Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

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Passion And Fire (Passion #4) Page 10

by J. a Melville

  “So what’s his problem then? Sounds like you had a nice boring evening at home.”

  “Well I was home but it wasn’t boring.” I grinned.

  “So what did you...?” Suddenly her eyes widened. “Oh…oh, are we talking a man?”

  I laughed again. I wasn’t normally one for kissing and telling but Melody and I had become fairly close since I’d started working at the club, and anyway after last night, I needed to tell someone, plus I wasn’t giving out names, just talking.

  “Yeah, it’s a man. He’s not like anyone I’ve ever met though, and holy hell Mel.” I paused for a moment as my mind filled with images from last night.

  She scooted forward on her chair, her eyes shining with excitement. “Well do tell. You can’t say something like that and not clarify. Details woman, I want details.”

  “Well, put it this way, the reason I’m not up to par today is because I got thoroughly fucked last night by a man who has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. I’m so fucking sore, it hurts to walk, let alone dance. I feel like Anastasia Steele in that fucking Fifty Shades of Grey book when he told her he was going make her sore, so she’d remember he’d been there the next day or whatever he said. Well, it’s like that. I swear it’s gonna take me a week to forget that man was inside me.”

  Melody burst out laughing. “Oh fuck me Flame. You have such a way with words. So that good huh?”

  “Shit yeah. Arrogant bastard though. He told me he’d be good, and I told him he was a fucking loser. Damn bastard wanted to prove me wrong and he fucking did but no more; I can’t go there again. He’s about as cut out for happily ever after as I am.” I grinned. “The man’s a full on man whore I swear. I bet he’s out finding someone else to fuck right now.”

  “So no desire for a repeat performance?” She asked.

  I opened my mouth to say no, and then hesitated. Did I really want nothing more to do with him? It had been incredible sex as much as it pained me to admit it. The trouble was, I didn’t want to risk getting too involved with someone. I’d found the best way to avoid potential heartache was by not going back for repeat performances. One night was ok, it was easy to walk away. Two nights started to build up a certain familiarity and anything more than that started to make it look like a relationship and I didn’t do relationships.

  “No, one night, it can only be one night.” I told her, not entirely sure who I was trying to convince; her or myself.

  Melody raised her eyebrows at me. “Well…if you’re sure but he does sound like he’d be worth a second go at. Fuck if you don’t want him, I’ll fuck him if he’s that good.” She studied me for a moment. “Seriously Flame, just look at you. You’re sitting there like you’ve got something stuck up your butt. You’re that sore?”

  I laughed at her blunt words. “Yeah, I’m that fucking sore and don’t mention my butt.”

  “Oh he didn’t?” She gasped. “You said he’s huge. Sounds like he’d put a horse to shame. You didn’t go anal with him did you? You do that with someone that big girl and you’re facing a lifetime of Depends and trust me you won’t need to be an old lady to be incontinent.”

  I burst out laughing at her words. “We’ve only got another hour to go before we finish for the night. Do you want to go to the nightclub when we’re done? How about we get completely smashed? We don’t have to work tomorrow night so how about it? I feel like getting out, doing a little careful dancing and a whole fucking lot of drinking? What do you say?”

  Melody’s eyes lit up. “Sounds like a plan. I might try and find someone to fuck while we’re there. Not all of us have these men who stalk us, with massive cocks to fuck us into the next century.” She teased and I responded by throwing my lipstick at her.


  When Damien rose from his bed, he showered and dressed in tight fitting blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a leather jacket over the top. Brushing his hair in an effort to tame his overlong locks, he pulled on shoes and headed out to the living room to check in with everyone before he went out for the night.

  Fabian was there with Sirene and they both turned when he walked into the room. He felt his sire’s eyes on him but he refused to look at him at first; instead greeting Sirene before reluctantly meeting Fabian’s strange pale stare.

  “So son, is everything alright?” He asked.

  “Yes father. If this is about Flame, then yes everything is fine.”

  “So was she everything you had anticipated?”

