Accidentally Perfect

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Accidentally Perfect Page 20

by Torrie Robles

  “I have it in my blood. Running a company is second nature to me, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Now, either say what you want to say or get the fuck out. The amount of time I can tolerate you is up.”

  “I’ve heard some rumblings around legal.”

  “Why are you even over in legal? Jesus, I bet if you put the same amount of effort in your VP spot as you do trying to find a way to one-up me and take my company, I’m sure I could find a reason to promote you.”

  “Why are you looking into developing the land next to the estate?”

  “That’s none of your concern.”

  “It is when you are throwing away money on some pipe dream of a woman who fucked you into stupidity.”

  “Get the fuck out, now before I have you removed!”

  “I see I hit a nerve.”

  Before I know what I’m doing, I have my father by the back of the neck. “I have never laid a hand on you, you piece of shit, but I am not against it. I think you need to get your ass kicked, so you are brought back to reality.” I am seething, spitting as I speak to him. “Do not ever speak about my wife like that again. I will not blink. I will ruin you and I wouldn’t think twice.” I open my door and toss him out like yesterday’s trash.

  It’s been a week since I found out I was pregnant. In that week, I have taken more ultrasounds and had more blood pulled from my veins than I ever thought possible. Stella wanted to make sure how far along I was without question. I guess during my pelvic exam she could see I was pregnant because of the different color and consistency of my cervix. We have narrowed it down to be barely being three weeks along. The vaginal ultrasound was barely conclusive giving us the answers that we both had hoped for. The very first night I had slept with Nathan, we conceived our child. There is no don’t doubt that it’s his since I was so busy, and my sex life with Michael was pretty much nonexistent at the time. Probably explains Michael’s tongue dig to China.

  That is two relationships that I‘ve put on the back burner. Two men that chose to cheat because I left them feeling needy, wanting what I wasn’t willing to give them. Now I live with the fear that it may happen a third time. How could I survive it if Nathan finds affection somewhere else? How will the girls take it? What if I’m left with three kids and single having to juggle two different fathers, dealing with visitation and schedules?

  I feel Nathan come up behind me in bed. The warmth of his arm encases me, pulling me to him. He moves my hair out of the way, placing kisses down my neck, to my shoulder. His hand moves over my stomach; he doesn’t know he has a child growing inside me yet. I haven’t figured out how to tell him yet. I can feel him bring my nightgown up, over my ass, over my hips. “Baby.” He whispers in my ear. “I want to feel you.” He kisses my neck.

  I can feel the throb increasing between my legs. I feel myself growing wet, and his hand continues over my body. I arch my back pushing into his stiff cock. “Nathan, please.” I rip my nightgown from over my head.

  I hear him chuckle in my ear, “Hmm baby, love the no panties.”

  “It’s called easy access, Lovey.”

  His fingers dive between my legs. I buck up against him as he massages my clit. I release a low moan. He slides his arm under me as he rolls onto his back so that I’m on top of him, my back to his chest. He knows this is my favorite position; he knows how much I love to ride him this way, backward. “There’s my cowgirl.” I grab his dick and rub it between my folds wetting his tip with my arousal. One, two, three strokes between my lips and he enters me. I feel so full like this. He takes my hips in his hands and rotates my ass. I rock back and forth rotating around again and again. “Yes, Laney, fuck just like that. Damn, it feels so good, baby. Ride me, love, fuck me.” I continue with my rhythm of rocking and rolling my hips while I hear Nathan; a slur of curse words fall from his lips.

  I play with my nipples helping along my climax. If I could, I would suck on them myself. “Nathan, I need more. I need you deeper.” I say as I continue to rock. I need to feel him as deep as I can get him. I feel him sit up pushing me forward onto my hands and knees.

  “You want it like this, Bear? Hmm? You want me to make love to you like this? Rough, fast hard?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He doesn’t waste any time as he enters me from behind. I hear his balls slapping my ass as he pounds into me. “Fuck Laney, I don’t think I can go any deeper.” I push back in enjoyment as he slams into me. “Laney.” I hear my name forced from his lips as he picks up his pace. Just as I start to grind into him, my climax hits me full force.

  “Holy fucking shit, Nathan.” My legs shake as my orgasm rolls through my body. “My God, my God.” I’m breathless.

  My arms grow weak, and I drop my head to the pillows beneath me, keeping my ass high in the air allowing Nathan to fuck me. “Shit Laney...shit… I…. ahhh!” With one last thrust, he digs his fingers into my hips keeping pressed to him, allowing his release to enter my body. His breath is ragged, “Fuck me.”

  He leans over me, sprinkling kisses along my back while his body jerks with aftershocks. “I love you, sweet girl.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  The morning was full of excitement once the girls emerged from their bedroom. They were up later than normal, but that was probably because they were too excited to sleep last night. Today is the day of Amanda and Addie’s birthday party. They are both decked out in rainbow colored, sparkled tutus and birthday t-shirts. Nathan picked them up each a pair of pink and purple boots. I have to say, Addie’s boot looks cute next to her walking cast.

