Lost in the Maze

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Lost in the Maze Page 23

by Gary William Ramsey

  Tears formed in Lisa’s eyes again. “I don’t want to leave Russ and Joe.”

  “Russ and Joe have work to do to help with this case. Please, I ask you to trust me.”

  “Okay Sir,” Lisa whispered.

  She kissed Joe on the head and walked toward the bedroom.

  “Lisa,” Russ said. “There are towels and bath items in the bathroom. You can take a shower if you want.”

  “I don’t have any clean clothes.”

  “Don’t worry, on the way to the airport we’ll stop by a store and buy you new clothes,” Steward said.

  When she was in the bedroom with the door closed, Stewart looked at Russ.

  “The Director informed me that there’s a serious credible terrorist threat in the works. The Terrorist, have infiltrated high levels of Government, Military, Law Enforcement and God knows where else, and their goal is to overthrow the US Government. I’m working outside my authority as Agent in Charge of the Regional FBI Offices in Houston to assist the Director to determine who these people are. Russ, we need your help.”

  “You and the Director can depend on me to do anything you ask,” Russ replied.

  “We have an undercover agent imbedded in the Russian Mafia. The Agent has given the Director information that the Russian Mafia is partnering with ISIS in this plot. As you know Maxin Nevsky is the Godfather of the largest Russian Mafia Family in the country and he resides in New York City.”

  “I’m well aware of Nevsky,” Russ said. “I tried to nail him before I retired on many unsuccessful charges. I know where he lives and what he’s involved in.”

  “The Director wants you to stake out Nevsky’s home and see what you can find out. We particularly want to know who he meets or who comes to his estate. You will report directly to the Director.”

  “You got it,” Russ replied.

  “Well, I’m going to hit the sack. I plan to leave early.”

  “You take my bedroom Gerry, I’ll sleep in the sofa.”

  Before retiring, Stewart called Jim Stancil to tell him that the departure would be delayed until morning.

  After a restless night, Stewart rolled out of bed at six am to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. Russ was up and spooning a large helping of grits in Joe’s bowl. It had chunks of sausage in it.

  Russ smiled, “What can I say, Joe loves sausage and grits.”

  On the table was another large bowl of grits with melted butter on top. In addition there were platters of scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, and toasted English muffins. It all smelled fabulous to Stewart. There were three plates with utensils, and a quart of milk on the table.

  “Have a seat and I’ll get you a cup of coffee,” Russ said.

  Stewart sat down and accepted the cup of steaming black coffee.

  “Good morning guys,” Lisa walked in from the bedroom. She looked refreshed, and finally the defeated, forlorn look was absent from her eyes. Joe ran to her and licked her hand.

  When they finished breakfast, Lisa said a tearful goodbye to Russ and Joe. She and Agent Stewart got into the vehicle for the trip to Tetterboro.

  Stewart phoned Jim Stancil and informed him that he and Lisa were on the way.

  “What’s going to happen to me?” Lisa asked.

  “Lisa, once we get you in a safe place, I hope to reunite you with your dad.”

  “What about my mother?”

  “We’ll let your father discuss that with you.”

  Stewart spotted a billboard advertising the Tetterboro Wal Mart. He followed the directions and turned on One Teterboro Landing Drive. As with most Walmarts, this one was open twenty-four hours.

  “Lisa we need to buy you new clothes for your stay in Texas. Okay with you?”

  “Yes Sir,” she replied.

  They went into the store and she picked out Jeans, tops, and underwear. Stewart suggested a sweater and jacket. She was also fitted with a new pair of Nike shoes. They picked up a small travel bag for her cloths. Lisa wore new clothes, and deposited her old ones in the trashcan. They purchased a couple of Cokes at the MacDonald’s located in the Walmart, and resumed the trip to the airport.

  Jim Stancil was sitting in the executive airport lounge drinking coffee when Lisa and Agent Stewart arrived.

  “Jim, this is Lisa Roberts. We’re ready to roll.”

