Soldiers of Pearl 4: Gang of Broken Hearts (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Soldiers of Pearl 4: Gang of Broken Hearts (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “That woman is a pain in the ass. Hunter has declined her offers so many times in a nice way. He needs to get nasty.”

  “He seems like he’s fine with her.” She took a sip from her beer. It tasted terrible. She wasn’t liking the view as she sipped from the bottle. Thelma was tall and thin, closer to Hunter’s height. Sometimes Dee hated being so short. It made her feel like a kid around men like Travis, Hunter, and the other guys they all hung around with. Plus, men like Hector would pick her up as if she were a toy. She wanted to feel sexy and look beautiful, not cute.

  She put the beer down and then caught Thelma glaring at her, and then Hunter headed toward Travis and her.

  She wondered what was going on and then Hunter slid right next to her and leaned over the bar. “Chris, bottle of Bud please.”

  Dee watched Thelma as she stomped toward them. She pointed into Hunter’s shoulder.

  “I’m not done talking to you,” she said, her words slightly slurred, and Dee knew she must have had a few too many drinks already.

  Travis placed his hand on the bar next to Dee’s shoulder in a protective manner.

  Hunter glanced over his shoulder. “Our conversation is done, Thelma. I think you should move along.” Hunter looked back at the bar, ignoring her but holding the beer bottle tight.

  Thelma shoved Hunter in the back. “Don’t ignore me,” she yelled, causing a scene.

  Dee’s gut tightened. “Hey, don’t push on him. I think he’s trying to let you know he isn’t interested.”

  Thelma glared at her. “Who the fuck asked you, bitch?” She shoved Hunter again and Hunter stood up straight. Dee slid down off the stool.

  “I think you need to calm down. You’re making a scene, and that’s not what you want to do,” Dee said to her.

  “Dee, don’t talk to her. She’s fucking crazy. She should get it that none of us are interested in her, especially not Hunter,” Travis added.

  Thelma gave him a dirty look, and then she looked at Dee. Thelma was a bit taller than her, and she looked her over with hatred in her eyes.

  “This is what you’re interested in? Little miss mousey virgin?”

  Dee felt her cheeks heat, and then Hunter chimed in.

  “Leave her alone Thelma and walk away,” Hunter said.

  “What’s going on over here?” Sunny asked, joining them, along with Georgia and some other friends.

  “You got nothing over me,” Thelma said to her in a growl.

  “I don’t know why you’re starting with me. I was just sitting here with my friends. You need to go,” Dee said, and she knew she was ready if this woman was going to try and hit her. She knew how to fight but hated it. The few moves she knew well were all she’d really ever used a handful of times back in Dallas. Dee always tried to talk things out first, but her father had taught her the realities of life. Fighting wasn’t always someone’s last resort. Sometimes it was their first choice.

  “Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll mess your pretty little face up, and then all these men won’t find you so appealing.”

  Dee widened her eyes as Hunter then Sunny tried to tell Thelma to calm down and take a hike.

  “I think you’ve had too much to drink. So I’m going to forget that you threatened me and tell you to walk away,” Dee said, and Thelma grabbed for Dee’s throat.

  Dee reacted so fast it seemed to shock everyone around her. She slammed Thelma’s arm upward, flipped it behind her back, and sent her over the bar stool, crying out in pain. Dee yelled next to her ear. “I can break your arm or let you go. You’re drunk, and I don’t expect to ever be threatened by you again. Got it?”

  “Yes, yes. Let me go,” Thelma said, and Dee let her up. Thelma growled then hurried away.

  Dee felt her heart racing, and she had flashbacks of Ghost grabbing her by the throat, holding the knife to her, and threatening her. When the hand landed on her shoulder, she twisted out of it, and Travis held his hand up.

  “Dee, are you okay?”

  “Okay? She just made a move some trained fighter would use,” Marino said, and Dee tried to calm her breathing. She looked away from them and then at Hunter.

