Rockstar's Angel

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Rockstar's Angel Page 7

by K. T Fisher

  Well, I was tired! I'm not anymore!

  Jax rips the bed covers off me, I hear him moan as he sees that I'm naked. He crawls from the bottom of the bed, opening my legs when he reaches me. I throw my head back onto the pillow as he slides a single finger through my slit. "Always wet for me, baby." I feel his tongue trace exactly where his finger's just been. I groan loudly, his tongue beginning a beautiful torture, making me scream as he fucks me with his tongue. Fuck, he's amazing at this, truly talented. When he inserts his finger I come undone, exploding onto his tongue. As I lay there, feeling more exhausted than I did before he made me orgasm, Jax covers me with the quilt, getting in beside me. I turn to look at him through my nearly closed eyes. I feel guilty that I haven't given him anything in return, so I reach my hand over, trailing my fingertips over his toned stomach, but Jax stops my hand. "No, it's OK, Kendal. That was for you." He kisses me on my nose and smiles. "Now sleep, we get to meet our second child in the morning." He pulls me closer, wrapping me in his large tattooed arms. I fall asleep.


  I hardly slept last night, I'm too excited! Jax even woke at 7:00a.m. He's never a morning person, so I know he's as eager as me. I look at him sitting next to me, and smile. He's looking around at all the pregnancy pictures and diagrams. He looks so cute. I'm so happy he's with me this time around. We're in the hospital waiting room, it's like nothing I've ever seen before! It looks more like a luxury living room. Jax wanted the best, and as much as I didn't want him to, he paid for it.

  "Kendal Parker?" I look up to see a woman smiling at me from the corridor. As we follow her to the room, Jax squeezes my hand hard. She leads us to a dark room and I lay down on the soft hospital bed. "OK, are we excited to see this baby?"

  "You fucking bet we are." Jax grins from his seat, next to where I'm lying. The sonographer looks a little shocked and I smile. She's probably used to couples who are normal and don't swear in front of her. She tells me to lift my top and roll down my trousers a little. I know the drill from Finley's baby scans. I look across to Jax with a beaming smile, he doesn't look very happy that my skin, from under my bra to just above my private area, is on show. I roll my eyes, honestly!

  "OK, this is going to be cold." She squeezes the gel onto my stomach and I flinch a little at how cold it is. I watch the woman look at her screen. The screen fills up with black and white blurry images. I look to Jax, his eyes are glued to the screen, the look on his face bringing tears to my eyes. "Hmmmm." I look back to the sonographer, she's frowning a little at the screen as she moves the wand around my stomach. Oh no, what's happening? I look over to Jax, and he grabs onto my hand.

  "Is everything OK?" I have to ask, I feel Jax hold onto me more tightly.

  She keeps her eyes on the screen, slowly nodding her head. "Yes, fine honey." She stands from her stool, smiling down at me. I don't like that smile. "Just give me a minute."

  "What's going on?" Jax asks her, but it's too late, she's walking out the door.

  "Jax, I'm scared."

  He leans closer, stroking my hair. "It's gonna be okay, baby."

  He doesn't sound convinced and he's not looking at me, he's still looking at the screen.

  "No, something's wrong." I start to cry. Jax finally looks at me. He wipes away my tears and kisses me.

  "Baby, its fine."

  The sonographer returns, she's with an older woman who gives me a sickly, sweet smile. Oh shit, this is bad. "Hi Kendal, I'm just going to have a look at your baby, OK?"

  All I can manage is a head nod. She sits on the stool that the younger sonographer was sitting on. "Can you tell us what's going on?" Jax barks.

  They both turn to look at him. I'm not surprised when I see there shocked faces. "Just give me a minute Mr. Parker, and then we can talk."

  Talk? She squeezes some more cold gel onto my stomach, moving the wand around my belly. I cringe a little at how hard she digs it in. She looks closely at the screen, looks up to the younger girl and smiles. At least that's a good sign, right?

  "Right, everything is perfect." I breathe a sigh of relief. Jax leans his head on my shoulder.

  "Thank fuck."

  "Yes, your babies are perfectly fine."

  My head quickly turns to look at her, and I feel Jax stiffen. "Babies?"

  She smiles more widely, nodding her head. "Yes, there are three to be exact. Congratulations, you're the parents of triplets."

  Oh my God! I'm not just having one baby, I'm having three! Fucking hell, I'm going to be huge! No wonder I already have a little pouch at the bottom of my belly. I look over to Jax, he's grinning like a fool. He grabs my head, smashing his mouth against mine. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead on mine. "I fucking love you baby, thank you. Three babies! Thank you, baby." After Jax kisses me again, the two ultrasound technicians tell us about everything we can see on the screen. I have three extra hearts beating inside me, six tiny legs with six tiny feet and thirty tiny toes. I listen to all the health advice, they advise me they'll keep a closer eye on me and talk of birth plans. It all goes over my head, because all I keep thinking is we're having three babies. Call me crazy, but Jax doesn't look like he's freaking out at all. No, that's all me.

