Lightning Only Strikes Twice

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Lightning Only Strikes Twice Page 25

by Fletcher, Stanalei

  Arnold Maxwell looked beyond Luke to the doorway. “Where’s that damned girlfriend of yours?”

  Luke frowned. “Emmaline?”

  “Hell, no! Not that bitch. Took you long enough to see through her tinsel.”

  Pulling up the only chair in the room, Luke sat heavily. “I thought you liked Emmaline.”

  “I suppose I did, until she started making noises that the two of you were gonna marry. Good thing you dumped her or I would’ve had to embarrass the both of you by splitting it up myself.”

  “You knew I was planning to break it off?”

  The elder Maxwell coughed.

  Luke offered him a sip of water from a cup.

  “God, how I hate this.” He waved the cup away. “Of course I knew. I know more than you think.”

  Luke pondered that statement a moment. “If you weren’t referring to Emmaline, then who is my girlfriend?” His father couldn’t know about Annie. He hadn’t known what they’d shared at White Rock was real until tonight.

  “That Crawford woman.”

  Luke’s jaw went slack.

  “Close your mouth, son, before these nurses put a damn tube down your throat.”

  Luke shut his mouth. Then he asked, “What makes you think Annie’s my girlfriend?”

  “She is, isn’t she?”

  “Well, yes.” He swallowed hard. Annie was more than a girlfriend. She was the person in his life who’d brought everything into focus. “Until tonight, I wasn’t sure she felt the same.” At least, he hoped she still felt the same.

  A nurse entered.

  Luke scooted his chair out of the way so she could take his father’s vitals.

  “Sure takes the younger generation long enough to make up their minds,” his father grumbled to the nurse.

  She smiled and glanced at Luke. “Is this your son, Arnold?”

  He grunted and gave a curt nod toward Luke. “Meet my thick-headed offspring, Luke Maxwell.”

  “Hi.” The nurse gave Luke a polite smile reserved for the patient’s family. The smile that said, I know you have to be here, but stay out of my way. “Your time is just about up. We need to limit visits to ten minutes.”

  “In that case,” Luke said to his father, “I’ll let you rest and be back in the morning.” He stood and headed for the door.

  “Bring that Crawford woman with you when you come back. I’m not done with her yet.”

  Luke walked away from his father’s room, his head spinning with all the revelations he had tonight.

  A burning need to rush over to Annie’s home, take her in his arms, seduce her into bed for a night of sweet love, had him nearly running through hospital. As much as he wanted to spend the rest of the night with her, he knew she needed time to sort through everything they’d learned tonight.

  He needed time too. A new reality stood before him. He still hadn’t processed it.

  From the hospital, he drove straight to his office. There, he wrapped up some details that had been interrupted when he’d gotten the emergency call.

  Clearing his schedule took longer than he’d expected. By the time he’d finished, he had delegated or postponed appointments to free him up for the next week.

  He’d spend whatever time necessary to be with both his father and Annie. There were a lot of things he needed to discuss with both of them.


  Annie was on a mission.

  She pulled out the old cedar chest where her grandfather kept all his personal papers. One by one, she went through them, looking for specific mention of Arnold Maxwell. Somewhere in these papers was the reason he hated her grandfather.

  She was determined to understand how well the two men had known each other.

  From Mr. Maxwell’s conversation, his connection to her grandfather appeared to be more than just a business acquaintanceship. His anger over a failed property deal seemed extreme.

  Shortly after Grandpa died, she’d gone through most of his things. When she came across the deed and the ten-year-old offer to buy the property, it was an answer to a prayer.

  She’d put the trunk aside in favor of expediting the sale to pay off the debts.

  At some point, when her grief wasn’t as hard to bear, she had planned to finish going through his personal mementos. Now, that task couldn’t wait any longer.

  As she ended the second hour of her search, she stood, arched her back and rolled her head from side to side. She’d read and re-read every sheet of paper in each of the folders.

  Every spare surface of her grandfather’s bedroom floor was stacked with files laid out according to the content. Correspondence in one, tax notices in another, and actual property details in a third. The chest stood empty except for an old cigar box filled with trinkets her grandfather had saved.

  Annie lifted the box out of the chest and lovingly smoothed the worn top with her palm. She remembered when Grandpa showed her the contents shortly after she came to live with him. She was seven, maybe eight. Still unsure of her place alone in the world, with an old man for her only parent.

  As she looked back on that moment, she realized that in his own way he was trying to connect to a lost child by sharing a piece of himself.

  She sat on the bed, cradling the box on her lap, allowing that connection wrap warm memories around her.

  “Oh, Grandpa,” she whispered. “How am I going to find my way out this mess?”

  The answering silence was broken only by the sound of a car driving past on the street outside.

  After a moment, she opened the box. The bitter scent of old metal and aged paper wafted up.

  Inside, were Grandpa’s Korean War medals and insignia along with his honorable discharge papers. She removed these and placed them on the bed next to her. The other items were the wedding ring he never wore, even when his wife was alive, some tie clasps, and a yellowed envelope.

  Annie hadn’t remembered seeing in the envelope before. She lifted it out and carefully opened it.