  “Dee, I—”

  She shook her head at him, feeling annoyed and so angry. She hated violence. She hated getting into confrontations for no reason. She walked away and didn’t turn back. She felt like crying as the bad memories flooded her mind.

  * * * *

  “Fuck, did you see that move she made? Where the hell did Dee learn how to do that?” Travis asked, and Hunter looked toward the direction she’d taken and then back at his buddies. Everyone else walked away, still talking about Dee’s quick reflex move.

  “Well, it’s obvious she was in a protective mode. What the hell brought it on?” Sunny asked Hunter, and he and Travis explained.

  Hunter felt like shit. “It’s my fault. She was pulled into it for no reason.”

  “She was jealous. I could tell by the way she sat here watching Thelma talk to you. Thelma picked up on it. That’s why she started the fight,” Travis told him.

  “Dee jealous? She hasn’t shown an interest in us,” Hunter said, feeling hopeful. It was Dee he wanted attention from, and now he’d upset her. It was going to take some serious talking to get her to forgive him. He’d made her angry and caused her to fight. Dee probably hated fighting. She was the least confrontational person he knew.

  “Well, you’re going to have to make it up to her, Hunter. I think she left,” Marino said and looked toward the door, seeing Cynthia leaving along with Georgia and Maggie.

  Hunter took a slug of beer, his night ruined because the woman he wanted was no longer here, and he wanted to leave now, too.

  “I’ll talk to her tomorrow at the fundraiser. I’ll make things right.”

  They all looked displeased. Dee was too kind, too special and ladylike to have to fight, and because of him, her night out with her friends had been ruined.

  Chapter 4

  “Thank you so much. Your donation is greatly appreciated,” Dee said to a family of four who’d just donated some money to the fundraising event. It was getting closer toward three o’clock, and Cynthia, Maggie, and Georgia were waiting for Dee to meet them by the lake to go swimming and catch some rays.

  She wiped her brow, feeling the sweat drip down her spine and between her breasts. The sundress hid her bikini, but she should have worn a lighter one, even though it was see-through. Maybe she would feel a slight bit cooler. From behind her sunglasses, she watched the men and women coming and going, enjoying the activities of the day and even heading toward the lake to swim. Some were ending the day, having been there since morning. She had insisted on taking her own car, not wanting to be stuck alone in Sunny’s truck with Travis, Sunny, Hunter, and Marino. They had been pissed off, but she told them she had to run some errands when she was done and didn’t want to head all the way home to get her car then travel back out. They believed her. Maybe.

  She felt kind of embarrassed about last night, but her friends had told her everyone had been impressed with her quick moves and control. She’d shocked them, bringing about more questions and gossip about her. That hadn’t been her intention. Then, of course, Hunter apologized immediately for putting her in that position, but truth was, it hadn’t been his fault. It was Thelma’s. Perhaps the woman would get the message that Hunter and his friends weren’t interested in her.

  She caught sight of Hunter talking to a few young women and handing them a flier of upcoming events. They flirted and smiled at him, and he smiled back being friendly, but he looked uncomfortable. Was it a game, or were they really making him feel uncomfortable? He and Travis attracted the young ladies and older ones immediately. But Sunny and Marino were so angry looking all the time that most women didn’t have the nerve to flirt so forwardly. The four men were so damn good looking it was hard for even Dee not to stare at them or watch them when they took off their shirts.

  “Damn, it’s hot. How about one of these?”r />
  She swung around to see Marino there, holding a bottle of cold water.

  “Oh, thank you so much. It is hot.”

  “Your replacement is on her way. Then you can head down to the lake with the others. Cynthia was asking Sunny if you were done yet over two hours ago.”

  She chuckled. “The plan was to sunbathe a little then swim and relax. But it is getting late.”

  He looked around them and toward the sky.

  “Plenty of good sunbathing hours to go. Just make sure you put sunscreen on. Don’t want to get sunburn or ruin your skin,” he told her, and she felt a mix of emotions. Was he treating her like a child, or was he complimenting her skin?

