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  Someone who clearly isn’t gay, is gay and yet a gay man who confirmed the fact is on ly pretending to be gay to get in my panties?”

  “Obviously.” I confirmed. Was she being dumb on purpose? It was a well -known fact that men who pretended they weren’t gay were gayer than Elton, Freddie and the Chippendales put together. And the men who said they were gay were using the men’s club one liner to get into their pants.

  “How could you think I was having an affair, George?” I pointed to Richard.

  “He’s wearing a Prada suit, Gucci loafers and has a decent haircut. And a promise ring his fiancé, Thomas gave him.” She reinforced.

  I wasn’t buying a single word of it. Richard looked like he wanted to speak. “We may have a fucked up, Tourette’s driven marriage with a side dish of

  schizophrenic tendencies thrown in for good measure, Kate but it’s ours. You’re mine and I’m yours. You aren’t his.” Violently, I stabbed a finger on Richard’s forehead. My look dared him to talk so I’d have reason pummel his face fifty seven shades of beat down.

  She sighed loudly and dropped back in her chair. Richard had the good sense to sit back and melt into the scenery.

  “I know George. You are way off base.” Kate tried to reason with me. “What does he have, that I don’t?” I demanded.

  “A love of literature.”

  “A book made you throw away fifteen years, Kate?”

  She laughed . “A book made me horny, George.”

  Surprise flared my brows. “And you can’t get what you need from me?” “Of course, I’m just figuring out the best way to make it happen.” “And fucking another man was the answer?” I shouted angrily. Richard stood up apologizing; telling me I had a lovely wife, but assuring me

  he really enjoyed sucking dick before he left.

  “I wasn’t, George. I just wanted something…more” she said on a whisper. Like Ricks dick. I raised a brow and said nothing.

  “I might as well go back to the office. Can we talk tonight, George?” Oh we’d definitely being having the -fucking-talk. The question was, would it

  end in divorce? I nodded, and turned away from her. The peanut gallery dispersed, she left and I slunk out of the terminal, dragging my deflated ego across the street to the access road when I noticed my car was gone.


  I waited a short while by the side of the road. John’s tires screeched to a halt, and the front door was flung open.

  “Get in, Colombo.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” I said h ollowly as I climbed in.

  “What happened?”

  “She’s screwing a young stud with good fashion sense. He’s pretending to share a love of the book I bought her…”

  “And?” John quizzed.

  “…and he’s gay.”

  John whistled. “Oldest line in the book.”


  “Well, shit.” He puffed as he stepped on the gas.

  “Yeah, shit.” I sighed and rested my head against the window. Silence fell before hell

  “Who’s getting the house?”

  “You are such an insensitive prick.” I punched him in the stomach. The car veered to the side before he gained control.

  “Are you growing a vagina?” He spat, as he slapped me across the eyes. “Fuck off.” I rubbed my eyes frustrated that I did sound like I was growing I caught John staring at me like a science experiment. The alternative being

  my ne wly acquired stalker was too much. “Watch the fucking road.” “You didn’t give a rat’s ass about causing a ten car pile -up when you

  punched me.”

  “I didn’t care if I lived or died then.” I explained.

  “Nifty life choice.”

  “I have the super power of excellent timing.”

  “And you connect with the power when you wear the super hero pajamas ?” He said, laughing at me.

  “Shut up, watch the road and drive.” I sunk back in my seat. “I’m using my peripheral vision.” He reasoned calmly. “Use your eyes,” I threw my h ands up in the air, well as far as they could go

  before I bruised my knuckles on the roof.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “I don’t know. Chain her in the basement, fatten her up and use her as my sex slave?”

  “Might work,” John offered. I appreciated his futile atte mpt to make me laugh by mocking my pain.

  “She said they weren’t fucking.”

  “Do you believe her?”

  I shrugged. “I want to.”

  “What else did she say?”

  “That she wanted more from me, and she was looking for a way to….blah blah something.” I relayed loosely.

