Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Captivating Cowboys [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 3

by Paige Cameron

  “We’re close friends,” Chayton said. “Gavin had concerns, especially after your conversations. He thought you were frightened and running away. Was he right?”

  Her spine stiffened. “I hardly know either of you well enough to share my personal business.” Her tone had turned chilly and firm.

  “Perhaps I’m rushing things a bit. But if you are scared, we can help. We’ll watch out for you.”

  She pushed her chair back and started to rise. Steel caught hold of her hand. “Stay. No more questions. You don’t want to miss the best chocolate pie in the area.” His eyes clung to hers waiting for her reaction.

  She couldn’t hold a faint smile back. “How did you know chocolate pie is one of my favorites?” She settled in her seat.

  “Isn’t it everyone’s?” Steel teased and the tension at the table eased.

  Chapter Three

  Chayton followed Dana and Steel back to the apartment. Steel walked her upstairs. Chayton went to the truck. He’d given her a drawing showing the way to the ranch. But he doubted she’d come by. Their altercation over his questions had cooled her attitude toward him and Steel.

  He sat in the dark truck and waited while Steel put the second lock on the door. Steel had been right. She was the one for them. When they touched hands, Chayton felt the spark between, and so did she.

  I hope I didn’t ruin things for us from the start. She is afraid, and it must be a man chasing her, considering her reaction to him and Steel. Earlier, when they got close to her by the truck, she’d put distance between them and the same thing happened at the diner.

  Steel opened the driver’s side and got in. “Finished, we can go home.” He started the engine.

  “Sorry about the incident at the restaurant.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s clear she’s frightened. We’ll keep an eye on her whether she wants it or not. If she comes to the ranch tomorrow, we’ll know she’s attracted to us.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Chayton said.

  “You, my friend, think too much. Let go and enjoy.”

  “I agree she is the one for us. But we’ll only have three months to convince her to stay. I doubt she knows about threesome relationships yet. The idea may turn her away.”

  “See what I mean, too much thinking and worrying.”

  Chayton laughed. “It’s my nature.”

  When they got to their ranch, Chayton walked to the barn to check the horses. He talked quietly to the stallion he’d been working with each day.

  “A pretty lady might be by to see you tomorrow. You have to be on your best behavior.” The chestnut stallion raised his ears as though he understood what Chayton said. Chayton rubbed his back and gave him and Wind Chaser, his stallion, a few pieces of apple. He kept the apples in the little fridge in his barn office. Then he turned off his lantern and walked to the house.

  Lights were on in the kitchen. Chayton turned them off and joined Steel, who was sitting in the family room by the fire. Steel glanced around at him. “I was waiting for you to join me in a drink before going to bed.” He strolled to the small corner bar and held up a bottle of bourbon.

  “Make mine with a splash of water,” Chayton said. He sat in one of the lounge chairs. The heat from the fire felt good after the cold barn. “It might be springtime but there’s still a chill in the air, especially at night.”

  Steel handed him one of the glasses, and sat in the lounge chair beside Chayton. He leaned his head back and took a long swallow of his drink.

  “I like sitting in this room when we’re home and finished with our work. It’s relaxing.”

  Chayton turned his head to look at Steel. “If she visits tomorrow I’m going to suggest we go riding.”

  “We have to move slowly with her. She’s ready to bolt at the first misstep we make.”

  “I agree,” Chayton said. “But how do I manage to not rush things? Her scent and sweet smile had my cock aching all evening.”

  “I don’t know.” Steel stared at the fire and sipped his drink. “I had the same problem. When I was putting in her door lock, I had an urge to throw her over my shoulder and into the bed in the next room.”

  “She doesn’t want to admit it, but she responds to us.” Chayton got up and stirred the logs around. Sparks flew up the chimney. “We have to gradually get closer to her.”

  “I don’t know. This guy she’s running from may be doing the same but more intensely. We have to be patient.”

  Chayton swallowed the last of his drink. “I’ll try. See you in the morning.”