  Inside were five poker cards.

  A cold chill ran down her arms.

  Luke said his father played poker—he called his poker buddies cheats.

  She slid the cards out of the envelope. They were old. Really old. The waxy surface barely held them together. She laid the cards carefully on the bedspread next to her grandfather’s war medals.

  A three of hearts. Four of hearts. Five of hearts. Six of hearts. And the ace of spades.

  If she remembered correctly, the hand was almost a straight flush, but without the deuce or a seven, it meant nothing.

  Had these cards belonged to Grandpa? If so, why had he kept them all this time?

  She picked up the cards, placing them one by one back inside envelope. As she did, she spied inky squiggles on the ace of spades.

  Holding the card by the edges, she leaned closer to the light. She could barely make out the letter U.

  The flowery twirl on the tip of the U looked like her grandfather’s handwriting. She’d been reading his journals off and on since his death. His script had been hard to decipher at first, but once she got used to it, reading the journal became easier. This lettering was definitely made by her grandfather’s hand.

  Not only had he kept the poker hand, he’d written on the card. Why? A better question was, why save the cards all these years? Especially when he didn’t play.

  She slipped the ace into the envelope with the others. Tomorrow she’d take them to her office. She’d borrow that old table with a large, lighted magnifying glass used years ago for designing forms. Under the light, she could decipher the rest of the writing.

  Learning what was on the card might reveal why her grandfather had saved them. It might even be a clue to resolving the mysterious link between her grandfather and Arnold Maxwell. Certainly, nothing else she’d gone through tonight had offered any answers.

  She cleared away the clutter, put the file folders back in the chest, and headed for her room.

  Her clock showed after midnight. As she un
dressed for bed, she resolved to continue reading her grandfather’s journals. His journal was the last place she could hope to find more about his relationship with Mr. Maxwell.

  Of course, Luke may have discovered some answers, too—if he’d been able to talk with his father.

  She hoped Mr. Maxwell was going to recover. Whatever differences had come between him and her grandfather shouldn’t be allowed to harm his health. She’d search for everything she could find to clear up the misunderstanding.

  The most important thing she’d learned since her grandfather died, and during her time with Paul and Elizabeth, was family comes first.

  If the problems between Arnold Maxwell and Grandpa were too great to overcome, she’d let Luke go. No matter how broken her own heart, she refused to make him choose between her and his father.


  The next morning, Annie was gathering her jacket and keys to leave for work when a knock sounded at her front door. Not sleeping well the night before had put her behind schedule. She didn’t have time for visitors, but she unlocked the door thinking it might be her neighbor inquiring about the excitement at her house yesterday.

  Luke stood on her step, hands in his pockets, looking exhausted.

  Her breath caught at the sight of him.

  “Luke!” She opened the door wide, wanting to throw her arms around him, but his expression stopped her. “What’s wrong? Has something happened to your father?”

  “No. He’s resting. I checked with the hospital just before I came over.” His mouth tilted in a brief smile.

  Relief flooded her. Thank God. “Then why aren’t you with him?

  “I’m headed over there now,” he said. “I have specific instructions to bring you with me.”

  She frowned in confusion. “From whom?”

  “My dad.” Luke lifted her jacket from unresisting hand and held it out for her.

  She slipped her arms through the sleeves and then closed the front door. “Why would he want to see me?”

  “He wouldn’t tell me. But he was quite adamant.”

  Dazed by the request, she followed Luke to his car and climbed in when he opened the door.

  He settled into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

  “Your father really asked to see me?”

  “He wants to meet my girlfriend.”

  “Your pretty blonde girlfriend?”

  He chuckled. “No. You.”

  “That can’t be right.”

  Luke glanced at her. “Why not?”

  “Because he told me to stop seeing you.” As the words came out, she realized they hadn’t discussed that part of Mr. Maxwell’s visit yesterday.

  “Is that why my dad came to see you?”

  “I’m sorry.” She bit her lip. “I was going to tell you, but then…”

  “We found us, again.”

  She nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. With Luke’s father demanding she stay away, it would have been easier to believe it had all been a dream. “He doesn’t want you involved with the granddaughter of a cheat.” Her voice broke. No matter how untrue, it still hurt. “I should have told you sooner.”

  “We’ll work it out.” He covered her hand.

  Their fingers naturally intertwined and warmth infused her to the core. Maybe he cared for after all.

  “Do you know how badly I wanted to come over last night?” he said.

  Her heart tripped. “As much as I wanted you to?”

  He smiled. “More.” He squeezed her hand. “I’m not sure what happened to us. But I can tell you this—as much as I’m relieved to know I’m not losing my mind, I’m more thrilled you’re back in my life.”


  “Don’t.” He released her to negotiate the turn into the hospital parking lot. “Don’t say anything. I know we have things to work through. Right now I just want to enjoy being with you.”

  She’d wanted that too. Luke was her past and her present. If they could clear up this ugly mystery between them, he could very well be her future.

  As they entered the hospital, Annie realized she hadn’t called her work. She noticed a bank of phones and veered toward them.

  Luke caught her elbow. “Where are you going?”

  “To tell my supervisor I’m running late.”

