Mating Rituals

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Mating Rituals Page 5

by Tina Gayle

  “You have my word.”

  Marohka stared at the snaps on his shirt. The idea of living with him held no appeal, but she hated the idea of being constantly on the run too. Bad or worst?

  “Look, what are you afraid of? Most people think I’m a good person.” Stihl smiled.

  Could she trust his handsome grin? “Yes, and forcing a person to do what you want them to is a trait of a good person. If that’s what your friends believe, I have no desire to know them.” Marohka released some of her resentment by fighting back. “What happens if I refuse?”

  * * * *

  Fascinated by her inner strength, Stihl could see her struggling with her emotions. Even tired from running about town trying to escape him, she still held herself under tight control. The outrage she felt over his strong-arm tactics sent quivers through her muscles. Her hands shook, and she flexed her fingers into her palms, creating bone-crushing fists which longed to strike out.

  A wise man probably would’ve been afraid, but he didn’t fear her wrath. From the moment he started poking into her life, he’d discovered amazing things about her. She worked hard, followed Royal tradition, and traveled to the outback of Lustralia, but most of all, she reacted differently to him than other women did. They fell over themselves to please him, were easy to win, and easy to forget. Marohka demanded more.

  His normal style of handling women didn’t include using threats and lies. His natural charm usually won him their favor, but she refused to give him a chance. The lie about his father’s power pushed her into a corner, but without any other option, he needed whatever edge he could get. Otherwise, Marohka might slip through his fingers and not comply with his plan.

  Pressing his advantage, Stihl responded. “You won’t. We both know I can make things very difficult for not only you, but for your family too. Your father has a good reputation and has gained certain privileges with other honors pending.”

  Marohka’s voice dropped in volume. The color in her cheeks rose to a blushing pink. Green sparks of anger glowed from her eyes. “Meaning what?”

  “You wouldn’t want to be the cause of him losing his standing in the community. After all, the council of elders approves all types of permits and awards.” He paused, ready to play his final trump. He couldn’t let her anger affect him, not when he stood so close to having her safely in his grasp. “Sometimes, there are unexpected delays.”

  This warning hit home. Her gaze dropped to the floor. Victory, though small, helped smooth out some of his earlier frustration at her disappearance. With her living with him, they could blend and settle down into a normal routine. Then he’d handle his business at the mine.

  “All right,” Marohka conceded. Her green eyes met his. She brushed back the tentacles of red-brown hair fluttering around her face with a quick impatient gesture. “I won’t run away, but that’s it. Don’t expect anything else.”

  With no desire to gloat, he changed the subject. “I hope you’re hungry. Cyd has gone after some food. He should be back any iton now.”

  He sat forward, taking in the tight line of her jaw and the defeated position of her body. She looked exhausted. Once they’d eaten, he’d suggest they rest. The two benches formed a bed where they could stretch out. His loins tightened at the idea of her sleeping beside him.

  Hitting a few levers on the wall, he prepared the table for the arrival of the food. “After lunch, we can nap if you’d like. I woke up early for our match, and I have a busy day planned. With only thirty zitons in a day, I need to regroup whenever I get a chance.”

  Marohka shrugged, showing an uncaring attitude as to what he might want to do.

  Setting up the table, Stihl worked to clear the air between them with meaningless chatter. The dark circles under her eyes informed him she couldn’t handle much more. He’d pushed her far enough for the moment.

  “I failed to introduce you to Cyd. The big guy, the man you saw earlier, he’s my leave-it-to man. He’s also my best friend. We spend most of our time together.” With the table in place, he continued the one-sided exchange. “He’s from Periva. My parents were traveling there on business and found him on the auction block.”

  He studied her reaction at this news. “I was a ten-year-old terror at the time, so my parents decided a friend would help calm me down. Also, they were afraid Cyd would become a slave if he stayed in Periva, so they brought him back as a playmate for me.”

  “Is he your slave?”

  “No, he was free the moment he reached Lustralia. But at the young age of twelve, my parents cared for him, and he became a part of my family.” He paused, thinking of the day Cyd had arrived. “We, however, had a bit of a problem at the beginning. My parents only knew a few words of Pervian—no, yes, and where’s the lily.”

  Stihl smiled. The memory of Cyd and he roaming the outback woods around their mountain home raced through his mind. In Lustralia, few children had so much land to play on. Every iton they had spent exploring, climbing rocks, riding alba-oxen or backpacking. Many nights, they had slept on the shore by the lake. Fresh air, woodsy scents, the warm summer sunlight on his back, the ranch had represented their playground and refuge, until his father had decided to relocate them to where a respectable family should live.

  Their childhood promise to live in the mountains drove Stihl even now. “When I started my business, I signed him on as my second set of hands.”

  Over the last few years, Cyd’s skills had kept them on track for achieving their joint dream.

  “But don’t let him fool you. Cyd does what he wants, when he wants, no matter what.”

  In a way, Cyd and Marohka were probably a lot alike. She might agree to live with him, but she’d fight him every chance she got. But then, he hated to lose too.

