Halfway to Forever: Book 3 in the Forever Faithful trilogy

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Halfway to Forever: Book 3 in the Forever Faithful trilogy Page 31

by Kingsbury, Karen

  Hannah chuckled and leaned into the circle, pretending to share private information with the rest of them. “That’s for sure …”

  “ ‘Old McDonald’ it is!” The melody sprang from Matt’s guitar as he worked his fingers over the strings.

  When they were done, they did “Jesus Loves Me” for Grace’s second request, and a silly camp song for Ty. When the children were finished making requests, Matt angled his head toward Jade, his eyes more serious than before.

  “Okay, Jade, you’re the reason we’re all celebrating.” He gave her a gentle, knowing smile. “How about you?”

  Tanner took her hand, and she leaned her head back, staring at the starry sky and trying to imagine what song summed up the wealth of love and hope and joy in her heart.

  Then she knew exactly what she wanted to sing “I’ve got it.” She grinned at Matt. “ ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness.’ ”

  “Ahhh.” Hannah nestled closer to Matt and gazed at him for a long moment. “Our favorite song.”

  The air between them filled with a sense of quiet holiness as Matt began to play. The music mixed with the sound of the distant surf and Jade closed her eyes as they started to sing.

  “ ‘Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; there is no shadow of turning with Thee.’ ” Their voices joined together, and Jade savored the sound, every word a prayer to heaven. To think she’d believed her cancer a punishment from that same faithful God seemed almost ludicrous now.

  She’d learned that, too, these past months.

  A smile filled Jade’s face as the song built. “ ‘Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; as Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.’ ”

  Jade opened her eyes and looked at the people around her, people who, just six months ago, she thought she might never see again. Hannah, whose passions were so like her own, but who had been more like a sister these past months; Matt, who had helped Tanner be strong when he had no strength of his own; Jenny, whose sweet heart had been broken far too many times, but who now seemed happier than she had in years; and Grace and Kody and Maddie, who would be a part of all of them forever.

  The song played on and Jade shifted her gaze to Ty on her left side, strong in character and handsome like his father, but still so much a boy. He grinned at her and she hugged him.

  Then she turned to Tanner. Their eyes met and held, the words to the song dancing on both their lips. She studied the shape of his chin, his jaw, and cheekbones. Everything about him was written on her heart, and she realized that she could read his thoughts more easily since the cancer. Although there were no words spoken between them, his voice played in her heart, telling her he had never been happier, that he needed her more than air.

  She leaned into him again, and turned her attention once more to Matt.

  He was starting the third verse, one that Jade was not familiar with. Only Matt and Hannah knew this part of the song, and Jade listened, hanging on every word.

  “ ‘Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!’ ”

  Jade could hardly believe it.

  Every word was as though Jade had written it herself. It was the story of her life. God had pardoned her sin and brought her peace. He’d cheered her on through the darkest days of her life and given her an inhuman strength to carry on. She thought of her verse from Jeremiah, about the plans God had for her. There was no question that her tomorrows were filled with hope.

  Hope brighter than the sun.

  Gratitude flooded her heart to overflowing. Ten thousand blessings, indeed! All of them had so much to be thankful for. Suddenly Jade had a vision of their two families gathered together this way, singing this song, ten years from now … twenty Thirty.

  Tears filled her eyes as one final time they joined their voices for the chorus.

  “ ‘Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!’ ”

  Dear Reader Friends,

  First, I must share with you how hard it was to let go of the characters in this book. Matt and Hannah and Jade and Tanner have become like close friends, and as I neared the end of Halfway to Forever the impending good-bye was almost painful. Of course, my husband thinks I’m delusional. Crying over stories I made up, missing people that don’t exist. He says I’ll make an interesting old woman one day, when I start wondering why it’s been so long since Jade and Tanner have visited.

  But for now he humors me.

  Halfway to Forever has been close to my heart for a long time. I got the idea for the book on a cross-country flight, thirty thousand feet closer to heaven—the source of all my ideas. Thoughts began to come, and before long I was jotting down plotlines as quickly as I could write. Within an hour I was dabbing at tears. It was the first time I’ve ever cried when outlining a book.

  The thing that struck me most about Halfway to Forever was the truth that trouble comes … even for us who believe. I’ve heard it said that we are either leaving a crisis, entering one, or smack in the middle of one.

  It’s true, isn’t it?

  The tragedy of September 11 told us as much. We can make our plans and determine our paths but only to a small degree. So much of life is out of our control. Disease comes, jobs go, children move away. Plans dissolve with a single phone call or newsflash. What seemed so strong and certain today can be reduced to nothing but ash tomorrow. We know that; we’ve seen it happen. Not just on television and in New York City or Washington, D.C., but in our own lives as well. We all have “twin towers” we hold dear, things or people that seem indestructible until one fateful moment.