  That made him grin as he remembered his time in Flame’s bed. “She was magnificent sire but so strong willed, so defiant. Would you believe she used her telekinesis to control me? She had me pinned to the fucking door and made me suffer through watching her strip and her touch.” He grinned. “Still, I got her in the end.”

  “So you will see her again?” Fabian asked.

  “I doubt it sire. She wanted me out of the house so she could sleep and I was happy to go. She’s amazing and fucking her was incredible. She’s so fucking tight and those thighs of hers...holy hell. She could crush a lesser man with them. She hangs on and…” He stopped suddenly aware that he was speaking like this in front of Sirene. “Sorry Sirene, it was intensely pleasurable with her, but I don’t generally go back for repeat performances and neither does she.”

  Fabian stared at him for a few moments, those pale eyes of his making Damien squirm. It always seemed like he could see right inside a person, they were so intense, so strange.

  “So you won’t care at all if you never see the beautiful redheaded woman again?” He asked.

  “You know me sire. When have I ever gone back for more? Only when desperate have I gone in for an encore performance. If she hadn’t proved so challenging at the club; had I been able to mind control her, I would have fucked her and she’d know nothing of it. It was because of her, that I ended up choosing the well-worn path with Cassie and Chloe. That brought things to a head, and that got me between Flame’s thighs. Now that I’ve had my fill of her, I see no need to revisit. She might have been a very pleasurable experience, but she has no desire to see me again, and that feeling is mutual.”

  “I think we’re all aware of what you are like son but I think this girl is more than just a casual fuck to you, although it may take you some time to come to that realisation for yourself.”

  Damien snorted. “Don’t try and wrap Flame and I up in some pretty romantic package sire. Just because you have found true love doesn’t mean the rest of us will, or that we even want to. I don’t; I like my life the way it is.”

  “Don’t knock what you have not experienced.” Fabian said. “I would never have expected to fall in love.” He dropped his head to kiss Sirene. “I did not treat women well. You all know what I was like. You know my past, and yet when you least expect it, everything can change.” He wrapped his arms around the tiny woman in front of him and she raised her face to his. Lowering his head, he kissed her gently, lingeringly, his lips moving over hers.

  “Ok I’ll leave you two alone. I’m going out.” He said and Fabian lifted his head.

  “Try and not get into any trouble this evening.” He smiled, just a hint of a smile. “Adrian’s out already and Francesca has dropped in to see Dominick and Allegra I think. She is probably over there making them regret they chose to stay here, and not return to Italy.”

  Damien burst out laughing. “Ah our Fran; she does have a way about her. She kind of makes a person love to hate her at times, that’s for sure. Right, I’m off, places to go women to fuck.” He said and walked from the room.


  “Well do you think we’re dressed in a way that’ll get us laid tonight?” Melody asked as we pushed through the nightclub doors, hearing the steady beat of the music as we stepped inside.

  “I’m not trying to get laid Mel, just drunk.” I told her. “I did the getting laid thing last night and I swear if I got laid now, I’d bust in half. This girl is sore. I’m definitely a dick free zone tonight.”

grinned at me. “Oh that’s right. So quickly I forgot. You got fucked by Mr Megadick didn’t you? Well, you get drunk; I’m getting laid if I can find someone worthy of this.” She waved a hand down the front of her.

  I shook my head as I laughed at her. “Any man who doesn’t want you is gay.” I told her and it was true really. Melody was a beautiful woman. She was tall, slim, blonde hair, blue eyes and a slave to the spray tan so she always had that rich golden colour to her skin which made her blue eyes really stand out against her tanned complexion. She was dressed in a white sleeveless dress that hugged her body like a second skin, finishing mid-thigh. It showed off her body to perfection and she topped it off with white stilettos which helped enhance her shapely calves.

  “It’s the same for you Flame. You get men’s attention with that hair of yours. I mean look at it. It’s so brightly coloured and long and curly. You lucked out and got the creamy skin, plus those eyes of yours well have every man fighting to be the one you turn those emerald beauties on. Yeah, it’ll be you getting the men tonight I bet.”