  I still have no clue as to what to expect. Nathan wanted to do this for the girls, and I didn’t have any objections. It’s nice to be able to sit back and watch and not have to do for a change. All I know is that Nathan has been surprisingly communicating with Brad about everything. They are not working together, but Nathan didn’t want to hear it from Brad again about the girls being his and not Nathan’s.

  The girls are in the back seat of Nathan’s new SUV spouting about what they think today is going to bring. I’m hearing things about lions, and tigers, princesses, and superheroes. Another thing Nathan has introduced them to. He said princesses always need a superhero to protect them. When Addie argued that the superhero movies didn’t have any princesses in them, Nathan kinda lost the battle. But he still has them interested in all things Spider Man and Batman. “How do you like the ride, love?”

  “Not as good as the ride I was on earlier this morning,” I say in a low voice.

  “Well, you can take me out for a ride anytime.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, Lovey.”

  When I was pregnant with the girls, I was a walking, talking sex machine. I even gave Stella a few questionable looks a time or two. Those times of course she had to inform me there were just some things a best friend would not do. I might have gone through two vibrators during that pregnancy. I’m hoping it was just because my hormones were doubled since I was carrying twins. But after feeling that I couldn’t get enough of Nathan this morning, I have a feeling twins had nothing to do with it.

  I look over at Nathan as he drives out to Natalie’s. That is the only thing that I do know about today, the location. The weather is fairly mild for it being the first weekend in September. Monday marks a new milestone for the girls; their first day of kindergarten. I love how he interacts with the girls. He has nothing but patience for them. He answers all their questions, explains things that need explaining and never rushes them or quiets them when they are trying to express themselves. Especially Amanda, he never makes her feel bad for her speech difficulties.

  His smile is infectious. It’s such a perfectly bright smile. Every time he flashes it I feel the butterflies let loose in my stomach. He takes the hand that he is holding to his lips and places a soft kiss on the back of it. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Just you,” I say.

  “What about me?” He removes his sunglasses and looks
at me. Those warm honey eyes do me in every, single, time.

  “Just how lucky I am to have you. How lucky we all are. You, Nathan Whitmore, are an incredible man. I would travel every low point in my life again if I knew it would all end with you.”

  “I’m only incredible in your eyes, Bear. It’s so easy when it’s your love that’s my reward.”

  “I love you with every breath I take, do you know that?”

  “I do, because of your love, I am able to breathe.” He kisses my hand again.

  We ride quietly for the rest of the trip. I look in the back seat every once in a while hoping they would both fall asleep before we get there, but no such luck. I see the turn off for Natalie’s drive. There are hundreds of brightly colored balloons on either side of the gates. The balloons continue up the drive towards the house finally ending with a multicolored arch just as you reach the rounded driveway. “Hey Mandy, Adds, are you ready?” Nathan asks.

  “Yes!” They yell in unison.

  Natalie and Brad, yes Brad, come walking out of the house to greet us. Brad picks the girls up swinging them around. They squeal in excitement. “Are you ready to see your party ladies?” Natalie asks. They both nod their head. “Alright, let’s go through the house and out the back.”

  Brad takes both the girls hands and accompanies them to the back. With his arm wrapped around my shoulders, Nathan and I follow behind. Natalie reaches for the large French doors leading to the backyard and throws them open. Once the girls take in what’s in front of them, they squeal out loud. Amanda fist pumps a ‘yes’ while Addie just covers her mouth in wonderment. Natalie has transformed the backyard into a magical land. There are glittered fairies, butterflies, and dragonflies hung throughout the trees that outline the immediate backyard before the small foothills turn into acres of plush green grass. The pool is decorated as a mermaid’s playland with slides and fountains spouting colorful water. To the side, there is a pink and white tent housing pony rides. Natalie has set up stations where the kids can create their own art, stuff teddy bears, and their own wearable tutus. Opposite of the horses, there’s a pretty big pirate ship complete with a slide and plank leading to a mountain of plastic balls. “Wow Natalie, this looks amazing. How long did it take you to do all this?”

  “I just made a couple of calls; Nathan did the backing and the party people did all the work.”

  “It’s simply amazing.”

  “Well ladies, do you like it?”

  “Oh my goodness, I love it,” Addie says

  “It’s the bestest!” Amanda shouts. Then if on cue both girls turn and wrap their arms around Nathan’s legs.

  “Thank you, Nathan. Thank you so much.” Addie says first.

  “Thank yous Nafin, it’s the mostest perfect birfday ever.”

  Nathan bends down taking both girls into his arms kissing them both on the head. “I’m glad you like it, babies. I’m glad I could do this for you.” Natalie, me, and even Brad watch the love these three have for each other. I look at Brad, and he gives me a small smile. I know he’s okay with his daughter’s loving another man. I think he’s finally okay with it all.

  The party’s in full swing. Stella and Troy are sitting under one of the gigantic trees talking to another couple who works for Whitmore Assets. Nathan invited all the employees who have children. The kids who are part of the foster system, which the girls have become close to, are here as well, running around having the time of their lives. I love knowing that just for a little while, these kids are getting the chance to be normal. They’re not wondering if today is going to be the last day in their current foster home. The kids from the girls’ pre-school are in attendance as well. Nathan even invited the kids from their new kindergarten class as sort of a get to know each other before school starts. He truly amazes me.