  “Day after tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Make it count.” “I don’t think flowers or candy is going to fix this mess.” “Fuck that. Go to the nearest sex shop, buy all the shit she wants and tie her

  up while you sexually interrogate her.”

  My brain begun to tick before John had finished his genius idea. However, I needed to know what the fuck I was doing if I was going to be successful.

  “Tomorrow morning, you’re coming with me.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it, bud.” He grinned waving his iPhone as we parked up in my drive way.

  Kate had introduced me to the club of rude awakenings with a crash and burn type initiation. Was she going to be ready for mine?

  If you liked the first part of Fifty-Seven Shades of Shit, go check out the second part and look for more from Alex Cook coming soon! http://www.hornydevilpublishing.com/Comerotica.html

  The Passion Series


  By Indigo Sin

  Chapter One

  The snow fell in soft big soft flakes as Hadley Prescott gazed out the window of the bus station in Duchesne , Utah. It was actually kind of pretty when it wasn’t whipping by at a hundred miles an hour, covering everything in a blanket of white, and freezing one’s face off when they stepped outside. Right now it was ju st…peaceful. After a rough start to the winter, the calm snowfall was a welcome sight, especially since she had a thirteen-hour bus ride to Washington ahead of her. The quicker she got there, the better. Her sister was getting married in three days, and bridezilla wouldn’t be pleased if her wedding weekend plans were ruined by her little sister. She had already mentally braced herself for the onslaught of relatives asking when she was going to find a nice man and settle down. It was the same old song and dance at every family function for the last five years. She was happy being single. No one to answer to, able to come and go as she pleased…yup, life was pretty damn good right now.

  When the bus finally pulled into the station, the air brakes hissing as it came to a halt; Hadley breathed a sigh of relief before gathering up her belongings. At least it was on time, which meant the trip was off to a good start. Pushing through the heavy glass door with her shoulder, she made her way to the bus, her shoes crunching in the fresh snow as she walked. As she shoved her suitcase into the cargo hold, she brushed her hands off on her pants, before turning around and running right into a very solid object. Stepping back quickly, she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear, a little embarrassed that she had run into someone. Glancing up curtly at the man she had bumped, she cleared her throat. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Watch where you’re walking, sweetheart,” he said after a moment’s hesitation.

  The voice was deep with a hint of a southern accent. She knew that mocking tone well. The low timbre washed over her, sending a tingling sensation to her core, awakening a libido she had long forgotten despite being angered by his arrogant statement. Instantly, her hackles rose, and her blue eyes snapped to his, narrowing to just slits.

  “It was an accident. It’s not like I meant to run into you, Colton.” She spat the words out with a little more sass than was necessary, but she wasn’t about to let the asshole talk to her like she was a child.

  She had forgotten that she had been sentenced to endure the long trip wi
th the groom’s frustrating older brother. Colton Renthrop was an arrogant ass, who had tormented her for years, teasing her and giving her hell. He was all man. Dark hair that was slightly over-long, mesmerizing chestnut colored eyes, a body to die for…and that persistent arrogant curl of his full, luscious lips. He was the sexiest, most irritating man all wrapped up in one big, muscled body. Most days she wanted to do nothing more than hit him over the head with a freaking frying pan. A cocky smirk curled his lips, dimpling his stubbly cheek as he looked down at her. Feeling her face go red with anger, she heaved a deep breath, attempting to calm herself.

  “Maybe you did,” he drawled, one brow cocked teasingly. Hadley all but stamped her foot in the snow as she shot him a glare before

  stepping around him and spitting, “Get over yourself, jerk,” over her shoulder as she walked away. Ignoring anything else he had to say, she climbed the bus steps in a huff, taking a seat in the back. She preferred the solitude so as she sat down, she shrugged off her big winter coat to get comfortable for the long ride. Pulling her latest romance novel from her bag, she set it on the seat next to her readying her distraction for the long trip. There were hardly any passengers on this ride; thank God for that. The less interaction she had with strangers, the better. Idle small talk had never been her forte, but for some reason, no matter where she went, she attracted every freak within five miles. Sometimes she felt like she needed to check the mirror for some kind of message on her forehead telling them what an amazing conversationalist she was. Yes… please tell me more about your six cats and your raging case of athlete’s foot; I’m dying to hear it .

