Book Read Free


Page 35

by Derek Masters

  “We were at a bar and I saw him slap his old lady. I might be a tough guy, but nobody is gonna hit a woman when I’m around. I don’t give a fuck what she supposedly did. He’s a big dude and she was barely five foot tall and 100 pounds soaking wet. He needed to learn a lesson and I just happened to make a great teacher.”

  I was hanging on every word coming out of his mouth and knowing that he was wanted because he beat up someone in order to protect a lady made me lust for him even more. Just looking at him made my heart race. God, he was so attractive. So powerful!

  When he realized I didn’t have any other questions for me, he put one of those strong arms around me and pulled me close to him.

  “Now where were we?” he asked, as cool and casual as could be.

  I was so turned on that I couldn’t think straight. There was no way I’d be able to put a sentence together to answer him. I kept thinking back to the motel restroom and the vision of Katie giving head to the biker.

  Since I couldn’t form the words to give him an answer, I did what I felt was the next best thing. I leaned over and unzipped his pants. I was surprised to see that he was just as aroused as I was. His cock was huge and hard. With one tug of his boxers, it sprang free. I needed to taste it. I knelt down on the floor and took it into my mouth.

  Steel grabbed my head and held it down, pushing himself deep into my throat as far as it would go. I’d never seen a cock as big as his and there was no way I could take all of him into my mouth. It was impossible, but I was still giving it all I had.

  With one hand on the back of my head, his other hand grabbed at my dress, pulling it down as he searched for my tits. He wasn’t messing around. He knew what he wanted and he was going to take it without asking. He was manhandling me and I was loving every minute of it.

  I stopped sucking him off while he pulled my dress up over my head. I removed my bra and stepped out of my panties, which were as soaked as they’d ever been before. Standing completely naked before him, he licked his lips and jumped up off the couch, grabbing me by my ass and lifting me up off the floor.

  With complete control that told me he must have done it a million times before, he lowered me down onto his cock, which was still slick with my saliva. He slid himself inside of me and fucked me harder than I’d ever been fucked before. He was so strong that he was able to move me around at will and there was nothing I could have done to stop him, not that I wanted him to.

  The primal rawness in the room was intense and the smell of sex filled the air. The sound of him pounding me in submission echoed off the walls and my moans could likely be heard for miles. He pounded me, smacking my ass over and over until it was a bright shade of red.

  After several minutes of non-stop, hard sex, he grabbed hold of me even tighter and started grunting while I felt his cock start to pulsate inside of me. He was getting close and just knowing that was enough to push me over the edge. My entire body tensed up and I started coming all over him. At the same time, he threw his head back and released himself inside of me.

  I could actually feel every single squirt of seed filling me. When he was done, he grabbed me by my face and kissed me hard.

  “Fuck!” was all he could say.

  I slid off of him and fell to the floor, feeling used and abused, but having just loved every moment of what had just happened. It was easily the best sex I’d ever had.


  We pulled out the sofa bed and slept there, holding each other. Well, I was holding him at least. I had my head on his chest and my arm draped around him. It had been a long time since I felt so happy and satisfied. I wasn’t sure I’d actually ever been that happy and satisfied before.

  Steel wasn’t the type to fall in love. He never said these words to me, but I could tell. Regardless, I was already falling for him big time, and that wasn’t like me at all. Whenever someone talked about instant love with someone, I was always the first to call bullshit and say that it wasn’t possible. Maybe I was just being a clueless asshole for all those years.

  He was treating me the way I’d always dreamed of being treated but never had the guts to act on it. Steve might have been an asshole, but I was very grateful for him. If he wouldn’t have been cheating on me, I wouldn’t have been lying there with the sexy biker. Nope, it would have been more boring nights of occasional sex and getting myself off once he rolled over and went to sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up before Steel and made him breakfast. The fact that the fridge was so well-stocked made me a bit nervous, but it was still early in the morning and I figured we’d be on our way long before anyone ever realized we were there. Well, except for the door. There wasn’t much we could do about that.

  “Do I smell bacon?” Steel asked as he walked into the kitchen. I poured him a cup of coffee and sat it down in front of him.

  “Yes, and I’ll throw some eggs on too. How do you like them?”

  “Fried, darlin’. Sunny side up.”

  We both sat down and were eating when Steel froze in place.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. He replied by holding one finger in the air, causing me to freeze as well.

  I didn’t hear a vehicle pulling up, but he sure did. He ran to the kitchen window, which had a perfect view of the driveway. A red pickup was parked directly behind the bike. The owner of the house, I assumed. At the very least, a concerned neighbor who may have known the house was supposed to be empty.

  Steel and I stood completely still. I was holding my breath, fearing that any sound might get us busted. I listened as I heard the unmistakable sounds of footsteps on the porch, where he had kicked the door in the night before.

  “Who’s in there?” a man yelled from just outside the doorway. “Answer me! I know you’re in there. I could see your motorcycle outside. I’ve already called the police.”

