Heritage: Book One of the Gairden Chronicles

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Heritage: Book One of the Gairden Chronicles Page 33

by David L. Craddock

  “I will stay behind to fortify the city,” Edmund said, already glancing around as if making mental sketches of where and how Sunfall could be reinforced.

  “Actually, I need you elsewhere,” Aidan said. “We do not know where Leaston stands in all this, or if they even know about Tyrnen’s threat. They will need to hear from one of us, and I need to get to Darinia.”

  “I’ll go, son,” Edmund said. He hesitated. “But Brendon marched with Torel’s Ward. With the Crown of the North, the general, and the colonel absent from Sunfall...”

  “I will speak to the lieutenants,” Aidan said. “The chain of command will take over. Just get to Ironsail as quickly as you can. The merchants’ guild must stand with Torel and Darinia.” He turned to Daniel. “Can you get me a key into Darinia?”

  His friend nodded slowly, his tongue darting over his lips. “I know a place.”

  “Good. I’ll be in Tyrnen’s tower. There are some things I need to gather, there. Please bring me the key as soon as you retrieve it. I will return home as quickly as I can after I speak with Nichel. After I leave, relay my orders to the lieutenants.” He held his friend’s gaze. “You understand the horror we face. You’ve seen it. Please help here where you can.”

  Daniel straightened. “Calewind will be ready.” After saluting to Edmund and bowing to Aidan, he dashed off toward the southern courtyard.

  Aidan turned back to his father. Edmund was watching him with an odd smile. Suddenly, Aidan felt his cheeks warm. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to order you around.”

  Edmund laid a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Don’t apologize. You took charge, and made decisions that I would have made.”

  Aidan’s eyes widened. “Truly?”

  “Truly.” Edmund’s grip tightened. “I’m proud of you, son. You will make a fine king.”

  Aidan nodded. “I’ll see you soon, Father.”

  Edmund smiled and began to walk away.


  Edmund turned back.

  “You will see Mother again. I promise.”

  Edmund stiffened. His eyes grew moist. After a few moments, he turned and walked away.

  Footsteps from behind took Aidan’s attention from his father’s retreating form. The men and women of Torel’s Dawn seemed to glide down the hallway, their emerald-colored robes covering their boots. Christine stepped out from behind them and came beside Aidan.

  “I’ve made some new friends,” she said.

  A chiseled man with a dark goatee inclined his head. “Your Majesty,” he said.

  Aidan returned the gesture. “Well met, Cinder Coren Landswill.”

  Coren straightened. “You are aware that it is not the custom of the Touched to swear fealty to any crown.” He paused. “Yet in this matter, the Dawn feels there is no alternative. We have come to pledge our allegiance to you, Crown of the North. We did not know of the Eternal Flame’s... We are yours, Your Majesty. We will help you in the coming struggle.”

  “I welcome your allegiance. Thank you.”

  A tall woman with curly red hair stepped forward. “We will journey with Christine Lorden to the Lion’s Den guildhall,” she stated.

  Aidan looked at Christine inquisitively.

  “We go to convince the First that the Touched must align with you,” she explained. She gestured to the other woman. “Cinder Keelian Faltan feels that Torel’s Dawn alone will not be enough, so—”

  “Ernest Lorden must know of what the Eternal has done,” Keelian interrupted. “Once he hears of Tyrnen’s crimes, he will most assuredly grant you the use of Crotaria’s Touched in the coming struggle.”

  Aidan’s mouth fell open. “Of course,” he said, turning to Christine. “Your father is the First.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “But that means that, now that Tyrnen has been stripped of his title...” He turned to Torel’s Dawn. “He has been stripped of the title of Eternal Flame, I presume?”

  Keelian nodded. “He has, whether he knows it or not.”

  “Will Ernest Lorden ascend to Eternal Flame, then?”

  Christine’s eyebrows rose. She looked questioningly at Keelian.

  “It’s likely,” Keelian said.

  Aidan turned back to Christine. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize this until just now.”

  “As I recall, you were busy sitting alone in a tavern talking to your sword when we first met.”