  Putting her ear buds in her ears, she swiped the screen of her iPod with her fingertip, and hit play as she laid her head back and closed her eyes. Metallica’s Enter Sandman drifted through the buds, the soothing tones and beats instantly calming her as it always did. Maybe she could catch a nap on the way to kill some time. Probably not, but it was worth a shot. Pulling her knees up so her heels rested on the seat, she relaxed and waited for the other passengers to get their luggage stowed away and find their seats. Thirteen freakin’ hours, might as well get comfortable.

  Chapter Two

  Colton turned and watched as the feisty little blonde stomped away and disappeared into the bus. Damn she was a sexy little thing. The way her ass swayed had his cock jerking to attention like he was thirteen fucking years old. He couldn’t stop the grin that crept over his lips as he stuffed his bags into the cargo hold of the bus, and followed her aboard. Sparring with Hadley Prescott would definitely make the trip to Washington an eventful one that was for sure.

  Looking over the seats, he spotted her in the back, arms wrapped around her knees as she looked out the window next to her. The way the light reflected on her face almost gave her an angelic appearance. That damn grin started to creep across his face again, but he fought it back. Something about that little sprite had always captivated him. All he could focus on was getting close to her, getting to know her better…preferably physically. Following the aisle to the back, he slid into the seat across from her, tucking his bag away under his feet. Glancing over at her, he found her looking back at him like he was the vilest man on earth. He had to bite his cheek to keep from smiling again.

  “Somethin’ the matter, sweetheart?” He raised a brow as he unzipped his jacket and pulled it from his arms to lay it next to him on the seat.

  Hadley rolled her eyes as she yanked the ear buds fr om her head. “Fantastic. You couldn’t sit somewhere else?”

  “Nah, I’m good here.” He chuckled at her little display of anger as she rolled her eyes again and shoved the buds back in her ears. She reminded him of a little pissed-off kitten, hissing and s pitting, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. Yet.

  As the bus began to lurch forward onto the road, he sat back, clasping his hands over his stomach. He could feel her watching him, but he ignored her. If he looked at her, it would only induce a hard-o n, and he didn’t want to endure the trip with his cock aching in his jeans.

  He had always been attracted to Hadley, even when they were just kids; he thought she was beautiful, yet the overwhelming urge to annoy the shit out of her always won out, resulting with her stomping away completely aggravated. She was hot as fuck when she was peeved. He supposed that was why he intentionally pushed her buttons, just to see that fire burning in those big blue eyes as she let loose a tirade that was adorable in c omparison to anyone else’s.

  The only thing that had held him back from making a move on Hadley in recent years was a mistake that he had made one night on a trip to Vegas with a group of friends and his girlfriend at the time, Cara. They had gotten drunk and then married, only to have her disappear after they’d returned home. To this day, he had no clue where Cara had gone. It left him still legally married; bound to a woman who was no longer a part of his life and nowhere to be found. It was one piece of unfinished business that plagued him daily. A moment in his life he wished he could take back, do all over again.

  If he fell in love with Hadley Prescott, their relationship would be doomed from the get go so it was better to just avoid it all together.

  Risking a glance in her direction, he found her reading a novel intently. He took the opportunity to let his eyes travel over her small form, taking in her beauty. Her blonde locks were cut in a sassy pixie cut that spiked out at the ends. Her nose was slender and slightly upturned, lush, rosy lips pouted temptingly as her thick dark lashes batted with each blink. The urge to press his mouth to hers and nibble those lips was overwhelming. For years he had dreamed of what she would taste like, wondered if she would tear down that feisty defense if he ever had her in his arms. He had no doubt she would melt into him. With her spunk…there was no doubt that the sex would be fucking mind-blowing. His cock jumped as her little pink tongue snaked out of her mouth running across her bottom lip, wetting it. She had no idea the effect she had on him. It was torture being in such close confines with her, smelling the soft scent of her perfume. He bit back a groan as he turned to look out his window, his throbbing cock pushing at his zipper with need. He shook his head. Thirteen freakin’ hours .

