Rancher's Choice

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Rancher's Choice Page 5

by Kylie Brant

  He pointed in the direction she had been riding. “If you ride five more minutes that way, the fence line becomes barbed wire. That’s the east pasture. We have about 150 head there. The others are scattered in different pastures all over the ranch. That way we don’t have too many head grazing in the same spot. Some of the other cattle are kept isolated.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Bulls are separated to keep them from fighting each other and getting injured.” Jackson didn’t go into the reasons the bulls fought, which had to do with breeding. No use shocking the city girl with the facts of life on a cattle ranch. “Females with new calves are by themselves for the first few weeks.” He couldn’t resist a wicked jab. “Like most females, mama cows can be a little touchy.”

  Kaly ignored the ribbing. “My grandparents have a farm in Arizona, near my home. They keep some horses and raise Herefords.”

  “Good beef cattle.” Jackson nodded. “We have mostly Brahmans here.”

  At Kaly’s blank look, he elucidated, “Brahmans are a strange-looking breed if you haven’t seen any before. They have a big hump at the back of the neck. Make a grunting sound, instead of a moo.”

  “You’re lucky you’re able to do what you love.” At Jackson’s quizzical look, Kaly clarified, “The ranch, I mean. It’s obvious you wouldn’t enjoy anything else.”

  Jackson nodded. “I wouldn’t be happy in a nine-to-five, necktie job, that’s for sure. Cities are great for evenings out, but after a couple of days they begin to close in on me. I nearly went crazy sometimes at college.”

  “I’m surprised you went to college.”

  “Why? Can’t believe that an ignorant cowboy could hack the big university?”

  “No,” she murmured. Whatever other qualities Jackson Roberts appeared to possess, ignorance wasn’t one of them. “I just have a hard time picturing you off the ranch.”

  He cast her a quick glance. “I hated being away,” he affirmed. “Sometimes I’d come home and spend the whole weekend camped outside, trying to get enough of it to last me when I got back to school.” He stopped abruptly then, but Kaly was nodding her understanding.

  “I know what you mean. I used to love to stay in the country with my grandparents. I felt so free there. Nobody ever expected me to behave a certain way or placed restrictions on what I could or couldn’t do.”

  Jackson eyed her keenly. “You don’t like restraints?”

  “They’re very uncomfortable,” Kaly answered lightly, and he nodded.

  She scanned the vast meadow before them, mentally congratulating herself for agreeing to stop and talk to him. Maybe she’d been too hasty when she’d vowed to stay at odds with him. Here they were, having a normal conversation, and lightning hadn’t struck, the earth hadn’t cracked, nor had there been any other major catastrophe. It might just be possible to maintain a civil relationship with Jackson Roberts, without having to resort to erecting a stone wall between them.

  “You never did tell me what made you decide to come here.” At her confused expression he expanded, “To the ranch. Why would you be interested in coming way out here for your summer vacation?”

  “Jeff is building a reputation as a fine historian. It’s an honor to be able to work with him on this book.”

  “We’re all proud of Jeff,” Jackson allowed. “He was always the brainy one in the family. But what do you usually do in the summer?”

  “I’ve gone to summer school when I could afford it, worked when I couldn’t. I spent most of last summer on a Navaho reservation, researching my dissertation. Working with Jeff this summer will be a valuable experience, and it’ll pay for my classes next fall.”

  He was silent as he digested this. When he spoke again, his tone was guarded. “You’re putting yourself through school?”

  She nodded. “I have a research assistantship, so that’s helped, but the doctoral program is expensive. I work to pay for classes. That’s why it’s taken me a bit longer to complete the program. I only have another semester before I finish up, though. Assuming, of course, that the final draft of my dissertation is accepted.”

  So the lady wasn’t as pampered as he’d first figured, Jackson thought. He’d assumed that some indulgent parents were bankrolling the school career, giving in to their precious daughter’s every whim. But obviously he’d been wrong. He had no use for people who expected handouts, who weren’t willing to do honest work for what they wanted. He had to respect the way she had managed to do just that.