  * * * *

  Cyd balanced a tray in one hand and turned the doorknob to the cabin with the other. He stepped into the room unannounced. Silence vibrated off the walls.

  “Great, the table is up.” His words filled the void.

  Tension radiated from a stiff Marohka. Her hands lay folded in her lap, and she stared out the window at the blurred scenery flashing by. Stihl sat on the opposite bench.

  With them sitting as far as possible from each other, nothing exciting could’ve happened between them. They appeared farther apart than the length of the country.

  Despite his usual winning grace, Stihl hadn’t won the lady’s heart. Not if the current resentment burning from Marohka was any indicator. Their journey offered no rest. Instead, a bumpy road lay in front of them.

  “I put the table up so we could eat the moment you returned. I’m starving.” Stihl reached out to help, but Cyd ignored him, setting the food down on the table unassisted.

  Marohka shifted, edging closer to the end of the bench. She didn’t even peek at the meal. Alarmed, Cyd slowly backed up to block her escape.

  She won’t get by me this time.

  “What did you get?” Stihl uncovered the dishes.

  The tempting scent of spicy peppers, curried tofu, and sweet-ripened fruit sent a rumble of hunger through Cyd’s stomach.

  “A little of everything, tofu steak layers, beans and rice, an assortment of fruit, and ice cream berry swirl made by the way with real cream.” Cyd wanted to convince Marohka into staying put. “You better dig in before this Luke here eats everything by himself.”

  Marohka’s gaze avoided the feast. Instead, she stood, her focus directed on a spot behind him.

  Hoping to hamper her attempt at escape, Cyd shifted back a few steps until his back hit the cold metal of the door. She ignored him and stepped forward. He glanced at Stihl for guidance. Intent on his task of examining the food, he paid no attention to Marohka’s movements.

  “That’s very kind of you.” She walked to the lily door. “But I’m not really hungry. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just freshen up.”

  She stopped and leered up at him. Anger burned in the depths of her sea green eyes. Without another word, she disappeared into
the lily.

  Cyd wondered what Stihl had done to endear himself. Painful retribution lay in his friend’s future, of that, Cyd had no doubt. “Was it something I said?”

  “No, she’s tired. After staying up too late last night and with all the excitement today, the match, her escape, and the disappointment of me finding her, she’s barely sliding by on low.” Stihl pick up a tofu layer. “Let’s go ahead and eat.”

  Cyd selected a cup and spooned out some beans. “Did you question her about what she’s been doing for the last couple of zitons?”

  “There’s no point. With the bedraggled way she looks, she couldn’t have had much fun.” Stihl shrugged, unconcerned. “She’s with me now, which when you think about it, is the only thing that really matters.”

  “Right, but how long will she stick around?” Cyd asked, not sure if Stihl knew the situation might be short-lived.

  “As long as I want her to,” Stihl stated and took a bite of beans and rice.

  “Yes, and you’re delusional,” Cyd teased, picking up his tofu layer. The lady could escape faster than Stihl could imagine. Cyd knew first hand.

  “No, she is not going anywhere.”

  Cyd raised an eyebrow. “All right, care to explain?”

  Stihl swallowed another bite and shook his head.

  “Right.” Cyd wondered what stranglehold Stihl applied to force Marohka to stay put. From her reaction, it didn’t involve his charm.

  They both ate in silence for a few itons.

  “Look, once we’re through eating,” Cyd said, “I’ll disappear. Then maybe, you can make her rest.”

  “My plan exactly.” Stihl studied his plate. “Can you give Dad a call and let him know we found Marohka?”

  “Sure, I’ll have him call off the hunt.” Cyd popped a final piece of fruit in his mouth, swallowed, and then added, “Also, Joha called. He needs an advance on his portion check.”

  “Again?” Stihl snapped. “He’s already a number of payments ahead.”

  Cyd shrugged. Joha mishandled money. “Yes, but he says he’s had some unexpected expenses.”

  “Right.” Stihl frowned and worried his thumb over his chin. “Give him half of what he normally gets and take the money out of our reserve fund. We’re pushing the limit until the next payment comes through for the qualtrillium.”

  “We could withdraw some from our other investments,” Cyd suggested, knowing his friend’s weakness for rescuing his brothers. They liked to play on Stihl’s generosity.

  “No.” Stihl shook his head. “Joha needs to learn there’s not an endless supply of money.”

  “All right, I’ll tell him.” Cyd turned toward the door. He balanced the leftover food on the tray and stressed his next point.

  “No funny stuff, Stihl. From what I’ve gathered about Marohka, she’s on the edge. If she wasn’t exhausted, I would’ve found you in a bloody heap on the floor when I returned.” He paused at the door. “If you plan to win her, you’d better go slow.”

  “Yes, Mother Cyd.” Stihl hit the levers to close up the table. “I’ll be careful.”

  * * * *

  The soft knock on the door woke Stihl a few zitons later.