  Aidan ignored that. “The plan is a good one,” he said to the waiting Cinders, “and will benefit Crotaria greatly. Will you leave now?”

  “Yes,” Keelian answered. “We must make haste. It is doubtful that word of all that has happened has reached the First’s ears. He must be informed.”

  “We will return here with the Cinders once the First has granted permission for the Mages to aid Torel and Darinia,” Coren said. “If that is your wish, Crown of the North.”

  Aidan nodded. “Thank you, all.” He turned to Christine after the Dawn had shuffled off to the side. They leaned forward, whispering among themselves, but he paid them no heed.

  “Thank you for doing this,” he said. “I never would have even thought of it.”

  She laughed softly. “You’ve got a lot on your mind, Aidan Gairden.” She cocked her head. “I wonder if there is anything I can do for His Majesty to take His Majesty’s mind away from all these serious matters.”

  He grinned. “There certainly is. But unfortunately, that will have to wait.”

  Christine gave a mock pout. “Very well.” Then her tone grew sober. “You’ll be careful?”

  “I promise. Tell your father I said hello.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have no idea how delighted he’ll be. You wouldn’t believe the expectations I had to live up to because of the ‘phenomenal abilities’ of Torel’s crown prince.”

  They laughed softly and fell silent. Aidan tried to look away but found he couldn’t. Her eyes were so bright. He hesitated a moment longer before drawing her into his arms. Christine was ready for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped into his kiss. Vaguely, Aidan was aware of a servant rounding the corner, squeaking in surprise and embarrassment, and scuttling back the way he had come.

  Slowly, lingeringly, Aidan pulled his lips from hers. She rested her head on his chest.

  “When this is over,” he began.

  “The sooner, the better,” she said. She straightened and cupped his hands in hers. “Come back to me, Aidan.”

  He bent down to kiss her hair and broke away, turning and moving quickly down a far corridor, his eyes locked ahead so he could not look back.

  Continued in

  Point of Fate: Book Two of the Gairden Chronicles

  Coming in 2016



  Alston, Cynthia: Wife of Romen of the Wolf and mother to Nichel of the Wolf.

  Alston, Nichel: Daughter of Romen of the Wolf and Cynthia Alston. Before birth, she was promised to Aidan Gairden, next in line to become Crown of the North. Apprentice: Third rank of a trained and educated Touched. Apprentices wear an orange band.

  Architect: A Touched who applies his or her magical abilities to architecture.

  Avivian River: River that runs north to east through Crotaria.


  Band: See “Cinder band.”


  Calderon, Edmund: General of Torel. Father of Aidan Gairden and wife of Annalyn Gairden.

  Calewind: Capital city of Torel and the site of Sunfall, home to the Gairden family.

  ‘cin: See “Ordine’cin”.

  Clan Chief: The leader of a Darinian clan.

  Cinder: Fifth and final rank attained by a Touched over the course of their formal education.

  Cinder Band: Golden band with an embedded amethyst signifying the rank of Cinder. Worn on right forefinger.

  Clan: A tribe of Darinians united under the leadership of a clan chief.

  Creed: A professional pursuit or occupation sel
ected by a Touched following his or her graduation.

  Crotaria: Main continent divided into four realms: Torel in the north, Darinia in the west, Sallner in the south, and Leaston in the east.


  Darinia: Western realm of Crotaria made up of hot, dusty deserts. Home to the clans of Darinia.

  Darinia’s Fist: The combined warriors of all Darinian clans, united under the leadership of the war chief.

  Dark Magic: Rooted in death and practiced by those who worship Kahltan, the Lord of Midnight. Dark magic is forbidden and punishable by death.

  Disciple (of Dawn): A Touched devoted to serving the Lady and spreading her word.


  East Road: The main road between Ironsail, Leaston’s capital city, and Sharem.

  Eternal Flame: Leader of all Touched on Crotaria. The Eternal Flame swears no fealty to any ruler or realm, but is expected to act according to the laws of the realms.

  Eye (of Heritage): A magical ruby embedded within the hilt of Heritage. Through the Eye, Gairden ancestors can guide their descendants and pass along knowledge.


