Accidentally Perfect

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Accidentally Perfect Page 13

by Torrie Robles

Since everything is going as it should with Addie, they are releasing her in another day. I’m excited and nervous about it. This is going to be a big step for me and the girls; moving in with Nathan. I want the girls to feel comfortable, to feel that they are what’s most important and I have to remember that I need to make sure Brad is reassured that he is still their father; the number one man in their lives.

  I try to put myself in his shoes, to think about him getting serious with another woman. How would that make me feel? If they decided to move in together would it make me feel left out of my daughters’ lives when they weren’t with me? Would I be alright if they decided to call another woman, mom? Emily was nice enough; I just wanted to make sure she was good for the girls. I wouldn’t want them to not feel wanted in Brad’s apartment because there was someone else vying for his attention. Maybe deep down I knew it wouldn’t last, so the threat wasn’t there.

  Brad never had the option to get used to the idea of another man becoming another father to his girls. Brad knew from the start that Michael wasn’t a threat. He knew there was no way that I would allow a man so much younger and immature to be a permanent fixture in my life. Plus, now that I think about it, the girls weren’t that happy with him. They did tend to be needier when he was around. They fought for my attention while he was trying to spend time with us. Because of that there were many nights that I actually sent him home.

  Now here’s Nathan. There's no denying the fact that I love him. I know it’s crazy, but I do. I ache for his touch. I yearn for his kiss. I know the relationship is new, and all the chemicals in my brain are all firing off at top speed. I know once the endorphins slow, the constant need to have Nathan won’t be so intense. We are still in our honeymoon phase, literally. But I know it’s more than that. It’s more than the intensity I feel towards him. It’s more than the passion or the way he knows how to touch me, how to fuck me. I think he is truly my other half. I broke when my father died. My spirit dimmed that day, but now, with Nathan, I feel like I’m me again.

  My phones rings, bringing my thoughts to the present. I look in the rearview mirror to make sure it didn’t wake up Amanda. It never fails, she always falls right to sleep as soon as the car takes off. I see Cruella Di Ville pop up on my screen. I internally groan. “Hi, mother.”

  “Laney. How are the girls?” I seriously don’t want to tell her anything about the girls.

  “They’re good. I have Amanda now, and I’m taking her home.”

  “By home I am assuming you mean Nathan’s?”

  “No, mother.”

  “So have you decided this farce of a marriage is over? Did he figure fatherhood is too much for his lifestyle? Did he figure out that he couldn’t sleep with the entire female population when he is keeping a wife?”

  “No, mother. For your information, we’re still planning on moving in with Nathan once Adele is out of the hospital. Tomorrow we will be with Nathan. For now, the three of us are staying at my house.”

  “The three of you? Nathan is staying in the home that you shared with Brad? Do you think that’s appropriate, Laney, my God. Having a man in the home where Amanda’s father lived, do you think that is wise?”

  “Jesus mother, Michael was there all the time and you never once had a problem with it. What happened to the fact that I married a Whitmore? I thought your mouth would still be salivating of the possibilities of what that name could bring into your life.”

  “I must admit, at first I thought the union, although certainly hasty was excellent. But once I thought it over, I don’t see you as a good fit for a man like Nathan Whitmore.”

  “Ah, I see. Is it because you don’t see him as a good fit for me, or as a roadblock for you.”

  “I beg your pardon, young lady?”

  “Mother, as much as I wish I was still a young lady, I’m not. I’m a mother of two girls who will soon be turning five and going off to school. I am not a naive child mother. I know you tolerated Brad because he didn’t give you too many problems. He kept his opinions to himself. Michael kissed your ass because for some reason he thought if he did that, then it would make me happy. Michael never really knew me, because if he did then he would have come to my defense whenever you started in on me. Nathan has your number mother, and you hate that. You hate that you can’t walk all over him. You hate that he holds me up while every other man in my life, other than my father, held me down while you trampled all over me and my self-esteem. It’s a new dawn mother. One where I will no longer be your punching bag.”