  Stancil shook the girls hand. “The jet is warmed up and ready to go,” he said. “Our flight time from here to Pecos is about four hours.”

  They boarded the jet and stowed Gerry’s suitcase and Lisa’s travel bag. Lisa sat in the passenger area while Stewart sat in the co-pilot seat. When they reached the cruising altitude of forty-one thousand feet, Stewart walked back to the passenger area.

  “Lisa, can I get you a soft drink or a snack?”

  “Yes Sir, thanks.”

  Stewart fetched a couple of cokes and a bag of chips. He handed Lisa a Coke and chips. “Lisa, again I’m taking you to a ranch near Pecos, Texas. We want to keep you safe until we can reunite you with your father . You’ll be staying with Hamilton and Ana Burris. They are fine people and capable of protecting you from any harm. You’ve been very brave, and I want you to stay calm and trust us a little longer.”

  “Yes Sir, I will.”

  After finishing her snack, the young girl slept the rest of the plane trip.

  Stewart buckled in as Stancil landed the jet at the Pecos Airport. He taxied to the private jet hanger.

  “Jerry, I’ll be flying out within the hour as soon as I refuel. Henry wants me to fly back to Tetterboro and await his orders. He may want me to fly to Barbados and pick up Senator Roberts. I’ve arranged for a rental car for you. It’s waiting outside the hanger. I assume you’re flying commercial when you’re done here. Just turn in the car at the airport when you’re finished with it.”

  “Jim, I appreciate all you’ve done. Let me know about Senator Roberts. You have my cell number.”

  “Will do.”

  A black Lexus SUV was parked outside the hanger. Lisa and Agent Stewart got into the vehicle.

  Stewart placed a call to Hamilton Burris to inform him that they would arrive in twenty to thirty minutes. Stewart went to the intersection of Business 20 and Hwy 285, went north on Hwy 285 for 3/4 of a mile to FM 1216. After turning right on 1219 he check his odometer. After about fifteen miles he looked to the right. He spotted a gate in front of a small paved road. There was no sign. A chain was around the gatepost with a large padlock on it. He pulled in front of the gate.

  Lights from another vehicle came on about twenty feet behind the gate. Stewart got out of the vehicle and waved. A red Toyota pick up truck stopped just behind the gate. A tall grey haired man got out.

  “Hamilton, I’m Gerry Stewart.”

  “Just call me Ham,” the older man said as he unlocked the padlock and swung opened the gate. When I back up, you come in and lock the gate for me. Then follow me down to the ranch house.”

  He backed up the truck, turned around and drove away. Stewart pulled inside the gate, got out, and locked it.

  “He’s not very friendly,” Lisa said.

  Stewart smiled, “I think you’ll find that he’s a very nice fellow.”

  When he got back into the SUV, Ham’s truck was out of sight. Stewart drove slowly down the winding road for about a mile when he saw the lights in the ranch house. Burris’ red truck was parked outside the front door. He apparently had gone inside.

  Stewart parked the SUV behind the truck, got out, opened the trunk and picked up his suitcase and Lisa’s travel bag. Lisa joined him at the back of the vehicle and they walked toward the front porch.

  Lisa heard it first and froze in her tracks. She squeezed Stewart’s arm. The low rasping growl increased in volume. Standing on the steps of the front porch was what appeared to be a large grey wolf. His eyes were shinning and his teeth were bared. He stood motionless staring at them and growling.

  Steward pushed the girl behind him as he expected an imminent attack.

Chapter 46

  Macy kissed the Russian and pressed her body against him. “Honey the note probably just fell out of your pocket.” She whispered. “You rest and I’ll find it for you.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair until he was asleep again. As soon as the snoring began, she slid the note underneath his body. Macy knew he would be out for hours. She quietly got off the bed, walked out the bedroom door and closed it.

  She knew that it was urgent that she phone Director Stancil and inform him of the astounding information in the note. Macy went to her bedroom, dressed in shorts, a T-Shirt and tennis shoes, grabbed her cell phone and shoved it in her back pocket. She knew she couldn’t make the call from inside the house. Many of the rooms were bugged and Dubov never shared the locations of the bugs with her. Since she was his lover, she assumed that her room was bugged.

