Epiphany of the Long Sun

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Epiphany of the Long Sun Page 58

by Gene Wolfe

"That's not right. I told you I had to talk to General Mint on your glass, and that was what made me late." Heeling like a close-hauled boat, the floater swerved around a gilded litter with eight bearers.

  "I said we'd discuss it later."

  "Right. Only because of what she said, I thought it might be smart to have a look at the Grand Manteion. There's three augurs in there and a couple thousand people."

  "Did you see Hyacinth?"

  Hossaan shook his head. "But I could've missed her pretty easily, Caldé. She's not as tall as the redhead, and there was a bunch of women with animals."

  Oreb muttered, "No cut."

  "She's probably still outside, Caldé. If she was climbing the Palatine when Mucor said she was, she can't have gotten to the Grand Manteion yet."

  Xiphias asked, "Why's everybody there, lad?"

  "There's been another theophany-there must have been. Do you know about Pas appearing to His Cognizance?"

  "No, lad! Never heard about it!"

  "I have," Hossaan said. "There's a rumor, anyhow. Do you think that's brought them?"

  Silk shook his head. "It was Molpsday, and would be stale news now." Half to himseif he added, "What does it mean, when a dead god rises?"

  No one answered him. The floater sped on.

  A surging crowd filled Gold Street. "Stop!" Silk ordered Hossaan. "No! Higher if you can. I saw her. Turn around."

  "Near us, Caldé?" They rose, blowers racing.

  "Cut!" Oreb exclaimed. "Cut cat!"

  "Two or three streets down the slope. Turn!"

  The floater darted forward instead. "Your bird's right," Hossaan told Silk. "It would take too long to get through that mob, but we can duck down here-" He swerved onto a steep and narrow street bordered by high walls. "And cut across to Gold so we come up behind her. We'll be moving with them, and that will make it a lot faster."

  Silk drew breath and exhaled. The aching weakness in his chest was fading, but it seemed to him that he had not filled his lungs properly for days. "You told Horn that your name was Willet, Willet. Also you found clothing-somewhere in the Caldé's Palace, I suppose-similar to the waiters', so that you could help them serve."

  "I like to be useful, Caldé."

  "I know you do, and it may be useful for you to tell me why you did those things before we locate Hyacinth-if we do. You say you have a dozen items to relate. That should be the next."

  Still steering their floater expertly, Hossaan glanced over his shoulder at Xiphias.

  "If Master Xiphias and Maytera Marble can't be trusted, no one can. If I explain your actions-I believe I can, you see-will you tell me whether I'm correct?"

  They spun around a corner as though it were an eddy. "I'm afraid not. General Mint says Siyufs surrounded the Juzgado. That's why I thought I ought to check on the Grand Manteion."

  "Where was she, and how did she learn of it?"

  "I don't know, Caldé. She didn't say, and I didn't ask. She said one of Oosik's officers told her. Oosik had told him to try and get in touch with her."

  Xiphias said, "He left when Willet here was handing out those appetizers, lad! Another waiter fetched him, remember?"

  "Later than that-after I had asked Mucor to find out to which manteion Hyacinth was bringing her offering."

  Their floater tacked on Gold, pushing through chattering pedestrians.

  "You know what she looks like," Silk muttered. "She had on a black coat, and was carrying a large rabbit, I believe."

  "Cat talk," Oreb informed him. "Talk bad."

  "The bird's right, lad! The skinny girl said it talks!" Before Xiphias had finished speaking, their floater was slowing and stopping; the canopy slid into its back and sides.

  For the space of a breath, Silk thought there had been a mistake. The hurrying young woman with something orange-furred tucked under her arm seemed too tall and too slender until she turned with their cowling nudging her leg, and he saw her face.

  "Hyacinth!" He stood up by reflex, and for a moment he was half outside the floater (and she more than half in it) as they kissed.

  When that kiss ended, they lay face-to-face on the soft leather seat, she crowded against its back and he practically falling off, with Xiphias standing over them and waving his saber to force passersby to keep their distance. They sat up, but their hands would not part. "I was afraid you were dead," Silk confessed.

  And Hyacinth, "I shaggy near was, and I-but I…" Her eyes swam with tears. "Can't we put up the top?"

  "I don't know how."

