Date with a Vampire

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Date with a Vampire Page 13

by Raine English

  — : : —

  Melody felt very much a princess as she sat on her throne-like chair on top the bamboo sea raft that carried her to the bachelors. The ocean was quiet and looked like blue glass. She watched as her bure disappeared from view and felt a twinge of sadness, knowing come this time tomorrow she’d be leaving Fiji.

  A sea turtle swam by, its head lifted above the water as if to warm it in the bright afternoon sun. She thought back to all the things she’d seen and done during her stay on this tropical island paradise—visiting the rainforest, snorkeling in the warm Pacific Ocean, and drinking kava with the natives. All things that just a short while ago she’d never imagined she’d experience.

  However, when she spotted the men on the beach looking chic in their formal attire, she left her nostalgia behind. She caught sight of Guy, tall and suave and by far the most handsome bachelor. Her breath caught in her throat. Soon the world would know that not only was she his dream girl, but he was the man of her dreams.

  Four warriors dressed in native Fijian attire brought the raft to shore. One offered her his hand and helped her off. He walked her to the ceremonial spot, a lovely area shaded from the sun by palm trees and ferns. A cool trade wind blew from the southeast and ruffled her hair. She took a deep breath, folded her hands in front of her, and waited for Henry to come forward.

  He smiled at her and took his place at her side. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded, and he looked out over the men. “Well, this is what you’ve all been waiting for. Melody is ready to announce the name of the bachelor she’s chosen.” He kissed her cheek, then stepped back out of the limelight.

  Melody squeezed her hands together to steady their trembling. She didn’t know why she was nervous. She shouldn’t be. There was no doubt in her mind whose name she would call. But for some reason that knowledge did nothing to quell her rapid heartbeat. She closed her eyes. This was a big step. No, a huge one. But one she’d been waiting a lifetime for.

  When she opened her eyes, she focused on the man with the cropped black hair, and her nervousness disappeared. His vibrant blue eyes told her everything would be all right.

  She offered him a wide smile, then said in a loud, clear voice, “Guy LeBreque, will you accept this lei?” She took the fresh flower lei from the arm of a warrior and held it out in front of her.

  Guy came forward faster than she expected—a good indication that he was feeling better—took her by the waist and twirled her around.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” She laughed.

  “Positively.” He tipped his head, and she draped the lei around his neck. His mouth sought hers, and he kissed her. Cheers and clapping ensued. Their lips parted, and they looked out at the group of well-wishers—Henry, Sugar, the crew, even the other bachelors cheered and seemed genuinely happy for them.

  Serenie and her boys emerged from the crowd. They carried a baby coconut tree. Serenie set it down in front of Melody and Guy.

  “This tree will be planted here,” she said in her melodic voice, “with a sign inscribed with both your names, so that the tree may grow with your love.”

  Melody hugged Serenie, thanking her for such a thoughtful gift, then she took hold of Guy’s hand and together they walked down the beach in the direction of her bure.

  Behind them, she heard Daniel yell, “It’s a wrap, folks.” The crowd roared, and Melody didn’t need to turn around to know the cameraman slowly faded them to black as they walked away into the sunset.

  Guy draped his arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled against him, feeling happy and cherished and deeply in love. While they walked, they watched the sun set behind the horizon. The sky, awash with brilliant color, was streaked with magenta and purple, then dusk took hold and the first stars of the night winked above them.

  They watched the sky turn black and a chill blew in from the water, but Melody barely felt it wrapped in the warmth of Guy’s arms.

  “Look!” He pointed up at the stars. “Do you see it? The Southern Cross.”

  She shook her head.

  Gently, he cupped his hands around her head and guided her. “There.”

  “Oh, yes, I see it now. It’s lovely.”

  “It sure is.” His gaze was directed on her, though.

  Her cheeks warmed and she looked back up at the sky. “In times gone by, it was used by travelers as a guide.”

  “Do you think it will help us?”

  “Do what? Find our way home?”


  “I don’t think we’ll need it.” She swung around. “’Cause we’re already there.” She laughed and started to run across the sand, then called over her shoulder, “Come on, pokey, I’ll race you.”

  He needed no more prompting. Soon, they were side by side; then with a burst of speed he sprinted ahead. When he reached the bure door, he yanked it open but waited on the threshold for her to catch up.

  “Allow me.” He swept her into his arms and carried her inside, depositing her on the bed and collapsing beside her, where he lay laughing and trying to catch his breath.

  Melody had never seen Guy so playful. It was a side of him he’d never shown her before and one she hoped to see a lot more of.

  “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone back home. I know they’ll adore you just as much as I do.” She lay on her back, crossed one leg over the other and stared up at the ceiling with a huge grin on her face; then she reached out and stroked the side of his face. “And I know you’ll like them. Now Ann, she’s my best friend and an awful lot like me, just a little quirkier. And Mags and Billy. They’re so much fun. And Gizmo. Oh, how I miss him. He’s my dog—”

  The look on Guy’s face made her snap her mouth shut. “What’s wrong? What did I say?”

