The American Terrorist

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The American Terrorist Page 19

by Ron L. Carter

Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, it was reported that a neighbor of “Islamcity” saw men jogging down a dirt road in military boots, uniforms, and carrying weapons on the camp known as Islamcity. The members of this camp are believed to be connected to the Jamaat ul-Fugra terrorist organization. Federal investigators have confirmed that the Jamaat ul-Fugra terrorist organization have been responsible for numerous murders and at least seventeen bombings in the United States. It is believed they have been vigorously attempting and succeeding at recruiting soldiers from the United States prison system. According to neighbor reports some of their members were observed wearing uniforms of New York and New Jersey Port Authority. The “members” are employed in very sensitive infrastructure positions. At one point a retired employee of the New York’s JFK Airport confided to an acquaintance his “vision” for a jihad terror attack that, he said, would make the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon seem small. The plot involved placing bombs in jet fuel lines in the airport, thereby destroying the airport, and probably killing thousands. It is believed that the ul-Fugra terrorist organizations have stepped up their weapons purchasing and have been stockpiling their weapons for years. They have also stepped up their training on the camp. One member of the organization that had been participating in a training exercise at an Islamic Center in New York said, “We are getting ready --the Day of Atonement is close at hand.” (23)

  This is exactly the kind of garbage that had driven Doug to the point where he felt America should take the offensive and expel the terrorist that claim to be members of the Jamaat ul-Fugra and all other suspected terrorists organizations from America. As much as he really wanted to believe it was possible, he knew we would never drive them out of America. Regardless, he was going to continue his assault on their training camps until they were exposed to the everyday hard working American people.

  He made reservations at the Catskill Adventure Resort that has two hundred and forty RV campsites. This was a perfect spot for him to hide in full view and it wasn’t far from his next target. He was going to stay in this campground at least one week, do surveillance and once he was comfortable, blow up his target. When he arrived he set up his campsite, unhooked his car, and started planning. He met some of the people camping next to him and they were friendly and didn’t ask too many questions.

  After being there a few hours he jumped in his Mercedes and took a drive up to the Islamcity camp. He was anxious to get a look at the way the roads were laid out and to actually see the camp in person. All the roads in the area were just little dirt roads and the main road forked at the camp where you could go left or right. He decided he would take the road to the left and see where it would lead. The road paralleled the camp for about two hundred yards and then made a huge left circle back in the direction toward his campsite, but not back on the same road. When he was about a mile from the main entrance to the Islamcity he found a place he could hide his car. It was a place in the trees about fifty yards off the main dirt road. From there he would sneak back to the perimeter and do his surveillance and attack on the camp. Once he knew he had a safe exit he went back to the camp and observed it as he drove slowly by. There was a guard at the gate and Doug waved to him as he passed by but there was no response from him, just a cold hard stare.

  When Doug was satisfied he had an escape route and knew how the camp was laid out he drove back to his campsite and went to bed early. He didn’t sleep long and was up by four a.m. and it was still dark. He quickly dressed in his camouflaged uniform. He knew it would be a long day because he would have to stay in the same position all day and observe the camp with his binoculars. When he arrived at the spot to park his car he got out of the car and put on his night vision goggles, grabbed his binoculars, and headed to the north end of the perimeter of the camp. He slowly crept into the trees and bushes he knew would give him plenty of cover. He spent the entire day observing the activity in the camp. He observed that at different times everyone except the guards and a few stragglers would attend prayer time in a makeshift shack of a mosque. He observed the building where all the people gathered to eat. He wasn’t able to see where they kept their weapons and did their training but the entire day he lay in a prone position trying to find out everything he could about the camp. The entire time he made sure he didn’t make any sudden movements or sounds so the guards of the perimeter would see him.

  He observed the camp for the next three days until finally on the third day he saw the men gather together and go into an old abandoned flat top building. When they came out they were all carrying AK-47 rifles. He watched as they went to a secluded part of their camp and fired their weapons and set off grenades and some other type of explosives. When they were finished they marched back to the building. As they put their weapons away Doug whispered, I got you, suckers! Soon you won’t be using that building to hide your weapons. He waited until dark and then made his way back to his car.

  That evening, while at his campsite, he made sure one of the helicopter batteries was fully charged. He made a little wooden platform that was about eight inches by eight inches where he could place the cell phone and a block of C-4. He attached it to the helicopter with four five foot wires that would hang from the helicopter to carry the bomb to its intended target.

  It was still dark when he left very early the next morning. He put the helicopter in the car and everything else hidden under the seat. He made sure he had his cell phones with him as he headed up to the compound. Just before daylight he had the helicopter and its cargo ready to go. He was in his hiding place as the rays of the sun peeped through the trees and he could tell it was going to be a beautiful bright day as the activity in the compound started to pick up. He waited until it was prayer time and almost everyone was in a building praying. He then turned on the cell phone and implanted the detonator wire into the C-4 and put the helicopter in the air. There it was, hovering right above him with its precious cargo about five feet below it. For a split second he was proud of himself as he pointed the helicopter toward its intended target and took it up in the air about fifty feet off the ground. He watched it as he maneuvered the craft around a few trees and toward the flat top building. Within a few minutes he was able to set it down on the top of the ammunition building. Once it was in place he shut it down and left it there. He made sure he didn’t leave anything behind as he slowly made his way back to his car.

  After throwing everything under the back seat, he pulled onto the little dirt road heading back to his campsite. When he was about a mile or so down the mountain road, he turned on the mobile phone he had in his car and called the mobile phone number on the helicopter cargo plate. There was a slight hesitation and then he heard the sound of the explosion. There were several other large secondary explosions that followed and he knew he had gotten his target. He just smiled as he put both hands on the steering wheel and caught the main road to his campsite. It wasn’t long before he was kicking back and relaxing and having a glass of red wine. He knew the FBI would be all over Islamcity once they got word of the explosions.

  Doug waited a few days then went into town and had breakfast at one of the local cafés. It was all over the news about the huge explosions at “Islamcity.” The news was reporting that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies had found numerous illegal firearms and explosives at the camp after the explosions. They were now investigating other parts of the camp for additional weapons. Although the Muslims were up in arms over the attack, all over America the citizens were once again protesting the suspected training camps and not just the one in New York. This is exactly what Doug had hoped to accomplish with this target. He wanted the American people to be more informed of the camps and their weapons and not allow the Muslim terrorists to hide the weapons they planned to use against us someday. He felt certain that if the terrorist continued unchecked, the next step would be a nuclear dirty bomb hidden in one of their bunkers and they would bl
ow up all of Manhattan or some other major city or even one of our American nuclear power plants.

  He didn’t kill any terrorists at this site but his mission was finished in New York. He was going to head to another mosque he heard about. It was supposed to be a Muslim terrorist cell in Dove Creek, Michigan. This was going to be his next target, but before he headed there he was going to make a stop in Chicago, Illinois. After staying about a week at the campsite he then packed up everything and headed for Chicago.

  * * *

  Chapter 20 - Chicago, Illinois - The Protestors


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