Accidentally Perfect

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Accidentally Perfect Page 7

by Torrie Robles

  She bends over kissing me on my lips. She continues sweeping her lips over mine, down my neck. I close my eyes savor her warmth. My dick is poking her in the ass. Damn, how I would love to feel the tightness as I took her in the ass. I know for a fact I’ll have it. I’ll make every inch of her mine, but that will be for another time. Another place where we aren’t rushed, when there aren’t two little girls in a hospital that we need to get back to. “We need to go, Laney Bear. We need to get to to the girls. We need to, aw fuck.” She slides her pussy down my cock, and my mind is no longer on us going anywhere until I have my fill of her. “Baby.” All the other words are caught in my throat as I feel her pussy grip me as she rides me. Back and forth up and down, over and over.

  My hands find her shoulders, and I bring her down to me so I can get those luscious tits in my mouth. Her nipples are hard, aching to be sucked on, to be bitten. I wish I could suck every inch of her tits into my mouth, but they so fucking full it’s impossible. Her speed is picking up, and I can hear her moaning, feel her arousal dripping down my cock. It’s only a matter of time before I get my girl off. I suck hard, bite down and I feel her pussy gripping as she comes. “Nathan, ah Nathan, yes. Fuck yes.” Her words undo me. I feel my balls tighten, I feel the tingle at the base of my spine build to the point of not being able to take it anymore, and I fucking come. I explode into my wife, into my world.

  “Ah, goddamn it,” I growl. I can’t take it, I grip her hips and pound into her, milking every last drop.

  We are both breathless, heaving, trying to catch our breaths. I can fill the cum seeping from my cunt, probably running down between Nathan’s ass right now, I don’t care. I don’t think he does either. This is our moment of bliss. It’s just the two of us, living in the moment before we are forced to live in reality. I hear the slam of the front door. “What the fuck.” Nathan grabs me and rolls me to the side. In an instant, he is up, and his sweat pants are on.

  “Laney!” Michael comes bursting through the door.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Michael’s eyes go from me sitting on the bed holding the sheet up to cover my naked body, to Nathan where he’s bare-chested standing next to the bed. “Michael what are you doing here? How did you get in?”

  “What the fuck are you doing in my wife’s house. Get the fuck out of her room.” Michael’s eyes don’t leave me. “Stop looking at her before I smash your pretty boy face in.”

  “It’s all over the news Laney.”

  “I said get out.” Nathan steps forward. Michael doesn’t move.

  “What is?” Nathan turns and gives me a hardened look.

  “The fact that you married him. Look.”

  Michael takes a sidestep to get around Nathan. He holds up a gossip mag, and there is it displayed in bold black lettering, ‘Evening Edition: Playboy GI Joe Badass, Nathan Whitmore Marries Miss Nobody Laney Richards’. Holy crap, how the hell did they find out? Did someone at the hospital tell the goddamn gossip rags? Why am I making speculations? I know exactly who it was. I’m sure it was none other than my mother who would sell this fucking story to the tabloids. “Nathan give me that. Michael, get out of my room. How did you even get into my house?” He hands the paper to Nathan.

  “I still have the spare keys. I’ll be downstairs, but I’m not leaving. There are reports and a shit load of paparazzi out front. I came through the back.”

  “Fuck.” Nathan is not happy and slams the door once Michael is out. “I’m sorry baby girl. This is the last thing you need right now. The girls don’t need all this attention.”

  “It’s not your fault Nate, I know it was my mother. Let me see the paper.” I take it from him, and I begin to read. I feel the bed dip next to me.

