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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 25

by J. a Melville

  Damien nodded. “Yes sire. Drain her and then feed my blood back to her. Thank you.” He gave them both a look of gratitude before jogging to the ambulance.

  Once he was in the back, the paramedics went to shut the doors but Fabian’s arm shot out and halted him. The paramedic looked surprised and then impatient. “Sir, we have to get going. This young woman is in a critical condition.”

  “Oh, we know.” Fabian said leaning in to stare closely at the young man. “But she’s not going to hospital.” He locked eyes with the paramedic and while he mind controlled him, getting him to sit in the ambulance, Sirene moved to the cabin of the ambulance to deal with the driver.

  Once they were both under their control Fabian returned to the rear of the ambulance. “Ok son, the rest is up to you. I’ve contacted Lucian. He’s on his way to take over the drive to our home.” He started to swing the doors shut. “Good luck.” He said and swung them the rest of the way closed, locking him in with Flame. He was alone with her and the mind controlled paramedic.

  Quickly he shifted until he was alongside of her, reaching out to check for a pulse. She was still alive but he wasn’t sure how much longer she would hold on for. Worried about the watery sound to her breathing but not having any kind of medical experience he wondered if giving her oxygen would help.

  Deciding it couldn’t hurt her; he reached out and pulled the oxygen mask down over her face, hearing the hiss of the air and hoping it would help her. He had to hurry. If she died, it would be too late.

  He looked over at the paramedic who sat, his expression serene, blank, totally non responsive and Damien realised he could use him to help. Getting blood into the human being changed could be risky and challenging. They had to rely heavily on being able to get the person to still be lucid enough to drink the blood but he was in an ambulance with a paramedic. A blood transfusion would be the most effective way of getting his blood into her once he’d drained her.

  Damien clicked his fingers in front of the blank faced paramedic and as if in slow motion, he slowly turned to face him. “I need you to run a line from my vein to hers ok? Do you understand?” The young man nodded. “Ok, well prepare your equipment or whatever you have to do while I tend to her.” He told him and again checked for Flame’s pulse. It was thready but she was still alive.

  He dropped down beside her body and for just a moment he allowed his eyes to move over her. God she was a mess. There was so much blood on her. Her hair was glued with blood and streaks of it covered her face. Damien could see a huge gash on her forehead, just on the hairline and blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. One arm looked to be at an unnatural angle and she was still breathing in that wet, gurgling way. It wasn’t as loud as it had been but he suspected that was because she was dying, not due to any kind of improvement in her condition.

  She was in too much of a mess for him to feed from the main vein in her neck and he needed to monitor her heart rate while he fed. This was going to be tricky given she’d already lost a lot of blood and he had no idea how much could be flowing inside her that he couldn’t see.

  He pushed her dress up higher until he revealed her upper thighs to his gaze. Bending down he breathed in the scent of her cunt which still bore faint traces of him despite her shower but he felt nothing sexual. This was all about saving her. When his fangs descended her buried them into her groin, right in her femoral artery and began to suck with deep, powerful draws on her. As he fed, he kept his fingers wrapped around one wrist to feel for her pulse. It felt like he’d barely taken anything from her when her pulse began to slow and grow even weaker. When he raised his head he could tell that she had major blood loss into her abdomen going by how swollen it was looking. For a brief moment he wondered if he could do this, if he could save her. She was in such a bad way. It was going to be touch and go as to whether it even worked, trying to change her.

  When the ambulance suddenly started up and began moving he paid no attention. It simply meant Lucian had arrived and was starting the drive to their sire’s home.

  “Now, I need to give her my blood now.” He told the mind controlled paramedic and watched impatiently as the man prepared a needle which he inserted into a vein on Flame after several attempts to find one. She probably had so little blood in her that her veins were collapsing. Still the line was in her and hopefully it wasn’t too late.