  There are kids swimming and kids climbing while other kids stuff their faces with food and candy. Most of the boys are living out their pirate dreams as they make other kids walk the plank, falling into a pit of multi-colored balls. Nathan has thought of everything. I was totally shocked when two lifeguards dressed as mermaids showed up to maintain the pool area. There are so many different types of candy available to the kids; I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them aren’t allowed to another one of the girls parties again. Talk about sugar overload. “Hey.” Natalie comes over to sit with me.

  “Hi. I’m telling you, Nat; everything is wonderful. It’s absolutely adorable. I can’t believe you came up with a tutu making table. I think the girls have been there about six times already.”

  “That was all my brother. He knows how much those girls love their fluff. He just said, make it happen. I had to track down a lady who makes them and sells them online to come here today and work that station.”

  “Wow, he is one of a kind. I can’t believe I got so lucky to have found him.”

  “This Nathan, isn’t like the Nathan I grew up with. He has always showed his love towards me and my mother of course. There was never any doubt in my mind that my brother loves me. And boy did he love my mother. I’m not sure if Nathan would have ever listened to anyone who had a negative thing to say about her. I often wonder if my father actually loved my mom, cared for her, took care of her like a husband should, if my brother would have loved her a little less. I’ve always thought he tried to make up for what my father lacked. But as for anyone else in his life, he was always cold.”

  “I’m not sure I could even picture him that way. Well, maybe it’s not that hard to picture since I have seen the anger when it comes to his father.”

  “Yes, I don’t think that will ever change. There is too much damage there. There isn’t a piece of their relationship that’s fixable. I know my father will never change. Nathan has allowed his hopes to have an actual productive father-son relationship set sail a long time ago.”

  “He’s talked with me about never knowing he wanted to have the wife and the kids. He’s told me that he never thought he could because he never had a man show him how. He didn’t think he could learn to do it on his own.”

  “Well, I guess he can because he is amazing with the girls, don’t you think?”

  “He is awesome with the girls. They love him to death already. As far as they’re concerned, Nathan walks on water.”

  “I’m happy to hear that.”

  “Do you think Nathan will ever have the want to have a child of his own? Do you think one day he might want a little Nate running around terrorizing the girls?”

  “Possibly. Have you talked with my brother about it?”

  “No, I haven’t. But between you and me, it’s no longer a possibility, but a fact.”

  “Laney, are you pregnant?”

  “Yes, but I haven’t told your brother yet. I’m not sure how to break the news to him.”

  “Sweetie, it’s not about breaking the news. If I know my brother, he’s going to want to celebrate the news. You’ve changed him, Laney. I wholeheartedly believe your news will make him happier than he ever thought possible.”

  The girls love it. They‘ve had a smile plastered on their faces since we first pulled up to the house. I’m so glad too. I wanted nothing more than to make their birthday the best it could be for them. I love seeing all the kids running around. Yelling, having a good time. Seeing all the kids play together is something to admire. They’re still too young to understand everything that is going on around them. In a few years, they are going to notice things. They are going to see who’s happy and who isn’t. They are going to tell who comes from money and who doesn’t. As they get older, the innocence of just playing and being friends will wash away, and status will matter. Someone who has grown up in the system may feel they are unworthy of a friend who comes from a home with two parents who love them, who have money. The kids who come from wealth may soon think they are too good for the kids who wear used clothing or have to eat a special reduced price lunch because they can’t afford anything else. Those friends who once brought laughter and smiles t
o each other may no longer see them in the same light.

  Growing up in wealth I had to see it time and time again. I saw kids who were once the best of friends no longer look at each other because they felt inferior, or they felt they were better than the others. I didn’t like when my friends looked at me differently because of the cars my parents drove or where we spent our vacations. I look at Adds and Mandy now, and I see how carefree they are. They don’t know the difference between any of their friends. They are just happy to be playing. I hope they’ll always be like this. I hope they will never look down their nose at kids who may not have as much as them. I hope they are always humbled by the life they are able to live.

  I know the girls are having a good time playing, but I’m getting impatient for them to open their gifts. I hope they have the reaction I want them to have when they finally get around to opening mine. I haven’t talked to Laney or Brad about my gifts. I didn’t think I needed to. I’m sure they’ll be alright with them. Leaving the party, I head to the study to grab the boxes I had delivered early this week. I didn’t want Laney to see them, and I knew if she asked me what they were then I would tell her. So, I just had Nat keep them for me. “Oh, Nathan.” Christ, it’s Diane.

  Turning, I see her standing near the entryway. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m with your father. He went around back.”

  “Why is he even here? This day has nothing to do with him.”

  “Well, I suggest you speak to your mother-in-law about that. Once you and she left, Vivian cozied up to your father instantly. She told him about the party. But it seems that she must have got the time wrong because it seems to have been going on for a while now.”

  “No, she didn’t get anything wrong. I only invited her for the last part of the party.”

  “Oh, I see. Already trying to freeze her out like you do your father.”

  “What the hell do you want Diane? I’m in the middle of something.”


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