  “Multi-billionaire, Nathaniel Joseph Riley-Whitmore is officially off the market. The women of Manhattan are in mourning as their chances to snag this hot commodity has dwindled drastically. Sources close to the couple say they met and wed this weekend while in Las Vegas, Nevada. Some say it was a dare amongst friends, some say it was an alcohol related incident, and others say that Miss Richards saw dollar signs and all but dragged Whitmore down the aisle. But what we know for certain is that while the new Mrs. Whitmore was out west having her drunken fun, her twin girls were in a serious car accident with their biological father and sources confirm both girls have been admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital. Talk about mother of the year people. It has been confirmed through the Las Vegas City Hall that everything is legit and proper; paperwork was filed. They are officially married. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore may be galavanting through Europe without any knowledge that two little girls have been injured. The question now is, ‘Where is Mommy Dearest and Daddy Warbucks’?”

  “It’s my mother. I know it is. She’s the one who leaked the story. I’m sure of it. Damn her!”

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s her. She’s always wanted her family and her name in the headlines. I’m shocked that her name isn’t somewhere in the article. I’m surprised she didn’t tell the media that she’s the one who performed the damn ceremony. God damn it!” I stomp my foot; I know it’s a little childish, but it’s one thing after another. “How could she do this and then smear me? Make me seem like I’m a shit mother. If she didn’t think so little of herself and her maternal instinct, I wouldn’t be having this problem. Those girls are my life, and she never sees it. She always thinks she knows how to be a mother better. It’s fucking unbelievable.”

  I get up from the bed and head to the shower. I know I need to get cleaned up and head back to the hospital.

  “What do you need me to do, baby girl? What can I do to help, other than escort Michael from the property?”

  “I need you to go into the girls’ room. It’s the first door on the right when you come off the stairs on the second floor and grab the horses off each of their beds. They usually sleep with them, and I’m sure tonight will be no different. I’m gonna jump into the shower so we can go. I’ll deal with my mother in the morning.” I look at the clock and see it’s already eleven. I’m sure the girls are up, and I need to relieve Brad.

  “I just don’t get what you’re doing here Michael,” I say as I lean against the refrigerator. I looked for him in the most logical places, like the foyer, the living room, the family room. I even looked in Laney’s library and her first-floor laundry room. I didn’t think he would have the balls to cop a squat at the kitchen island drinking what looks like beer.

  “I’m here for Laney and the girls. Whatever you orchestrated in Vegas is going to end badly for her and them, so I want to make sure I’m here.”

  “Maybe you forgot what your tongue was doing less than a week ago, but your extracurricular activities has relieved you of your duties where my wife and my girls are concerned.”

  “Your girls? You’re comical, you know that Whitmore? You have no clue when it comes to Laney, Mandy or Dee. I’ve been the one who has been here at night. I’m the one who has dealt with tantrums while I’ve been trying to have alone time with Laney. I’ve had to go home night after night because those girls have cried for their mother, and you think you’re gonna come in here and steal what I have put months and months of effort towards?”

  “Wow, you piece of shit.” I push off the refrigerator and walk toward him. I lean into him making it, so I am merely inches away from his face. “It sounds to me like you are waiting for a payout more than you are concern about any of them. I’m sure Vivian hasn’t kept Laney’s maiden name a secret. I’m sure once you figured that out; the only things you saw were dollar signs and golden tickets.”

  “I don’t see why you think this is any of your business.” He spits his response.

  “Laney, Amanda, and Adele are my business. You fucked your way out of having any say in what happens here. Your dick made that choice for you.” I stand up and grab him by his arm and yank him towards the front door.

  “Get your fucking hands off me, you self-righteous pr
ick.” He tugs but I don’t allow him to free his arm.

  “I’ll be glad to, once you are no longer in this house.” I open the front door to flashes of light and people screaming out questions. “Now get the fuck out!” I yell and toss Michael down the steps watching him land on a few reporters knocking them down. I slam the door, “Fuck!”

  “Nathan.” Laney comes into the foyer wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt that’s tight in all the right places and a pair of faded jeans. Her hair is damp from the shower and her face fresh and makeup free. “What’s the matter?”

  I hang my head for a moment to calm my temper. “I fucked up.”

  “What do you mean you fucked up?”

  I looked up at her. “Well, I kinda manhandled Michael and threw him out your front door.”