  He held out his wrist and watched as the paramedic then hooked another needle up in his arm, a clear tube connected between the two. He watched his blood flow down the tube and into Flame’s arm but something was wrong, it wasn’t then flowing into her body. He had no heartbeat to push it and she was too close to death with her collapsing veins for the blood to properly enter her body.

  “Fuck, it’s not working.” He snapped but the paramedic had nothing to offer so Damien grabbed the tube and squeezed it. Over and over he did that, slowly pushing his blood into her body. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been doing it but even when he started to feel light headed, he wouldn’t stop.

  Squeeze after squeeze he pushed more of his blood into her until he felt the inside of the ambulance beginning to spin. He’d given her all he could without nearly killing himself. He had to hope it was going to be enough. Now all he could do was wait. Wait for them to arrive at Fabian’s home and wait for her to wake vampire, if she was going to. Suddenly unbelievably weary he leaned back in the confines of the ambulance and let the darkness drag him under.


  It was the rocking motion of being in something that was moving that woke me. Well, I’m not sure waking was quite the word for it. It was more like coming too or suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings.

  I opened my eyes, blinking against the harsh white lights that nearly blinded me and squinting as I looked around me. Where the fuck was I?

  It looked like the inside of a hospital theatre almost with the oxygen and bandages, blood pressure cuff and an assortment of medical equipment, most of which I didn’t recognise.

  I turned my head and saw a man sitting near me dressed in what looked suspiciously like a paramedic’s uniform and I wondered if I was still asleep and having some bizarre dream.

  I’m not sure how long I lay there watching everything swaying with the movement of the room until finally it registered; I was in the back of an ambulance. Why, I hadn’t yet worked out but when I swung my head the other direction, the first thing I saw was Damien. He was slumped over and looked like shit, pale, alarmingly pale in fact; so pale the five o’clock shadow on his strong looking jaw stood out against his almost grey complexion. What the fuck was wrong with him.

  I pulled myself up into a sitting position and stared down, my eyes widening in horror at all the blood on me. What the fuck was going on? I stared at the blood, then Damien, the man in uniform and the back of the ambulance, and suddenly the fog cleared and my memories came crashing down on me as a painful reminder of what had taken place this evening.

  We’d been in a car accident, a bad accident. I’d been pinned in the car and everything had hurt. I remember Damien trying to help me, but we’d had to wait until the emergency workers had cut me out of the wreck. Oh, poor Damien’s beautiful sports car was totalled.

  I turned to him but he was still slumped over as if asleep and as I stared at him, bits and pieces of some conversation we’d had, came back to me. He’d been telling me he could save me by changing me and I’d begged him not to do that to me, not to make me vampire. He and I were too new, too volatile and there were no guarantees we’d make it as a couple, hell, we weren’t a couple. Being trapped as vampire for eternity would be the worst thing he could do to me.

  Still, staring down at myself I must have survived the accident. Ok, I was covered in blood but I was sitting here wasn’t I?

  I turned to the paramedic again wondering why he wasn’t doing anything to me, checking my vitals, anything really other than sitting looking like he was completely off his face on a cocktail of drugs.

  As I stu
died him I suddenly became aware of some steady rhythmic sound in the ambulance and a sweet smell. The noise I could hear sounded like a heartbeat but a really fucking loud heartbeat. Was it mine? I couldn’t see anything on me to amplify mine though. I reached up and placed a hand on my chest feeling for my heart beat but something was wrong. I patted myself down becoming more and more frantic as the first warning bells began to go off in my head. No, god no, he hadn’t, had he? Surely Damien hadn’t gone against my wishes and turned me vampire anyway.

  As I was suddenly gripped with a panic unlike anything I’d ever experienced in my life, I became aware of a growing need to feed. A desperate hunger, a burning in my throat and with a growl I leapt onto the man by my side, sinking my fangs into his neck.

  When they popped through his vein and the sweet, sweet, oh so delicious blood flooded my mouth, I moaned. Oh my god but it was so good. Like a starving animal I fed, drinking and drinking, gulping eagerly. Every swallow of the warm, sweet blood was heaven running down my throat.