  “I’m done mother. I’ll speak with you another time. Goodbye.”

  Damn that felt good. I looked up in the mirror once again and to my luck, Amanda is still asleep in the back seat. It takes about twenty minutes to get from the hospital to my house, and those last ten minutes are ones I won’t ever get back. The phone rings again. Christ. “Mother, I know you love torturing me, but I, on the other hand, do not like to speak to you the way I do. For the love of God, can we please table this for another time? I’m not in the mood.”

  “Well, hello to you too, bestie. What a lovely way to greet me. I can only imagine what brought that on,” snickers Stella.

  “I am so sorry, yes I just hung up with my mother. It’s never easy with her, is it?”

  “Maybe you should add the theme song to Jaws as her ringtone, so every time she calls you can hear daaa da, daaa da.”

  “Christ, woman! That’s an excellent idea. What are you doing? I haven’t heard from you.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I went into work, took care of your shift for the next two weeks. I told the charge nurse what was going on, and she happily changed everything around. You will need to call her back once the two weeks is up to see what’s going on and see if you need to take some more time off.”

  “Thank you for doing that S. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “So, how are the girls? Is everything going to be alright with Addie?”

  I pull onto my street, and I see Nathan standing by his car in front of my house. He’s on the phone himself as I pull up. “Yeah, S. She is staying in the hospital one more night.” I pull into the driveway and turn off the car. “I have Amanda now and I’m going to get her settled in the house.”

  “Are you at your place or Nathan’s?”

  “My place. I’ll take the girls over to Nathan’s once Addie gets out.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Once I end my call with Stella, Amanda’s door is open. Nathan unbuckles her booster and takes her from the car giving me a wink. Her limp body covers his as he carries her into the house. “Can you hold her a bit? I want to get a bed ready for her in my room. I don’t want her sleeping alone while Addie is still in the hospital.”

  “No problem sweet girl. I’ve got her. Take as long as you need.” He has his arms around her so lovingly. Rubbing her back soothing her as she sleeps. Seeing him with my girls will never get old.

  I grab her blankets from her bed and take out a new sheet from the linen closet. While I’m getting my couch ready, Nathan walks in. Amanda is awake with her head resting on his shoulder. “Hi baby, how are you doing?” I say, and I walk up and try to take her from Nathan. She doesn't come. She just turns into him tucking her arm between the two of them. Well then.

  “What’s wrong baby girl? Don’t you want to go with mommy?” Nathan continues to rub her back.

  “Nope, yous warm.”

  “Well, Bear, let’s get you on the couch and I’ll cover you with your blankets and put a movie on for you.” Nathan puts her down, and she crawls under the blankets.

  “Knock, knock,” Stella says as she enters my room.

  “Auntie Staya!” Amanda bounces in her bed.

  “Hey baby, how are you feeling?”

  “Goods, I’m gonna watch a pwincess movies. You wanna watch wif me?”

  “You bet I do. Let me talk to mommy first.” Amanda nods her head.

  “Baby, we’ll be righ
t back. I’m going to get you something to snack on. Then I’ll turn a movie on for you.” She nods her head again.

  I follow Stell and Laney downstairs. I know they haven’t had a chance to catch up with everything that has been going on for the past couple days. I’ve been around my sister long enough to know they are going to want to talk about me and probably dissect my and Laney’s relationship. I don’t want to be the type of husband that never allows my wife her girl time. I will always give her the time she needs, whatever makes her happy. “Let me take Amanda her snack so you guys can catch up.”

  Stella took a seat at the island. “Oh please Nate, I can’t get all the gossip from your wife here with you in the room. Besides, most of that gossip concerns you. I should start calling you Beast. Remind me not to get on your bad side. I wouldn’t want to be thrown out on my ass like Michael was.” She gives me a wink.

  “Michael had it coming,” I say standing next to the fridge closest to Laney.