  Macy descended the stairs and headed toward the front door. As she walked by the study, he noticed the stocky body of Boyra Glackov sitting at the desk reading a folder. He heard her and looked up. The ragged scar on his face glistened with sweat.

  “Where’s Dubov?” he said in a rasping voice.

  “He’s upstairs asleep. He’ll be out for awhile.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked, got out of the chair and walked to where she was standing.

  Macy had not bothered to put on a bra and it was apparent that Scarface was staring at her nipples, which, were pressed against the thin T-shirt. “Do you like them?” she asked brazenly.

  He lifted his eyes and stared at her, not replying. She smiled. “I need some fresh air and a smoke. Ivan doesn’t like me to smoke in the house.”

  Scarface gazed at her shorts, apparently looking for the impression of a cigarette pack. “I need a smoke too,” he said. “May I have a cigarette?”

  Macy took a deep breath. Her breasts strained against the front of the T-shirt. Scarface dropped his eyes.

  “Listen Boyra, I don’t have any cigarettes. I don’t partake of that filthy habit. I do, however, partake of an occasional joint. Get your own, I don’t share my weed.”

  He laughed as she walked out the front door. Macy breathed a sigh of relief when she was outside. The rain had subsided and the scent of wet grass filled the air. Macy walked to the side of the house, out of sight of the front door. She looked around and no one was in sight. The croaks from tree frogs filled the air as they usually do after a heavy rain. Macy knew that frogs croak after rainfall because they become attracted to the wet atmosphere and use their croaks as mating calls. After her encounter with Dubov, the thought of a mating call make her gag.

  She reached to her back pocket, grabbed the cell and punched in the secure number of Director Stancil.

  She heard a click on the other end. “This is Macy, code 4388.”

  “What do you have for me Macy,” the familiar voice of Director Stancil asked.

  “Sir, I gotta be quick. I just read a note sent from Nevsky to Dubov. An assassin named Boyra Glackov delivered it. I think he was sent here to watch Dubov and me. The note was Glackov’s introduction to Dubov. The note stated that the man they call The Controller has gained a greater position of strength in the government. It also noted that the murders of Roberts and Patton might have been unnecessary indicating that the actions were ordered by this Controller using the Russian Mafia as his hit men. Nevsky wants Dubov to travel to New York to get details of the Master Plan. He said the time for action is near and I believe it’s scheduled for January. It also stated that the Controller wants one more hit of a major official. I believe that Boyra Glackov was sent to kill whoever has been designated. I still don’t know why Nevsky doesn’t directly do these things rather than going through Dubov.”

  “Macy, he’s just providing himself with insolation from the actions. I’m sure he’s set up an elaborate alibi in the even someone is captured. It’s standard that the assassins carry a poison pill for suicide in case they are caught. If the assassin is linked to Dubov, it stops there with no provable connection to Nevsky or this Controller. I need a copy of that note.”

  Macy heard a noise. “Sir I must go.” She hung up the phone and stuck it in her back pocket. She looked toward the sound and saw Sturgess walking around the corner of the house.

  “What the hell are you doing Macy? Who were you talking to?”

  Macy was stunned for a moment. “I was looking for you Orin. Didn’t you hear me calling you?” She walked to him, pressed her body against him and kissed him passionately. “I’m so tired of that brute Dubov abusing me. I need a man like you to protect me and make me happy.”

  “You were coming on to me during the trip, but turned cold after Sonny took the girl,” Sturgess sneered.

  “Come on Orin, I was upset and worried what Dubov would do to me after I lost the girl.”

  Sturgess moved to her and put his hands on the cheeks of her ass. He pulled her close. “If you’re playing me, I’ll rip you apart.”

  Macy whispered, “Orin I want you but we need to wait. If Dubov catches us we’re both dead. Our time will come.”

  She back away from him, kissed her fingers, and pressed it against his lips. “I better get back before he misses me.”

