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by Michael Willrich

  Marshall, John

  Martin, Henry A.


  Martin Vaccine Farm


  MassachusettsSee also specific places

  antivaccinationist bills

  compulsory vaccination in

  medical licensing debate in


  state constitution

  Massachusetts Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Society

  Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society

  Massachusetts Medical Rights League

  Massachusetts Medical Society

  Massachusetts Sanitary Commission

  Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

  Jacobson and Pear cases

  Mather, Cotton

  Mathews, George R.

  Mathews, J. M.

  Maus, Louis M.

  Mayo, William J.


  Medical Advance

  Medical Department of the U.S. Army

  founding of

  rehabilitation of reputation of

  Spanish-American War, failure during

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service compared to

  Medical Dial

  Medical News

  Medical Record

  Medical Standard

  Medical Talk for the Home


  African Americans’ mistrust of white


  authority of

  beliefs about

  as career

  licensing debate

  military. See military medicine/sanitary campaigns

  racism in

  scientific, rise of



  Medico-Chirugical College of Philadelphia


  Mexican immigrants


  Michigan Supreme Court

  Middlesboro, Kentucky

  Alabama Row

  industries of

  Over the Rhine section

  racial segregation of

  settlement of

  smallpox outbreak. See Middlesboro outbreak

  unvaccinated population of

  vaccination rate

  Middlesboro outbreak

  African Americans and

  Birmingham outbreak compared to

  children in

  Citizens’ Committee

  color line crossed

  compulsory vaccination in

  diagnostic confusion over

  as disaster


  federal aid sought for

  federal role in

  financial responsibility for

  first case

  legal lessons of

  length of

  local government’s response to

  in Over the Rhine section



  race issues in

  state intervention in

  whites in

  Middlesboro Weekly Herald

  Middlesboro Weekly Record

  Middlesex County Superior Court

  mild type of smallpox

  classical and, differences between

  compulsory vaccination and

  death rate

  diagnostic confusion over

  as distinct disease entity

  epidemiology of

  history of

  intractability of

  nicknames for

  pathology of

  public health risks of

  Miles, Nelson A.

  military medicine/sanitary campaigns See also army surgeons

  in Cuba

  goals of

  methods of

  in the Philippines. See Philippine campaign

  police power used in

  in Puerto Rico. See Puerto Rican campaign

  Mill, John Stuart

  Milnes, Alfred

  Milwaukee, pesthouse in

  Mingo Mines






  vaccination certificate as necessary for

  Moore, Bill

  Moret, Simón

  Morgan, J. Pierpont


  Morris v. Columbus

  Morrow, William

  Morse, Paul

  Mugford, John H.

  Mulford, Henry K.

  municipal police forces

  Music, Stanley

  National Board of Health

  National Guard

  National Hygienic Laboratory

  National Institutes of Health

  National Quarantine Act 1878

  National Vaccine Establishment

  Native Americans, smallpox and

  natural reproduction


  Neal, James

  Neal’s Camp

  Nelmes, Sarah

  New Deal

  New-England Vaccine Company

  New Jersey

  Board of Health

  smallpox in

  wrongful death statute

  New Orleans

  Board of Health

  pesthouse in

  smallpox outbreak

  newspapers. See also specific papers

  advertisements in

  on antivaccinationists

  on Jacobson decision

  on pesthouse scandals

  Philippine campaign and

  restraints on

  smallpox coverage in

  vaccine crisis coverage

  New World

  smallpox in

  vaccine in

  New York

  bakers’ law

  compulsory vaccination and

  tenement house law

  New York Academy of Medicine

  New York City

  compulsory vaccination in

  immigration to

  Little Italies in

  municipal police force

  pesthouse in

  phony vaccination certificates

  race relations in

  smallpox outbreak in. See New York City outbreak

  vaccination in

  New York City Health Department

  as biologics producer

  coercion by

  compulsory vaccination, stance on

  diphtheria antitoxin of

  Division of Contagious Diseases

  duties of

  number of vaccinations performed by

  smallpox control by

  tactics of

  vaccination corps

  vaccine production by

  New York City outbreak

  children in

  death toll of

  end of

  first case

  first victims

  health department’s response to

  as last outbreak

  newspaper coverage of

  political effects of

  New York County Medical Association

  New York County Medical Society

  New York State Board of Health

  New York Stock Exchange

  New York Sun

  New York Times, The

  New York Tribune

  Nichols, B. F.

