Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 3

by J. a Melville

  Gently he eased himself off the wall and stepped forward, his gaze fixed on her, struggling not to crack his teeth against one another when his jeans rubbed against his hugely swollen cock. He needed to hurry and bend her will so he could ease the strain behind his zip before he did himself a permanent injury.

  When he was standing before her, looking down into her suddenly startled eyes, he didn’t waste time and began the process of bending her mind, his gaze locked on hers. He frowned when she didn’t immediately get the classic serene expression humans got when they were mind controlled. Still she wasn’t talking, so no more smart ass comments and confident that she was under his control, he reached for her, to pull her into his arms.

  “Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She snapped, slapping at his arm. “Were you going to try and kiss me? I didn’t tell you, you could do that. You fucking men are all the same.” She stepped back from him, her hands on her hips as she glared up at him. “I’m a fucking pole dancer. I take off my fucking bra, that doesn’t mean I want to get laid by every single horny fucking moron who comes into the club. I’m…a…pole…dancer…not…a…fucking…whore!” She spat out, one word after another, as if trying to beat him over the head with that information. “I get paid to dance, not fuck every damned loser who turns up thinking its ok to grind his fucking hard dick against me.” She cast her eyes down to his groin and her eyebrows shot up. “Wow, impressive.”

  Her words made a smile curve his lips and when she stepped closer, he felt his excitement grow. She raised her head, her eyes wide as they met his and he couldn’t stop his focus shifting to her mouth, when her tongue appeared, sweeping over her full bottom lip.

  Damien felt himself grow even harder which he wouldn’t have thought was possible as he watched the movement of her tongue and wished it was him doing that. He tensed when her hand came out and smoothed down his stomach, his abs tightening under her touch and when she kept going and stopped over his cock, he hissed loudly. The feel of her warm hand through his jeans was both an agony and an ecstasy for him. He groaned and tried to push into her touch but she smiled at him reaching up to place her lips against his ear.

  “You might have a big dick there Mr.” She whispered and the aforementioned dick jerked under her hand. “But…there’s one problem.” She shifted back to stare into his eyes, her hand still resting on his cock. “I don’t fuck losers.” She said, a wide smile lighting up her face and before he could react to the insult she’d just thrown at him, she closed her hand over his rigid shaft and squeezed hard.

  “HOLY FUCKING HELL!” He shouted, grabbing at her fingers, peeling them off him, before bending at the waist as pain shot through him nearly bringing him to his knees. “Fucking bitch, fuck off then. I wouldn’t want to fuck you anyway.” He ground out between gritted teeth and she laughed at him.

  “That makes two of us then because I sure as hell don’t want to fuck you. I have better taste than that.” She shot at him before spinning on her heel and disappearing towards the car park.


  I couldn’t help bursting into laughter on the way home from the club. That had been hilarious with that good looking fucker. The look on his face was priceless. Ok the man was good, really good and he was the first man in a while who could actually peak my interest. Well he’d managed to get me wet and I was still wet. I could feel the dampness in my panties as I drove. It didn’t matter though; I couldn’t get involved with anyone here. I never stayed in one place long enough because of what I was. Once people realised, then I became like a fucking circus freak to them and I hated that. It wasn’t that big a deal really, being able to move things with my mind.

  Still that was why I couldn’t get involved with men, and I sure couldn’t have sex, not anymore, not where anyone knew me anyway. It was slightly embarrassing but sometimes when I came, if the man was good enough to make me come, sometimes things would fly around the room. The most embarrassing one was when a vase hit the head of the man fucking me and knocked him out. He’d been pissed, I’d been embarrassed, and the fool had wanted me charged with assault, although what I did while in the middle of an orgasm wasn’t really my fault. I’d finally managed to get him to drop the charges by giving him a blowjob he wouldn’t forget in a hurry, and getting the hell out of town.

  It had been hard at first rocking up in a new city and a different state, but Tasmania seemed like a good place to sink into obscurity for a while. I’d pretty well covered most cities on the mainland but then I’d been on my own since I was eighteen years old when my parents ran off and abandoned me. Seems they couldn’t handle having a child like me so they just up and left. Just as well I was old enough to get out on my own, and didn’t end up a child of the system, getting shifted from foster home to foster home.

  I’d fallen into the dancing when I’d first been approached to do some modelling, which then led to working in my first strip club, and from there I’d learned how to pole dance and loved it. I just didn’t love the jerks that came with the job.

  I’d moved from town to town, state to state for ten years now and at twenty-eight, some thought I was too old for the stripping and dancing. I kept in shape though and made sure I only ate healthy foods to maintain my body. No one had ever complained; certainly Mr Hard On from the club hadn’t. That impressive tool he packed away in his jeans sure convinced me he liked what he was seeing. The man had a huge cock, no denying that and fuck it was tempting to go there, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t fuck up and lose this job and have to move again, not yet anyway.

  I pulled into the driveway of the house I shared with two other ladies. Cassie owned the house and had apparently inherited it when her best friend had died a couple of years ago. Chloe shared the house too and now I was the new roommate but we all got on well. Chloe had that friendly personality that made her likeable to everyone, and Cassie was great too. It was the first place I’d lived in a while, where I knew I’d be sad to leave.