  “Seriously, was he in your house Laney?”

  “Yep, he kept a key I let him borrow one time.” I watch her as she takes some veggies out of the fridge and place them on the island. Her eyes catch mine, and she blushes.

  “What?” Stella asks. She looks between the two of us. “What was that look for? Why Lanes, are you fucking blushing like that?” My eyes flick to the island, and Stella puts two and two together.

  “Are you serious? Nate, did you fuck your wife on the island? When the hell have you two had the time with the girls in the hospital?”

  “What can I say, S? He can’t keep his hands off me.” She laughs. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that little tidbit is on the front page of tomorrow’s gossip rag.”

  “Me having sex with my wife, better not be on the front page of anything tomorrow.”

  “It’s fucking crazy what those rats come up with. I’m surprised the paps weren’t sitting out front now.”

  “I kinda have some undercovers sitting in their cars out front. Whenever they see a pap, they are supposed to send them on their way.” Laney looks at me surprised.

  “Is that why the hospital was cleared too?” I just nodded.

  “Well, how has Vivian been taking everything?” Stella asks. “I take it by the way you answered my call earlier she isn’t thrilled with everything?”

  I didn’t know Vivian had made contact with Laney. It bothers me she had to go through that woman’s torture alone. I should have been there, so she didn't have to deal with her without support. That woman will learn to speak to my wife with the respect she deserves. Until that day comes, I want to limit the amount of time spent between those two without me there as referee.

  “That’s putting it nicely. It’s funny how supportive she was when she first found out that Nathan and I were married.” I see her eyes flick to my wedding band. “But that was before she realized Nathan wasn’t a lap dog.” Laney loads up Amanda’s plate with healthy and sweet snacks; it’s a perfect balance.

  “Ahh, I see Vivian has met her match then?”

  “Oh my dear Stella, there is no competition when it comes to me and that woman. Now, she just needs to understand that Laney is no longer her doormat. She needs to find someone else to clean her feet on.”

  “I knew I liked you, Nathan Whitmore. There isn’t anyone else I would want for my best friend.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re a fan because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Let me take this up to Amanda.” Laney grabs a juice box from the fridge and grabs the plate.

  “Hey Lane, why don’t you and Nathan go to dinner? I’ll sit with Bear and watch some movies with her until you guys get back.”

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Come on Lane. Let me do this for you. After tomorrow when Addie gets out when are you going to have the alone time with your new husband.”

  “Addie gets out tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I haven’t had chance to tell you yet. Between my mother, and getting Amanda settled.”

  “Don’t worry about it Laney Bear. I’m just excited. Tomorrow you and the girls will be at my house.”

  “I guess so.” She smiles at me. “I’ll be right back.”

  I watch her go up the stairs, and I wonder how she feels about moving in with me. I’m sure she’s nervous, maybe freaking out a bit. I wonder if she’s having second thoughts. Maybe I’m pushing too hard, maybe I should have made other arrangements, but fuck that woman is my wife and I want her with me. On the other hand, I’m scared shitless myself. I’ve never lived with another woman other than my sister. Now I’m going to have my wife and girls in my home. As scary as the unknown is, I’ve never been happier.

  I turn and look at Stella. “Do you think Laney’s alright with everything?”

  “Yes, without a shadow of a doubt. She is great with everything.” She sounds so matter of fact.

  “I love her Stella. I don’t care about the time frame. I love her. Those girls just about knocked the wind from my lungs when I first saw them. They are so precious. All three of them are precious, they’re precious to me.”

  “I know Nate, I see it. I saw it when you first laid eyes on her. I felt the connection. The heat that passed through you guys. I was there right after her father passed. I saw how broken she was, how lost. When she met Brad, there was just something about him that didn’t sit right. He’s an alright guy, I guess. He loves the girls, but he and Laney just never really meshed. They were like oil and vinegar. If it weren’t for Bug and Bear, they would have been over before they started. You two are meant for each other. I have no doubts about that.”