  As soon as we step inside our home Finley rushes up to me, hugging my legs tightly. I feel tears building up and bend down to cuddle him. I hold him so tightly I hear him make a noise. I loosen my hold, lifting him as I stand. "Stop Kendal, I read you shouldn't lift heavy objects when you're pregnant."

  "Finley isn't an object." I walk further into our home. I need to get a drink.

  Jax stops in front of me, taking Finley from my arms. "I know that, but I don't want you risking anything. Especially now we know what exactly is in there."

  He points at my stomach with a huge smile. "You're not scared?"

  He frowns slightly, "no, well yeah, a little. I don't know what to do with babies, and now we're not just having one, but I'll do my best by you all. This is all I've ever wanted Kendal. I haven't got anything to worry about now I have you back." He sets Finley down, sitting him on the floor with his cars. Jax takes a step closer, softly touching my cheek. "I was so fucking happy when you told me you were pregnant, then you said yes to marrying me, and today I find out we're having a fucking miracle. Not only have I put one baby in there, I've put three. I couldn’t be any fucking happier right now. Yeah, it's gonna be a little more stressful, but we don't have to worry about money. I've got you, and you have me, baby." He leans in, capturing me in a heart stopping kiss that makes me forget all my worries. Jax is right, this is a miracle. We're having triplets! I have three of Jax's beautiful babies inside me. It's not surprising really considering how much sex Jax made us make up for lost time with.

  "Come on, let’s go get something to eat." He holds my hand, leading me in the direction of the kitchen.

  "Where are my mum and dad?" They must be here, because Finley is here.

  "In the kitchen mummy! Uncle-"

  "Ah yeah, let's go and find them." Why did Jax cut Finley off like that? I look at him curiously, but he just smiles at me.

  When we get to the kitchen I nearly wet myself in shock. Our close friends and parents shouting "Welcome back!" as we enter. I jump, my hand clutching my chest. Fucking hell! They all laugh when they see my reaction, fuckers.

  After hugging everyone and laughing for a while, Jax steals me away as I'm trying to get some information out of Tanya. He stands at the front of the kitchen, wrapping one arm around my shoulders, facing everyone. "Thanks for coming everyone. I knew Kendal missed you all, so I thought why not have you all come visit at the same time? Anyway, this morning we had our first baby scan, and it was...Well it was something alright."

  Everyone's faces look confused. Jax looks like he's caught in a moment. Aw! My tough rocker is getting all emotional. I decide to take over. "When we went to the scan, we had a surprise." I smile widely at everyone. They're all quietly staring at us both. I take a quick glance at Jax before I speak again. "Well, we
were told that we're not just having one baby."

  I hear all the girls gasp. The men typically still, they all look confused. Jessica places her hands over her mouth. "Oh my God, you're having twins?"

  Jax and I both laugh, Jax squeezing me tighter. "My girl here is giving me three more babies!

  Everyone in the room goes wide eyed, their mouths hanging open, then they all get loud and come over to congratulate us. My mum holds me tightly, tears running down her face. "Oh my darling, triplets, you're having triplets!"

  "Way to go man!" Max fist bumps Jax. Men, they're going to think he's got super sperm just because he planted three babies in my tummy.

  "Mummy?" I look down to see my little rock star looking up at me.

  "What's up buddy?"

  Jax notices Finley standing beside me. He must know that I want to hold him, so he picks Finley up, placing him on the kitchen counter. I smother him in a hug only a mother can give her child. He looks up to me, his bright grey eyes just like his dads. "What is triplets?"

  I laugh, my poor little boy. He might have three little sisters running after him in the future. "It means I have three babies in my tummy."

  His eyes go wide. "Three?" I nod my head. He gently pokes his finger on my stomach. Jax steps closer, ruffling his hair. "Will I have three sisters?"

  Jax's eyes go wide. "I haven't thought of that, crap! No, they can't all be girls. They might all be boys." Finley frowns, he wants a little sister, his heart is set on it. "Well, one might be a girl."

  He looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know babe, they might all be girls. It's possible."

  Jax scratches the back of his neck. "I need a beer."

  "Yeah, I might have three sisters!" I can't help but laugh along with everyone else. Poor Jax.

  Chapter 12


  I'm sitting in my living room facing my girls. I asked them all to come over so I can tell them everything that I've told Maisy.

  I've just finished telling them everything Maisy knows, but they haven't said anything yet. They're all just sitting there staring at me. I drop my head, covering my face with my hands. I can't bear to look at them anymore. The guilt is eating me up! They all look so sad. I can't stand their pity. This is why I originally kept quiet about it all.

  "Fucking little shit." Jessica finally growls.

  "I can't believe he'd do something like that." Sophie is struggling to believe what I've told her, and more guilt eats away at me.

  "Yeah, well he did." Maisy answers.

  "I can't believe you were there." Kendal sounds sad. Out of everyone, she was the one I was most worried about telling my story to, mainly because I know she will blame herself.

  "I'm sorry." I mumble into my hands.

  I feel the sofa dip down beside me, then hear Kendal's firm voice. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for." She wraps her arms around me. "I am so angry, Tan." I stiffen. "Not at you darling, I'm pissed at Leo, the fucking bastard. When I see that man I'm gonna have it out with him. How dare he do this to you?"

