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Bought Page 12

by Derek Masters

  “Keep going,” she groans while I slide a finger inside of her tight, wet slit.

  “You walk over to the chair he’s sitting in, turn your back to him, and lower yourself onto his lap. As you grind against him, you can feel him starting to get hard in his slacks. You turn around, straddling him in his chair, undoing his tie, pulling it off, and throwing it across the room. Not being able to keep his hands off you, he grabs and a handful of your tits and brings your nipples into his mouth.”

  “Oh God,” she says as I slip a second finger into her.

  “When he can’t take your teasing anymore, he grabs you around your waist, lifts you up and puts you down at the edge of the bed. Forcefully, he spreads your legs, pulls your panties to the side, and shoves his head between your legs, just like this.”

  Her legs were already beginning to shake before I leaned down and started licking all over her clit. Within 30 seconds, her pussy was starting to grip my fingers tightly, her breathing became shallow, and she grabbed the hair on the back of my head tightly.

  “Oh God, Dillon, I’m cumming!”

  Her entire body started convulsing as she had the hardest orgasm I can remember her having in quite some time. It was so hard that she became so sensitive, she had to push my head away from her.

  “You liked that, didn’t you?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied, giggling as she tried to catch her breath. “That was fucking hot.”

  I was right. She was fantasizing about it as well. Even if it never happened, it was nice to at least role play and talk about it. If I was never going to be able to actually share her, that was the next best thing.



  Dillon had an appointment at 8 am so I knew he would be leaving the house early. It wasn’t so much that I wanted him to be out of the house, but I really wanted to call Meghann to tell her about what has happened in the past month since I last spoke with her. As soon as his car was out of sight, I picked up the phone and dialed her number.

  “Girl, somebody better be dying or bringing me a lot of money for this phone to be ringing at 7:30 in the morning,” Meghann mumbled into the phone.

  “Good morning to you too sunshine!”

  “Oh God, you’re one of those happy and chipper in the morning people.”

  “Yeah, yeah, do you have a minute or do you want me to call you back later?”

  “It depends on what you want.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about what we talked about last time I called you.”

  “Oh, about your husband wanting you to fuck other guys?”

  “That seemed to have perked you up.”

  “What can I say? I love the juicy stuff. So what’s going on?”

  “Would it be weird if I said that I think finding his porn may have saved our marriage?”

  “Maybe a little. I’m going to need more details than that to make a decision.”

  “Well, finding the porn initially led to a big blowout fight that I was sure would be the end of us. Instead, it resulted in a long conversation about what was missing in our marriage and what we needed to do to fix things.”

  “That’s a good start. What did you come up with?”

  “We’ve both drifted apart from each other, and we both thought it was the other’s fault. We didn’t look at what we were doing ourselves to push the other away. We decided to have one date night each week that’s only about us.”

  “That’s sweet, and I’m happy for you, but you did not wake me up for all this kissy sweet shit did you?”

  “Jesus, I’m getting to the good stuff,” I laughed. “Reconnecting has allowed us to talk openly about his fantasies and things like that. I’ve got a much better idea of what he fantasizes about.”

  “That’s a good first step. What did you find out?”

  “First of all, he has no interest in sleeping with anyone else himself, and he made that clear right up front. He says that I’m the most beautiful woman in his mind and he wants to watch me be pleasured. He told me that he wants me to be his own personal porn star.”

  “Did he mention wanting you to make fun of him or degrade him or anything like that? Anything about not sleeping with him anymore and only sleeping with other men?”

  “No, nothing like that. He still wants me very much.”

  “Good, that means you don’t have a cuckold situation on your hands.”

  “I’m assuming that would be bad?”

  “It’s not my cup of tea, but some people like it. It’s more for dominant women and men that have a secret sissy side. Most women in a cuckold relationship put their man in chastity and don't give them any pleasure.”

  “Dillon is definitely not a sissy. I don’t see why people would be into that. What could the man possibly get out of it?”

  “The hell if I know. I like being in control now and then, but I get off on my man getting off.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. So this is the other thing you said on the phone last time. What was it called?”

  “Honey, you’ve got yourself a full-fledged hotwife situation on your hands. You’re a lucky girl. I can’t tell you how many of my friends are jealous because I’m in a hotwife relationship.”

  “Wait a minute. Are you telling me that your friends actually know about it?”

  “Not all of them. Just the ones I can trust not to tell everyone my business.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to tell anyone but you.”

  “Oh, so you’re going to go through with it?”

  “What? No, that’s not what I said.”

  “You just told me you weren’t going to tell anyone. That would insinuate that there was something to tell.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Meghann. We’ve been talking a lot about it, and it really turns him on.”

  “What about you? Does it do anything for you?”