  Chapter Three

  The trip droned on endlessly as Hadley finally set her book aside. Tucking her feet up under her rear, she watched the snow whip by the window in hypnotizing white streaks. The snow was already turning into a full blown blizzard, slowing the bus slightly as the driver proceeded down the interstate cautiously. The flashes of white making her slightly sleepy, she rested her head back and sighed. Four hours in, and she’d killed the time reading, filing her nails, and ignoring obnoxious questions from Colton. The man really knew how to get under her skin, but something about him, made her feel hot in all the right places. She disliked him even more for that.

  She rolled her eyes as she heard him shift in his seat, knowing that he was now facing her…watching her. The feel of that heated gaze trained on her made goose bumps bloom on her skin and her clit pulse. Damn him . Shooting him a glare, she crossed her arms over her chest. “What is your problem, Colton?”

  “Don’t have one. What’s yours?” he drawled.

  She could hear the amusement in his voice. Clearly he enjoyed this little game of annoy the shit out of Hadley. He’d had enough practice at it over th e years to be a pro by now.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she said, eyes narrowing slightly. “Stop looking at you like what?” He licked his lips as he cocked a brow, and

  her nipples hardened immediately. Fuck .

  “Like a fucking creeper.”

  Colton chuckled. “I’m not.”

  “Colton…I’m not arguing with you for this whole trip! Just mind your own business and leave me alone for once. Don’t you have a book to read or something?” He just stared back with that godforsaken smirk on his face, watching her with those deep brown eyes. Pulling her gaze away from him, she cleared her throat before picking her book back up. She searched for the page she had folded at the corner,
trying like hell to look like she was actually reading. She felt her face flush as his eyes remained on her, obviously seeing right through her ruse. Letting irritation win out, she let the book fall to her lap and turned to face him.

  Her mouth opened to give him a piece of her mind just as the back end of the bus began to slide out of control. Panic swept over her as her eyes went wide and she gripped the back of the seat in front of her. Fighting back a strangled scream, Hadley clutched the seat with all she had while the driver struggled to regain control. They fishtailed back and forth until they were sliding sideways down the interstate, their fate clearly out of the hands of the bus driver. The road was no longer visible in the snow; she had no idea at that point if they were even on the blacktop anymore. When they finally came to rest with a jolt against a massive snow drift that nearly reached the hood of the bus, her chest was heaving, tears burning at her eyes.

  The view out of all of the windows was nothing but a thick white blanket, but she could make out the faint dark outlines of other vehicles in the ditch around them, some of which were over- turned. Hadley’s hands trembled as she rubbed a hand down her face, took several deep calming breaths. She wasn’t aware Colton was so close until his deep voice was inches from her ear, making her jump.

  “I asked if you were alright,” he repeated.

  Her heart pounded as she licked her dry lips and snapped her gaze to his. “J - Jesus Colton…you scared the shit out of me.” She croaked the words out

  in a rush, her voice betraying her as she tried to act like she was calm and collected. Fail .

  His big warm hands cupped her face, and his brow lowered with concern as he searched her face for…what? “Are you ok?” His voice was rough. “Are you hurt?”

  Her mouth opened and closed a couple times before she found her voice. “Ah…yeah. I’m fine, Colton, thanks.”

  Pulling her chin from his hands, Hadley straightened her clothes like nothing was amiss. Not quite sure what to make of his change in demeanor, she found herself unable to make eye contact wit h him. She wasn’t used to this side of Colton. Truth was; she wanted him to go back to the annoying smartass she knew he could be — he was easier to deal with when he was like that. Having him sit so close, his thigh resting against hers was a little unne rving. She prayed that he didn’t pick up on her discomfort.


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