  "I do." She freed her hand, and with a flurry of skirt and ruffled underskirt, and a flash of legs and spike-heeled scarlet shoes, was in Hossaan's seat. Xiphias ducked, and the canopy flowed up and darkened until it was nearly opaque.

  She wiped her eyes. "Now I'm coming back. Catch me." She rolled over the back of the front seat so that Silk had to, and lying in his arms kissed him again. With no need of speech, her kiss said, Beat me, shame and starve me. Do as you want with me, but don't leave me. I'll never do those things, he thought, and tried to make his own kiss tell her so.

  When they parted, he gasped, "Where do we start?"

  She smiled. "That WAS the start. I love you. Let's start from there. I haven't felt this way since-since you jumped out my window."

  He laughed, and she turned to Xiphias. "This time I know you from a rat. You teach sword fighting, and I want lessons. Do you always go around with him?"

  "Much as I can, lass!"

  Silk asked her, "Where have you been? I've had people searching everywhere."

  "In a horrible old building in the Orilla, with a soldier as big as this floater watching me for Auk. You must know Auk, he says he knows you. Tartaros turned me loose."

  Hyacinth grinned like a twelve-year-old. "You believe in the gods, but you won't believe that. I don't, and I know it happened. Do you mind if I don't call you darling?"

  Silk shook his head. "Not in the least."

  "I've called too many men that. I'll find something else, something good enough, but it may take a while." She turned back to Xiphias. "There's jump seats that fold down out of the back of that one. You'd be more comfortable."

  "Feel better outside, lass! Know how to get this plagucy door open?"

  She laid her hand on his. "You stay in here or we'll get all naked and sweaty, and weobught to do that someplace nicer. Where's the driver?"

  "Hunting!" Xiphias jerked down a seat, sat, and contrived to sheath his saber. "Hunting your cat with Silk's bird!"

  "That's right, I dropped Tick, and he cost five cards."

  Silk said, "When you got free-and I'll be grateful to Tartaros forever-you should have come to me."

  Hyacinth shook her head.

  "I understand. You didn't know where I was, either."

  "No, you don't. I did. I knew exactly where you were. At the Juzgado or the Caldé's Palace. Everybody I asked wanted to talk about you, and everybody said one place or the other. But I looked, well, like every other slut in the Orilla, only worse, and I stank. I couldn't wash, or only a little. I tried, but when the water's dirtier than your face it doesn't help much. I wanted perfume and powder, and a comb to hold my hair, except I had to wash it first and dry it. I tried to go back to Blood's. Do you know about Blood?"

  "About your trying to go back there? No."

  "And clean clothes, clean underwear and a bunch of other things. You know what I'd look like without all this stuff?"

  "Yes," Silk declared. "Like Kypris herself."

  "Thanks. Like a boy, only with tits down to my waist. You saw me naked."

  Silk felt his face flush. "They weren't. Not nearly."

  "That's the trouble with big ones," Hyacinth explained to Xiphias. "The bigger they are the lower they go, unless you've got something to hold them up. Will that make it hard for me to sword-fight?"

  "Will if they bounce, lass! But there's ways! Think I don't know 'em, long as I've been at it?"

  "I put myself in your hands, Master Xiphias." She gave him a
sly, sidelong smile, then brushed Silk's cheek with a kiss. "I was going to see about lessons that time I came to meet you, I mean before I found out it was so bad here, before we left Blood's. When we got out of bed I said wouldn't I be a good sword-fighter, and you said you'd back a dell with shorter legs that wasn't so fond of her looks, or something like that. So I thought I'd learn and surprise you."

  He nodded, speechless.

  "I'm a good dancer, I really am, and I never had lessons, so I think with lessons I could learn. Only it's a long way to Blood's and Auk took my money, and I looked like a slut, so I turned around and went to Orchid's. She loaned me gelt and let me wash and, you know, fix up. But she says Blood's for ice. This was only about, oh, before I went to the market. Did you know? That Blood was dead? Since Phaesday, she says."

  "Yes. I killed him." Hyacinth's eyes widened, and Silk felt pride, coupled with a deep shame in it. "I killed him with a sword Master Xiphias had loaned me, and destroyed the sword in the process. I'd rather not discuss the details. I understand why you wanted to return, or at least I believe-"

  "All my things are out there! My clothes, my jewelry, everything I've got!"