  “This is so crazy,” I laugh. “I never thought I would want to get married. To be a father, but now all my thoughts are of Laney and the girls. I keep thinking of ways to make them happy, to show them that although it may be unconventional, we work. We are what we should be.”

  “You don’t have to try too hard Nate. Laney thinks you hung the moon. I can already tell, and it’s only going to get better.”

  “Can I tell you something, Stell?”

  “Of course, you can always talk to me. I don’t care if I’m Laney’s best friend; I’m a vault. Unless of course you want to tell me that you couldn’t keep it in your pants, and you cheated on my friend, and then I’m not a vault, I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”

  “Chill woman, fuck you’re intense.” I rub my hands through my hair. “I’m having my penthouse redone. I’m making sure the girls feel like it’s home. I’m giving them their own room and playroom. My sister is doing everything fluff and sparkles.”

  “I knew there was a reason why I liked you. You’re a good apple Nate and very good apple.”

  “It’s simple Stella. They are my family, my future. My everything.”

  We took Stella up on her offer. She and Amanda were going to have a girl’s night, and I was going out with my husband. Nathan owns a Maserati Ghibli and let me tell you, it’s the smoothest ride I’ve ever taken. Once I conceded to us going out, he made some phone calls and about two hours later here we are. “Where are we going, Nathan?”

  “My favorite restaurant. I want to start to show you some things that are me. I want for us to get to know everything there is to know about each other. So I thought first things first, favorite food.”

  “Food is always a great way to start.”

  “I’ve always loved Italian food. My grandparents had a housekeeper who was from Italy. I loved going over there when I was young and watching her make everything from scratch. It amazed me what just a few ingredients could create. So little would go into her homemade pasta, but it was like heaven in my mouth.”

  “I love Italian. My mother never allowed pasta. She didn’t want it to land on my hips. We were more meat and potatoes. More meat than anything else I guess. My father being a rancher he would actually have the family’s steer slaughtered and sent up here. We never bought beef from the store.”

  “Do you still do that?”

o, my mother never cooks so she had it stopped once my father passed. I don’t want to take from the family business like that. It’s hard enough to accept the money that I do.”

  I feel the car stop, and I look up to see a sign for the restaurant, ‘Peasant’. Interesting.

  “Hold on sweet girl. It looks like we have company. Stay in the car until I get you out.”

  I look around and see reporters standing there with their cameras ready. There is no way we are going to be able to get into the restaurant without getting bombarded. I look down and check my outfit. I’m wearing a rose pink blush box pleated A-line skirt with a cream strapless top. I’ve coupled it with a pair of nude pumps and a chunky necklace. Nathan looks great in a pair of dark jeans and white button-up long sleeve shirt. I see Nathan at my door, and I take a deep breath. The door opens and the bright lights of constant flashing blind me momentarily. “I’ve got you, love. Keep a hold of my hand and don’t let go.”

  “Never,” I say with a smile. Once I’m out of the car, the questions are none stop.

  “Nathan, is this your new wife?” Well duh.

  “Is it true that your union was a dare?” Ha, that’s funny.

  “Is it true your father wants to out you from your mother’s company because of your mental instability?” That one isn’t farfetched. Marrying me actually makes him mentally unstable.

  “Where are your daughters’ tonight while you are out on the town?” None of your damn business.

  “Do you care for your kids yourself or do you have hired help?” Does it matter?

  “Mrs. Whitmore is it true your mother is against this marriage and is threatening to team up with your ex-husband to take your children away?” Fat chance, buddy.

  “Nathan, how is your fiancée taking the news of your wife?” At that question, I whip my head around. I can’t tell who it was that asked the question, but I do know it was a woman’s voice.

  “Don’t even allow that thought to cross your mind baby. There is no way I have ever been engaged.” I nod, and we make our way through the crowd without so much as acknowledging the vultures that are feasting on our marriage.


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