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Bought Page 7

by Derek Masters

  “Happy anniversary Nikki,” I say to her, raising my glass as a toast.

  “Happy anniversary baby,” she replies with a smile.

  “This past year has easily been the happiest of my life. I know that I’m leaving tomorrow and we won’t see each other for a few months, but I just wanted to spend the evening letting you know how grateful I am to have found you.”

  Nikki doesn’t say anything. Instead, she stands up, walks over to me, and wraps her arms around my neck as tightly as she can.

  “Are you sure you have to go?” she asked, fighting back tears. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “I know baby, but I can’t choose the missions. They send me where they need me.”

  This particular mission is sending me to Russia, where we are seeing an increased activity in terrorism threats. The Russians are finding it difficult to seek out and identify the threats, so our expertise is needed to assist them.

  While stationed in Russia, all I can think about is getting our mission over with so I can return to the states and be with Nikki. Being away from her has given me lots of time to think and I realize she’s more than just my perfect submissive. She’s more than just the masochist to my sadist. She’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  Before coming home, I learn that Russia is one of the world’s top diamond exporters. Through some of our connections, I am introduced to a jewelry expert who has options that you’d never see in a regular jewelry store.

  Originally, the plan is to buy her a diamond engagement ring, but a one-of-a-kind ring catches my eye. Not only does it have an amazing, clear diamond, but the diamond is surrounded by emeralds. I have always told Nikki that her eyes reminded me of emeralds, so it only makes sense to buy her an engagement ring with emeralds to go along with the diamonds.

  The minute my plane touches down in Florida, I jump in my car and drive as fast as I can. I literally can’t wait to get to her. I’m not proposing just yet. I want that to be special. I’m rushing to her because I need to feel her flesh and need to be reminded what it feels like to be inside her.

  She greets me at the door and I kiss her hard and deep. There’s just as much want and desire in her kiss as there is in mine.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” I order, catching her off guard that those are the first words I say to her in person after being gone for 90 days.

  She doesn’t question me. She grins and leads the way.

  Once inside the bedroom, I kiss her again and rip away at her clothes, not being able to get them off of her fast enough.

  I remove my belt, grab her by the hair and bend her over the side of the bed. I spank with my belt over and over until her ass is a perfect shade of pink.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?” I whisper into her ear.


  “Beg me. I want you to beg me to fuck you.”

  “Please fuck me!”

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, please fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

  I grab a handful of her hair, wrap my belt around her neck and with one quick movement, I push myself into her. The half groan/half moan she makes when she feels me filling her is music to my ears.

  Flattening her onto the bed, I straddle her legs and pound her pussy into the mattress while pulling back on my belt, lifting her head up. She tells me she always has the best orgasms when her breath is constricted and I’m about to blow her mind.

  I pound into her as hard as I can. Looking down, I can see the white creamy residue from her multiple orgasms all over my cock. Finally, I can’t take it and need to unload inside of her. She can tell too.

  “Come in me, Reed! I need to feel you inside of me!”

  I’m usually the one giving the orders, but hearing those words send me over the edge. Grabbing her hair, I pump myself furiously in and out of her tight, wet hole until I fill her completely, my come spilling out of her around my cock.

  The sex is easily the most intense sex we’ve ever had, even when we are doing bondage. There is something raw and passionate about it that makes me crave her even more. We spend the remainder of the evening alternating between sleeping, eating, and fucking.

  As much as I want her to stay in bed with me the next morning, she has to go to work. She has court cases all morning, but she promises that she’ll be back in the early afternoon.

  Since she is going to be occupied, I use the morning to plan the perfect proposal. I jump on the phone and schedule dinner at Ocean Prime, a new upscale restaurant that she’s been dying to try. I go all out and order us a limo and flowers. I even go to the sex shop to buy us some new toys to celebrate with.

  Coming in from the sex shop, her phone is ringing. Usually I’d answer it, but I’m in the zone so I just let her answering machine pick it up. My ears perk up when I hear the voice leaving a message.

  “Hi Nikki, this is Kristy at Dr. Gordon’s office. We received your test results back today and wanted to touch base with you. Congratulations, your test came back positive. You’re pregnant!”



  The minutes ticked by slowly as I laid in my bed. I was tired, but there was no way I could sleep. I heard Reed leave earlier in the night and come back a couple hours later. I was tempted to meet him as he came in, but I didn’t want him to think I was watching his every move.

  I tried to force myself to go to sleep, but it wasn’t going to happen. I kept thinking about how I came to be where I was and even though I wished it could be under different circumstances, I was glad to have met Reed.