  When I walked inside the girls were watching some late night movie on TV and when they turned tearstained faces in my direction, I had to fight hard not to burst out laughing. That was one of my biggest problems. I seemed to be missing some of those basic things like emotions, and I would laugh at the most inappropriate moments, or simply not be affected by the things that others found sad. Seeing Cassie and Chloe crying over some movie which was just that, a movie made me want to laugh at them.

  “Wow, you two are a pair of sad saps aren’t you?” I turned from one to the other as I dropped my car keys into the bowl we used to keep them in, so we could easily find them. “So what movie is it?”

  “It’’s The Notebook.” Chloe said her voice thick with tears.

  “Am I likely to be beheaded if I say I’ve never seen it?” I asked, pretending to hide behind my hands as I waited for the reaction to my announcement. I’d heard of the movie but I’d never felt compelled to watch it. It probably wouldn’t have me howling like a baby anyway.

  “Oh how can you say that Flame?” Chloe gave me a wounded look like I’d just committed the ultimate cardinal sin or something. “Everyone’s seen The Notebook.”

  “Well, unless I’m not anyone, then not everyone has seen it.” I grinned, flopping down on the lounge chair that wasn’t occupied by weeping housemates.

  “So how was work?” Cassie asked.

  I grimaced. “It was ok. A few jerks about tonight and one persistent good looking jerk. Damned man thought he was God’s gift to women I’m sure, and fucking well-acted like it.”

  “Ooh do tell.” Chloe scooted forward on her seat and cupped her chin in her hands, her eyes on me.

  “What about the movie?” I asked.

  “Oh we’ve seen it plenty of times before. We want to hear about this good looking jerk. When in a man drought as we are, we will always tune in to the words good looking and conveniently ignore the jerk part. We need a man. Come on woman, tell us what he looked like, does he have a name, or more specific
ally did you get his name?”

  I laughed at their eager faces. Neither had been in relationships for a while apparently, and they were feeling the effects of the down time.

  “He did insist on yelling his name at me when I had to get back on stage at one point during the evening. I ran into him again when I was leaving. Poor man was doubled up cursing me when we parted company.” I laughed.

  Cassie raised her eyebrows. “What did you do to him?”

  “He tried to kiss me so I grabbed his balls and crushed them in my hand. Fuck he was hard too. I swear from what I could feel through his jeans that man’s hung like a horse.” I mused remembering how much cock I’d felt through his clothes.

  “Oh god; why did you not jump on this man immediately? If you didn’t want him, you could have been a nice housemate and brought him for us at least.” Cassie moaned, almost salivating down the front of her nightie.

  “So what was the name of this good looking man who is hung like a horse?” Chloe asked.

  “He said his name was Damon, Damien, maybe David, oh fuck it. I’m not sure, Damien I think.” I screwed up my face while I tried to remember what he’d called out to me.

  “Damien?” Chloe’s voice had an odd note to it, and I turned to her. She was frowning at me, her head cocked to one side. “He wasn’t tall, ridiculously good looking, smells divine, brown sort of untidy hair and green eyes?”

  My heart sank at her near perfect description of the man I’d had an interesting time with tonight. God, what were the odds that my housemates would know him? Oh bloody hell, maybe Chloe had dated him.

  “You know him I presume? Either that or you’re a mind reader or just damned good at guessing his appearance.”

  “We know Damien. He’s been here plenty of times. He lives with his brothers and sister and their father Fabian. They call him father but I can’t believe Fabian’s their real father, he looks too young. The whole damned lot of them, including Francesca are near perfect examples of a great gene pool. I’ve never seen that many good looking people all in the one spot before.” Chloe looked at me curiously. “So you didn’t want to rip his clothes off him and fuck the man senseless?” She asked. “Hell I would if I thought I had half a chance.”

  I forced a smile to my lips. “I’ve moved around so much I don’t get involved with men. I can’t commit for long so why bother?”

  My comment was met with gaping mouths from both women. “Are you trying to tell us you don’t have sex at all?” Chloe finally asked.

  “I don’t need a man to get off.” I grinned at her. “B.O.B takes good care of me and there’s no arguing, no crap when I move on.”

  Both women laughed. “Amen to that sister. Where would we be without our B.O.B’s?”

  “Sexually frustrated.” We all chanted, bursting into laughter as we were all synchronised with our response.

  Cassie sobered first and studied me for a moment. “Don’t you just wish sometimes that you could snuggle with someone special though? Don’t you miss that intimate contact? A vibrator might be good for getting us all off, but you can’t exactly cuddle up to it at night.”

  I sighed when I thought about what could happen when I was with a man and let my guard down. “I don’t need to cuddle anyone and I sleep better alone.”

  “But that’s so sad.” Chloe’s face looked genuinely like she was sorry for me. “Everyone needs someone at some stage. Tell me, why did you choose to live with us? Was it the location, convenience of splitting the rent or for the company?”