  * * * *

  Dana woke at seven feeling well rested. She’d gone to bed right after Steel left. Thankfully she was too tired to think about him or Chayton and her other problems. When Chayton and Steel were near her, her body’s reactions to them worried her.

  She dressed and made coffee. Then she sat and stared out at the mountains. Fog still clung to the tops. Dana loved the view and the small apartment. For the first time in months, she felt safe. Her last call to Angie had been from Iowa.

  How can I let her know I’m here without Addison being able to track my cell or hers? He has paid men everywhere to do his bidding. I have to figure out a way before Angie starts to worry. I’ll look for a general store where I might find a throwaway phone, if they even have them in this town.

  It hadn’t been difficult to find the store. The lady at the register greeted her. “I’m Victoria Sidney. My husband and I own and run this store.”

  “I’m the new doctor, Dana Wynters.”

  “I heard some of our residents met you at the Sunshine Diner last night.”

  “Yes, everyone has been nice and friendly.”

  “Our town is a good place to live and to raise a family. I gathered since you were with Steel and Chayton, you’re not married.”

  “No. I’ve been too busy getting my education and working.”

  “Steel and Chayton are single. They’d make great husbands.” She grinned at Dana.

  “But how do you choose between them?”

  “That would be hard. But you don’t have to in Triple Creeks Township. A lot of our people have threesome marriages. I guess no one told you.”

  Dana took a deep breath. “Did I understand you right? Three people get married? Isn’t that bigamy?”

  “Actually the woman marries one of the men in a regular marriage ceremony, and then they have a different type of ritual to join all three. It’s not seen as legal, so it isn’t bigamy. I can see I’ve shocked you.”

  “I’m glad to know before I start working. You’ve given me a chance to digest the information and not be shocked at my patients.”

  “We don’t tell people who don’t live in town or at the ranches in our area. The less people who know, the better.”

  “I can see why. If it got out, you’d have news crews swarming the streets.”

  “We’ve been lucky up to now. I hope it continues. May I help you find what you came in to buy?”

  “I’d like to look around. You have lots of stuff.”

  “If we don’t have it, we’ll order it for you.”

  Dana strolled along the crowded aisles. The building went further back than she expected. She pushed a cart and soon had many items, books, a new sweater, several long-sleeved shirts and toiletry items. If she threw in a throwaway phone it wouldn’t be as noticeable with all her other purchases.

  She had quite a pile when she walked to the register. Victoria Sidney eyed her cart, but didn’t comment. Dana paid her and promised to be back soon.

  “Remember, if we don’t have it, we can get it.”

  “I won’t forget.” Dana carried her two bags the short distance to her apartment.

  Once she had it all put away, she sat on the sofa and activated her phone.

  Angie answered on the first ring. “Hello.”

  “I made it safe and sound, Angie.”

  “I’ve been so worried. I knew you’d have to find a phone before calling. When did you get the

  “Yesterday, but I had to rest and find my way around town. I’m sorry you worried.”

  “All that counts is you’re all right.”

  “Have you seen the silver car since I left?”

  Angie hesitated, and then said, “Yes. They must suspect I helped you. They follow me everywhere.”

  “I’m so sorry. Are you scared?”

  “A little, but I may have a solution. I don’t want to say what over the phone.”

  “I understand. I’ll stay in touch.”

  “Take care.” Angie hung up.

  Dana sat staring out the window. It was a beautiful day for a horseback ride. But did she dare spend more time with Chayton or Steel? She had no time or place in her life for a man or men, and they might want a threesome as Mrs. Sidney had discussed. Dana had tried to hide her mind’s shock, but her body had reacted differently.

  I have to admit a flutter of excitement and desire weakened my knees for a few seconds. Still I can’t see me seriously considering such a relationship. I have enough problems from one man.

  Dana looked longingly out the window. Maybe we can be friends and not go any further. Right, like I can control the way my body reacts to them.