  "Also, you thought your driver would have gone back there, I'm certain. I also understand why you went to Orchid's; you anticipated help from her, and you received it. I went there myself for the same reason a few days ago, and I was helped as well-I found Chenille there. Which brings me to a point I ought to have raised sooner. What was the soldier's name? The one who watched you for Auk?"

  "Hammerstone." Two tiny lines had appeared on Hyacinth's forehead. "It was Corporal Hammerstone, and he had stripes on his arm like a happy corporal, but painted on. All of a sudden you're worried, I can see it. What is it?"

  "It would take an hour to explain it all." Silk shrugged. "I'll try to be brief. I love you very, very much."

  "I love you, too!"

  "Because I do, I have something to lose, someone-you-I must protect. Most men live their entire lives like this, I suppose, but I'm not accustomed to it."

  "I'm sorry. I'll try to help. I really will."

  "I know you will. You'll put yourself at risk, and that worries me more than anything else."

  There was a tap on the canopy.

  "You see, I've forgotten some of my obligations already. I promised Chenille I'd help her find Auk, and Auk took you from me. Do you know where he is, or where this Corporal is? Patera Incus is anxious to locate him, I know."

  Xiphias interjected, "Don't you think that's that Willet outside knocking, lad?"

  "Let him in, please."

  "I don't know how to work this soggy door!"

  "Then that will give us a little more time. You'll solve it soon, I'm sure."

  Hyacinth giggled. "You've been around people like me too much. That's what Auk says about houses. And I know where he is, too, or anyway I know where he was, at a reedy old manteion on Sun Street. Was that yours? That's what somebody said when we were going over there."

  "It was." Silk found that he was smiling. "It's old and run down, just as you say; but I used to love it, or thought I did. In a way I suppose I still do."

  Scarcely visible on the other side of the darkened canopy, Hossaan tapped again. This time his taps were followed by a series of sharper ones.

  "That's where Kypris came to your Window? Orchid told me. It was at Orpine's funeral, she said. I knew Orpine, and I wish I'd been there. I've got a shrine for Kypris…" Hyacinth paused, teeth nibbling her full lower lip. "Or I did. Is the house really wrecked? That's what Orchid said."

  Silk recalled Blood's villa as he had seen it during his rescue. "It's badly damaged, certainly."

  "If it was just damaged we've got to go there!"

  He gestured toward the canopy. "Even with Willet outside knocking? Willet used to be one of Blood's drivers. You must know him-he drove you to the city so that you could meet me at Ermine's."

  "That's wonderful! He can take us."

  Xiphias exclaimed. "Think I've got it! Want me to let him in, lad?"

  Silk nodded, and the door opened. Hossaan reached through it to unlatch the one in front, and Oreb shot past him to land upon Silk's shoulder, a-flutter with excitement and indignation. "Bad cat! Cut cat!"

  Hossaan slid into the driver's seat as the orange-and-white animal he held spat, "Add word!"

  "He led us quite a chase, Hy," Hossaan said, "but we got him in the alley trying to wriggle through a hole."

  "You're bleeding!"

  "He put up a fight. If somebody else will hold him, I'll get out the aid kit."

  "Add, add word!" the little orange-and-white catachrest reiterated. "Pack! Itty laddie, peas dun lit am kilt may!"

  "She won't, for an hour or two at least," Silk told him. "Willet, I want you to take us out to Blood's and help us collect Hyacinth's belongings." For a moment, Silk paused to gaze upon Hyacinth. "Then to the Prolocutor's Palace." As the floater slid forward, he added, "We may well need weapons, but we'd have to go back to the Caldé's Palace, and we can't afford that. I'd never get away."

  Xiphias accepted the small catachrest from Hossaan. "I've my sword, lad!"

  Silk nodded absently as the song of the blowers strengthened to a muted roar. "Let's hope it will suffice."

  "We might have these drinks I wish in the bar, perhaps," Siyuf told Chenille, "but in my lodging would be more nice, do you not think also?"

  "I had three with dinner." By intent, Chenille spoke too loudly. "If I'm going to start falling down and taking off my clothes, I'd a whole lot rather do it in private." She. looked around Ermine's sellaria with interest. "Only we've got to get a room, don't you?"