  I laughed at her. “Shut up Mel, you’re an idiot. Come on, the first round is on me.” I said as I headed for the bar.

  Two and a half hours later and I was feeling very much like I was in my happy zone. Melody looked to be at about the same level of drunk as I was, but she was having more luck with the men and had been dancing with several.

  I’d had some offers to dance but after a couple of attempts, I’d refused to try again since any movement other than raising my drinking arm, gave me a sharp reminder of my evening with Damien.

  I was distracted from my pussy problems by Melody, staggering back to the table where I sat nursing my Kahlua. I could see the light sheen of perspiration on her skin from all the dancing she’d been doing.

  “No man this time?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at her.

  She waved vaguely towards the bar. “Oh he’s off getting me another drink.” She said as she collapsed on the chair across from me.

  I grinned. “And here you were, thinking you wouldn’t get lucky tonight. It’s been one after another so far. So is the one who is currently helping to assist you towards tomorrow’s hangover going to be the one who scores this evening?”

  She laughed. “Oh god Flame, the man is gorgeous and hell yes, he’s the one for me tonight. It’s taking all my self-control not to drool down the front of him.”

  Melody’s words cracked me up that much that I choked on the mouthful of Kahlua I had and immediately my eyes started watering. ‘Oh my god, you’re killing me.” I coughed trying to recover from my unscheduled inhaling of my drink. “So where is this fine example of male flesh then? How long does it take to get a drink? Maybe he’s just cheap and he’s gone home rather than shell out for a drink for you.” I teased her.

  She poked her tongue out at me and turned, scanning the crowds of people in the club. “He’s here. Oh, there he is, I see him.” She said excitedly.

  I scanned the crowds looking for someone that fitted the god like image Mel had painted, but I couldn’t see anyone who was even remotely close. Ok, it was hard to see through my watering eyes but I was just about to tell her she was full of shit, when I caught sight of a man who stood taller than a lot of the men in the club.

  He had brown, overlong hair and I felt my heart skip a beat. God, I couldn’t be that unlucky; it wasn’t Damien here tonight was it? The one fucking night I choose to go to a nightclub and he was here.

  I dabbed at my eyes, trying to clear my vision enough to get a better look at him but the lighting was dim and the crowds kept blocking my view.

  Finally the crowd parted a bit, and I got enough of a look to realise even with my watering eyes, that it was him. Damn him, of all the luck. What the hell was he doing here? Why the fuck did he have to look so damned good? I dropped my head hoping he wouldn’t see me in the crowd and dim lighting, but then suddenly Melody stood up, beckoning wildly and I took a chance on looking up again. Holy fucking hell, he was coming straight towards us.

  As I reluctantly watched him with a feeling of growing dread in the pit of my stomach, I turned to Melody. I had a moment where I considered calling upon divine intervention to avoid the nightmare situation that was about to unravel, but instead, remained silent, waiting for the inevitable train wreck.

  I watched her wave again and reluctantly turned to look straight at him as he arrived at our table and handed her the drink he was holding. Fuck my life. What were the chances? It seemed the god like creature Mel spoke of, was in fact Damien. The very man who had fucked me so long and hard last night that every movement of my body, every step I took and every time I sat down, reminded me of what he’d done to me. Watching him now, only made me squirm in my seat which triggered a dull ache between my legs and I cursed my decision to come to the nightclub tonight.

  Finally he turned once he’d handed Melody her drink and his bright green eyes met mine. I watched them widen for a moment before a hint of a smile curved up his lips.

  “Flame, this is him. This is the intended victim.” She joked knowing that only I would understand her meaning. “Damien, meet my work colleague and friend Flame.”

  His eyes shifted back to me and he held out his hand. “Well well, fancy seeing you here.” He said.

  Chapter Eight


  Damien stared at Flame in shock. What the fuck was she doing here? Was she spying on him? Was she chasing him; after a repeat performance maybe?

