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Page 19

by Derek Masters

  From what Kim and Curtis had told me, it seemed like he was going to be hanging around for a while, which meant I was sure to see him again, especially when you consider how much time I spent at that house. At least, seeing him again was what I was hoping for.

  There was just one thing I was worried about. I’ve always heard that you only get one chance to ever make a first impression. If that statement was indeed true, I might be in big trouble. The only thing I could hope for was to make my second impression so good that he’d completely forget about the first. I was sure that I wouldn’t be able to do any worse.

  It took me forever to drive home in the snow, which gave me a lot of time to think, particularly about the way Nick’s eyes pierced straight into me. For the first time in ages, a man was giving me butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t remember the last time any man made me feel that way.

  One of the things that attracted me most to him was the fact that he was so big and strong. I was sure that if you were to look up the word manly in the dictionary, Nick’s picture would be there. Just thinking about him started to make me wet. I squeezed my thighs together. I just needed to make it through the ride home. I could take care of myself once I got there.



  The room I was staying in had a view of the front driveway. I parted the blinds just far enough to be able to look out without being noticed. I felt a lump in my throat as I watched her back out of the driveway and slowly make her way up the snow-covered street.

  Be safe beautiful. I’ll be seeing you soon.

  For some reason, my mind started wondering what her home looked like. I wondered if it was something like Curtis lives in or does she live in something more like the prison I was accustomed to. I had no idea what she did for a living, so I had no idea how she lived.

  I also wondered if she was heading home to an empty house where she would spend her evening alone, perhaps reading a book or catching up on some shows on Netflix. Was it the other way around? Did she have someone to go home to?

  I realized how stupid it was that I was even thinking that way. She was a knockout. There was no way in hell she didn’t have someone waiting for her at home.

  Alexa didn’t have a ring on her finger. I know because I checked. Still, it would amaze me if she didn’t at least have a boyfriend. Even if she did, she probably also had a long line of guys banging her door down for a chance to take her out in the event her boyfriend ever fucked things up.

  If there was a list, I wanted to know how to get on it because I would love to throw my name into the hat. Of course, what kind of chance would a guy like me have with a girl like her? She wouldn’t want someone like me. I’m not educated like the guys she undoubtedly dates. Besides, when she looked at me in the kitchen, she didn’t have a desire in her eyes, did she?

  That girl seemed like one of the good ones and was almost guaranteed to be out of my league. After all, what did I have going for me? I was an ex-con who literally just got out of prison that morning. Of course, she had no clue about that and just knowing that my past was hidden was enough to bring a smile to my face.

  As far as I was concerned, there was no reason to ever tell her about my prison sentence. Curtis was even keeping it from Kin, so I know he’d be the last person to say anything about it. If Kim didn’t need to know, why did Alexa?

  I grabbed my stuff and made my way to the bathroom. The thought of taking a hot shower sounded like a dream, and I was about to take advantage of it as much as I could. It had been years since I was last able to take a shower without having to see a bunch of swinging dicks all around me.

  As quickly as I could, I stripped out of my clothes and stretched until I couldn’t stretch anymore. The amount of tension and soreness in my body was unreal, thanks mostly to all the walking I had to endure. The fact that it was freezing outside only served to make matters worse. I turned on the hot water and watched in awe as steam started to rise from the faucet.

  Prison showers had only two settings. Hot was what you enjoyed for the first 30 seconds, but as soon as that ran out, it was like being in an Alaskan ice field. That water was cold, but it was what we had to wash off with.

  Catching a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror made me cringe. I looked like shit. Guys didn’t spend much time looking into the mirrors in prison, so it’s easy to let yourself go. My hair as a mess, my eyes had huge bags under them, and my facial hair was disastrous. I looked like the mugshot of every psychopath that’s ever been arrested.

  Even through all that, I could not get Alexa out of my mind. Even though I knew I had little to no chance with her, she was still occupying my thoughts. I highly doubted that I’d be able to land someone like her, not because I’m unattractive, but only because she deserved someone much better than me. She deserved someone who could give her a future that I couldn’t give her. As much as that realization sucked, at least I had a hot shower ahead of me.

  The water was much hotter than any water I’d felt at the prison. It was close to scalding, but that was fine with me. It didn’t take long for my body to adjust to the heat and before I knew it, the hot water was enjoyable.

  I stuck my head directly under the stream and allowed the water to run over me. Over time, the hot water started to dwindle, so I made sure to wash my hair and body before it was all gone. I planned on leaving my days taking cold showers behind me at the prison.

  No matter what I tried to focus on, my mind kept going back to her. I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I reached down to grab my junk and realized that it was already rock hard. I figured I might as well rub one out, so I wrapped my hand around my shaft and started stroking the length of my cock. If there is one thing I’ve always been proud it, it’s my size down there.

  All I had to do was close my eyes, and it was no longer my giant hand wrapped around my dick. Instead, it had been replaced with her small hand, barely able to wrap around my girth. I imagined her rubbing her hands down my face to my chest, scratching at my skin with her nails, which were perfectly manicured.