  "My staff has arrange this for me while I watch our parade with your friend the Caldé." Siyuf stopped a liveried waiter. "My lodging will be up the big stairs, I think? Number seventy-nine?"

  He shook his head. "We don't have a room seventy-nine at Ermine's, General."

  "Generalissimo. Wait, I will show you." While Chenille smiled and strove to appear innocent, Siyuf fished a key from her pocket.

  "Ah!" The waiter nodded. "Number seven nine. That's a double room, we call it the Lyrichord Room, Generalissimo. On your right at the top of the Grand Staircase. You can't miss it."

  "A room you say. More, I understood."

  The waiter lowered his voice confidentially. "Our suites are four, five, or six rooms, depending. We call them rooms for convenience. Your room, the Lyrichord Room on account of the instrument in the music room, is a double suite with eleven rooms and three baths, besides balconies and so forth. Three bedrooms, sellaria, cenatiuncula for formal dining, breakfast cosy, drawing room-"

  She waved him to silence. "You have here a wine waiter, one good and knowing?"

  "The sommelier, Generalissimo. He's at the Caldé's Palace just now, I believe."

  "I come from there. He too, I think. Send him to me when he arrive."

  Siyuf turned away, motioning to Chenille. "Men are so stupid, do you think also? It is what renders them less than attractive, even the most fine. One thing, better I had say, one thing from many. Men are duty. So we are taught in my home. Girls are pleasure."

  Chenille nodded meekly, blinking to show that she was assimilating this information. "In Trivigaunte, you mean? That's where your home is? I still can't get used to liking somebody from someplace so far away."

  "This is natural. I have a house there bigger than this Ermine of your Viron's, the house which was my mother's. Also outside our city, a farmhouse made large for rest and educating my horses. For the hunt two houses also, one in a cave where is more cool. Do you perhaps hunt? I will show it to you. You will be very delighted I think, but there are places where you could not stand so straight, perhaps."

  "I'd like to learn. Only I thought all of you were east of here. The Caldé, I call him Patera, said something about tents out there. Anyway, it's really nice you've got this suite too, only I never would have guessed."

  Arms linked, they started up the broad stairca
se. "I have my tent outside your city, and my headquarters, which I bring closer soon. Also this is convenient, as we see. I have good hunting there, so perhaps I will not have to take you home to teach. Already we kill three wing people and catch one also."

  "Four Fliers?" In her astonishment Chenille forgot to sound admiring. "I didn't think anybody could."

  Siyuf laughed. "Nine years in Trivigaunte another kill a wing person, but she does not catch the round thing on the back that push forward. I forget this word."

  "I have no idea."

  "By this we put wings on my pterotroopers. This time it is me that kill and I have catch the things that push also, but he does not yet tell me how it go."

  Siyuf moistened her lips, and for the first time Chenille felt frightened. "Not yet he will not tell. But soon. He is like all men stupid, and not fine even but small and thin. We take his clothes and do other things until he is our friend. This is not confusing to you, I hope?"

  "I think I get it."

  "We take the clothes, and look, he is nothing. I have five husbands, all are more fine. Perhaps you would like him? When we have finish, I will give him to you."

  "Oh, no! I don't want him, Siyuf."


  "I really don't like men at all, except Petera and one other one."

  They had reached the top of Ermine's sweeping and richly carpeted Grand Staircase. Siyuf glanced to her right and down at her key. "My husbands I like sometimes, but so one like a hound. For me, tall girls and strong over all else. I enjoy, you see, at first a certain resistance."

  Maytera Marble paused to stare at the strange procession crossing Manteion Street; although it was some distance away, Maytera Rose's legacy had improved her eyes out of reckoning. In the streetlights' glow, she saw a large and rough-looking man, accompanied by a smaller man so thin that he seemed a mere assemblage of sticks. After them, three soldiers, large and handsome like all soldiers, two of whom appeared to be carrying a fourth. Behind the soldiers, a tall augur and-and…

  "Sib! Oh, sib! General, General Mint! It's me, sib!" In her joy Maytera Marble actually sprang into the air. The diminutive sibyl walking beside the tall augur looked around, and her mouth dropped open.


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