  She took a slug of water, and then she saw her replacement arrive. Kelly. She was an older woman with kids and grandkids involved with the organization. They hugged hello, and then Dee grabbed her beach bag.

  “I’ll walk with you,” Marino told her.

  “You don’t need to. I’m fine.”

  “Marino, we need some more cases of water delivered to the barbecue tent. Can you help me?” Ryan called out to him. Marino looked disappointed.

  “It’s okay. I won’t get lost,” she teased and smiled.

  “Funny,” he replied sarcastically then looked her over before he headed to help Luke.

  Dee headed down the pathway that led to the lake. She was looking forward to a dip in the cool water then relaxing. She had been helping since eight this morning, and she was tired.

  She saw her friends immediately, as they lay on beach towels, sunbathing and drinking beer.

  She smiled wide and joined them, setting down her towel and looking around them. Some of the other members of the group were lying out or enjoying games in the water. Then she noticed Perkins, Dugan, Merlin, and Karl nearby, and they seemed to have their eyes on Cynthia.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit. Could that bikini be any smaller?” Travis said to Sunny as they stood by the tables near the lake and watched Dee. The tiny white bikini she wore showed off her tan skin as well as her voluptuous body. The tattoo on her hip and belly button piercing made her even more enticing. He couldn’t tell what the tattoo was of from here. He remembered Hunter mentioning seeing what appeared like shooting stars peaking out one night from her hip hugger jeans.

  She pulled her hair up to the top of her head and secured it with a hair band, causing her breasts to nearly fall from the cups of the bikini. Before she could get into the water, three young men approached her. Men closer to her age. Men not part of their group of friends.

  She shyly stepped back, shook her head a couple of times, and then pointed up toward the main pavilion. Travis wondered what they asked her.

  “I give them three more seconds then we move in and get her away from them.”

  “Sunny, she isn’t ours.”

  “Not yet, but you damn well know that we want her to be. We have some things to work out, and it might take a little more time.”

  “Time we don’t have,” Travis said and watched as the one guy reached over and placed a loose strand of hair that she had missed behind her ear. His hand lingered too long. Dee stepped back. They looked at her body, and he couldn’t just stand there.

  Then, out of nowhere, he saw Marino running down the small beach, swim trunks, no shirt, and tattoos galore showing along with muscles and bulk, headed straight toward Dee.

  He nearly nocked one guy over as he said something to them, bent down, and lifted Dee up over his shoulder. She screamed and held on as he ran into the water, falling into the depths of the water with Dee in his arms.

  Sunny chuckled.

  “Well, that solves that problem.”

  * * * *

  Dee’s heart was pounding. Marino had scared the heck out of her, and now she was in his arms, the water too deep to stand, and she was gripping onto his shoulders.

  His hands were firm and felt so good against her skin. Her nipples hardened, and her pussy actually ached being against his massive body like this. The man was huge, and she couldn’t believe how hard and big his muscles were.

  He held her gaze.

  “Why did you do that? You scared me.”

  She didn’t know how to swim well, and they were farther out. Even Marino was barely standing.

  “They were bothering you,” he said.

  She felt disappointed for some strange reason, like maybe deep down she wanted him to say that he was jealous and that he wanted all her attention. But then she shook the thoughts from her head and tried pulling back slightly. His hand was under her ass, and she tried to not lean closer or her breasts would be in his face.

  “This is some sexy bikini. You shouldn’t wear something like this when you’re not with me or one of the others.”

  Her heart raced and she wanted to let go of his shoulders but she would go under the water because she couldn’t swim She took a deep breath. “Why is that?”

  He looked her over. “Because it’s small, and it’s see-through.”

  When he said that, she immediately looked down and realized he was joking. She knew that white would show some, but she also had picked the one with extra lining and a block-out material that didn’t become sheer when wet.

  She gave his shoulder a slap, and he released her, laughing, and she gasped and reached for him squeezing his arms.

  “Don’t let go of me,” she said.