  I pictured looking into her piercing eyes while she licked her lips, reached down and grabbed a handful of my prick. I could almost feel the warmth of her hand wrapping around me.

  “Nick, your cock is so big,” she whispered into my ear, her voice trembling with passion and lust.

  My breathing became labored as she slowly pulled on me, moaning as she did it. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock and moved it all the way up to the tip. Alexa applied just enough pressure when she touched me. She began stroking me faster and faster, my cock throbbing with each movement.

  “You want more than just my hand, don’t you?” she whispered wants again. “I know you do because I want that inside of me.”

  I could feel my entire body tensing up and braced myself against the shower wall as she jacked off my dick as fast as she possibly could. I got off with a lot of force, and it was one of the more mind-blowing orgasms I’d had in quite some time.

  Unfortunately, that’s where the fairytale came to an end. When I opened my eyes, she was gone, and I was back to reality. No, there was no way in hell I was ever going to let her find out about my past. I was going to find a way to make that woman mine, even if it was the last thing I did. It wasn’t just something I wanted. It was something I needed.



  I slept better than I’d slept for a long time. When I woke up, there was nothing but silence surrounding me. There was no screaming from cell to cell. No prison guards were flipping on the lights at 5:00 in the morning for count. There was nothing but silence.

  At first, the silence made me freak out a little bit, primarily since I was still groggy when I woke up. If you’re in prison and you’re greeted with silence, something is very, very wrong. Silence meant something terrible was about to happen.

  For a little bit, I couldn’t wrap my head around the silence. There should have been inmates banging on their bars and screaming at
the officers. Finally, I snapped out of it and remembered that I was no longer part of the system. I was free and never had to worry about any of that again. Once my mind was clear, all of my thoughts turned to Alexa.

  I could still hear the sound of her laugh echoing in my ears. I could still see her gorgeous eyes and perfect curves. I was astonished by the way she was able to seduce without even realizing what she was doing. One look was all it took.

  My mind drifted to wondering what she was doing at that very moment, and I wondered when I might be able to see her again. I wanted her to be standing right in front of me, looking up at me with those eyes that could melt steel. Seeing her again wasn’t a want. No, it had turned into a need. It had to happen soon. I didn’t care how I did it, but I was going to make it happen. That would have to wait, at least momentarily. I was about to begin my first full day as a free man and my first day back to work.

  Since I took my shower the night before, I rolled out of bed, got dressed, and made my way into the kitchen where Curtis was waiting for me with a full pot of coffee. I filled my giant thermos, packed a lunch with items I found in their fridge, and the two of us made our way to the construction site.

  It felt like it had been an eternity since I’d been out on a job site and I was excited to get right back to the only thing I knew how to do: work as hard as I possibly could. I hadn’t been able to do any hard labor in prison since the jobs I was assigned to were things like mopping floors and washing dishes. It was great to be outside working with my hands and putting my muscles to work.

  For a little while, I wondered if we were going to be able to work that morning since it was still snowing just a bit when I got into the truck. Fortunately for me, the work we were doing was on the inside of a retail space, and that job was going to last for at least a month.

  Best of all, a straight month of work meant a full month of guaranteed paychecks and not the measly pennies per hour that the prison paid for their jobs. If I saved all my money, I’d be able to get my own vehicle and be well on my way to having a place to call my own.

  Curtis told me that most of the jobs he secures are outdoors so I had high hopes that the weather was going to cooperate so we could move on to those. If that wasn’t possible, I at least hoped he would be able to line up more indoor jobs so the weather wouldn’t be a factor in whether or not I could work.

  “It was nice meeting your fiancé last night,” I said to Curtis, just making casual conversation so I could get to the real point of what I wanted to talk about. “And that friend of hers, too, what was her name?”

  “Her name is Alexa,” he replied. “Kim told me she was happy to meet you as well. She said you seemed nice. Best of all, she didn’t suspect a thing.”

  “That’s a good thing. I promise you that I’ll be on my best behavior and won’t cause any problems for you. So what about this Alexa girl? Does she come by a lot? What do you know about her?”

  Curtis rolled his eyes because he knew exactly where this was going.

  “Alexa is basically Kim’s best friend. Does she come by a lot? Yeah, my house might as well be her second home. They are attached at the hip most of the time. Anyway, I believe she’s 26, and she’s an assistant manager at Conoco. She’s on some kind of program where she’s going to be running her own area of stores eventually.”

  “That sounds interesting,” I replied, not sure exactly what I was supposed to be saying. “Does she live close to you guys? Sounds like the two girls have known each other for quite a while.”

  “Damn Nick, you sure are asking a ton of questions about Alexa. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you might have a thing for her.”

  Holy fuck, I was feeling embarrassed. I could actually feel my face beginning to blush. All I could do was look down at my shoes and hope the feeling would go away soon.