  When it came to telling him that every man who has ever entered my life has hurt me, I wasn’t exaggerating. He only knew about the first one, but there were far more stories to tell. Stories that I would more than happy to tell him if he wanted to listen.

  When I was telling him about Jake, he seemed to be listening intently. It was a side of a man that I’d never seen before. He’d been nothing but patient and gentle. He kept telling me that he wanted to protect me, but I was only just starting to believe what he’d been telling me.

  Not able to lay in bed any longer, I decided to get up and check out the books that Reed keeps in his office. The first time I saw his huge bookshelves filled with various titles, I was overly excited. He admitted that he wasn’t much of a reader, and had purchased them all in bulk from a library sale to have something to fill the shelves with.

  Being a voracious reader, the huge selection made me salivate. I figured I’d go in his office, pick out a book or two, and then retire back to my room to read for the evening.

  Even though he probably didn’t realize it, he had some of my authors. He had Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts, Stephen King, and so many others. I could read for weeks based on all the titles that caught my eye. Maybe even months.

  I settled on Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz and Duma Key by Stephen King. I’d read both of them before and wanted to experience them all over again.

  As I was walking out of the office to head back to my bedroom, I noticed a file folder sitting on his desk. The only reason it caught my eye was because it had the name Jake Patterson scribbled on the front of it.

  I needed to know if it was the same Jake that I had just told him about so I opened it to have a look. The file was filled with mugshots and police reports, all bearing Jake’s name. Apparently I wasn’t the last woman that Jake beat on.

  Why Reed had wasted his time looking into Jake was beyond me. I figured that maybe he wanted to show me that there was nothing wrong with me and that I’d been with a bad guy the entire time. It was sweet in a way. At least, I thought it was.

  When I went to put the folder back, a printed photograph of Jake fell out. He was looking at the camera with tears n his eyes and his arm looked as though it had been completely pulled out of socket and twisted.

  It only took me a few seconds to realize what I was looking at. The photo was from that night and Reed was the one who had broken his arm.

sp; Suddenly, my heart started to race. I can’t believe I had been stupid enough to let it happen again. Everything in the world was pointing to the fact that I should not trust this man, but he somehow got me to let my guard down. What the hell was wrong with me? He was obviously a violent man. After seeing what he did, I knew that Reed was at least as violent as Jake. He was able to pull the wool over my eyes. I was just glad I found out before it was too late.

  I needed to get away from him before he did something terrible to me. Maybe it was a mistake to buy his story about why he’d purchased me at the auction. I needed to be able to get in touch with the authorities myself. They needed to know what kind of man he was so he could be brought to justice.

  I went back to my room to create a plan since it was the furthest room away from his. Knowing that he was sleeping, I got dressed and put on my shoes. If there was ever an opportunity to get away, this was going to be the time.

  Using one of the hardcover books I’d just taken from his office, I busted out the window that was next to my bed. Immediately, the alarm started to blare, the deafening sound filling my eardrums.

  I slipped out of the window and ran as fast as I could into the woods. I didn’t know where I was or where the woods would lead to, but anywhere would have to be better than where I was. I was going to get my freedom back.


  My dream of Nikki was interrupted by the loud, blaring sounds of the house alarm. It took me a couple of moments to figure what I was hearing, but once I figured it out, I leapt out of bed, worried that the people behind the auction had discovered what I did and showed up to do something about it.

  The front door was secure as was the back door. No signs of forced entry as far as I could see. I ran over to the pin pad and punched in the code to silence the alarms.

  That’s when the realization hit me. It didn’t appear that anyone had broken in and there had never been a false alarm before.

  Oh fuck!

  I ran down the hall and tried to open her door, but it was locked.

  “Hannah?” I yelled while knocking on the door. “Hannah, is everything okay in there?”

  When I got no answer, I took a step back and kicked the door open. The curtains were blowing in the wind and there was glass all over the floor.

  Hannah was gone.

  Share Me

  A MFM Menage Romance

  Copyright © 2017 by Derek Masters

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  To all the girls wishing they could be who they really want to be, this one is for you

  Derek’s Dark Desires

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  As I hung up the phone, I wanted to scream, jump up and down, or hug the next person I saw. Of course, I was standing in line at Starbucks, so I had to keep myself composed.

  I’d just come from a job interview at Odin Manufacturing, one of the biggest factories in the Midwest. They make all types of products ranging from consumer goods to materials for the military. Having never worked outside of office complexes, I thought I was going to be in way over my head. Much to my surprise, the interview was great. It was probably one of the best interviews I’d ever had in my life.