  She paced the small room. This will be a long day if I don’t get outside. Ignoring her concerns, she rushed into her bedroom and put on her boots. What harm could it do to go on a simple ride? But although she didn’t want to admit it, she knew she was playing with fire.

  She followed the written directions and had no trouble finding the ranch. Dana turned into the long drive. When she got closer, she saw a large, modern-looking farmhouse and further on the barn with a corral beside it. A faint outline of a man and horse became clearer when she got close.

  Momentary panic gripped her and she started to turn around and go back to town. She took a deep, calming breath. Then she saw Chayton and the chestnut stallion he’d mentioned last evening. She stopped the car and stared at the man and the horse. The sweat on Chayton’s bare chest and the stallion’s reddish-brown coat shone in the sunlight.

  Chayton had on a cowboy hat and low-slung jeans. She couldn’t stop looking at his powerful muscles and how they moved as he handled the stallion. Once he whispered to the horse.

  She got out of the car and shut her door quietly so as not to spook the beautiful stallion. Dana climbed on the corral fence and sat on the top rail. Chayton’s muscles tensed. He turned and pushed his hat to the back of his head.

  “Hello. I thought you’d decided not to come.”

  The underlying sensuality of his tone captivated her, and her heart rate increased. “I had shopping to do and a friend to call so she wouldn’t worry. He’s a gorgeous horse. Did I understand right that you’re training him for Dr. Melwyn?”

  “Yes. Besides being a good doctor, he’s also a very good horseman. He grew up here in Triple Creeks.”

  “Does the horse have a name?”

  “Not yet. Gavin is having a hard time coming up with one to fit his personality. He has a strong spirit.” Chayton walked closer to her. “I’m glad you decided to come and go for a ride.” A hint of huskiness lingered in his voice. “I’ll take care of this guy.” He rubbed the horse’s nose. “Then I’ll saddle my stallion and a gentle mare for you. I think you’ll like her. I won’t be long.” Chayton led the chestnut horse into the barn.

  Dana got off the fence and strolled in that direction. She stayed at a distance and watched. Chayton had put on a blue-checkered shirt. He worked quickly but thoroughly. His hands mesmerized her as they rubbed down the stallion. He spoke softly to the horse. Between his movements and his low voice, Dana’s desire flared into blazing heat. Her pussy clenched tight.

  When Chayton turned to walk the stallion to his stall, his eyes connected with hers. A look of hunger flashed in his silvery-gray eyes.

  His hoarse whisper broke the silence between them. “I’m almost through.” He closed the stall door and walked further down to another one. He led out a lovely bay-colored mare with a black mane and tail.

  “This is Dancing Lady. I haven’t had her very long. Our neighbors to the south of us moved to be closer to their son in Montana. We bought their property and animals.”

  “I can saddle her. You can get your horse,” Dana said.

  Chayton hesitated, but then nodded and strolled off. She held Dancing Lady’s reins. She rubbed the mare’s nose. “We’re going to be good friends,” she whispered.

  She took the saddle Chayton had indicated and placed it on Dancing Lady. The mare stood still except for tossing her head.

  After tying his horse’s reins to the nearest empty stall, Chayton took long strides across the barn. He disappeared in a doorway. When he came out, he walked to Dana. “Give her some of this apple. I keep them in my office.”

  He’d cut the apple in several pieces. Dancing Lady daintily took a bite. Her breath tickled Dana’s palm.

  Dana glanced across at the horse Chayton had saddled.

  “Is that your personal riding horse?” she asked.

  “Yes, he’s another stallion with a strong spirit. I named him Wind Chaser.”

  “Oh, I like his name.”

  “It suits him.” Chayton led the two horses outside and gave Dana a leg up onto the mare’s saddle. He got on Wind Chaser and rode toward the open prairie.

  Dancing Lady followed close behind.

  Once they were riding along the open spaces, Dana moved to Chayton’s side. “I’m glad I wore a sweater. There’s a nip of the air.”

