The American Terrorist

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The American Terrorist Page 32

by Ron L. Carter

Doug had never been to Disney World in Orlando, Florida although he had taken Michael to Disneyland in Los Angeles a few times. He decided to stay in the town of Kissimmee at an RV Park called Paradise Park. It had everything he needed to set up his motor home and relax for several days. After he arrived he unhooked his car and had everything situated in the campsite before he headed into town to check things out.

  He wasn’t wasting any time; he wanted to find out what his next target would be. He went to a secluded area and put on his Muslim disguise and continued his drive to one of the local mosques. Once he was there, he strolled up to the door and went inside. Even though he had a bad experience with his disguise on the last mission he had become very comfortable with his disguise and felt he fit right in with everyone else. He just had to make sure he had everything attached just right before he joined them. There were a few people inside so he approached one of them and asked him in Arabic when they were going to have a meeting he could attend. The man told him they had a meeting daily around 7:00 pm. He thanked him and told him he would be back when the meeting started.

  Doug spent the next few hours just walking around on the streets as he had done in Seattle. When he saw a man that looked like he may be of Middle Eastern nationality he approached him. The man understood and spoke Arabic. He asked him a few questions about the Muslim community and where they gathered other than the mosques. Doug then asked him if there was a safe house where some of the Muslims against the Jews gathered. The man was a little reluctant to give him any information so he pulled out a few twenty dollar bills and held it toward him and said, “I really need a safe place to stay for a few days, I just came from Kabul.” The man reached out and took the money, looked around and said, “Go about seven miles south near the outskirts of town and you will come to Carney road. When you get on Carney road go east a few miles and there is a big white house with a white fence around it. When you get to the gate tell the guard that is on duty the words, “Allah is Supreme” and they will let you in.” Doug thanked him and went back to the mosque where he had been earlier.

  He spent about an hour in the mosque with the women and children and he could tell this mosque wasn’t preaching about destroying Israel and the Christians. Satisfied there was no terrorist activity going on he drove to the house on Carney road to check it out. When he got to the house it was already dark outside. The house was a big two story, sprawling, multi-level roofed house. There was a white painted concrete wall about eight feet tall rounded at the top that surrounded the entire property. It had a beautiful double wrought-iron gate that opened up into a drive that led to a huge circle driveway with a lion fountain in the middle. The grounds were very well maintained and he estimated there were at least five acres encompassing the property. The house had a lot of outside lights and was completely lit up. He thought this must be the place of some important Muslim leader of one of the large mosques. When he saw the guard at the gate, he knew he must be at the right place, even if the guard didn’t appear to be armed Doug knew he had a weapon nearby. Once he was convinced he had the right place he drove back to his campground to get a good night’s sleep.

  The following day, he spent most of his time being a tourist and walking the grounds at Disney World. Even though it was beautiful it was a sad day for him, everywhere he looked in his mind he saw Michael running around and having fun like he used to do when he was a little boy. He missed Michael and being there just magnified his pain. On the way back to his campground later that day the pain turned into anger and once again he was ready to go after the radical Muslim terrorist organization that had killed Michael. He didn’t sleep much that night, he kept tossing and turning and thinking about the terrorists and Michael. It kept running through his mind what Michael could have possibly gone through as he took his last breath.

  The following day Doug left the campground before daylight dressed in his Muslim disguise and carrying a bag with a few of his things inside, including his prayer rug and the Qur’an. Once off the campground he called a cab to take him to the house on Carney Road. He left his car and everything else in the camp all locked up because he wasn’t sure how long he was going to be gone. When he arrived at the house on Carney road he walked up to the gate and said to the guard “Allah is Supreme.” The guard looked at him to see if he had a weapon and opened the gate. Once inside the gate he searched Doug and his bag for weapons before he let him go any further. He asked him what he wanted and Doug told him, “I’m from Kabul and I heard this is a place I could stay for a few days while I’m passing through.” The guard motioned for him to go to the house.