  When I was being escorted to turn in my visitor’s badge, the woman who had interviewed me told me that they had a couple more interviews and that they’d be making a final decision by the end of the week. It came as a surprise that my phone would ring 45 minutes later with a job offer, but I wasn’t about to question it. I was ecstatic and must have made a great impression.

  Going back into the workforce was going to be strange. It had been just over 10 years since I’d left my last job where I worked as a receptionist. About to leave for my honeymoon, I was teary-eyed as I said goodbye to everyone I had worked with, knowing that when I returned, I was going to be a housewife.

  One year earlier, my husband Dillon graduated from medical school and had become an MD. He worked in a local doctor’s office for a year to get his name out there, but what he really wanted to do was start his own practice. We both knew that was going to mean long hours, making it more difficult for us to see one another. It also meant that there would be more money, making the decision to leave my job much easier.

  I make being a housewife sound like it’s been a bad thing, but I honestly have loved every minute of it. My man, hard at work all day while I was at home keeping everything in order. I looked forward to him coming home each night. I’d have dinner on the table, and we’d talk about his day and our future. It was nice for a long time, but it also got very frustrating. When Dillon and I got married, I had pictured things much differently.

  My dreams of being a housewife included being a mother. Since it was just me in the house most of the time, there was really just minor tidying up each day. Other than that, I mostly did a lot of reading and watching television.

  What I had really wanted all along was to be a mother. I had it all planned out in my head. I wanted to have one boy and two girls, in that order. That way, my daughters would have a protective big brother to make sure nothing bad ever happened to them. We would spend afternoons in the park or on a big swing set in our backyard before reading them bedtime stories at night.

  Instead, the backyard is empty other than two large oak trees in the center of the yard. I’ve intended to start a garden for the last couple of years, but I don’t see much of a point. Anything I grew would end up going bad before being eaten. The dinners I used to make for Dillon began getting fewer and further between. I knew he was working long hours, but it was starting to have an effect on us.

  Before I knew it, he was no longer interested in my day, and I stopped asking about his. I had come to accept the fact that his life was all about his practice and that starting a family wasn’t even on his radar. There had even been times when I wondered if I was even on his radar. It sure as hell didn’t feel like it.

  I had lost track of the last time he and I spent any real time together, and that’s just referring to something as simple as sitting on the couch and watching a movie together. I certainly wasn’t being taken on anymore. It had been close to two years since he took me out on the town. The only time we even went out to dinner was when he was meeting with pharmaceutical reps, and he wanted me there on his arm.

  Our sex life was no longer anything to write home about either. During our first few years of marriage, everything was fun and exciting. We were always experimenting in the bedroom and trying new things. We would get frisky outside of the bedroom just as much as we did inside. We would role play and have lots of fun. Those days were apparently over.

  Although our sex life wasn’t dead, it was very much on life support. I was lucky if I got laid once a month. On the rare occasions that we did have sex, it had become very routine. It was always the same thing. I’d go down on him for a couple of minutes, he might rub me a bit, then he’d roll me over and screw me in missionary position until he was done. I didn’t even get off most of the time anymore, at least not with him. I’d wait until he was asleep and then finish the job myself.

  Passion. If there is one thing that I miss the most, it’s the passion that he and I used to share together. I love him, I really do, and the last thing I want to do it lose him, but something had to give. I was beginning to go crazy sitting in a house by myself day in and day o
ut, so I went looking for something to occupy my time. I found what I was looking for in a job. I just hoped he would understand.

  I knew he had a free spot in his schedule during the afternoon, so I took a deep breath and gave him a call.

  “Honey, I have some news for you.”



  “What do you mean you got a job? I didn’t even know you were looking for a job. How long has this been going on?” I asked her, completely caught off guard.

  “I’ve been looking for something to do for a few weeks now. I wanted to tell you, but you’re always so busy, and I didn’t want to use the little bit of time that we have together fighting and arguing about this. I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad at you Kayla, but I am pretty confused. This feels like it came out of left field. As I said, I had no idea you were even looking for a job. What brought this on?”

  “Honestly, I feel like I’m going stir crazy looking at these same four walls every single day. It was one thing when you were home more or when I was able to talk to you throughout the day. Now that it’s just me sitting here by myself, I can’t take it.”

  “You know, it isn't exactly my fault that I’m not available to call you throughout the day anymore. We both knew that this practice was going to take up a lot of time once it started to grow. You can’t act like you’re shocked by this.”

  “Yeah Dillon, I’m well aware. You’ve been telling me this for a while now. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m lonely. I just went looking for jobs to try to find something to get me out of the house and seeing some faces that aren’t mine in the mirror. I didn’t even think anything would come of it, at least not this quickly. I just went on an interview this afternoon, and it went well, so they hired me.”


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