  Steel left the kitchen and went straight towards the front door. I was paralyzed by fear and had no idea what was going on. There was some yelling, followed by a brief struggle that ended with a loud, sickening thump.

  “Sara, get in here,” he yelled at me from the front of the house.

  I walked in to see him standing over middle-aged man.

  “Oh my God,” I yelped at the site in front of me. “Is he-“

  “Is he dead?” Steel completed my sentence for me. “No, he’s not dead. He’s just taking a little nap. He said he called the cops, but if he was bullshitting, I had to make sure he didn’t make that call until we can get out of here.”

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “He’s going to have a really bad fucking headache when he comes to, but he’ll be just fine.”

  For the first time, I was starting to see just what a violent and dangerous man Steel could be and fuck, it was exciting. He was the ultimate bad boy. He was what many fantasies and dreams were made of and there I was, standing right in front of him, some of him still leaking out of me from the night before.

  I felt so fucking liberated. I was free from my cookie cutter suburban life. A life that I thought I loved for so many years. It turns out that I was just taught to believe I loved it. I was really missing out on so many things that I wanted out of life.

  With that life completely in my rear view, I was free to start this exciting new chapter. I was free to start an exciting new adventure with this giant of a man who smelled of leather and oil. Before long, I hoped that Steve would be nothing but a distant memory.

  “Grab your shit, it’s time to go. We’re leaving,” Steel called out from the front of the house.

  I threw on my shoes and gathered the few things I’d unpacked as quickly as possible before stepping over the unconscious man and following Steel outside. I found it interesting that the man lying in the floor was actually snoring, just like he would do if he were having a relaxing nap. He actually looked quite peaceful and I wondered if he was dreaming.

  I jumped on the back of the bike while Steel kicked it to life. It didn’t take long to remember how much I enjoyed
the vibrations of the motor the night before. As we pulled out of the driveway and down the dirt road, I wondered where we were going to be headed next. Not that really mattered.

  It wasn’t about the destination. All I was concerned about was the journey. I didn’t care where we went. I just wanted to be close to this man. I wanted him to view me as more than just a fuck option. I wanted him to know that I was his for the taking if he wanted me. I’d never say these things to him, but I hoped that he could somehow tell.

  We pulled off the dirt road and sped down the freeway, leaving my old life behind me in a cloud of dust.


  I wondered if the life of a biker chick was as exciting as my first 12 hours with Steel had been. I’d nearly witnessed a shootout, got chased by cops, broke into a house, almost got busted by the homeowner and were on the run once again.

  Most people would have been trying to figure out what the hell they were thinking riding off with the biker, but not me. The feelings of arousal that I’d felt the day before were just as overpowering as they had been. I didn’t regret a single choice I made. I didn’t regret what had happened or what was happening now. As a matter of fact, I was having a blast and loving every minute. To be taken by a strong, powerful man had been a dream come true. It was a true fantasy played out. I never wanted these rides to end.

  We’d been traveling for close to three hours in some random direction. It was random to me, at least. Steel obviously knew where he was headed, but as we passed exit signs, I’d never heard of any of the places.

  Eventually, we took an exit and pulled into a diner. It was the kind of place that people often referred to as greasy spoon restaurants. I hadn’t eaten at a place like that since I was a kid and memories of huge dripping cheeseburgers and milkshakes flooded my mind, making my mouth water. Since I hadn’t got to finish my breakfast, I was starving.

  There were bikes all over the parking lot. I’d never seen so many motorcycles in one place at one time. When we walked in, the entire restaurant was filled with bikers and their girls. They weren’t sitting together, though. The bikers were sitting on one side of the restaurant, near the counters, while the girls were in the booths on the other side.

  “I need to talk to some of my guys for a bit and you can’t hear this shit. Why don’t you go over with the girls and talk to them?”

  “Okay,” I replied, not sure what I would have to say to any of the women there, but the fact that he brought me there had to be a good sign that he wasn’t going to just toss me aside, so I decided to just go for it.

  Steel was already involved in a deep private conversation by the time I walked across the room to where the girls were sitting.

  “Hello,” I said, feeling suddenly self-conscious when all the eyes turned to me. “I’m Sara. I’m here with Steel.”

  The women looked at me like I had two heads. Some of them even snickered and whispered amongst themselves.

  “Well, aren’t you just a cute little Barbie doll?” one of them said.

  “You sure you’re in the right place?” another chuckled.

  I was confused by the comments I was hearing. I was a woman there with a biker, just like all of them. Did some of them like Steel or something? Did they see me as a threat to them? Then it hit me. It wasn’t those things at all. It was what I was wearing. I was standing there in a cute little summer dress while they were all clad in leather with tight, ripped jeans. I was completely out of place and they were going to make sure I knew it.

  If I was going to be hanging around, I was going to need some new clothes in order to fit into my new lifestyle. I wanted to make Steel happy so I made a mental note to ask him later how he’d like me to dress for him.

  I decided that attempting to hold any kind of conversation with the girls wasn’t going to work. Not while I was dressed up as Suzy fucking Homemaker. I found a spot at a rear booth and sat there by myself, just watching the things that were happening around me. It was all quite fascinating, really. There was a definite rule to things when the bikers were together.