  “Okay, that’s not so bad.” She looks behind me, “What’s all the noise?”

  “Well, that’s where I fucked up, because while I did that I may have yelled for him to get the fuck out in front of twenty or so reporters, um, paparazzi, and their cameras.”

  “Shit.” She brings her hands to her mouth and starts laughing. “Oh my God, my mother is going to have a field day with this.” She bends over laughing uncontrollably, “Can it get any better, I mean seriously? She’s gonna think you’re this savage brute. It’s gonna make her go bat shit crazy.”

  “Laney, I’m-”

  “No, don’t say you’re sorry. I think it’s funny as hell. Maybe I can finally make her life a living hell now that I’ve got you around, huh Bruno? Wait, what was the big tough guy’s name from Popeye. Was it Beefcake? No, Bubbles. Wait no that’s not right. Brutus?” She is actually tapping the side of her head thinking of his name. “Oh it’s Bluto, you can be my Bluto. You can be my muscle to get the job done.” She comes to me and wraps her arms about my waist sighing in what sounds like relief. My arms come over her shoulders, and I pull her into me. I place a kiss on the top of her head, her hair smells like heaven.

  “I’ll always be your muscle, little lady.” I try my best John Wayne voice, but I know it falls shorts, it still makes her laugh though.

  “How are you going to get to the hospital now?”

  “Do you have a car?”

  “Yes, it’s under the house in the garage.”

  “Then let’s go sweet girl and get you to the hospital. I left the girls’ horses in the living room on the couch. I had to play a little hide and seek to try to find Michael.”

  She looks up to me. “Where was he?”

  “Drinking your beer in the kitchen.”

  “Figures. He’s such a loser.”

  Now that makes me laugh.

  “I need you at the hospital in ten minutes.” Nathan maneuvers through the city streets while I peer out the side window watching the buildings pass in a blur. Once we got out of the frenzy that used to be my quiet neighborhood, Nathan has been on the phone making call after call. “I don’t really care what time it is. My father is in for the night. Now I need you with me. Did you forget that it’s my name on those checks that you so happily cash on a weekly basis, not my father's? You are employed by Whitmore Assets, not Joseph Riley. You have two options; you can meet me there in the allotted time, or you can find someone else to guard because you will no longer be working for the Whitmore name.” I have no idea who he’s talking at, but if I were that other person, I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong end of Nathan Whitmore when he’s in boss mode. “I’m glad you made the right choice. I expect to see you there in eight minutes. Park in the emergency bay, it should be quiet there.” He ended the call.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Well, seeing as though the rags have it that the girls are in the hospital it will only be a matter of time before they find out which one if they don’t know already. I wanted to make sure that you’re secure while you’re here. I’ve pulled my father’s guard from his detail and have assigned him to you. He’s been with the family for a while, although, after that conversation, I believe he is more loyal to my father than the last name that employs him. I’m going to bring on another guard tomorrow, just so I know you’ll be safe.”

  “There’s no reason for all this Nathan. I’ve never had to have guards, and I don’t want to start now. I’m not my mother; I don’t want to be flashy like that.”

  “Please just humor me, Bear. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I may not always be able to be with you and until this dies down, I want to make sure some crazy person can’t get to you and harm you.”

  “Is there a reason why I might be in the pathway of harm? Are some of your floozies gonna come out of the woodwork and try to shank me because you and your cock are no longer on the market?” He laughs. “You and your cock are off the market, right? I’m not going to find out that you have been living with someone or have a baby mama cooped up in one of your families many properties. I’m not sure I could handle that.”

  “Funny girl, you are just a little comedian, aren’t you? There are no baby mamas out there. There are no current girlfriends, and not any crazies, at least I don’t think.” He gives me a wink. “I just want to make sure the woman that has become my life is safe when I’m not there, and to make sure the job is done correctly.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Maybe. Look, you’re my wife now. That may not sit well with some, and I just want to make sure that you are alright. That the girls are alright, and I don’t have anything to worry about.” We pull into the back of the hospital in the ambulance bay. I see a man standing there with the typical long black coat and hat. He looks like someone that would try to whack me and not protect me.

