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Bought Page 36

by Derek Masters

  “What seems to be the problem here?” he asked.

  “The problem here is none of your concern. You guys need to move along.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, but that’s not how this works officer.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you stuck on stupid or something? Do we need to arrest all of you as well?”

  “That’s cute. If you look around, you’ll see that you’re outnumbered by quite a large margin.”

  “That’ll be changing in the next few minutes, so keep running your mouth and you’ll be in the back seat with him.”

  “A few minutes? Hell, we’d take care of you guys and be off with him well before anyone else arrives. I don’t mean this as a threat, just a suggestion that I highly suggest you follow. Let my friend out of custody and drive off. We’ll pretend like none of this ever happened and nobody has to get hurt.”

  The situation was turning bad quickly and I knew the calvary was probably on their way. I knew I had to do something, but I had no idea what I could do. I didn’t want my adventure so soon after it began, so I did something absolutely fucking crazy.

  I knew that Steel kept a Glock 9mm pistol tucked into the side of his Harley. I was already invisible to the cops when they got there and now that the bikers were causing a disturbance, all of their focus was on them. Moving slowly, I walked over to the bike, being careful to ensure I wasn’t being watched. I might as well have been the invisible woman.

  After grabbing the gun, I bent down and made my way towards the cruiser that Steel was in. When all the bikers arrived, they’d closed the door so he couldn’t get out, but the window was cracked just enough so I could get his attention.

  “Psst, hey Steel,” I whispered, just loud enough so he could hear but the cops couldn’t.

  When he turned to look at me, I flashed the gun so he could see it.

  “Fuck yeah,” he shouted a little too loud. “That’s my girl.”

  His voice carried a little further than he realized it would and one of the officers turned his head and saw me kneeling down next to the cruiser.

  “Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to step away from the vehicle,” the officer commanded.

  At that point, it was as if I had an out of body experience. My actions were definitely uncharacteristic of anything I’d ever done in the past.

  “Back the fuck off,” I said to the officer as I raised the gun and aimed it directly at him.

  “Whoa, just calm down,” he said as he raised his arms into the air. “There’s no need for any unnecessary violence. Why don’t you just go ahead and put the gun down.”

  The cop was looking over towards the other officers for help, but I could tell they didn’t know what to do. If they turned their attention away from the group of bikers, who were getting angrier by the second, things could get ugly very quickly. Still, they knew they had a responsibility to their colleague.

  The situation went from tense to deadly in a matter of seconds. The officers pulled their weapons. As soon as the weapons left the holsters, the bikers pulled their guns as well. Fortunately nobody pulled the trigger, but I felt that it was only a matter of time if something didn’t happen quickly.

  “Now we’re in a situation that didn’t have to happen,” I scolded the officer that I had my gun trained on. “The way I see it, this can only end one of two ways. You can either let Steel out of the car and take the cuffs off him or I’ll shoot you dead where you stand. What’s it gonna be?”

  I was surprised that those words came out of my mouth. It sounded good, but I highly doubted I’d actually be able to pull the trigger if it came to it. It was a case where my bark was very likely much bigger than my bite.

  Fortunately for me, I didn’t have to find out. Whether it was the gun pointed at his head or the pressure from the bikers who had their weapons drawn and were far more likely to pull their triggers than I was, the officer complied with my demands.

  The officer pulled Steel out of the car and removed the cuffs from his wrists. As soon as his hands were free, he threw a single right hook that knocked the officer straight to the ground.

  I wasn’t sure if it was one of the officers or one of the bikers, but a gunshot rang out somewhere behind us. The officers ducked down behind their cruisers while the bikers hustled towards the ditch on the side of the road.

  “Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here,” Steel said, grabbing my arm as he ran towards his Harley. “Thanks for the help boys!” he yelled out to the bikers as we sped off, the sound of gunfire erupting behind us.


  “You know you’re one lucky girl, right?” Steel said to me as we pulled over behind a gas station.

  “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Well, the cops back there all know my name. They know exactly who I am. They don’t have a fucking clue who you are. You’ve still got a chance to break away from this free and clear.”

  “Maybe so, but why would I want to do that? This is the most fun I’ve had in my life.”

  “Fun? This is about fun to you? Do you understand how bad you’re about to fuck your life up?”

  “I just want to be with you, Steel. I don’t care what happens other than that.”

  “Listen to me, Sara, and listen to me very closely. You pulled a gun on a police officer. You’re lucky you weren’t shot. You have to advantage of them not knowing your name, where you’re from, or anything about you. You have a chance to live your fucking life. Don’t fuck it all up over me.”

  “What are you saying, Steel?”

  “I’m saying that the cops are going to breathing down my neck for a while. I’m going to need to lay low for a while.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll lay low with you. I don’t care.”