  Fever, the: Kindling saps the strength of the Touched as they cast spells. As they grow weaker, tiredness sets in, recognizable by the onset of a fever that worsens until they rest.

  First, the: Second in command of the Touched after the Eternal Flame of Crotaria.


  Gairden, Aidan: Son of Annalyn Gairden and Edmund Calderon. Prince of Torel and next in line to become Crown of the North.

  Gairden, Ambrose:

  Patriarch of the Gairden line. Husband of Anastasia Thalamahn Gairden. Ordine’kel comes from Ambrose’s exemplary skill in combat.

  Gairden, Anastasia

  Thalamahn: Matriarch of the Gairden family and daughter of Dimitri Thalamahn and Luria Thalamahn. Ordine’cin comes from Anastasia’s potent magical abilities.

  Gairden, Charles: Father of Annalyn Gairden and grandfather of Aidan Gairden.

  Gairden, Annalyn: Crown of the North, wife to Edmund Calderon, and mother to Aidan Gairden.

  Goddess of Light: See “Lady of Dawn”.

  Gotik: A small village in Torel, a few miles south of Calewind.

  Greagor, Brendon: Colonel of Torel’s Ward.


  Hands of Torel: Nobles hand-picked by the Gairdens to govern cities, towns, and villages in the name of the Crown of the North.

  Healer: A Touched specializing in the art of healing.

  Heritage: Magical sword passed down from generation to generation in the Gairden family.

  Hillstreem, Jonathan:

  Advisor to Romen of the Wolf and a Touched.


  Ihlkin Mountains: Mountain range that borders Crotaria.

  Inventor: A Touched who specializes in researching and executing breakthroughs in magic.

  Ironsail: The capital of Leaston and the largest port city in all of Crotaria.


  Janleah: Janleah of the Eagle, clan chief of the Eagle clan and the first war chief of Darinia.

  Janleah Keep: The largest city in the west named in honor of Janleah of the Eagle, the first war chief of Darinia.


  Kahltan: Known as the Lord of Midnight by Torelians and Leastonians.

  ’kel: See “Ordine’kel”.

  Kietel, Lotren: General of Torel’s Ward killed by invading barbarians.

  Kindle/Kindling: The process by which a Touched casts magical spells granted to them by the will of the Lady of Light.


  Lady of Dawn: Goddess of Light. Also referred to as the Lady. Individuals “Touched” by the Lady can wield magic by praying to her.

  Lamp: An object capable of storing light that a Touched can use to kindle at any time, much like a water skin from which one can drink when one needs water.

  Language (of Light), The: An ancient, universal language used in spell casting. The Touched draw in light and release it as a spell by praying in the Language of Light.

  Learner: First rank of a trained and educated Touched. All learners wear a dark blue band.

  Leaston: Eastern realm of Crotaria ruled by the merchants’ guild.

  Light Magic: Magic drawn from a source of natural or manmade light and heat.

  Lion’s Den, The: The most prestigious magical university in all Crotaria, located in Sharem.

  Lord of Midnight: See “Kahltan.”

  Lorden, Christine: A powerful Touched at only 17 years of age. Sibling of Garrett Lorden and daughter of Ernest Lorden. Half-Torelian, halfSallnerian.

  Lorden, Ernest: First of Crotaria. Father to Garrett and Christine Lorden, and a Torelian.

  Lorden, Garrett: Sibling of Christine Lorden and son of Ernest Lorden. Unlike his twin sister, Christine, Garrett exhibits Torelian features. Also unlike his twin sister, he is not a Touched.


  Merchants’ Guild: A ruling council made up of men and women who govern Leaston.

  Meshia: a large, horned creature that roams the deserts in the west. A favorite meal among Darinians, especially cooked over an open flame.


  North Road: A main road running up from Sharem into Calewind, the capital of Torel.


  Ordine: “Guardian” in the language of the Darinians. A gift bestowed on the Gairden bloodline by the Lady of Dawn. Ordine manifests itself in every Gairden in one of two ways: Ordine’kel, or


  Ordine’cin: “Guardian Light” in the language of the Darinians. Bestows a Gairden with the gift of magic. A Gairden gifted with Ordine’cin is stronger by far than the strongest Touched outside of the Gairden bloodline.