  He took hold of her hand and brought it to his mouth, running his lips over her palm. “You did nothing, love. In fact, I’ve never seen you quite so animated as you were when you spoke of those you love.”

  She frowned, not quite sure what he was getting at. “Sooo?”

  He looked at her mournfully. “Have you forgotten what I am? What you’ve promised to become?”

  The blood raced from her head down into her toes, and she had no doubt that she was as pale as a ghost. “Ah, no, not forgotten, just kind of shelved to the back of my mind.”

  “I’m serious, Melody.”

  She rolled onto her side and propped her head up with her hand so that she stared straight into his crystal-blue eyes. “I know you are. I got caught up in the excitement of us, that’s all. But I haven’t forgotten, nor would I ever take back the promise I made to you. We were meant to be together. I’m sure of that. And if that means I have to become a vampire, then I will.” She offered him a smile despite the melancholy that flooded her. What if she never saw her family again…or Gizmo…or the girls?

  As if reading her mood and wanting to shake her free of it, he pulled her to her feet and led her to the french doors, where outside on the patio a candlelit dinner awaited them.

  Melody’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Did you do this?”

  A smile curved his full lips and he said, slipping into his sexy Romanian accent, “Sometimes a little bit of magic comes in handy.”

  “That it does.” She stepped outside and walked over to the table, sparkling with crystal and china and overflowing with enough food to feed the entire Dream Girl crew.

  “You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for only the two of us.”

  “It was no trouble, my love. A little point of the finger here, a little snap there, and voilá, you have a feast. Besides,” he said, removing a stem of grapes from the fruit bowl in the center of the table, “I had more in mind than simply eating dinner when I created this.”


  He tore a grape off the stem, ran it across her lips, then teased her with it until she opened her mouth. Her teeth pierced the grape, and its succulent juice exploded in her mouth. The next thing she knew, his lips were on hers.

  He burned a trail of fire over her skin as he caressed her neck. Slowly he slid one strap of her gold lame shell down off her shoulder, then the other. He touched her breasts until her nipples grew hard, then with nimble fingers undid her sarong, so both her top and bottom fell in a heap of shimmering gold at her feet. She stood before him, nearly naked, in only her under garments, yet she was not ashamed.

  He gazed at her with such open admiration that she felt like the most beautiful woman alive.

  “You are lovelier than I ever imagined.” He ran his forefinger from the base of her neck to just below her navel, sending erotic shivers down her spine.

  “Looks like dinner is going to have to wait.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her across the patio, setting her back on her feet in front of the hot tub. “This is just much too enticing.” He reached behind her back and undid the hooks to her bra, slipping the straps off so that he held the lace undergarment in his hands.

  Her instincts were to cover herself, but he held her arms at her sides so that he might look at her. Then he let her go and cupped both her breasts in his hands and squeezed gently.

  Moans of delight escaped her, and she arched her back as he slid his warm, soft mouth over her skin and sucked her nipple. With his hands, he traced her body, running them down her back, over her hips, and up along her thighs until she wiggled with pleasure.

  “Ah, you like that, do you?” He touched the spot between her legs that had grown wet with desire, then rubbed his fingers over her silky panties until she thought she was going to scream.

  “Not yet, my love, the night is young.” He looped his fingers around the sides of her panties and pulled them down.

  Totally naked now and trembling with passion, she wanted him more than she could have imagined. Yet, he teased and played with her while he remained fully clothed. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against his so the thunderous beat of his heart rang in her ear.

  He massaged the small of her back, then slid his hands down to her tailbone and over her bottom, where he held her tightly as she moved against his thigh. The bulge in his pants grew larger and harder. And just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he took her hand and urged her into the Jacuzzi. He watched her step into the hot, bubbling water, and the way he looked at her made her tremble some more.

  She sank down, letting the water come up to just under her chin. The jets pulsated shots of water all around her and she relaxed in the tub while she watched Guy undress.

  She bit her bottom lip and studied this exquisite man—tall and lean and with muscles rippling in places she hadn’t even known existed—as he stripped off his clothes. She opened her arms to him and watched him enter the water with the sexy stride of a jungle cat.

  He came to her and straddled her, gripping the edges of the hot tub. She caressed his strong, muscular chest, then touched his flat, six-pack belly. She curled her arms around his back and he lifted her up out of the water and sat her on his lap. Hot water lapped over her breasts, soothing her. She leaned back and closed her eyes while Guy worked magic with his hands.

  — : : —

  Melody lay across Guystof, her head resting against the edge of the hot tub and her soft round bottom pressing against his legs. He tickled the insides of her thighs, and when she squirmed, he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hold back.

  She was everything he’d dreamed of and more, this golden goddess. And tonight she would be his. He knew he could have her now. She was more than ready. Gently, he spread her legs, rubbing and tickling until he could slide two fingers inside her easily. Oh yes. She was indeed ready. But he didn’t want to rush things, this being her first time. He wanted this to be a night she would remember always.

  He studied her from the tips of her perfectly manicured toes to the top of her lovely head. Bathed in pale moonlight, she could not be more glorious. He was a lucky man. A lucky man indeed. The graceful sweep of her neck seemed bare without his kisses. As he leaned over to taste her skin, the pinch of his fangs broke through his gums and stopped him.