  “I don’t think you understand me. I’m going to lay low by myself. It’s too risky to have you with me. I’ll be lucky if I make it a week without being arrested and my charges are going to be a whole lot more serious now than they were yesterday. I’m looking at some real time in the joint and you will be too if they catch you with me and realize you were the woman who pulled a gun on a cop. You don’t want a record. You’re too beautiful and have so much potential. Don’t throw it away over me. I’m not worth it.”

  He grabbed my face and kissed me deeply.

  “No matter what,” he continued. “You’re always gonna be my twisted angel.”

  He kissed me again and pushed up against the wall. There were people all over, but we just didn’t care. He pulled my panties to the side, took out his cock, and lifted me into the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as he moved his rock hard shaft in and out of me.

  This was different than our first time in the abandoned house. That sex felt was all about lust and want. While those elements were still present, this was about passion. There was something between us, even if it did have to come to an end. We were going to make such a lasting impression that we would never forget one another for the rest of our lives.

  With a loud grunt, he finished inside of me and I kissed him with tears running down my cheeks. I wasn’t ready to let him go. I wanted to stay with him, but he wasn’t giving me a choice in the matter and I didn’t want to beg him to change his mind.

  “So what happens next?” I asked.

  “Well, where were you headed when your car broke down?”

  “I was on my way to my sister’s house in Utah.”

  “All right, here’s what we’re going to do. There’s a bus depot right down the street. They have buses going all over the place. Let’s focus on getting you to her house as soon as possible.”

  “What about my car? It’s still at the motel.”

  “I’ll make sure it gets taken care of for you. You have insurance on it?”

  “Yes, full coverage.”

  “Okay good, because you’re not going to see it again. It ties you to the motel the night this all started so we’ll have to dispose of it. I’ll have one of the guys call Katie from the bar and make su
re your information card is destroyed as well.”

  I didn’t question him. I simply said okay and we rode down to the bus station. He stayed with me while I waited and didn’t leave my side until the bus was ready to board.

  “Am I ever going to see you again?” I asked.

  “Angel, it’s probably better if you forget about me as soon as this bus pulls away. I’m no good for you. You have so much ahead of you.” The tears started streaming down my face. He kissed me on my forehead. “That’s enough of that. Don’t you waste one more tear on me. Just think about the last couple days and remember the wild ride it was.”

  By the time I boarded the bus, he’d gotten on his bike and rode away. It was a whirlwind romance that ended far too quickly for me, but it was one I was never going to forget.

  I couldn’t believe the adventure I’d just been on. It didn’t matter who I told, there was no way in hell anyone would ever believe me. It sounded like something straight off the big screen or something, but I lived it and nobody could ever take that away from me. I was a fucking real estate agent from suburbia and I’d had more excitement in 48 hours than most of my neighbors would ever have in their life.

  So what was ahead of me? I’d already told my sister I was coming and I was sure she was probably worried sick. Fortunately, I’d been able to text her and tell her about the car problems and that I’d be delayed a day, but she was probably still wondering why she hadn’t heard from me and why I wasn’t at her house yet. I’d lost my phone at some point, so I had no way of getting ahold of her and letting her know I’d be late.

  I still had so many loose ends at home that I was going to have to deal with sooner or later, whether I wanted to or not. I had invested seven years of my life into my relationship with Steve. It was kind of stupid to end things the way they were. There were lots of things to sort out.

  Was there any chance for him and I to work things out? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to rule anything out, but there was no way things were ever going to be able to go back the way they were before. Not after the experienced I’d just had.

  I had some big decisions to make.


  It was pitch black outside as the bus pulled up to the depot in Utah. Not wanting to burden my sister with having to leave her house to come get me, I called a cab to take me the rest of the way to her house. Fortunately, I’d written her address down so I could put it in my GPS or I would have had no clue where I was going.

  I thought a lot about my sister during the ride over and hated how we had kind of drifted apart lately. If there was one good thing that was coming from all of this, it was being able to rekindle the bond we had.

  If I knew her at all, she would have some kind of food prepared to be heated up and at least a couple bottles of wine ready to be opened so I could attempt to drown my troubles. I really did love my sister so very much. Growing up, we were always there for one another when the other needed a shoulder to cry on. It was nice to see that some things never changed.

  During the ride, I also thought a lot about Steve. The relationship didn’t have to be a total wash. The good times we had outweighed the bad ones by far. I also learned some important life lessons and I was hoping he did as well.

  Steve really wasn’t a bad guy. Sure, he wasn’t faithful and I had no idea how long that had been going on, but that alone didn’t make him a bad guy. He and I just weren’t right for one another. It sucked that it took me so long to figure that out, but at least I finally knew and could start to heal and move on with my life.

  When the taxi pulled up in front of my sister’s house, I paid the driver, grabbed my bag, and stood on the street, looking at the gorgeous place she now resided. I couldn’t believe it. I was in a different state, but I was back in suburbia once again.