  “Honestly, the more we talk about it, the more it becomes my fantasy too. I’m just scared that if I do it, he’ll regret it or something and it will break us for good.”

  “I have a feeling that’s something you won’t have to worry about. If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to show you the ropes.”

  “What do you mean? I’m not ready to do this just yet.”

  “You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. Why don’t the two of us go out clubbing this weekend? I’ll take you to a couple of my favorite spots and show you how easy this is if you want to pursue it. It’ll just be a girls night with no pressure to do anything you don’t want to do. We’ll have some drinks, dance, and let all the boys eat their hearts out.”

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been clubbing? Probably before I got married. That sounds like fun. Let me run it by Dillon, but I can’t see him having a problem with it. I’ll call you back this evening.”

  Dillon was almost asleep when I came home from work, but I’d been thinking about my phone call with Meghann all day, so he was just going to have to wake up and talk to me.

  “Babe, are you asleep?” I asked, knowing that he was right on the edge.

  “Almost, what’s up?”

  “Do you remember my friend Meghann from college?”

  “Vaguely, why?”

  “Well, I called her today and was telling her about what we’ve been talking about lately.”

  “What? You mean about the fantasy? Why would you tell anyone that?”

  “She’s the only person I’ve told. Besides, if you remember her at all, she was always the slut of the group. Apparently, not much has changed except now she’s a married slut.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re telling me.”

  “Okay, do you know that what you want me to do is called being a hotwife?”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard the term.”

  “Good, because Meghann is a hotwife. Her husband has the same fantasies as you, and she acts on them. He loves it apparently. Well, she wants to get together this weekend, and I just wanted to mak
e sure you were okay with it.”

  “Sure, I’m fine with it. Why wouldn’t I be? What are you girls going to be doing?”

  “She wants to go clubbing.”

  “Clubbing? You want to go clubbing?”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, I just can’t picture it.”

  “I’ll have you know that I used to go clubbing quite a bit. She said she’s got a couple of spots that she likes to go to. She offered to show me the ropes.”

  “Show you the roped of what?”

  “Show me the ropes of being a hotwife.”



  There was something extremely sexy about watching Kayla getting ready to go out clubbing with her friend. This was especially true knowing that the friend she was going out with was a promiscuous hotwife herself.

  “So what kind of trouble are you crazy women going to get into tonight?” I asked Kayla playfully.

  “Probably not the kind of trouble you’re hoping I’ll get into so settle down,” she joked back. “It’s been so damn long since I’ve been to a club that I don’t even remember what to expect. Hell, other than wine, I haven’t had a drink in forever.”

  “Do you ladies need me to be your designated driver tonight? You can call me whenever you need me to pick you up.”

  “No, we decided we’re just going to get an Uber at the end of the night. That way we’re not tempted to drive and don’t have to inconvenience either of our husbands.”

  “Oh, it wouldn’t be any inconvenience, but I’d hate to be asleep and miss your call if you’re out late so an Uber is probably a good idea. So I guess you’re leaving your cars at home and taking an Uber there as well.”

  “Yep, that’s the plan.”

  I sat back and watched as she was getting ready. She’d chosen to wear a short red dress that hugged her body perfectly. It showed a decent amount of cleavage without being overly slutty. Of course, I wouldn’t have minded if slutty was the look she was going for.

  “I hope you girls have a great time tonight,” I said as she was putting on her heels.

  “I’m sure we will. See ya when I get home!”

  Kayla gave me a kiss before grabbing her purse and heading out the door to the car that was waiting for her outside.

  After she left, everything was pretty much normal. I turned on the baseball game, sat down on the couch and had a couple of beers. It wasn’t until she had been gone for a little over an hour that my imagination started getting the better of me.

  I began to wonder about what she was doing. Was she having a good time? Was she nursing a drink while watching everyone party around her? Was she out on the dance floor with her friend? Was she grinding on any men while she was out on the dance floor? Was she flirting with anyone? Were they buying her drinks in the hopes of getting her drunk so they could get what they wanted from her?

  All of these thoughts were rattling around inside my brain when one comment she’d made to me the day before came to the forefront. She had told me that her friend wanted to show her the ropes when it came to the hotwife thing.

  At the time, I didn’t think much of the comment, but as I sat there alone, I started wondering what that meant exactly. Was she just taking her out to show her where to meet men or was she taking her out with the intention of meeting men. I was sure that Kayla would have told me if that was the case, but it was possible that she didn’t know what the plans were either.

  I was no longer able to enjoy kicking back and watching the game. My mind was being far too active for that. I needed someone to talk to about what I was experiencing, but there was no way in hell that I was ever going to let my friends know about it. That’s when the thought hit me. I’d go on the internet.