  “I’m not sure I’m okay with this, Nathan. I don’t think I like him.”

  “Baby, it’s just for tonight. I will get someone else tomorrow. Come on.” He pulls my hand towards him and gives me a kiss on the temple. He gets out the driver side door, and I get out the passenger side.

  “Kirk. This is my wife, Laney Whitmore.” I stand next to Nathan.

  “Your wife? Are you kidding me? You got yourself hitched. What the fuck? Is she pregnant? Did you forget to cover your schlong before you banged her? Your father-”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Nathan was seething. I placed my hand on this arm letting him know he needs to calm down. “Listen here, you piece of shit. You can consider yourself fired from Whitmore Assets. I don’t need scum like you representing something I’ve worked my ass off for.”


  “No.” He was clipped.

  “Like I said, you are no longer employed with Whitmore Assets. You have some nerve speaking about my wife in that manner. If my father thinks he still needs your services, then he can do so on his own dime, not mine. You’re dismissed.”

  “You spoiled little-”

  “I wouldn’t go there if I were you.” I take a step towards him. “Do you really think it’s in your best interest to continue that sentence? I’m sure you understand how far the arm of the Whitmore name reaches in this town; possibly in the country. I would keep my trap shut if I were you and just turn and walk away. Now.”

  Kirk did as he was told. I’m sure that won't be the last time I see him. I have a feeling that Nathan’s father despises him just as much as Nate despises his father. If that’s true, I’m sure Kirk will be around just to piss Nathan off. “Mr. Whitmore?” I turn around and see hospital security standing at the entrance of the emergency room. “You and Mrs. Whitmore can come right this way. There seems to be a crowd forming at the entrance. We have called the NYPD to get a handle on it, so they don’t disrupt our patients. Barricades should be up soon to keep the press out of the way.” Nathan takes my hand in his and I follow him into the hospital.

  “Holy shit.” I can’t help it, it seems that my life has turned into reality show overnight.

  “Thank you.” He says to the security guard. “I’m sorry about all this. If it makes the situation any better, I can have the girls moved to a private facility.”

p; “It’s not a problem. We will get a handle on everything shortly. It’s just that we weren’t prepared for the onslaught of everything.”

  “Well, whatever the additional costs, I‘ll be sure to cover them. I want my daughters to get the best care without being a hassle for the other patients admitted.” The mention of Nathan calling my girls his daughters brings a smile to my face. This man is a godsend.

  “I’m sure everything will be fine, but I’ll be sure to let you know. Elevator’s that way.”

  “Thank you again,” I add as we get into the elevator. The doors close leaving us in silence.

  “I’m sorry about this, Laney.” He pulls me into him.

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I know you don’t like the spotlight. I know this isn’t the type of lifestyle you want for you and the girls. I don’t know why I didn’t think about the repercussions this would have on everyone involved. I didn’t think about New York life. I just knew I didn’t want to spend another day without you.”

  “Nathan, please. It’s alright. I’m not oblivious to all the hoopla. My mother made sure there was always some sort of buzz about our family. But my father was the one who understood what I wanted and didn’t want. He was the one that made sure my life was normal while my mother tried to turn the spotlight on the Jacob name time and time again.” I turned my head up and looked into those golden eyes and smiled. “You’re worth it, Nathan.”

  “I hope so sweet girl, I hope so.” He brushes his lips to mine, and I take him in. My tongue glides along his lips willing them to open, which he does and I take full advantage. I deepen my kiss; I can’t get enough. I hear the ding of the elevator and the doors open. I come back down to reality and exit onto the floor that is keeping my girls.

  “Shit.” I hear Nathan next to me. He pulls out his phone and rolls his eyes. “It’s my father. That didn’t take very long.” He kisses my temple. “Go ahead; I’ll be in right after I take this.”


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