  What was happening? Surely the potion he’d taken could last one more day. He wasn’t ready to turn her. Not here. Not now. After they’d said their vows and were man and wife, that would be the correct time. When they were home at Dragesa, where he could make her comfortable and help her through the pain. It would not be easy for Melody to lose her mortal life and become a vampire.

  He turned his head and fought the ever growing desire to bite her, to taste her sweet blood trickle down his throat, quenching the hunger inside him. He’d never sunk his fangs into a woman before and to do so now, to his beloved… He squeezed his eyes shut and pushed her away.

  “What is it? Has your sickness returned?”

  Guystof looked at her, concern and worry reflected in her eyes. “Yes. I’m ill. You should go get dressed.”

  “Why? Let me help you.” She ran the back of her hand over his forehead.

  He grabbed her arm and held it away from him. “I don’t need your help.”

  Her eyes darkened with despair. “Why are you doing this? Why are you pushing me away? If I’m going to be your wife, you have to open up to me.”

  Gut-wrenching pain shot through him, and he hunched over. “I don’t have the strength to argue with you now. Do as I say and go.”

  Water bubbled up around her waist as she stood before him with her hands planted firmly on her hips. “I’m not used to being ordered around. And I will not leave you, especially when you’re sick.”

  Anger and pain coursed through him and erupted in a roar. “Melody!”

  She backed up, the wall of the hot tub keeping her from going any farther. Her eyes were wide and full of shock as she stared dumbfounded at his mouth.

  He ran his hand over his teeth and felt the fangs protruding from his gums. In a thickened voice he begged, “Please, please, just go.”

  Her eyes softened, and her gaze locked with his. “That’s what’s causing you so much pain. You need to feed.” She came toward him, then tilted her head and pulled back her hair, offering him her neck.

  Shock and amazement froze him.

  “Go on. Do it.”

  He touched her throat with his finger, then leaned in, saliva burning his tongue, tempting him to make the kill. He opened his mouth, his teeth pressed against her pearly neck. Just moments away from piercing the artery showing beneath her skin, a pain more horrible than ever before stopped him. But it wasn’t his stomach that hurt. It was his chest. He loved her too much to be so selfish. He raised his head and looked at her. “I can’t.”

  Melody let her hair swing back over her shoulders. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “We must wait until we get to Moldavia. I don’t want to hurt you, or at least to cause you any more pain than is absolutely necessary.”

  “I see. I guess I’ll go get dressed then.” She stepped out of the Jacuzzi and wrapped a towel around herself, covering her nakedness.

  Perhaps from him? “Are you rethinking all this?” he asked.

  “No. Not at all.” She twisted her hair to remove the water. “I just don’t like to think about it being painful, that’s all.”

  “Do you have a cross?”

  She raised her brows at him. “Yes. Yes, I do. In my purse.”

  “Well, go and get it.”


  “To protect you from me.”

  “Oh!” Melody raced through the french doors, returning in no time with a tiny gold cross dangling from her fingers. “Ann loaned me this. She said it would keep me safe.”

  “Thank goodness for Ann,” Guystof said. “Now put it on. And whatever you do, don’t take it off.”


  Melody slept through most of the flight to Moldavia. After last night and this morning’s emotional farewell to the Dream Girl crew, not only was she physically exhausted but mentally too. There was no doubt she was going to miss Sugar. The busty redhead had become so
much more than her hairdresser and makeup artist. She’d become her friend and confidant. Who would she share girl-talk with now?

  She cast a sideways glance at Guy, who sat silently, staring out the window of the limo as they drove toward Dragesa. This country, with its bleak, stark landscape, was nothing like Fiji. She felt like she’d been taken back in time hundreds of years. They passed peasants working in fields, who stopped what they were doing to stare at the car, their faces prematurely wrinkled due to their hard lives and their eyes darkened with fear. She wondered what they must be thinking of their master—that was what Guy was, wasn’t he?—as he drove past them in his luxurious vehicle, while most of them probably didn’t even own a car. Was he kind to them? Or was he a fierce taskmaster?

  She realized she knew next to nothing about him. Well, other than that he was a vampire, of course. She fingered the cross around her neck, seeking comfort in its presence. It wasn’t that she regretted her decision to come here. She loved Guy. It was just this whole vampire thing would take some getting used to.

  On Fiji, it hadn’t seemed real, even when she’d offered to let him sink his fangs into her, but here against this backdrop, reality had hit her as fast as the dank, cold fog that met her when she stepped off the plane.

  She leaned back against the leather seat and closed her eyes. She wished Gizmo was there with her, rubbing his wet nose on her hand. And Ann. Oh, how she missed having her best friend to talk to. Melody started when Guy patted her arm.

  “We’re almost there,” he announced.

  She looked out the window. They were fast approaching a vast gray stone castle perched on the side of a cliff. Although it was dusk, no light came from its tall black windows, and its broken battlements showed a jagged line against the evening sky. She imagined unmentionable horrors coming from behind locked doors—screams going unheard and echoing throughout its chambers.

  “So what do you think of my home?”


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