  “Are you warm enough? I fastened my jacket behind the saddle.”

  “I’m fine. I’m so happy to be on a horse again. I really love riding.”

  “Then you may find you like living here.”

  “I’ll see. It’s a big change. I left a large practice in Atlanta, and most of my family lives within a hundred miles of each other.”

  He glanced across at her. “How did they take your sudden decision to come out West?”

  “They don’t know. I didn’t want to worry them, so I have to call them by next weekend and tell them what I’ve done. I talked to them last week and said I was going on vacation with my friend, Angie. I wanted to feel safe before I got my mother and father involved.”

  “I understand, but if your mother is like mine, she’s going to be upset with you.”

  “I’m dreading the call. She and Dad will both be mad.”

  They rode for a distance in silence. Dana took deep breaths of the fresh air and let the peace and quiet comfort her.

  “Does your land go to the mountains?”

  “Yes, to the edge. We’ll start early one day and ride all the way.”

  “You’re assuming we’ll go on other rides,” she said.

  “Why wouldn’t we?” His gray eyes searched hers for answers.

  “I’m afraid you and Steel want more from me than I want to give. Mrs. Sidney told me about the threesomes in town. Is that what you two are hoping for us?”

  Chayton pulled up, took hold of her reins and stopped to face her. “We would like a threesome relationship, but we’d never ask you to do something you didn’t like or want. Is being with both of us repugnant to you?”

  Her face flushed with heat. “Not repugnant. But I’ve never heard of a town where this was acceptable.”

  “Many of the residents have regular twosomes. But Steel and I want the other. We’ve been friends since we were five, and the idea has appealed to us for a long time.”

  “What if the woman you decide on only wants one of you?”

  Chayton shrugged and clicked the reins. The stallion started moving. Dana kept up.

  “We’ve never discussed what we’d do. Most women have liked both of us. Do you prefer one of us over the other?”

  “No, that’s my problem.”

  They rode across the wide meadows and along the river that appeared to wind its way across their property. In the shade of several trees, Chayton stopped and got off his horse. He tied the rein
s to a Ponderosa pine, then took hers and did the same.

  Reaching up he put his hands around her waist and lifted her out of the saddle. He held her tight against his well-muscled body. Then he stared into her eyes as he let her slide to the ground touching his body as she did.

  Her sharpened senses took in his scent of sandalwood and musk and his own manly aroma. Her stomach trembled when his cock, straining at the zipper in his jeans, pulsated against her abdomen. She shivered at the ferocity of passion shining in his dark-gray eyes.

  “I’m confused,” she whispered. Heat radiated out from him.

  “I can fix that.” He bent down and gently kissed her mouth. Instinctively, she opened her lips and his tongue swept inside, caressing, tasting, and taking charge.

  He raised his head and pulled her tighter against the hard planes of his torso. “You care for us both, but you aren’t ready to admit it. I suspect it’s because of what happened in your last relationship. Is he who you fear?”

  She frowned at him. “I can’t talk about why I’m running. I hardly know you.”

  Chayton slid his hand up her arm. When she trembled, he leaned forward and said, “But your body knows me and Steel. Let us inside those walls you’ve built to protect you. We’ll be your protectors with no expectations.” He grinned and added, “Not that we won’t hope you’ll come to us at some point with open arms.”

  “I’m tired. Let’s ride back, and I’ll go home. You’ve given me a lot to consider.”

  “Fair enough.” Chayton helped her onto the mare’s saddle, and they rode quickly back to the barn. “I’ll take care of the animals,” Chayton said.

  “Thanks.” She waved, got in her car, and sped away.

  Chapter Four

  Chayton watched until she was out of sight. He walked the horses to the barn and took his time brushing them down.

  When she’d joined him in the corral, the wind had brought her breezy, fresh scent of the sea with a hint of a citrusy fragrance into his nostrils. His body had responded to her eyes on him and desire kicked him in the belly. His cock started getting hard before he had turned and faced her.


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