  Macy breathed a sigh of relief and went back in the house. Scarface looked up from the desk in the study as she passed. His grin was more like a sneer. She knew that he was going to be a challenge. Sturgess would be easy to handle but this guy is impervious to her beauty.

  She walked up the stairs and back into her bedroom and sat down for a moment. She knew that right now was the best time to get the copy that Stancil wanted. Macy quietly walked back to Dubov’s suite. He had turned over and was on his side, still snoring. She could see a corner of the note under his body.

  Macy stepped over and tugged on the note. It wouldn’t budge. She realized the she had to move him to get it without tearing the paper. She grabbed a blanket from the closet. If he awoke, her excuse was that she was just covering him up.

  After gently pushing on his shoulder, he turned over on his stomach. She pulled again and was able to secure the note. She crammed it in her pocket and covered the drunken Russian with the blanket.

  Macy proceeded to the bathroom, closed the door, placed the note on the sink counter and took two pictures of it with her phone. She decided to forward the pictures to Director Stancil when she was safely in her room.

  Macy heard a noise in the bedroom, opened the door and spotted Dubov sitting up in the bed. She put the note back in her pocket along with the phone.

  “What’s going on?” Dubov said, while rubbing his eyes.

  Macy walked to the bed, undressed and crawled naked in the bed beside him.

  “Honey I just had to get a blanket to cover you and go to the bathroom. Go back to sleep. I’m here with you.”

  Dubov turned over on his side and put his head on the pillow. Macy curled up against his back until he began snoring again.

  She quietly retrieved the note from her shorts pocket, placed it on the end table and lay down beside Dubov. She knew that she had to be there in the morning when he awoke. She had no idea how much he would remember about the evening.

  In the morning she would forward the pictures of the note to Stancil. Macy also knew she would have to deal with Sturgess and Scarface.

  The walls were closing in on her.

  Chapter 47

  The Controller awoke alone and relaxed after the night of violent sex with Rita. He noticed bloodstains on the pillow and laughed. She had departed during the night or early morning, while he was asleep.

  Rita knew that after she satisfied his desires that she was expected to leave. He didn’t know or care what injuries he may have inflicted on her. He paid her well and she was nothing but an object to him for his relaxation and pleasure.

  The Controller showered, shaved, dressed and went to the door to retrieve his Sunday paper. He took the paper to the kitchen table. The aroma of dark Columbian coffee was in the air. Rita had brewed coffee and pr
epared his breakfast before leaving.

  He poured a cup and opened the warming oven. His favorite, an Arugula & Avocado breakfast sandwich was resting on a plate. He remembered teaching her how to prepare it. Spread an even layer of the yogurt sauce over a piece of toast. Top with a portion of arugula, avocado and egg, and pepitas (squash and veggie seeds). Toped that with other slice of bread.

  The Controller devoured the sandwich with three cups of coffee while reading the Sunday paper.

  One article disturbed him. A reporter from the New York Times had cornered the Director of the FBI Harold Stancil, questioning him about the Michael Roberts case.

  The Director repeatedly said that the case was not open and shut. Even though there was ample evidence that Roberts killed his wife and committed suicide by jumping to his death over the rail on the cruise ship, there were still questions to be answered. He refused to comment further, stating that it was an open investigation.

  He knew that he wouldn’t have to worry about that bastard Stancil much longer. In his position in government, he dealt with the Director rather frequently. Stancil was smarter that most of the politicians and appointees on the hill. That made him dangerous to The Controller and to the Master Plan. He had noticed for some time that Stancil acted a bit strange in his presence and refused to talk about classified information with him. Stancil always referred him to his Boss, the Attorney General.

  For that reason The Controller had communicated with Nevsky and told him that Stancil had to be eliminated within the week. He was assured that the murder would occur with no evidence pointing to anyone in the government or the Russian Mafia.

  The Controller found himself in a reflective mood this Sunday morning. He was at the cusp of becoming the most powerful man in the world. This was a far cry from his birth and upbringing.


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