  The good news is no matter what happens, there is One who ultimately is in control. He has promised us that if we love Him, He will work all things out for good. All things. Think about that for a minute.

  Of course, that doesn’t mean every burning building or flash of fear on the landscape of your life will turn out the way you’d hoped. That’s not how God works. Rather, He sees the bigger picture. We have the comfort, the peace, of knowing that we can rest in His hands because He will take care of everything. Whatever the trouble is.

  As many of you know, my husband and I have six children—three by birth, three from Haiti by means of adoption. When we’re taking a long road trip, we often hear multiple voices asking,

  “Are we almost there?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Why don’t we stop here?”

  “How come we didn’t take that road?”

  “I’m tired of this trip.”

  We try to answer the questions patiently, but the bottom line is we know where we’re going. We wouldn’t take the trip if we didn’t think it was going to be good for all of us in some way. Still, children often don’t understand and so they question.

  Aren’t we the same way with God?

  There is much we want to know about our journey through life, and God tries to meet our needs by way of His Word and others in the body of Christ who comfort us. But sometimes there are no answers except one: He is God.

  He is in control; He will lead us safely home in His timing.

  The other day we took our four-year-old to his first professional basketball game. This is the same blonde, blue-eyed boy who tells people his name is Michael Jordan; the boy who plays basketball two hours every day—rain or shine—and can’t get enough of the round, leather ball. We thought he’d be thrilled about going to a Portland Trail Blazers game. The problem was he had to leave a birthday party early to go. His sad little pout made for a quiet ride to the stadium.

  It wasn’t until we got to the game and took our seats that everything changed. His eyes grew wide as saucers, and he sat on the edge of his seat throughout the entire contest, cheering and shouting and raising his chubby fist in the air. It was the time of his life.

  The analogy was striking for my husband and me.

  In the here and now, we are having fun at the birthday party, but ultimately God wants to take us somewhere else, to a heavenly place where we’ll have the time of our lives. The wonderful place where young Brandy Almond went in Halfway to Forever.

  Yes, we will question. But only God holds the answers, and many of them won’t be clear until we get to the Big Game.

  While writing Halfway to Forever, I was reminded of the Israelites wandering in the desert for forty years. God’s provision for them was daily. He never gave them more than enough to get through one, single day. That’s how it was for the Bronzans and Eastmans. Yes, there was crisis. Yes, troubles came. But God provided enough grace and strength for each sunup, one day at a time. At first their situations felt overwhelming, as though God had abandoned them.

  But that is never the case, is it? Not for these characters, and not for us in real life. If there was anything Hannah and Matt learned, it was that through the darkest night, morning would always come. If there was anything Jade and Tanner learned, it was that God’s plans were always good, no matter how they seemed at first.

  Just like our son’s trip to the Blazers game.

  I pray that in journeying with me through the pages of Halfway to Forever, you’ve been reminded of these truths as well. No matter what, God is in control. He loves you and He’ll never let you go.

  On a personal note, our family is adjusting beautifully to the adoption of our three new little boys. Sean, EJ, and Joshua are in first grade, learning to read, and loving American sports, American customs, and most of all American food. They pray often and know the One from whom our blessings come. All the terrifying possibilities we imagined and sometimes entertained in the days leading up to their adoption never materialized. Not one.

  Our children love each other and are living testimonies to the power of prayer. Our prayer and yours. Thank you for being a part of the miracle of their lives. Your continued prayers are so appreciated.

  Until we’re together again, I pray God will bless you and yours and leave you with a deeper understanding of his Holy provision.

  Day by day by day.

  As always, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me through my Web site at www.karenkingsbury.com or at my e-mail address, [email protected].

  Love and grace in Christ,

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  Discussion Questions

  The strength of Jade and Tanner, Matt and Hannah, was their friendship. Why is friendship important to us all? How is it specifically important to you?

  Explain how friendship is a tool God uses to bring us closer to Him.

  We meet up with these characters during a season in their lives when they are all undergoing hardship. Explain those hardships and how they are different from each other.

  Are you more like Jade, Tanner, Matt, or Hannah when it comes to handling the troubles life sometimes brings? How so?

  Think of a time when you and a friend shared a difficult season. Describe that time and tell how friendship made a difference.

  Sometimes when we come against hard times, we’re tempted to compromise. Discuss the compromise Tanner considered when Jade’s brain tumor was threatening her life. What was his final choice, and why?

  How did Tanner’s determination to stay the course contribute to the way this story played out?