  The man was starting to slump as I fed so I had to drag him closer but then suddenly the doors to the ambulance were flung open and a frantic male voice shouted out.

  “Dammit Damien, wake up man, wake the fuck up!” He yelled and I reluctantly pulled my fangs from the man’s neck where he slumped over in front of me. “For fuck sakes if she’s killed him, Fabian’s going to kill the pair of you. DAMIEN, WAKE UP!”

  I turned to face the angry young man and realised I knew him. It was Lucian and he was looking seriously pissed off. He leapt into the back of the ambulance, slamming the doors behind him and reached out to take the young man’s wrist in his hand that I’d just fed from.

  “You are fucking lucky, he’s not dead or you’d be dead. He’s going to need blood though, but it can’t be ours. We can’t risk accidently turning him.” He spun around and began to hunt through the ambulance until he found a bag of blood like they use when giving a transfusion. I looked at it feeling my rising excitement at the sight of its beautiful red goodness.

  Lucian must have seen my expression because he frowned at me. “Get your eyes off the fucking blood bag. It’s for him to try and save him, not you. You’ve done enough and what the fuck have you done to Damien?”

  “Nothing; I don’t know what’s wrong with him but I’m pissed with the bastard anyway. I told him not to do this to me. I didn’t want to be made vampire. He’s fucked up my life now and what the hell do I do? I can’t go home, I have no fucking home now and I have no fucking job. I’m dead because of him I’m fucking dead.” I choked back a sob and swiped angrily at the tears that threatened to fall. “Now, fuck me. I want to fuck someone.” I reached for him but he backed away.

  “For fuck sakes Flame, you have to get it together and damn quickly too. You have to learn control, and get your hands off me. I’m not available any more. I love Arissa so find someone else to fuck. If my brother ever wakes, fuck him.” He snapped before setting up the blood bag and somehow running an intravenous line to the man’s arm.

  “Are you a doctor or something?” I asked.

  He actually laughed. “No I’m not but I’ve seen it done enough to blunder my way through it. I got lucky and found his vein; also trying to save the man’s life so I don’t have to watch you and my brother die, are great motivators to get it right.”

  We both turned when we heard a groan and saw that Damien was stirring, his eyes opening. As I watched him, I felt rage sweep over me and when his gaze settled on mine and his expression filled with what I think was relief, I took a swing and punched him fair and square in the jaw. When his head snapped sideways and he let out a pained yelp, I laughed. Wow, so this vampire thing made me strong and that in turn made me wonder if I was still a telekinesis. I focused on a tray filled with bandages and began to try and throw them at him with my mind. It worked and one by one, I hit him with them. Once they were finished, I moved on, bringing a downpour of scissors, tweezers, needles and finally the oxygen tank down on him.

  “For fuck sakes Flame, what the hell is wrong with you? If this is what you’re going to be like as a fucking vampire, I should have let you die.” He yelled, rubbing at his head from when the oxygen tank had glanced off his temple.

  You do have a wild one there bro.” Lucian said. “You need to do something with her. She nearly killed the paramedic. I’m giving him blood now to try and save him. What the fuck was wrong with you?”

  “I gave her too much blood I think. I felt faint and must have blacked out. Is this the only thing she had time to do?”

  “Will you both stop talking about me like I’m not fucking here?” I yelled. “You.” I spat at Damien. “You fucking bastard. I begged you not to do this to me. I have nothing now.” My voice broke and I slumped, suddenly, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I can’t go home, I can’t go to work. I CAN’T FUCKING CONTROL MYSELF!” I cried. “I nearly killed him, that man and I feel so…so...fuck it, so out of fucking control. I want to fuck, but he won’t fuck me.” I spat, waving an arm at Lucian.

  Damien’s face darkened. “If you want to fuck someone, fuck me.” He yelled.