  When he got to the house he had the Qur’an and his prayer rug in his hands. He was greeted coldly by an armed guard at the door as he motioned for Doug to come in. He took off his shoes as he glanced around and saw there were three or four other men that were armed as well. He spoke in Arabic to the guard and said, “I was told that I may be able to stay here a few days before I continue my journey. I just came from Kabul, and I am heading to “Islamcity” from here.” The guard didn’t say a word as he motioned for Doug to stay there. He went into another room and soon a very attractive young Middle Eastern woman came into the room behind the guard wearing a Hijab. He gave her greetings and she started asking him questions about how he had gotten to Florida. He told her about how he had come from Kabul and that he paid a lot of money to be smuggled in from off shore in Florida. After she had asked him several other questions and was satisfied with his answers she had one of the guards escort him to a big open room. The room had about ten or twelve single bed mattresses on the floor all lined a few feet apart on each side of the room. There were eight or nine men just lying around sleeping or just relaxing on the mattresses. They didn’t pay much attention to Doug as he picked out one of the beds and thanked the guard. He laid out his prayer rug and pretended to go through the prayer to Allah before he lay down.

  He spent most of the next day just keeping to himself. Early afternoon a girl brought in a rolling table with food. She quickly left and all the men went over to the table and helped themselves. He was getting hungry so he joined in. While getting his food Doug overheard a couple of men whispering about some kind of target they were going to hit soon. He couldn’t quite make out what they were saying and they didn’t trust him enough to talk out loud. He pretended he wasn’t interested in what they were talking about and turned and walked away. He was in the room for two nights and it was the only room he was allowed in besides a large bathroom down the hall. There were guards that watched his every move. When he went to the bathroom down the hallway he had seen that there were a couple more rooms like the one he was in with mattresses filled with men. He soon realized these people were part of a terrorist plot that was going to take place soon. This was the terrorist group that he was looking for. He wasn’t able to find out what their target was but knew it had to be something big.

  Late afternoon of the third day, he told the guards he was ready to leave. He thanked them for letting him stay and left the house. As he left, he checked the house for the most vulnerable spot to hit it with a vehicle. Just left of the main entrance, there was an open courtyard in the middle of the house and he figured if it was hit from that spot with explosives, it would destroy the entire house. Once he walked away from the compound he called a cab and went back to his campsite to plan his strategy. He knew he had to get onto the compound with his bombs and destroy the house before they carried out their big attack.

  Doug had been thinking about it and made up his mind this would be the last attack on the Muslim terrorist targets. He had grown weary of all the killings, traveling, hiding and feeling like a fugitive. He missed his family and nothing he did was going to bring them back. Going to Disney World just made him realize he would never get used to being alone. The fact that his family was no longer with him made him yearn to be with them once again. He figured the best way to accomplish that
goal was to go on a suicide mission of his own. He knew that because of all his close encounters and the mistakes he had made, sooner or later he would slip up and law enforcement would catch him. He didn’t want to be captured and have the news media parading him around and making a spectacle out of him. He knew there was no way he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison if there was any way he could prevent it.

  That night he sat down and wrote a letter that he was going to send to all the major television networks that he wanted the American people to see and hear. This is what it said:

  My name is Douglas James Cotton and I’m from Visalia, California. I’m a retired doctor who spent thirty years taking care of people and saving lives. I served honorably in the United States Army as a sniper during the Vietnam War in 1968. My grandson’s name is Michael Douglas Hunter and he was a Special Forces soldier who was killed by a radical Muslim terrorist insurgent, I.E.D. (Improvised Explosive Device). He was killed In Afghanistan on December 2, 2009 while serving his tour of duty. That is the reason I hate all Muslim terrorist organizations. My goal during the attacks on the terrorist organizations in America was to avenge Michael’s death. I declared my own personal war on the thirty five terrorist cells and camps in America. My intent was to find them, expose them to the people and the government of the United States and to destroy them. I acted alone during my attacks and was not part of any organization or conspiracy. The radical Muslim terrorists should not be allowed to use our constitution’s freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to hide their true intentions of destroying Israel and the West. This is your country and you must continue to protect it so that it will always be free. Don’t let another foreign organization dictate to you how you live in America.

  As my last will and testament I would like for you to use half of the money from my remaining assets to start a memorial in Washington D.C. for the soldiers that have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and the other half to The Disabled American Veterans. I love you America, and God bless you.

  Douglas James Cotton

  The next day Doug went to a Kinko’s and made copies of this letter and mailed a copy of it to CNN News, Fox News, CBS and ABC News stations. They would have their copies in a few days and everyone would finally know the truth about the “American Terrorist” and who he really was. He boxed up the cash and all of his personal items of value that he had left in the motor home and put it in a box along with a letter to Randy that said, “I love you brother, take care of your family.” He sent the box FedEx and overnight delivery so Randy would have it the same day as Doug’s last attack.