  While Kendal mumbles about how she's going to handle Leo, the other girls join us, each taking a turn cuddling me. I try not to let my tears fall.

  Jessica holds my head in her hands, looking straight into my eyes. "The only thing to be sorry for is that you didn't tell us sooner. We could have helped you."

  I shake my head. "I couldn't."

  I remove Jessica's hands from my face so she can't see the few tears that fall. Shit, this is what I didn't want to happen. I can't say anything else because I know I will cry.

  Maisy does her best, repeating everything else I told her, and explaining why I felt I couldn't tell them. While she does this, I avoid eye contact with them all.

  "I'm so sorry, Tan." Kendal whispers. I look up to see her crying.

  "No, this isn't your fault." I try to reassure her, but her tears continue to fall.

  "No, it is." She sniffles. "I took everyone's attention when we should have been helping you too."

  I look up at her with what I hope is a stern look. "No, I didn't want the attention, and you helped me." She gives me a look that tells me she doesn't believe me. "No, you really did. Everyone was focused on you. It was a blessing in disguise for me. I didn't want anyone's sympathy, so I hid my pain behind yours. It looked like I was suffering for you."

  "But you were suffering for yourself. That was insane!"

  Sophie shakes her head. "That's silly Tan."

  After talking through it with them some more I think they finally understand where I'm coming from. Well, a little at least. They're still pissed at Leo, and annoyed at me for keeping it from them. I'm just glad it's out there now.

  Leo trampled all over my heart without even knowing. I don't know what's worse. Him not knowing that I loved him in the first place and breaking my heart, or him knowing how I felt and doing it anyway!

  When I've had enough of their kind words and sympathetic looks, I ask them to talk about something else, because it's bringing me down. They seem shocked that I don't want to trash talk Leo myself. I'm kind of shocked at that too, but I'm truly sick of it all right now. "I just want to forget about it all. Why don't we talk about the usual stuff? I wanna forget about all this shit."

  Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "Fine."

  "I already had a word with him anyway." Maisy chews on her nails, looking bored rather than having just told me she spoke to Leo about me!

  "What!" I shout out. Why hasn't she told me this before?

  She rolls her eyes. "I spoke to him after you left the club."

  "What did you say?" My voice sounds harder than I thought it would, but I'm a little angry at her and need to know what was said.

  "Basically that he's a dick, and he didn't and will never, deserve you." The girls giggle, but I'm not laughing. "Oh, and if he asks, we had a hot foursome with those sexy twins from the club."

  My eyes widen and the girls’ laughter becomes louder.

  "So, he treated you like that, then was all over you in the club, but still left with another girl?" Jessica asks. All the girls look at her with wide eyes. It's clear they didn't want me to know about Leo leaving the club with another girl.

  "He left with someone?" My voice sounds pathetic and sad. It's obvious the girls feel sorry for me.

  Sophie nods. "Yeah, it was in the paper."

  Perfect. I'm usually the first to know the latest celeb gossip, but because of my moods lately I haven't felt the need to care about it.

  "James spoke to Sam about it this morning. He went back with Leo and Max to their place" Jess tells us. "He said he saw Leo disappear with some pretty little blonde."

  The girls snicker about the fact that he only likes blondes because of me, but I don't laugh with them. There's a nauseous feeling in my stomach. It hurts me that Leo left with someone else after dragging me away from Marcus and kissing me. As soon as I'd gone he'd moved on to another girl. Same old Leo. I knew I was right not to give him a second chance. That's why he probably left Kendal and Jax's early, so he could go and see this slut he spent the night with. He hadn't so much as looked at me, or spoken a word to me. I thought for sure that he'd have at least tried to talk to me or look at me, but nothing.

  Thankfully the girls listen to me and start talking about other topics. It's not long until the baby talk begins. Sophie doesn't want to know the sex of her baby, and Kendal's just found out that she and Jax are expecting triplets! I join in the happy chatter as best as I can, but Leo is on my mind as I watch Kendal mindlessly stroke her already swollen stomach. Sophie is nearing the end of her pregnancy, giggling at Jessica's face as she lets her feel the baby kick. I watch my friends glow with happiness from the miracle of life thats growing inside them. I feel a twinge of jealousy. I watch them stroke their bellies with huge smiles, talking about their experiences of pregnancy. My hand unconsciously covers my lower belly, my fingers softly stroking my belly over my shirt. Memories flood back, along with the pain. Without thought,
my tears fall and I can't stop them. The girls immediately stop whatever it is they're talking about, looking at me with a mixture of shock and concern. They try to comfort me, they think they know why I'm crying, but they really have no idea. I haven't been completely honest with them. I cry harder, thinking about what I still need to tell them. I can't keep this to myself anymore. I need to tell them, now is the right time. No more lies.

  I sit up straight, looking at each of my closest friends. "I haven't been completely honest with you."

  They all look at each other, then back to me. "So tell us now." Maisy encourages.

  I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and my sickly, churning stomach. "When I left Leo that day, I didn't just leave with a broken heart. I didn't find out until about a month after."


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