  I knew where she was going with this. “You’re a hopeless romantic Chloe I bet. It was a bit of all three I guess, but it’s nice having you girls around, and trust me when I get home from work where I’ve been fending off horny drunken men, it’s nice to unwind with you, like now.” I said.

  “So Damien didn’t float your boat, even just a tiny bit?” Chloe tried again and I laughed.

  “Ok, yes, I admit, he got the juices flowing but he’s not the man for me, and something about him tells me he’s only in it for a good time, not a long time.”

  “Isn’t that all you’re after too though Flame?” Cassie fixed me with her curious gaze and I realised I’d been cleverly backed into a corner. ‘Good one Flame, you walked right into that one.’ That little voice inside me smirked.

  “Ok, so maybe I do think the man is quite attractive but no, I’m not going to get involved. I don’t need the complication of a man in my life.” I said and my tone of voice made it clear I had no wish to discuss the very sexy Damien again.


  Damien couldn’t believe what that little bitch had done to him. She had played him to perfection and like a fucking fool; he’d walked straight into it. Damn her. Why the hell was he bothering with her? He didn’t need this shit. He could fuck hundreds of women. He didn’t need to waste his time on one who clearly wasn’t interested.

  With as much dignity as he could muster, given she’d just squeezed the crap out of his poor cock and balls, he made his way to his car. He was still erect and it amazed him that he’d stayed hard through the pain she’d inflicted on him.

  Gingerly he eased himself behind the wheel and after a quick glance around to check he was alone, he carefully lowered his zip and pulled his abused dick out of his jeans. He studied it, relieved to see it looked like it had come through unharmed after Flame’s assault on his most valued accessory. Still it didn’t look happy, all red and engorged, swollen, desperately in need of some relief.

  Somehow he’d lost interest in Flame for now, but having his nuts crushed would do that to a man. Despite her, he still needed to ease the discomfort he was in. He had two choices. Either take himself in hand or find a woman who was more willing than the redheaded Nutcracker, and who would give him what he needed, blood and sex.

  He wasn’t going back in the strip club though; in fact he wasn’t going to any damn club. He was going to call in on the two women who were easy to mind control and fuck, Chloe and Cassie. Sometimes he and Lucian had used them for a fun evening. There had been times when Fabian had joined them. The girls were a sure thing; easy to control and definitely responsive and obliging. Of course they didn’t know that. They had no idea at all that they’d ever had sex with him, Lucian or Fabian.

  It had all come to an end when Sirene had put a spell on the girls that made it impossible for any of them to touch them. That was back before his sire and Sirene got together, but she’d since lifted that spell and the women were obtainable again. Neither he or Lucian had touched them in months but Damien just wanted a sure thing right now and they were easy to control and reliable fucks.

  With the decision made, he started his car and headed for the home the two girls shared. The house had actually belonged to Allegra’s family but Allegra willed it to Cassie and Cassie still believed her friend and Dominick had been killed in a plane crash a few years ago but they were actually living their own lives in Dominick’s home. Allegra could never reveal to her friend that she was actually alive, because technically she wasn’t. She was vampire.

  The house had been left to Cassie, so for Allegra to have suddenly showed up would have created too many hard to answer questions. It was better to let her think her friend was dead. All relationships with people she’d known when human had been severed. It was hard for them to have any kind of relationship with humans because they wouldn’t be able to hide what they were forever. They would never age unlike the humans and although they could get away with being around them for a while, sooner or later, people who knew them long enough, might grow suspicious of their flawless, youthfulness.

  When Damien pulled up in the driveway of Cassie and Chloe’s home, he was relieved to see that the lights were on. They were up fortunately but given Chloe worked as a barmaid in the nightclub, they were used to more nocturnal hours.

  As he approached the front door, he could hear laughing and wondered what the girls were finding so amusing. He looked down at himself, cupping his erection through his
jeans. He’d give them something to amuse themselves with shortly. It was going to take a lot of fucking to get his cock soft after hours of being hard.

  He knocked on the door and waited, listening to the break in the girls’ conversation. It didn’t take long and he heard footsteps near the door, just before it swung open to reveal Chloe. When she saw him, her reaction floored him momentarily. She smiled, then squealed; clapping a hand over her mouth, her eyes really wide as she stood there staring at him.

  Damien raised his eyebrows at her strange behaviour. Was there something in the air tonight or the water supply that was making the women of Hobart crazy or something?

  “Are you going to invite me in or are we going to spend the rest of the evening staring at one another?” He asked. He wasn’t sure if Sirene had removed their access to the house when she’d put the spell on the girls, so he figured he’d better start right back at the basics and ask her to invite him in.

  “Oh god of course, I’m sorry. This is going to be hilarious as you’re about to find out. Please, come in.” She grinned at him before turning her head to smile into the living room. Did they have company maybe? God he hoped not, unless it was another woman who was attractive, and then he could mind control her and make a real evening of this.

  He stepped inside and bent to kiss Chloe’s cheek, breathing in the subtle floral fragrance she wore. She took him by surprise, reaching up to hug him, and when he’d extracted himself from her arms, she turned and headed into the living room. He followed and saw Cassie sprawled out on one of the lounges.


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