  I needed a bath and some fresh clothes in the worst possible way. One thing I knew for sure was that I needed to get some leather. Not necessarily because I wanted to wear it, even though I did. I wanted it because I was already missing the smell and having it would make me feel close to Steel.

  What was the protocol when visiting your sister at her new house for the first time? Do you just walk on in? For some reason, bursting in just didn’t feel right, so I knocked on the door instead. After a few moments, the porch light came on and I could hear the deadbolt being pulled back.

  “Sara, oh thank God,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve been so worried about you. I’ve been trying to call you but your phones been going straight to voicemail. I was afraid something might have happened to you.”

  “I’m sorry I worried you, Suzanne. I lost my phone somewhere and haven’t had a chance to get a new one.”

  “Where’s your car?”

  “I had to leave it behind. It’s gonna be a while before it gets fixed. I took a bus and then rode in a cab from the bus station. I’m just so happy to finally be here.”

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” she said, giving me yet another hug. “Come on in, I bet you’re exhausted.”

  Exhausted wasn’t the right word for what I was feeling. It was something well beyond that. I was feeling a combination of emotions and was actually afraid I might be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

  “Are you hungry? I made a lasagna and have a bottle of Moscato cold and ready to be opened whenever you’d like.”

  I knew her like the back of my hand. “I’m starving, but would you mind if I took a bath first? I haven’t bathed since I left my house.”

  “Absolutely. The bathroom is just down the hall. It’s the last door on the left. Towels and rags are in the closet right next to it. Take your time and I’ll meet you out here when you’re done.”

  The bath was amazing. She had a garden tub and it almost felt like I was bathing in a swimming pool. I laid back and let the water soothe my aching muscled, which were as tense as they’d ever been. I had no idea how long I laid in the tub, but I didn’t get out until the water had turned cold.

  Back with my sister, she was making quite the fuss over me, waiting on my hand and foot. She was definitely being over the top but in her mind, she was just taking care of her little sister who was trying to get over her cheating partner.

  With as much as she was taking care of me, I started to feel guilty because I couldn’t tell her what I had really been doing before I made my way to her house.

  Suzanne and I spent the entire night drinking wine while talking about anything and everything that crossed our minds. She told me about her new job and I shared the full story of how I busted Steve cheating on me.

  No, nothing would ever be the same again. I knew that for a fact. Still, I could never tell anyone about my adventure.

  The sun was peeking out from the clouds before she grabbed me a blanket and pillow.

  “I’m going to bed. You should probably get some sleep too,” she told me.

  “I will sis. Thank you so much for letting me stay with you for a while.”

  “It’s my pleasure. See you when we wake up.”

  After she went upstairs to bed, I spent the next hour crying quietly to myself on the sofa. I missed Steel so much.


  Six Weeks Later

  Things had retuned to some sort of normality. I eventually talked to Steve and told him there was no chance we were ever going to be getting back together. It was a heartbreaking conversation and I shed plenty of tears, but I knew that it was necessary to move on.

  Steve bought me out of the house and I was sure that it was only a matter of time before he had the hussy he was cheating on me with living there. I wondered if he would cheat on her like he did with her. It didn’t matter because it wasn’t my problem anymore.

  Not only did I end things with Steve once and for all, but I also called the real estate company I worked for and gave up my job as well. As much as I liked selling homes, it would be too boring to continue doing it for the rest of my life.

  I missed Steel. A lot. You’d think that a month an
d a half away from him would be plenty to get over him but it wasn’t. Not even close. It probably didn’t help that I was intentionally trying to hold onto his memory.

  If only I had some way of contacting him. I didn’t want to keep tabs on him, but I did wonder if he was okay. Did he get caught and go to jail? Was he still hiding out and constantly running from the law?

  I was still very much the same person that I’d always been, but I changed my image pretty drastically. Gone were the flowery dresses that I wore almost every day. They had been replaced by leather and denim.

  Taking walks around the neighborhood was the only thing keeping me sane. I enjoyed them and they worked great for clearing my head.

  It was early evening when I returned home from my walk and I was thirsty. I grabbed a beer from the freezer and sat down on the couch. My sister was still at work so I was just kicking my feet up and relaxing for a bit. After about five minutes, I heard the unmistakable sound of a Harley Davidson. Was it Steel? No, it couldn’t be. It was surely just wishful thinking. But the bike was getting closer and finally I could hear it idling outside the house.

  I ran outside and, sure enough, Steel was parked in the driveway, his bike throbbing beneath him.

  “Steel? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “My twisted angel, I came for you. I missed you and realized that after everything you did for me, you should be my old lady.”

  I smiled and could feel my cheeks getting read.

  “All the shit with the cops,” he continued. “It’s all been taken care of. I’m free, but there was one thing missing. You interested in coming along and riding off into the sunset with me?”

  I didn’t hesitate. I knew that Steel what I had always wanted. I ran inside, packed my bag up and penned a little note to my sister.


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