  In Halfway to Forever, Matt was torn between two struggles. Have you ever felt caught up in a fight for your faith? If so, discuss that time and what you learned from it.

  Jenny goes through a transformation in this book. Explain that, and share about a time when God allowed circumstances to transform you.

  Describe the miracle that occurs with Hannah toward the end of this book. Name a time when God worked a miracle in your life. How are the situations similar?




  A drunk driver … a deadly accident … a dream destroyed. When Hannah Ryan loses her husband and oldest daughter to a drunk driver, she is consumed with hate and revenge. Ultimately, it is a kind prosecutor, a wise widow, and her husband’s dying words that bring her the peace that will set her free and let her live again. ISBN 1-59052-020-3


  When childhood friends Jade and Tanner reunite as adults, they share their hearts, souls, and dreams of forever—until a fateful decision tears them apart. Now, nearly a decade later, Jade’s unfaithful husband wants to destroy her in a custody battle that is about to send shock waves across the United States. Only one man can help Jade in her darkest hour. And only one old woman knows the truth that can set them all free. ISBN 1-57673-616-4


  Matt and Hannah … Jade and Tanner—after already surviving much, these couples now face the greatest struggles of their lives: Parental losses and life-threatening illness threaten to derail their faith and sideline their futures. Can Hannah survive the loss of an adopted daughter? Will Tanner come through decades of loneliness only to face losing Jade one final time? ISBN 1-57673-899-X


  Karen Kingsbury is an award-winning author and former reporter for the Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Daily News. She is also a recognized author with the Women of Faith Fiction Club. Kingsbury lives with her husband and six children in Washington.




  In the wake of her father’s sudden death, Ellen Barrett must journey back to the small town where she grew up and spend a week with antagonistic siblings. In the process, she must reckon with a man who once meant everything to her.



  Maggie Stovall is trapped inside a person she’s spent years carefully crafting. Now the truth about who she is—and what she’s done—is revealed, sending Maggie into a spiral of despair. Will Maggie walk away from her marriage and her foster child in her desperation to escape the mantle of depression cloaking her? Or will she allow God to take her to a place of ultimate honesty before it’s too late?



  Jordan Riley, an embittered lawyer, sues his hometown to have a public statue of Jesus removed. The conflict causes him to cross paths with a spirited young newscaster named Faith, who opposes Jordan’s suit in surprising ways. Perhaps most amazing of all is how Faith begins to disassemble the walls around Jordan’s heart. Will love be enough when the battle rages on every side?




  The PRISM® Weight Loss Program, founded in 1990, has helped more than 60,000 people transform their eating behaviors with a sensible, lifestyle-change approach. Now available in The Prism Weight Loss Program by bestselling author Karen Kingsbury and PRISM cofounder Toni Vogt, the book shows readers how to not just “tame the monster” of food addiction, but destroy it through simple eating strategies and biblical principles. It includes testimonials, descriptions of the authors’ personal struggles with food addiction, details of the program, and a fabulous recipe section that will help readers become the fit people God created them to be.

  ISBN 1-57673-578-8 HD

  What People Are Saying about


  “Karen Kingsbury has been such a godsend. Her books have brought me to God and have motivated my husband and me to remarry after a bad divorce. After not being able to have kids, we now have an adopted boy and are trying to adopt another. Your books show faith, love, and tenderness, and I love them.”

  —KATHY, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

  “Karen Kingsbury’s fiction has ch
anged my life by reminding me that there is hope amid seemingly hopeless circumstances and that faith in God’s redemptive plan is the anchor I can hold on to when life’s compasses fail.”

  —AMY, Lawrenceville, GA

  “Karen Kingsbury is our book club’s favorite author. We often discuss how each of her books not only entertains us, but inspires us to live out our faith in a real, everyday, every-moment way. Thanks for your stories, which challenge us to be better disciples of our precious Lord Jesus.”

  —LYNDA, Covington, WA

  “Karen Kingsbury’s books have touched my life in many different ways, but Where Yesterday Lives really helped me in the death of my father-in-law. Thank you for the great stories.”

  —CHRIS, Zeeland, MI

  “I have read every book Karen Kingsbury has written. Each book has brought me to a place of repentance and helped me to forgive myself for things I’ve confessed to no one but God. Her books have given me hope for the future, the assurance of forgiveness, and the strength to look forward to what the Lord would have me do and that I can accomplish it in His strength! Thank you.”

  —KAREN, Campbell, CA

  “The Lord prompted me to find a Christian author I enjoyed, and I found Karen Kingsbury. I have struggled with depression to a certain degree all my life, but when I read her book, I was at the bottom. This was the beginning of a wonderful journey to recovery for me.”


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