  Ordine’kel: “Guardian Blade” in the language of the Darinians. Bestows a Gairden with Ambrose Gairden’s skill in combat.


  Philosopher: A Touched who spends his or her days studying and pondering magic, Crotaria, and the mysteries of the world beyond the home continent.

  Plains of Dust: A desert in Darinia that stretches on for hundreds of miles.


  Queen of Terror: See “Thalamahn, Luria”.


  Rite of Heritage: Ceremony that culminates in the official anointment of a Gairden king or queen.

  Romen of the Wolf: War Chief of Darinia. Husband of Cynthia Alston and father to Nichel of the Wolf.


  Sallner: Southern kingdom of Crotaria.

  Sanctuary: A resting place for Gairden souls located within the Eye of Heritage.

  Serpent King, The: See “Thalamahn, Dimitri”.

  Serpent’s War,The: A devastating war waged by King Dimitri Thalamahn and Queen Luria Thalamahn of Sallner. Sharem: A trade city located at the heart of Crotaria where all four realms meet.

  Shift: Magical method of transportation dependent on the Lady’s light.

  Shirey, Daniel: Wardsman. Best friend of Aidan Gairden and a Leastonian.

  Snake: a racial slur that refers to Sallnerians. They have slanted eyes, but the slur also references their corruption under the reign of Dimitri Thalamahn, the Serpent King.

  Soldier: A Touched devoted to defending Crotaria in times of war.

  South Road: A main road running down from Sharem to the Territory Bridge, which leads into Sallner.

  Sunfall: The ancestral home of the Gairdens, rulers of Crotaria’s eastern kingdom of Torel.

  Sword Chamber: A magical chamber where Heritage rests when not in use. Only Gairdens may access the chamber. Symorne, Tyrnen: Eternal Flame of Crotaria. Mentor to Aidan Gairden. Traveled to Torel shortly after Aidan Gairden’s birth in order to petition Queen Annalyn Gairden for permission to assist in the mentorship of her magically gifted son.


  Tarion: The second largest city in Torel.

  Territory Bridge: A strip of land leading into the main body of Sallner, the dead realm of Crotaria. What remains of Sallner’s population lives on the bridge in communities closely guarded by Wardsmen from Torel’s Ward.

p; Thalamahn, Dimitri: The Serpent King. Co-ruler of southern kingdom of Sallner and a confessed Disciple of Kahltan.

  Thalamahn, Luria: Queen of Terror. Co-ruler of Sallner before she was executed at the end of the Serpent’s War and a confessed Disciple of Kahltan.

  Tied: The process of severing a Touched’s connection to their magic. A tie can only be performed and removed by a Touched.

  Torel: Northern kingdom of Crotaria ruled by the Gairden bloodline. Torel’s Dawn: Elite group of Cinders under the direct command of the Eternal Flame. Torel’s Dawn serves and protects Torel and the Gairden family, though they still answer to the Eternal Flame, like all Touched.

  Torel’s Ward: Army of the kingdom of Torel.

  Touched: One blessed with the gift of magic.


  Valor: Sword wielded by Edmund Calderon.


  War Chief: A Darinian clan chief who holds the power to lead all Darinian clans during times of war.

  Ward, The: See “Torel’s Ward”.

  Wardsman / Wardsmen: A fighting man in Torel’s Ward.

  West Road: A main road running across Darinia and into Sharem.

  Wielder: Second rank of a trained and educated Touched. All Wielders wear a purple band.

  Wildlander: A pejorative term for Darinian.


  Zellibar: Darinian city renowned for the work of its metal smiths.

  Author’s Notes

  HERITAGE IS MY FIRST novel. Not just the first novel I published. The first novel I wrote. Which is not to say I sold the first draft still hot off the presses of my college computer lab’s printer and became an overnight success. Oh, no. That first draft was good for little more than firewood (kindling, if you get the joke), and the flames might very well have spat it out in disgust. Most writers chalk up their first novel as a harsh learning experience and banish it to the proverbial trunk before cracking their knuckles and starting something new. Something better (and believe me, after the first draft of a first novel, the only way to go is up).


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