  “You know each other?” Melody’s voice interrupted our mutual glaring at one another session.

  “You could say that.” Damien said still glaring at the bright haired woman across the table from him. Damn her, why did she have to be here? Here he thought he’d found his blood and sex supply for the evening and she had to be a friend of Flame’s? She was going to fucking well cramp his style now.

  “So how do you know each other?” Melody was looking from one to the other of them and Flame met her eyes, tilting her head to one side, as if indicating to him and he stared at her in confusion. Bloody women, what the fuck did the head action mean? Decades of dealing with them and he’d never fucking understand what went on in their heads. This was why he just liked to fuck them. It didn’t matter what was going on in their heads for that. He only wanted their cunts. They could be mad as cut snakes for all he cared; just so long as he could access a vein for blood and get between their legs, he was a happy man.

  Melody frowned and her expression showed her growing confusion as she tried to work out what Flame was trying to say by a series of head tilts and shifty eye movements. Suddenly her eyes widened and she turned to him, her gaze moving down the front of him before turning her attention back to the crazy redhead.

  “Oh my god, this isn’t…?” She didn’t finish the sentence. “Is this Megadick?” She asked and Damien saw Flame wince at her choice of words.

  He struggled to control his grin. Megadick, is that how she described him?

  “Oh hell Flame, I had no idea this was him. I’m sorry I…you…this isn’t happening.” She stuttered and Flame shook her head.

  “No, god no Mel, it’s fine, really. I don’t own him, he doesn’t own me. It was just one night, no big deal. Forget it; go do whatever you want, please.”

  For some reason her words annoyed him. She was dismissing him like he was last night’s leftovers? Well, fuck her then. She didn’t care if he fucked her friend; hopefully her friend could get past the shock that he’d been between the thighs of her friend just last night.

  Suddenly all he wanted was to get out of there. He wasn’t sure why he was angry and why it was bothering him that Flame was dismissing him so casually. He’d take Melody back to his sire’s home, feed from her, fuck her and send her on her merry way and forget all about the pair of them.

  “Are you ready to leave?” He asked Mel and she gaped at him.

  “I...I...are you sure?” She seemed uncertain.

  “Oh for fuck sakes Mel, go fuck him
if that’s what you want to do. Just think we can compare notes.” Flame grinned.

  Damien listened to the exchange and fought not to grind his teeth against one another. Now she was passing him off to her friend? Who the fuck did she think she was? He wasn’t some fucking stud animal here to service them.

  “If you ladies are quite finished, can we get out of here?” He turned on Mel just wanting to get the hell out of the club and away from Flame. He didn’t like the way she made him feel and he was tempted to walk out and forget the pair of them, but he wasn’t completely stupid. The blonde piece had made it quite clear she was a sure thing and he liked sure things. It was just unfortunate that she was Flame’s friend, but he could forget that and he would, when he was balls deep in her cunt.

  “Are you sure?” She asked Flame and Flame nodded.

  “I’m leaving too. Are you going with him?” She tipped her head towards Damien and he felt that burst of irritation again. Who the fuck did she think she was to pass him around like a piece of fucking prime meat? She was going to drive him crazy with her behaviour, and as he silently fumed, he tried not to think about the fact that he had intended fucking Melody anyway. Why he was getting so shitty about it he wasn’t sure, but something about the way Flame being so quick to hand him over to her friend, rubbed him up the wrong way.

  Still silently fuming and trying not to let it show Damien escorted the two ladies outside and couldn’t help but notice Flame seemed to be moving slowly, like she was nursing an injury. “Are you ok?” He asked her. “You’re walking funny.”

  “You know it’s rude to point that out to a woman.” She snapped at him. “I’m fine, just take Mel and go do whatever the hell you’ve got in mind.”

  “Have you injured yourself? If you’re not well I can help you. I can give you some of my blood. It will heal you. For some reason it heals humans. Let me feed you some of my blood.” He continued his voice low so only she could hear.


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