  “Ask for the day off,” he said.

  She grimaced. “As much I’d like that, I can’t. I’ve already given my two-week notice. I need to train my replacement.”

  “You quit your job? Why?”

  “I…I’m moving away.” She took a deep breath. Yesterday’s revelation changed everything. Yet, if she couldn’t resolve things with Mr. Maxwell, then moving away was the right decision.

  Luke stared. “I can’t believe how close we came to never seeing each other again.” He handed her his cell phone. “Use this. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  Annie wished she could bottle the warmth Luke’s words offered. Instead, she took the phone and placed the call and refused to let her boss’s disgruntled permission diminish the joy of Luke wanting her close.

  They rode the elevator to the third floor. As they walked into the intensive care unit, a nurse stopped them.

  “We’re here to see Arnold Maxwell,” Luke explained. “I’m his son.”

  “His nurse is with him right now. Give her about five minutes, then you can go in.” She directed Luke and Annie to wait in a room just outside intensive care.

  The room was occupied with other patients’ families and they couldn’t sit together.

  Annie glanced at Luke, feeling awkward as she took a chair at the opposite side. This was a place for families, close friends. She was neither to Mr. Maxwell. She would have been more comfortable if they’d been alone. Then she felt ashamed of the selfish thought. Seeing Luke’s dad, making certain he was going to recover, was more important than her unease.

  Regardless of what she and Luke shared in the past, whether or not they had a future together, hinged on his father accepting her.


  Annie stood in the doorway and nervously wiped her palms on her pant legs.

  Arnold Maxwell stared at her over the tubes pushed inside his nostrils. His vulnerable position didn’t lessen the power of the man. He intimidated her, even from his sick bed.

  “Come closer,” he rasped. The nurse had raised the head of his bed so he appeared to recline comfortably.

  She glanced warily at Luke.

  He winked and gave a slight nod.

  Encouraged by his solid strength, she crossed the floor to stand beside Mr. Maxwell’s bed. “I’m sorry for what happened,” she said.

  “Sorry you saved my life?” Arnold raised an eyebrow.

  “No!” She touched his arm. “Of course not. I’m sorry I caused your heart attack.”

  Arnold looked over at Luke. “She told you I was at her house when this happened?”

  Luke nodded.

  “Did she tell you why?”

  “She did.” Luke’s voice held hint of icy disapproval.

  Annie felt a measure of relief, knowing Luke was on her side. Then remembered, this wasn’t about “sides.”

  The older man pursed his lips. He studied first Luke, then Annie. “You didn’t cause my heart attack. You saved my life,” he told her. “I probably would’ve died if I’d been anywhere else.”

  She shook her head. “Anywhere else and you wouldn’t have gotten upset.”

  “Not what the doctor said.” A muscle in his jaw jerked slightly. “I was a ticking time bomb. Would have gone off anyway.”

  “What else did the doctor say?” Luke asked.

  “They’re scheduling me for surgery to unclog the damn arteries.”


  “Next couple of days. First, they need to see if I live that long.”

  Annie shuddered. She was bound to this man because of what happened. She may not like some things he said, but she didn’t want him to die. Especially for Luke’s sake.
  Arnold must have felt her tremble. He placed a large hand over hers.

  “That’s why I needed to see you, Annie,” he said. “Can I call you Annie?”

  She blinked. “Of course.”

  “Good.” He tried to clear his throat.

  Luke found a cup of water and held it out for his father.

  “Thanks, son.” Arnold took a sip and handed the cup back. Then he looked at Annie with narrowed eyes. “Rick said you’d understand.”

  Annie tilted her head. Had she heard right? “Did you say Rick? My grandfather?”

  Arnold let out a short chuckle, which turned to a cough. He held a hand to his chest. “Damn, that hurts.” He glanced at Luke. “Don’t ever get into a fight with this girl. She’s a lot stronger than she looks.”

  “Dad, what are you talking about?” Luke said. He appeared as confused as Annie felt.

  “CPR,” Arnold said. “She nearly broke a rib.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She let go of Arnold’s arm and stepped away from the bed. “We should let you rest.”

  “No!” Arnold tried to sit up, but Luke put a hand on his father’s shoulder.

  At that moment, the nurse rushed in. “Arnold, your visitors need to leave now.”

  Arnold glared at the nurse. “No. I have to talk to them.”

  The nurse looked at the heart monitor, which had taken a jump when Arnold moved.

  “Please,” he asked.

  Annie watched the standoff between Luke’s father and the nurse. She was sure the nurse would escort them out any second.

  Turning to Luke and Annie, she said, “Don’t upset him. The doctor insists he remain calm.”

  “It’ll upset me more if you kick them out,” Arnold warned.

  The nurse silenced her patient with a look.

  “We’ll do our best to keep him calm,” Luke said.

  The nurse looked at her watch. “I’ll give you five more minutes.”

  “Twenty,” Arnold said. “I have lots to discuss.”

  The nurse’s mouth tightened to grim line. “Ten.” She raised a finger to stop Arnold’s objection. “And then you rest for two hours before the next visit.” Before Arnold could protest again, she left the room.


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