  Nichols, Charles F.

  North American

  North Brother Island

  North CarolinaSee also specific places

  Board of Health

  smallpox outbreak

  vaccination lawsuits in

  vaccination rate

  North Carolina Medical Society

  North Carolina Supreme Court

  Northwestern Lancet

  O’Brien, Mary

  Ogden Standard-Examiner


  Oliver, Elizabeth

  Oller, Francisco

  Omaha World-Herald

  one-drop rule

  On Liberty (Mill)

  Orange, New Jersey


  Osler, William


  Oswald, Felix

  Otis, Elwell S.

  Our Home Rights


  outsiders as source of smallpox

  Overby, Georgiana

  Panama Canal Zone

  Panama-Pacific International Exposition

  Pardee, George C.


  as antivaccinationists

  Christian Scientist

  prosecution of

  rights of

  Park, William

  Parke, Davis

  Parker, Leroy

  Parliament, British

  Parry, J. H.

  Parsons, Theophilus

  Pasteur, Louis

  Pasteur Institute

  Peabody, William

  Pear, Albert M.

  Peckham, Rufus


  Peebles, James Martin


  PennsylvaniaSee also specific places Board of Health

  Pennsylvania Railroad

  Pennsylvania Supreme Court

  Penrose, Charles W.


  Perkins, Harvey

  personal freedom/individual rights

  in England

  government’s needs versus

  Harlan on

  Jacobson decision and

  police power and

  radical libertarianism

  as “social” and “conventional”



  African Americans’ fear of

  conditions in

  cost of

  location of

  in Middlesboro outbreak

  in Wilmington outbreak

  Pevey, Gilbert A. A.

  Pfeiffer, Immanuel

  Pfeiffer, Olive

  pharmaceutical industry


  Board of Health

  debate on Camden vaccine crisis in

  drug trade in

  last epidemic

  municipal police force

  smallpox in

  vaccine crisis in

  yellow fever in

  Philadelphia Hospital

  Philadelphia Medical Journal

  Philadelphia Negro (Du Bois)

  Philadelphia North American

  Philippine-American War

  American atrocities during

  American death toll

  counterinsurgency tactics

  end of

  Filipino death toll

  opposition to

  public opinion on

  Philippine campaign

  as colonial statecraft

  compulsory vaccination in

  enforcement tools

  goals of

  in Manila

  newspaper coverage of

  number vaccinated

  in the provinces

  Puerto Rican campaign compared to

  staff of

  as success

  vaccine supply

  Philippine Commission

  Philippines, the

  Americans’ first impressions of

  annexation of

  endemic smallpox in

  geography of

  health of

  ideas about Western medicine in

  medical beliefs of

  sanitary campaign. See Philippine campaign

  smallpox death rate

  Spain and

  vaccination in

  war for independence

  war with U.S. See Philippine-American War

  Phipps, James


  African American

  African Americans’ lack of trust of

  antivaccinationism and

  army. See army surgeons

  Camden vaccine crisis and

  clashes with public health authorities



  licensing of


  ship. See ship surgeons

  southern, beliefs about smallpox

  southern, lack of smallpox experience

  vaccine crisis and

  Pickering, James Winthrop

  Piehn, Louis H.

  Pineville, Kentucky

  Pinney, Silas U.

  Pirogoff, Nikolai Ivanovich

  Pitcairn, John

  Pitfield, R. L.

  “Plan of Organization for the Suppression of Smallpox” (Wertenbaker)

  Plessy v. Ferguson

  Plymouth, Pennsylvania

  police power

  actions permissible under

  concept of “police”

  constitutional challenges to

  due process and

  excessive force

  industrialization, effect on

  Jacobson and Pear cases

  Jacobson v. Massachusetts and

  lack of challenges to

  legal affirmations of

  limitations on

  maxims of

  military power and

  paramilitary vaccination squads

  personal freedom and

  physical force vaccination

  scope of

  source of

  Police Power, The (Freund)

  polio vaccine

  political speech

  Porter, Ira W.