  “Oh for fuck sakes, shut the fuck up you two.” Lucian snapped. “This man is ok now, no thanks to you Flame. Now before our sire gets here and kills the fucking lot of us, get her the hell out of here and for fuck sakes Damien, do…not…let…her…escape. In fact, take her to the damned dungeon until we get back. I have to take the ambulance to the drop off point. Sirene’s fixing this fucking mess but we need the ambulance back so it can be returned to where it came from and she can do some reversing spell so the accident never happened.”

  “So if she does that. How come we’re still going to be here and Flame’s stuck as vampire?”

  “Yeah well Sirene’s good but when it became necessary to remove Flame from the area so you could turn her, it meant that although Sirene can take everything back to a point before the accident, she can no longer take you two back as well since you aren’t there. For that to work, you would have to still be at the accident site. Of course that wasn’t an option; you needed peace to change her with no risk of interruptions. Since you two were away from the scene when Sirene worked her magic you will remember all that happened but to the rest of the world, there was no accident.” He popped the doors open on the ambulance. Now get her the hell out of here. I need to get back to Fabian and Sirene. I want to be done so I can get back to Arissa. She and I need to hunt, so just go.” He waved his hands at us.

  Damien stood and stepped out of the ambulance, turning back for me. “I have to take you inside babe. We can’t let you loose; you’re far too unstable right now.” His expression was apologetic.

  I could barely look at him I was still so angry with him for turning me. Ok, it wasn’t that being vampire was so bad. I liked the strength I felt, the blood was good, but the all-consuming need to fuck was making me feel less and less like I was in control. I could fuck him but he’d turned me, he’d gone against my dying wish, and still turned me. I was too angry with him to fuck him. He didn’t seem to get my rage. I couldn’t go home to the house I’d shared with Chloe and Cassie because even I knew I’d probably end up killing them. I couldn’t go to work because being around that many people would test my control. There was too much blood on tap and working in the strip club put me on a short fuse at the best of times. To be there as a young, out of control vampire, well there was no way that would end well.

  Despite my burning anger, I allowed him to take me inside but he didn’t take me through the house, instead leading me off to another doorway. When we went through it, he took me downstairs to an area that was dimly lit and had a kind of medieval appearance, with stone walls. We passed doorways until he took me through another section to what looked like prison cells. Fuck, it was Fabian’s dungeon.

  “I’m sorry babe, but I have to do this.” His expression was wary as if unsure how I was going to react. He had plenty of reason to worry about me, but despite my resentment towards hi
m, I allowed him to lead me into one of the cells.

  I stared around at the very basic accommodation with a bed and a bucket, which I assumed served as a toilet, not that I’d need that. There were shackles everywhere so who the hell knew what had gone on down here, in the past.

  “I’ll go and bring you some bedding. I’m sorry babe, but I don’t know how long you’ll be here for.”

  “Just fuck off Damien. You make me sick. I fucking hate you and I don’t want to see you. Piss off.” I snapped at him, my eyes filled with as much contempt for him as I could muster. I couldn’t seem to control my mouth and just wanted to be as hurtful and hateful to him as I could. I knew deep inside I didn’t mean it, but so much had happened and I felt like my whole life was totally out of control; that my life was over. I didn’t want this, I didn’t want him to turn me and he’d done it anyway, so he mustn’t care about me. He’d done this purely for himself.

  I saw something pass over his face, some kind of emotion. Maybe pain, I wasn’t sure, but right now, I didn’t care. I wanted to make him pay. I wanted him to suffer for doing the very thing I’d begged him not to do to me.

  He said nothing in response to my outburst, instead turning and walking from the cell, closing the door behind him and locking it before removing the key from the lock so I couldn’t let myself back out and hanging it on a hook a few metres from my cell. Of course, what he didn’t realise, is I could use my mind to get that key, but it took a bit of work as it wasn’t as easy as actually throwing things. Still, I wasn’t really looking to let myself out of the cell just yet.


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