The American Terrorist

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The American Terrorist Page 12

by Ron L. Carter

Much to Doug’s surprise, during his research, he found that in Fresno, California there was a leader of a local Muslim mosque who in the past had openly made threats against Israel and the United States. He had spoken his hatred of the Jewish people to his congregation. Once he learned this information he had to visit the mosque in Fresno and find out more about this radical leader. He was angry that this leader had made threats against the Jewish and Christian people and his mosque was only a forty five minute drive from his home town.

  The leader was in his late sixties with long gray hair, long gray beard and mustache. He is a short man about five feet six inches tall and a little overweight. His mosque had a huge following in the Fresno area. Because of his open dislike for the Christian and Jewish people Doug wanted to see who he was and how easy it would be to kill him. The mosque was located south of Fresno and just on the outskirts of town. It was surrounded by grape vineyards and had a main road in front of the mosque that was just off the freeway.

  When Doug first arrived at the mosque he drove past it until he was about a quarter mile away and parked in one of the vineyards. There was a dirt avenue road that separates owner vineyards from each other and he had a good view of the mosque from that location. His car was somewhat hidden between the row of vines. He took out his binoculars and just observed the activity of the mosque for a few minutes from his car. There wasn’t much going on so he thought he would do some more research and see when they had their meetings. Doug went to a local library and used the computer. He was soon able to find a picture of the leader from some information he gathered so he knew what he looked like. He returned during one of their meeting in his Muslim disguise and sat in his car in the parking lot of the mosque to observe and wait to identify his next target. He was able to easily spot the leader when he arrived at the mosque so now that he was convinced he knew who he was he decided he would return another time and kill him.

  Doug was able to find out when they were having a weekly meeting and so before the meeting got started Doug returned to the same spot in the vineyard where he had been a few days earlier. He got out of his car and retrieved his rifle from under the back seat, loaded it and found a firing position on the ground. He left the trunk open just a little where he could quickly hide his rifle once he was finished killing the leader. The spot he had chosen had grape vines every twelve feet apart and he was able to hide, but at the same time, have a clear view of the mosque down the middle of the vineyard row. He lay down in a prone firing position on the ground and set up his rifle with its tri-pod and scope aimed in the direction of the mosque. This time he made sure he had on his surgical gloves and booties that covered his shoes and his disguise.

  Doug waited patiently for his target as the mosque started getting activity. Soon his target arrived and he could tell it was the leader by the way everyone was paying so much attention to him. Just to be sure he didn’t kill the wrong man he spotted him with the rifle scope and it was him. He took careful aim, let out his breath, and zeroed in on his targets chest. When the crosshairs were right on the middle of his chest he slowly squeezed the trigger. The rifle let out a little “puff” sound as it fired and a dash of smoke left the rifle as the bullet hit its target. Doug said softly, “I got you sucker.” He didn’t wait to see if he had killed the leader, he immediately grabbed the discharged cartridge and put his rife in the trunk. He was out of there in just a matter of a few seconds. He drove on a few country roads before he caught freeway 99 heading south to Visalia. It happened so fast that he felt it was over and he was gone before anyone realized what had just happened to their leader.

  The next day, as he watched the local news channels they were reporting that a Muslim leader had been killed by a sniper while at his mosque in Fresno. The news anchors were saying that law enforcement officials were wondering who could possibly be responsible for killing the leader. They were speculating that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies would probably have to be called in to help search for the killer. Doug couldn’t help but think good luck with that one. All he knew was that this leader wasn’t going to spread anymore of his hatred and propaganda to his congregation.

  * * *

  Chapter 13 - San Diego and Los Angeles


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