  Unaware of the direction of his thoughts, Kaly added idly, “Dr. Morehead is a big fan of your brother’s. He’s convinced my work on Jeff’s book will benefit me as much as it will Jeff.”

  Of course. Jackson’s face twisted at her words. If he hadn’t been so disgusted with himself, he would have laughed out loud. What a fool he’d been to consider even for a moment that Kaly Scott was different from any other woman he’d known. So it wasn’t money she was after; it was prestige. He supposed this job did look good to her; it was a way to earn a buck and get some glory from working with his brother at the same time. But to his mind, using a man to pad her résumé was just as bad as trapping one for his bank account.

  “Well, that sure figures,” he muttered sardonically.

  Kaly was bewildered at his sudden change in attitude. The man’s moods were as difficult to follow as a maze. “What?”

  “That’s what it always comes down to, doesn’t it, with women like you. Using a man for whatever you think you need.” Jackson was annoyed with himself for forgetting for even a minute what kind of woman she was. Oh, she might be smarter than most, but that just made her more shrewd, better able to get what she wanted from a man before the guy even knew he was a target.

  His last remark was the spark that lit her own usually even temper. “And what is that supposed to mean?” she demanded. “A woman like me?”

  He smiled cynically. “Women who are motivated to get what they want, no matter who they hurt. Some women want money—” he shrugged “—with you it’s fame. Hell, at least you’re honest about it.”

  Kaly clenched her hands tightly into fists to squelch the urge to sound her palm smartly on his hard cheek. Never had anyone infuriated her so quickly. “Only cretins make such ridiculous generalizations about people. Just because you had a bad experience with your ex-fiancée doesn’t mean you have to be suspicious of every other woman you meet.”

  Jackson froze. He didn’t welcome comments on his personal life from anyone, not even family, which this woman damned sure wasn’t. He slowly straightened and turned toward her. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  Kaly realized she had crossed a dangerous line, but she was past caring. She wasn’t going to back down, not before his insults or his temper. “I meant that all women are different, and it’s time you realized it. You’re not the only person in the world to have gotten hurt, you know.”

  Jackson glared down at her narrowly. She was lecturing him on how to deal with women? That was rich. Especially after he’d just found out what had really motivated her to come to the ranch. “You and Carrie had quite a little chat this afternoon, didn’t you? Well, let me tell you something, lady, I don’t need a glory-hungry bookworm to teach me about relationships with the opposite sex.”

  “Your ignorance is exceeded only by your imagination,” Kaly said disgustedly. “Where do you get your preposterous assumptions about people?”

  “Experience,” Jackson retorted flatly. “Mine. And the next time you need a thrill, read a romance novel. Then you won’t need to get your kicks gossiping about my relationships with women.”

  Kaly pushed herself away from the fence, disgusted. “I should have known that this friendly act of yours was phony.” She headed back to where Misty was tied. “For your information, Jackson,” she threw over her shoulder, “I have less interest in your personal life than I have in the mating habits of the reptile kingdom, though I’m certain the similarities are endless.”

  Jackson wat
ched her walk away with narrowed eyes. Maybe he’d been rough on her just then, but he was touchy about certain subjects, and without even trying, Kaly hit on all of them. He felt his anger abate a little. A man would have to be made of stone not to appreciate the gentle sway of her hips as she stalked toward her horse. And that was one thing no one had ever accused him of being.

  “By the way—” Kaly half turned back to him for a moment “—the benefit I mentioned from working with Jeff? I was referring to the research I’d be doing all summer for him. Dr. Morehead and I agreed that it would also help me prepare for the written and oral exams I have to take at the end of my doctoral program.”

  She took some satisfaction from the flicker of surprise that crossed his face and turned back to the mare. Reins in hand, she prepared to mount.

  “Wait,” he commanded. For a heartbeat he didn’t think she would obey, but then with exaggerated patience she turned and drawled, “What now?”

  He was silent for a long moment. Then he finally allowed, “Maybe I was out of line a minute ago.”