  He squinted. “Oh, you like the way it feels in my arms?” he asked, letting his hand caress along her ass.

  “I can’t swim,” she told him.

  “What? God damn it, Dee!” He moved a little closer to the shore. “What if one of those guys lifted you up and threw you in? Then what?”

  “I don’t know. Most men don’t just come along, lift up a girl they don’t know, and then dunk her.”

  “I’m not most men, now am I?” he asked in that tone of his.

  She shook her head.

  He glanced over her cleavage and then into her eyes.

  Marino Duvelli had dark brown eyes and even darker crew cut hair. He was big, like Sunny, Travis, and Hunter. But he was also very experienced if the local gossip was any indicator. . He made her nervous.

  “We should head back to the beach.”

  “When I’m ready.” He cupped her cheek. “You need to be more careful. Not everyone is out to be helpful and caring. Some want things from you or want to take advantage of your kindness.”

  “Is that what you’re doing?” she asked.

  “Maybe taking advantage of the fact that you need me and can’t swim on your own. I get to hold you in my arms and feel this sexy body close to me. It’s a fantasy come true,” he said to her very seriously.

  She tried letting her legs fall from his waist, but he raised one of his eyebrows at her in warning.

  “Keep those legs wrapped around me. Don’t move.” He remained holding her cheek, and then he leaned forward.

  “Marino?” she whispered.

  “Sorry, Dee. I’ve waited long enough.”

  He kissed her.

  When Marino’s lips touched hers, she lost all control to breathe or react in any way other way than to kiss him back.

  She ran her hands through his hair then over his shoulders as he lifted her higher against him. Her breasts pushed against his chest, and he pressed his tongue deeper into her mouth, exploring farther. They both moaned. Or maybe it was just her. She’d never felt such strong emotions and desires just from kissing a man. Then again, her only experiences kissing weren’t pleasant and had been forced upon her. That memory made her think of Ghost and Raven. She pulled back.

  “Oh God.” She covered her mouth with her hand and looked around them. It was pretty obvious people had seen them kissing. Her friends were sitting up on their towels, staring straight ahead, and Hunter was making his way toward them through the water.

  “Just calm down and don’t freak out. God, baby. You’re shaking,” Marino said in that deep voice of his. His large hand caressed her back
, and then he pulled her close.

  “You’re safe with me. Don’t be scared.” She was shocked and her eyes widened at his choice of words after they just kissed like that.

  Tears filled her eyes, and when he squinted, she looked away.

  “Bring me closer so I can stand.”

  “No. I’ve got you,” he said, and she gulped down the lump of emotion in her throat.

  “Marino, we shouldn’t have.”

  He shook his head, and she stopped talking.

  She felt the hands on her hips from behind them. Hunter was there.

  “She can’t swim,” Marino told Hunter.

  “What?” Hunter asked, and Marino let her go so Hunter could hold her next.

  “I’m okay. Just bring me closer so that I can stand,” she said to Hunter.

  His hands firmed against her hipbones. Before he glided them under her ass and pulled her so close she had to wrap her legs around his waist, and her pussy wedged up against his waist.

  “Hunter.” She gasped.

  “You could have drowned. What if someone other than one of us carried you in and dunked you? Then what?”

  “I told her the same thing,” Marino added and reached over to caress her chin. He held her gaze.

  She could hardly breathe. Her breasts were pressed up against Hunter’s chest and immediately her nipples hardened. She was trying to gain some control but it seemed useless.

  “Is that what led to you two kissing?” Hunter asked.

  “Just letting Dee know we care about her and are watching over her,” Marino said.

  She felt like crying.

  They weren’t attracted to her or wanting to make her their woman. They just thought they had a right to touch her like this, hold her in their arms, kiss her, and pretend they cared when they didn’t.

  “Dee?” Hunter whispered her name.

  “Bring me closer so I can stand,” she demanded, raising her voice. “You can’t just kiss me like that.”

  “What’s wrong?” Hunter asked.

  She looked at him then at Marino.


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