  That afternoon he spent his time attaching wires to the remaining I.E.D.’s he had left, putting detonators in the remaining C-4 blocks and getting everything ready for his final attack. He moved the bombs to the front of the motor home once they were all set up and ready to go. He took his rifle and everything that was under the back seat of his car and put it in the motor home, along with the remaining rounds of ammunition. He took his car and parked it in the RV visitor parking lot with a letter inside that said to contact Randy Cotton with his address and phone number. Doug had the ownership of the Mercedes changed to Randy a few days earlier and had sent the keys in the FedEx box to Randy along with the other items. He figured the car would probably be confiscated once they found out it was the car used by “The American Terrorist.”

  After dark Doug took a large stick of the C-4 and drove to the house on Carney Road, parked down the street and away from the gate. He snuck up to the guard location and placed the C-4, with a phone detonator attached to it, on the outside of the wall where it couldn’t be seen. He drove back to the campground and had some of his favorite red wine as he prepared his mind to hit his last target. Before he went to bed that night he got down on his hands and knees and said another prayer for God to forgive him for killing the innocent children. He also said an individual prayer to Shirley, Jenifer and Michael.

  The next day just before he pulled out of the campsite in his motor home he made sure he had the remote control detonator strapped to his chest and a phone in his lap. While he was driving to his final target he told Shirley, Jennifer and Michael how much he loved them and hoped he would be seeing them soon. Just before he arrived at the gate to his target he stopped and made sure there weren’t any cars heading in his direction. His heart was beating rapidly and he was anxious and nervous as he dialed the number on the bomb at the guard gate. When it blew up it blew a large hole in the wall and sent the gates and pieces of concrete flying in the air. Pieces of the debris were landing on top of his motor home as he pushed the gas pedal to the floor and drove as fast as it would go down the drive and straight toward the courtyard and the middle of the big house. Armed guards started pouring out of the house after they heard the explosion at the front gate and they were taking shots at Doug as he ducked down in the seat. He crashed head on into the house at full speed and he pushed the button to the detonator at the same time as the motor home plunged into the house. The explosion was so large that it destroyed most of the house from the initial explosion. There were also several secondary explosions from inside destroying what was left of the big house. Bullets from the left over ammunition kept firing the rest of the day and into the night. It was several hours before the fire department, or law enforcement agencies could even get near the house.

  Although Doug didn’t get the satisfaction of seeing or hearing the outcome of his final attack he had a huge smile on his face as the last thing he saw was the motor home hitting its target. His revenge was over and he was finally at piece. His last attack was a total success as he foiled one of the largest planned attacks on American soil. He had killed forty three people in the safe house and wounded four others. Among them were two of the top Muslim radical terrorist leaders of a large terrorist organization. One of them was on America’s top ten Most Wanted terrorist lists and a female killed was also on the governments “terrorist watch” list.

  A few days later, it seemed the only thing on the news was about Doug’s last target and how “The American Terrorist” had foiled another huge attack planned against America. It was reported that the radical Muslim terrorist organization had plans of blowing up and killing thousands of people at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The terrorists all worked as, or for, vendors that provided services in, or for, Walt Disney World. They had full and easy access into and out of Walt Disney World without being searched. They had plans to infiltrate the park with over forty fellow Muslim terrorists wearing suicide vests to blow up thousands of men, women and children. The bombings were to take place simultaneously while the people were enjoying the evening fireworks show at the end of the day. It would have made the attacks on the World Trade Center seem small in comparison.

  A few days later, on Good Morning America, one of the commentators read what a government official had anonymously written about Doug. It said: “It had to take a retired doctor and grieving grandfather who was sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath to open up the American public’s eyes and expose the terrorist organizations that are already here in America. One man’s struggle for revenge against the terrorist organizations for killing his grandson in Afghanistan, showed the American people there is evil lurking right here at home in our back yards. He played a major role in finding them, exposing them, and stopping a lot of attacks before they happened. We could never call a terrorist a hero in America but I just want to say thank you “American Terrorist,” for everything you did for me and my family.”

  The government agencies were now on the right track of shutting down all the suspected terrorist training camps and gathering places in the United States. They were no longer going to let any terrorist organizations come to America and impose their will on the American people through fear and intimidation. No longer were they going to be able to use our constitutional freedoms as protection to spread their lies and hatred. The people of America weren’t going t
o just sit back and let a foreign country or organization dictate policy or take over America without a fight.

  * * *

  Author’s notes


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