  When he said nothing else, her eyebrows rose. “Is that supposed to pass for an apology?”

  He propped an elbow against the fence and waited, but saw no softening in her countenance. “Well, hell,” he said mildly, “that’s not the way you’re supposed to act when a man says he’s sorry. You’re supposed to be full of compassion, pat him on the head.”

  Kaly pursed her lips to prevent a smile. “I’d like to pat you on the head with a pickax.”

  A corner of his mouth kicked up. “God, you’re such a smartass. I’m surprised you weren’t beaten regularly as a child.”

  Kaly looked smug. “I was a fast runner.”

  He grew more serious. “So I’m forgiven?”

  She pretended to consider, then said with mock reluctance, “Oh, I suppose. It’s so tedious to watch grown men grovel.” She turned to Misty again, planning to mount. Jackson moved to her side.

  “Here, let me give you a hand,” he started, and Kaly turned back.

  “That’s not necessary....” She swallowed. He was very close. And very big. She took an involuntary step closer to the mare.

  The hands that Jackson had extended to help her into the saddle seemed suspended in midair for a moment, before he slowly lowered them to settle on her arms. She seemed to be holding her breath, or maybe he was the one not breathing. Oxygen seemed nonexistent.

  Without thinking, he lowered his head an inch. Kaly’s lips were pink, slightly parted and very inviting. A fraction away from her lips he whispered, “Truce?”

  Kaly’s lips quivered. She knew this was a bad idea. A terrible idea. Ill thought-out and impulsive and... “Truce,” she whispered back. And watched that well-formed mouth approach hers before she let her eyelids flutter shut.

  His lips were enticing, the gentleness of his kiss at odds with his rock-hard demeanor. He brushed his mouth over the bow of hers, once, twice, then again. With his tongue he traced the seam of her lips, probing intimately. Kaly dropped the reins, bringing her hands up to press against his chest.

  Jackson opened his eyes and released her lips. A millisecond passed before her hands smoothed up to his shoulders and his mouth came down again, without gentleness this time, to take her on a journey of swirling arousal.

  Kaly felt her knees weaken. His tongue swept her mouth in sensual possession and filled her with his taste. It dueled with hers, enticing her to return the pleasure. His tongue skated along her teeth and flicked the sensitive roof of her mouth.

  Her world tilted. This was unlike any kiss she’d ever had. Jackson kissed her with complete assurance in his own masculinity, and her body recognized that assurance and reveled in it. Without conscious thought, she allowed her body to soften against his harder one.

  His mouth lifted a fraction from hers. He demanded gutturally, “Kiss me back, Kaly. Kiss me the way I’m kissing you.” Almost fiercely he sealed their mouths again.

  Kaly was not sure she had the experience to obey his erotic demand, but she was helpless to deny him. Her tongue made timid forays into his mouth, playing hide-and-seek with his own.

  A jolt shook his big body at her flirtatiousness and he ground his mouth over hers. One hand dropped to caress her hip and pull her hard against him, letting her feel the very physical effect she had on him.

  Kaly’s heart hammered crazily. Her arms slid up his huge biceps to twine around his neck, one hand sliding into the thick hair at his nape. Never had a kiss aroused her to such hunger. Sweet, hot fire rolled through her, and she pressed even closer to the muscled planes of his body. Her nipples tightened shamefully, straining petulantly from behind the lacy confines of her bra. Frissons of passion raced up her spine and desire began to flame in her belly.

  The kiss seemed endless as their mouths twisted together, their tongues locked in tender torment. Jackson raised his head slightly, his breath still touching her face. Kaly opened her eyes and looked up into his navy ones. Desire had tautened the already hard lines of his face and smoked his eyes. He stared down for a second into the cloudy green eyes below him, and the passion he read there made desire claw in his gut. He had too much experience to mistake the arousal in the woman before him. Reason gone, he again lowered his head, intent on sampling more of her sweet passion.