  Cyd’s signal ran through Stihl’s mind. They must be close to arriving in Central City. According to their schedule, Cyd would be back in fifteen itons.

  Stihl’s arms tightened around Marohka. She’d lost her battle of sleeping on the other side of the bed. She lay nestled against him with her head on his shoulder. Wisps of hair fluttered against his cheek, warm soft breasts covered by a silky blouse caressed his chest, and a long, cotton-clad leg fell between his.

  The idea of moving away from her wasn’t very appealing. He wanted to enjoy the moment. She wouldn’t be as pliable after having taken a nap. He’d seen flashes of her inner-fire before he’d convinced her to rest. Sleeping with him hadn’t fallen in her acceptable behavior category.

  Exhausted, she’d finally agreed to lie on the bed after he had arranged a few cushions down the center. Now with her strength renewed, he wasn’t sure what to expect. If she woke up plastered against him, how would she react?

  He’d wager she wouldn’t enjoy the unexpected surprise. He decided to seize the moment. Moving slowly, he rolled onto his side until she lay beneath him. With her still asleep, he softly laid his lips against hers to silence her scream and soothe her resistance.

  He caught the soft sigh that whispered through her lips and tasted her unique flavor. The gentle awakening he’d planned died quickly under the demanding heat rushing through his system. He had to have more.

  A playground of delights, her lips enticed him to enjoy more of the smooth texture and explore her mouth for hidden treasures. He’d kissed other women, but none who tasted so sweet. Every stroke of his tongue fed his desire to know her better and discover all her secrets.

  * * * *

  Marohka’s dreams flashed imagines of Stihl through her head. His warm lips covered hers. The moist flavor of his mouth greeted hers. She welcomed the long stroke of his tongue and enjoyed the sinful sensations sliding through her system.

  The hard line of his body snuggled against her chest. Her fingers wove their way through the soft texture of his hair. Strong and firm above her, he surrounded her with his heat. Hot, wet kisses ate at her lips. His desire fed the consuming need buried deep in her soul. Her hips bucked beneath him, begging for more.

  A whistle blew. People shuffled about on the platform waiting for the train to come to a stop. A baby cried out at being disturbed. Passengers got ready to depart.

  Marohka’s world revolved around Stihl. He alone demanded her full attention.

  * * * *

  Stihl lifted his lips and stared down into her face. Her eyelids fluttered open. The soft, misty fog of desire he’d created within her turned into a thunderstorm of dark anger. Her eyes flashed with sparks of lightning.

  He smiled.

  Marohka’s hand flew with such speed. He saw a blur, and then a right hook connected with his jaw. He rolled to the left and landed on the floor.

  Unprepared for her quick maneuver, he lay spread-eagle on the floor. Stars glowed before his eyes. By the time they dissipated, she stood next to him gathering her gear from the closet.

  Stihl sat and leaned his back against the bed. “Marohka, I’m allowed to kiss you.”

  With her back toward him, she didn’t stop her search through the closet. “Who says?”

  A knock sounded on the door. Stihl lifted his hips off the floor and sat on the side of the bed. “That’s Cyd. We’re probably arriving at the station.” Stihl rubbed his jaw one last time and bent to slip on his shoes. “You enjoyed our kiss.”

  “Right, you keep telling yourself whatever lie you need to.” She continued to dig through their gear.

  Stihl stood. The woman had the panache to throw a man out of his own bed. Taking hold of her upper arm, he yanked her around. “I’m your mate. I’m allowed to touch you.”

  The hard resolve in her green gaze stunned him for an iton before his own stubbornness kicked in.

  “Only if I let you,” Marohka grumbled.

  He stared at her soft skin. The best way to calm a nervous animal was to apply a gentle touch. He’d learned that lesson the hard way back on the ranch. He slid his other hand slowly along her arm, cupped her cheek, and caressed it. Leery eyes stared at him, waiting for him to step across the line.

  She licked her lips. His focus shifted to her mouth, to explore, to capture, to claim.

  The tension built between them. He read the uncertainty of her heart in her unwavering glare. She wanted him to kiss her, but she wasn’t ready to admit to the attraction between them.

  The rasp sound of the doorknob turning broke the spell. With a slight swing of her head, his hand fell from her cheek. He released her arm, and she shifted back to the side of the bed.

  “Good, I see you Lukes are ready to go.” Cyd stepped into the cabin. “The train is in the station.”

nbsp; She sat on the bed to slide on her shoes. Stihl grumbled to Cyd, “Your timing, as usual, is rotten.”

  The wide grin on Cyd’s face coerced a laugh from Stihl. Some of the tension knotting his stomach muscles eased.

  Cyd retrieved their belongings from the closet. “Here, Stihl, you can help Marohka with her coat.”

  Marohka stood, and the small space in the cabin forced her against his side. Her arm brushed his. She might not like him touching her, but with her so close, he couldn’t resist.

  Stihl laid his hand on her back. Her trembling fingers tugged the wimple into place over her head.

  “Cyd can carry our luggage, and I’ll carry your backpack.”


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