about how lonely you’ve been. Talk to me when you start feeling disconnected, Brie. Things move fast day to day. I don’t want to miss the signs.”

  Hand on the back of his head, she kissed him and whispered, “Thank you. I love you.”

  * * *

  Back in the main room, everyone was starting to file in for dinner when eight male and female members of the crew stepped up on stage.

  They stripped away their uniforms, music started to play, and they performed a highly skilled and decidedly raunchy dance routine to the shock – and clear enjoyment – of the guests.

  Beside them, Tawny said, “As if there weren’t going to be strippers at this thing. I don’t fucking think so. That shit’s sacred.”

  The redhead had her arms crossed, a smirk on her face.

  “You’re the coolest chick on the planet,” Brie said with admiration. “You’ve got to tell me how you pulled this off.”

  Grinning, she replied, “Contacts. That one has a lovely rack.”

  When the music ended, the room went crazy clapping.

  From behind them, Hudson said sternly, “Tawny.”

  The movie scream and boxing stance never got old.

  * * *

  Hours later, Brie said goodbye to Harper and Elijah at the pier. “See you when I see you. Know I love you. Coming back safely is important so…make that happen.”

  They nodded and took turns kissing her. Elijah held her and said firmly, “I never doubt you, Brie. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.”

  One more kiss. “We’re good. Call me.”

  Then she walked to Hudson and Natalia, grinned up at a smirking Leonard, and got in the back of the car with a shake of her head.

  She carefully kept the conversation to the wedding and her friends didn’t push. In the lobby, she hugged them tight. “We’re getting close and I’m so excited.�

  “Seamstress tomorrow afternoon. I’m taking you to dinner after.”

  “Okay. Go celebrate your victory. I’m exhausted and I love you.”

  The moment the elevator to the penthouse opened, Hudson practically lifted Natalia inside and his mouth was lowering to hers as the door closed.

  Waving at Carlo, she went to her apartment and took a quick shower. Climbing into her bed, her phone went off. She was shocked to see a text from Harper.

  “You looked beautiful today. Thank you for being gracious when we fuck up. It’s a first. Sleep well, Gabriella.”

  She replied, “You looked beautiful as well. Love means forgiveness. Travel safe, Harper.” Smiling to herself, she sent another. “Any chance I can get you guys to send me a selfie?”

  Ten minutes later, Harper sent her one of them side by side on what she assumed was his private plane. “You’d have thought I asked him to sing a fucking show tune in Times Square. This is a first. Ever. For either of us.”

  The photo that downloaded was Harper giving his corporate smile and Elijah being his bodyguard self. They looked gorgeous and she loved it more than would have made sense to anyone in her life.

  “You have no clue how happy I am right now. One of me.”

  She held up her phone and took one of herself against her pillows with silly pouty lips. Her hair was ridiculous but it was clear she wasn’t wearing clothes so…no fucks given.

  Seconds later, he texted, “Pan the fuck BACK, Gabriella.” Laughing, she sent her first dirty photo ever, showing her breasts. An almost instant reply. “Pan back MORE, Gabriella.”

  Sighing, she stood and went into her bathroom. Using a couple of curvy girl tricks for best results, she took a full body nude and sent it, adding, “Don’t make me regret this.”

  The phone rang and the instant she answered, Elijah said sharply, “One from the back.” She laughed so hard she almost couldn’t hold her phone as she told him to wait while she took and sent it. “Fuck. Yes. You’re so lovely.”

  “I won’t ask either of you to compromise yourselves and I have my own sketches locked away that are super dirty.”

  “Miss you already, Brie.”

  “I miss you, too.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.”


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