  At that moment, one of the horses stamped its foot and whinnied gently. Jackson froze. Memory poured back through him, of where they were, who she was. Mentally he cursed as he attempted to quiet his raging hormones. He pulled Kaly’s arms from around his neck and put her away from him. Turning slightly, he ran one shaking hand through his hair.

  “God almighty, Kaly, that almost went too far.”

  She was dazed at his sudden departure. “It did? I mean...it did, yes.” Why had he stopped? She had wanted it to go on and on. She didn’t want to think. Then his words penetrated her consciousness, and she backed up, eyes widening in shock. “What was I doing? I don’t even like you,” she blurted unthinkingly.

  His pride stung, Jackson glared at her. “Well, I was having a real hard time remembering that a minute ago. It sure didn’t feel like a solo act to me.”

  She glared back at him. “I’m sure your memory is controlled by your libido. The two never work simultaneously.”

  Barely controlling his frustrated desire, he snapped, “Look, however it happened, we have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “It can’t.” Kaly wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly cold.

  “It won’t.”

  They looked at each other for a long moment. “I’m going back to the house,” she muttered. Without waiting for a reply she quickly mounted Misty and turned the mare in what she hoped was the way she had come. Kicking the horse gently, she urged it to a trot, anxious to put as much distance as possible between Jackson and herself.

  Kaly bit her lip to prevent the tears she could feel burning in her eyes. The last few minutes had been so unlike her! She had never been a flirt, never known how to tease. Relationships had always seemed so simple. Two people met, they had things in common, and they became friends. Sometimes that friendship progressed to something deeper, more meaningful. That was the way it had been with Philip and her. She wasn’t a prude, but she had always felt that physical intimacy was wrong if the two people didn’t share a genuine caring and respect for each other.

  Her cheeks flushed, she made a clicking sound to hurry Misty along. Somehow she was uncertain whether her convictions could withstand the assault of Jackson Roberts’s expertise. She’d known he was dangerous, had known it the first time the man had touched her. Now she knew he was lethal. The barn came into sight and Kaly headed for it.

  He’s way out of my league, she thought, and shivered. She must never get that close to him again.

  Jackson stayed by the fence for a long time after Kaly had ridden off. His body still ached with the determination it had taken to push her away. The suddenness of his desire for her had astounded him. He had touched her on i
mpulse, and after that there had been no thought involved.

  As much as he hated to take any time away from the ranch right now, Jackson grimly conceded he was going to have to resume dating. He was a man with rigid control, but also one with a healthy sexual appetite. If he remained celibate much longer, he was very much afraid he was going to make a mistake with Kaly Scott. That would be a very costly mistake indeed.

  Even as he made that decision, his thoughts crept back to the woman he had so recently held. Jackson had had a lot of women, not as many as had been attributed to him, but enough. They had always seemed attracted to him, drawn by that go-to-hell attitude that was so much a part of him. Yet it had always been second nature to keep a part of himself remote from the woman and what they shared. His passion had never ruled him; he had always maintained tight control over it.

  But when Kaly had responded as she did, inching that sweet tongue of hers into his mouth, he’d felt as though his body was going to explode. Every thought had been wiped from his mind, and he had only felt. Felt what her mouth tasted like. What her small lithe body felt like pressed up against his. How the womanly curve of her hips... Damn!

  He thrust himself away from the fence impatiently. This wasn’t doing him any good—he was getting hot again just remembering. He strode quickly to his horse, untied it and mounted awkwardly. He promised himself he wouldn’t lay another finger on Kaly Scott. She reminded him too clearly of the mistake he’d made in the past, and it wasn’t one he was eager to repeat.

  As he headed back toward the ranch he clenched his teeth against the ache in his groin, which showed no signs of subsiding.

  Chapter 4

  For the next few weeks. Kaly and Jackson avoided one another as much as possible. Each time she thought of the enigmatic rancher, she flinched inside, remembering with uncomfortable embarrassment how she’d responded in his arms. Never before had she reacted to a man with such total abandon. The only way she was able to forgive herself for that lapse was by promising herself repeatedly that she would not allow it to happen again.


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