  After sitting in the booth for about twenty minutes, a waitress came up to the table and sat a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake in front of me.

  “Your old man thought you might be hungry,” she whispered.

  “Oh, thank you so much.”

  “Hey, don’t let these broads in here bother you,” she said, leaning right into my ear. “They’re just jealous that they’re not as pretty as you. I can see it in their faces.”

  I smiled, feeling my cheeks reddening in embarrassment and flattery. That would explain a lot of the dirty looks I was still receiving. After hearing the kind words from the waitress, I decided I wasn’t going to let the other girls get to me. I sat there and enjoyed my food and it tasted every bit as good as I remembered it. My life had changed so much over the years and it was nice to have a little bit of a blast from the past that I’d missed so much.

  I was still working on my milkshake when the bikers split off and made their way over to our side of the restaurant. Steel slid into the booth across from me.

  “Didn’t find anyone to talk to?”

  “I don’t think I’m quite what they’re used to,” I replied, which caused Steel to laugh.

  “Yeah, you’re fucking right about that. Listen, there’s a lot of heat on us right now so we just need to go hide out somewhere until the heat dies down.”

  I just nodded, knowing that I would go with Steel wherever he wanted to go. It didn’t matter where it was, as long as I had my big, strong biker.

  After taking one last sip of my shake, Steel said goodbye to his friends and we were back on the open road. I didn’t know where we were going. I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. All I knew was that this was a life I could get used to quickly. I sure as hell didn’t miss being in my cramped office listening to why organic baby food was better than regular.

  We’d only been riding for about ten minutes when we sped past a patrol car that was tucked just off the side of the road where we couldn’t see him.

  “Fuck,” Steel yelled. “I hope he was just taking a break and wasn’t working his radar.”

  I looked behind us and sure enough, the car had pulled out from the hiding spot and was now behind us. Within seconds, he had his lights lit up and his siren on. Once again, Steel pulled back on the throttle and we sped off. We were averaging one high speed chase per day.

  We were being chased by the patrol car and he was gaining on us quickly.

  “This is not the time for a chase,” he yelled to me. “I’m going to pull over and let him take me in.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just trust me, okay?”

  He slowed the bike and pulled over onto the shoulder. Two police officers jumped out of their car and started to cautiously make their way towards us. They hadn’t drawn their weapons, but their hands were resting on them.

  Steel gave me a look that told me something was up, but I had no idea what it was. The entire situation was as tense as could be. I didn’t know what he had up his sleeve.

  “I want you to hit redial and tell whoever answers that I’m being arrested just north of mile marker 14,” he told me as he handed me a cell phone. “The guys will know what to do.”

  He got off the bike, raised his hands into the air, and casually walked towards the approaching police officers. I hit redial on the phone as fast I could.

  “Yeah?” a deep, gravelly voiced answered.

  “Steel is being arrested just north of mile marker 14. He told me to call and tell you.”

  “Got it,” he replied before abruptly disconnecting the call. I thought it was weird.

  One of the officers was on his radio, already calling for backup. I thought it was weird to do so since it was only he and I there and I sure as hell wasn’t any kind of threat. Whatever Steel was going to do, he was going to have to do quickly, unless his plan was just to get his warrant taken care of. I had no clue because he hadn’t told me anything.<
br />
  Steel was searched, handcuffed, and placed into the back of the police car. I was just standing by the Harley. Even though I was with him, the officers seemed to have no interest in me whatsoever, which was more than fine by me. All they were focused on was asking him a bunch of questions.

  If he was being arrested, what did that mean for me? Was I just going to be left at the side of the road? Was this the end of the line for Steel and I?

  In the distance, I saw more blue lights heading in our direction. The backup was arriving. Steel was in deep shit.


  I stood by watching as the blue lights in the distance got closer and closer before eventually pulling up directly behind the original police cruiser. Four officer, all armed, were dealing with Steel. I didn’t understand why it took four officers because he was being as cooperative as he could be. I had a feeling it was just a show so they could flex their muscle and let him know they were in charge.

  Busy dealing with him, the new officers didn’t pay any attention to me either. I was absolutely no concern to any of them.

  While I was trying to figure out what was going on and what the hell I was going to do, I heard the distant roar of motorcycles coming right towards us. I had a feeling things were about to get interesting.

  In the distance, a large group of bikers appeared and they were approaching us quickly. I had no idea how many of them there were, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t every single rider from the diner we’d just left.

  The police officers had a look of concern on their faces. One of them ran to their call to radio for more backup. They knew this was trouble and knew things were about to get ugly. Still, the officers were more disciplined than the two goofs at the motel. They had their hands on their weapons, but held off from pulling them. I was sure they didn’t want the tense situation to get out of control any more than the bikers did.

  All of the cops had their backs to me as the bikers rolled to a stop in front of them. In Steel’s absence, it appeared the biker who had been in the bathroom with Katie had taken the lead and was the only one to speak to the officers.


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