  Port of New York

  postvaccination tetanus

  “Pot Calls the Kettle Black, The” (Clarke)

  Pound, Roscoe

  Pragmatism (James)


  “Précis upon the Diagnosis and Treatment of Smallpox” (Wyman)

  pregnant women

  present danger


  private schools

  product liability

  progressiveness/progressive reforms

  antivaccinationism and, relationship between

  Jacobson decision and

  Providence Health Department

  public health law(s)


  coercion and risk in

  harm avoidance


  seminal case in. See Jacobson v. Massachusetts

  Supreme Court cases

  public health/public health authority See also specific entities

  army as force in

  black distrust of white

  cohorts of

  compulsory vaccination argument

  eliminating commercialism from

  lack of

  lay officials and, clashes between

  opportunity for

  power of removal

  as progressive enterprise

  resistance to

  tactics of

  public health system. See federal public health system

  public opinion

  antivaccinationism’s effect on

  on compulsory vaccination

  on Philippine-American War

  southern smallpox control and

  on vaccination

  on vaccine safety

  Puerto Rican campaign

  as colonial statecraft

  compulsory vaccination

  cost of

  enforcement measures

  mainland smallpox control compared to

  Philippine campaign compared to

  staff for

  success of

  vaccine supply

  Puerto Rico

  Americans’ first impressions of

  General Order No

  geography of

  health of

  political status of

  racial categories in

  sanitary campaign in. See Puerto Rican campaign

  slavery in

  smallpox death rate in

  smallpox in

  Spain and

  vaccination in

  Pure Food and Drug Act


  compulsory vaccination compared to

  diseases warranting
r />   in Middlesboro outbreak

  for steerage passengers

  U.S. regulations

  Quincy, Josiah


  as issue in Middlesboro outbreak

  as issue in Wilmington outbreak


  in New York

  one-drop rule

  in Puerto Rico

  in smallpox control

  racial segregation

  of Middlesboro, Kentucky

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service and



  liability of

  smallpox control and

  Ramsdell, Putnam J.


  in Cuba

  epidemics and

  in the Philippines

  Reed, Walter

  regulation. See vaccine regulation

  religious freedom

  removal, power of

  reproductive rights

  Research Institute for Viral Protection



  Rhode Island

  Rider, Sydney S.

  Riis, Jacob


  for children

  perceptions of

  of smallpox vaccination

  socialization of

  Riverside Kindergarten

  Robertson, L. L.

  Rochester, New York

  Roosevelt, Bessie

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rosenau, Milton J.

  Roseto, Pennsylvania

  Royal Commission on Vaccination


  Rush Medical School


  St. Louis, Missouri

  St. Louis Medical Journal

  St. Thomas

  Salt Lake Board of Education

  Salt Lake City, pesthouse in

  Salt Lake Herald

  Samar, Philippines

  Sanders, Albert


  sanitary campaigns. See military medicine/sanitary campaigns

  San Juan, Puerto Rico

  Sayreville, New Jersey


  Schenck v. United States

  Schettler, Bernard H.


  compulsory attendance laws

  conflict in


  segregation in


  as vaccination siteSee also compulsory vaccination

  Scientific American


  Sedgwick, William T.


  Shaffer, A. W.

  Shafter, William

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shaw, Lemuel

  Sheffly, Will

  ship surgeons

  Shoemaker, W. N.

  Siboney, Cuba

  Slaughter-House Cases


  African American health during

  in Puerto Rico

  smallpox control

  in Boston

  in Cambridge, Massachusetts

  classism in


  in Cuba

  funds for

  immigrants and

  in Italy

  local, role of federal government in

  in New York City

  in Panama Canal Zone

  pesthouses. See pesthouses

  in the Philippines. See Philippine campaign

  police power in. See police power

  politics of

  in prisons

  in Puerto Rico. See Puerto Rican campaign

  quarantine. See quarantine

  racism in

  railroads and


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