  When I first realized I had this fantasy, I searched out information about it to make sure I wasn’t crazy. As it turned out, there are lots of me who have the same fantasy as me, at least it seemed that way on the Reddit board that I found that was dedicated to the hotwife lifestyle.

  Up to that point, I’d only been an observer of the threads and conversations posted. I’d never even bothered to create an account because an account wasn’t necessary to read. It was time to change that. I was going to go crazy if I didn’t discuss the excitement and anxiety that I was feeling with someone, so I set up an account and made my first post.

  My wife is out for the first time

  I’ve been reading the boards here for quite a while, but this is my first time making a post. About a month ago, my wife discovered that I have a wife sharing fantasy. At first, she was confused and a bit hurt that I wanted to share her, but that was because she didn’t understand what the fantasy is all about.

  After spending plenty of time together and having several in-depth talks, I was finally able to convince her that she is amazingly beautiful to me and that I only want to share her because she is my ultimate turn on. She turns me on far more than any porn star ever could.

  This conversation led to more discussions about the fantasy and some what-if types of scenarios. We even started role-playing in bed which led to some of the best sex we’ve had in ages.

  Fast forward to tonight and she is going out clubbing for the first time in ages. We didn’t talk about her doing anything with anyone tonight, but by the way we’ve talked about it, I can’t help but to have the thought in the back of my mind. Oh, and did I mention that she’s out with a friend she hasn’t seen in a while…a friend who just happens to be a hotwife herself!

  Anyway, I’m not sure what I’m hoping to accomplish with this post. I guess I’m just wondering how everyone else passed the time the first time their wife went out. I’ve done everything I can do to occupy my mind but nothing has worked. Help!

  I hit submit and figured I’d be waiting around for any replies. Of course, I figured I would get some well thought out replies from men that have been in a similar situation. It turns out that I was giving most of the guys on that particular board way too much credit. Within minutes, I had several replies, none of which were helpful at all.

  That’s really hot that your wife’s out at a bar. What does she look like?

  Where do you live? If I’m close, you can tell me what bar she’s at and I can go hit on her.

  What is your wife wearing at the club? Is she dressed like she wants to get fucked?

  Can we see a picture of your wife? I’d love to see what she looks like naked. I bet she’s fucking hot.

  How big are your wife’s tits? Does she shave her pussy? Let’s see ‘em.

  Reading the replies made me feel really sad for some of the men in the thread. Most of them were simply there hoping to score some nude pictures of people’s wives. Not a single one of them were helpful to me whatsoever. If anything, it made me not want to come back to post anything else.

  I put the laptop down and went for a run. Usually, I hate running, but when I want to clear my mind, it works better than anything else, even if it was just around the block a few times to work up a good sweat.

  When I got home, I was going to go on Reddit and take down the post I’d made because I figured I’d just get more juvenile responses. I was surprised to see that someone had actually taken the time to send me a private message. I was even more surprised to find out that the message was sent from an actual hotwife.

  Hi there,

  I’m a hotwife and would love to offer you some insight from the woman’s point of you.

  I hope you don’t mind me messaging you privately instead of posting in your thread. As you can see by some of the replies you’ve received, many of the people in here are just perverts looking for something to get them off. Anytime I post anything publicly, my inbox fills up with more dick pics than I could possibly look at.

  Anyway, I wanted to write to you and let you know that what you’re feeling is completely normal. According to my husband, the anxious feelings nearly made him sick to his stomach the first time I went out. He paced the house back and fort
h the entire time I was gone. Now, he can’t wait to get that anxious feeling. He loves the way it makes him feel when he’s waiting for something but isn’t exactly sure what he’s waiting for.

  I can’t speak for your wife, but if she’s anything like me, she isn’t going to actually do anything until you’ve had a conversation in which you give her explicit permission to do something. As fun as this lifestyle is, our husbands always come first, and a real hotwife won’t do anything if there’s even an inclination that their husband will be upset with them or if it could ruin their marriage.

  I think it’s cool that your wife has a friend who lives the hotwife lifestyle. That can be extremely helpful, especially if she has questions about expectations and things like that. If she’s a good hotwife, she’ll explain everything to your wife, but won’t push her to do anything the two of you aren’t ready for.

  It sounds like you and your wife have a great, loving foundation for your marriage, which is the most important thing when going into this. Just make sure she knows you love her and I guarantee she’ll do the same.

  If you have any questions about anything I’ve said or the lifestyle in general, please don’t hesitate to send me a private message. I think it is good to be able to see things from both sides of the coin.

  That one message went a long way towards putting my mind at ease. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and was able to sit back down on the couch.

  I hoped that Kayla was having a great time out at the clubs. I couldn’t wait for her to get home so she could tell me all about it.




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