  “You’re a damn dog, do you know that? A damn dog!” Curtis joked. “Kim and Alexa have known each other since they were kids. While she would love to live out in the country like we do, she doesn’t right now. She lives up closer to St. Paul because that’s where she works. She has her own place, doesn’t have any roommates, and doesn’t have any pets,” he listed as he started to smile.

  I stood there waiting to see if he was going to say anything else but he just stared at me instead, grinning as big as his mouth would let him.

  “What about a boyfriend, man? Does she have a boyfriend?”

  “No, she’s single, but it’s not because she has to be. Look, man, I know she’s one good looking woman. Trust me, I sneak a look here and there when she’s over. I’d never do anything with her, but Jesus Christ, how could you not? The best thing about her, though, is the fact that she isn’t just looks. She’s extremely intelligent. Oh, and she’s so funny. She constantly has Kim and I cracking up all the time. She would seriously make a good girl for someone.”

  “Someone? Meaning someone other than me?”

  “Honestly, she would probably be the perfect girl for you. God knows she’d be exactly what you need to keep you out of trouble. The only thing is, she isn’t the type to have a one night stand or just a quick fuck here and there. As long as you’ve been locked away, I’m sure a relationship would be the last thing on your mind. I’m sure you’re just looking to get your dick wet as quickly as you possibly can.”

  Little do you know that I basically fucked her in your shower last night. She just doesn’t know it.

  “Basically what I’m saying is that she is not easy,” he continued. “She’s also a tough nut to crack. When it comes to people she doesn’t know very well, she tends to close herself off. She’s had plenty of pain and heartache over the years, but you’ll never hear her discussing it because she never wants to bring others down. She doesn’t let many people into her life, and that’s especially true when it comes to men. When she comes over, you’re more than welcome to join us and talk to her and even get to know her if you’d like. I just don’t want you thinking her panties are going to drop for you anytime soon because she doesn’t go for that.”

  Sitting in my room after work, I started thinking about what Curtis has told me about Alexa. There was one thing he was right about. I had been locked up for a long time and may have been hornier than I’d ever been before in my life.

  I didn’t let the fact that I wouldn’t be getting her into bed deter me from pursuing her. The fact that she didn’t hop from bed to bed made her seem like even more of a challenge. It made me want her even more than I already did. These days, it’s hard to find a woman who doesn’t open her legs to half the people in the neighborhood, so the fact that she wasn’t a slut was very sexy to me.

  The thing was, I didn’t want to just sleep with her. I wanted to get to know her on a personal level. Even more, I wanted her to get to know me. I know I can be intimidating, so I wanted her to say that I wasn’t a bad guy at all. In the end, I hoped that I could have something real with her.

  Even though I was all about Alexa, I was also a man who had gone years without feeling the touch of a woman. I needed to feel that touch. I needed more than that. I needed to get laid, and I needed it to happen soon.

  It wasn’t like Alexa, and I were an item. This woman didn’t even have a clue that I was interested in her, so it wasn’t like me going out and having a little bit of fun was going to be a bad thing. Even if we were to get involved, it isn’t like she’d ever find out about a random fling I had before we ever got together.

  “Curtis, where the hell would I go if I wanted to have to have a little bit of fun?” I asked after calling him into my room.

  “That depends on what you mean by a good time. You know what? Don’t even answer that. I know what you’re talking about. You don’t know about these places?”

  “No man, never needed to know about them.”

  “And why would you think I would know? You think I’ve needed them? Actually, don’t answer that one either. There’s a little club right on the outskirts of St. Paul. It’s very out of the way,
and you’d never find it unless you were looking for it. They’ve got some strippers in there who will pretty much do anything you want if you’ve got enough cash on you.”

  “Enough cash? How much cash is enough cash in a place like that?”

  Curtis just rolled his eyes and reached for his wallet. “Here, I’m going to give you a little gift. Go out and have yourself a night of fun, but don’t ever mention this to Kim. If she finds out about this, I might have to go there as well if I ever want to have sex again.”

  He gave me a hundred bucks, and I quickly shoved it into my pocket before going out to the dining room to have dinner with Curtis and Kim. It was pretty strange thinking about going to a strip club to find someone to screw. I’d never had to pay for sex before. I didn’t really need to pay for sex then either because I could have found someone to fuck if I tried hard enough. I just wanted things to be effortless, so I could get off and get back to thinking about Alexa, not that I ever stopped thinking about her.

  I made plenty of small talk during dinner, but I kept directing the conversation towards Kim’s friend, and it didn’t take her long to pick up on it. Through that conversation, I was able to pick up quite a bit of information about Alexa, specifically the name of the apartments she lived in.

  Once dinner was over, I got cleaned up and made my way out the door. Curtis allowed me to borrow his truck for the evening, but not before letting me know that if I wrecked it, I’d be working for free for quite a long time.

  On my way to the club, I stopped at a gas station to ask for directions. The thing was, I wasn’t asking for directions to where I was going. Instead, I got directions to Alexa’s apartment complex. From there, I drove over to where she lived and pulled into the parking lot a little after 10:30pm.


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