Beyond Affection: Callaghan Brothers, Book 6

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Beyond Affection: Callaghan Brothers, Book 6 Page 10

by Zanders, Abbie

  “Is that why you like her Uncle Shane? Cuz she’s so smart?”

  Damn, the kid had bat ears just like his nosy father. He must have overheard them talking earlier.

  Lacie’s face turned pink. Taryn had to look away to hide her laughter. Shane took it all in stride. “One of many reasons,” he said honestly. “She is also very kind, and she laughs at my jokes.”

  “She’s pretty, too.”

  “That she is.”

  “Okay, runt,” Taryn said affectionately. “Your mom’s going to be home any minute. Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?”

  Taryn shepherded both children over toward the sink where step stools awaited. “He’s a great kid,” Lacie said to Shane, scooping the Lincoln Logs back into their container. “I’m going to enjoy having him next year.”

  Shane didn’t respond. When she looked up, she caught him staring at her, a questioning expression on her face. She couldn’t possibly know that in watching her with Patrick, he had visions of her with their own children. Crystal clear visions that were so real it felt as though he could reach out and touch them.

  “You’re wonderful with kids,” he said, his voice unusually thick, simply because she was still looking at him and he had to say something.

  “Thanks,” she said, her lips twitching. “It helps with the job, you know.”

  “Do you want kids of your own?” he asked bluntly.

  “Yes,” she admitted shyly. “Do you?”

  “With the right woman, yes.” He pinned her with his gaze, silently communicating just who that woman was.


  “Yeah,” he whispered, pushing a strand of hair away from her face, leaning toward her until his lips hovered over hers. Catching him by surprise, Lacie took the initiative and pressed her lips to his.

  Shane’s hand slipped beneath her hair, cupping the back of her neck, and he deepened the kiss. He thought he had accurately remembered the impossible sweetness of her mouth. He’d been wrong. His tongue danced with hers, playfully, sensually, taking everything that she would give him, binding her to him that much more. Lacie McCain was his, and he would never have enough.

  “Ugh, they’re kissing!” said Patrick before Taryn could grab his hand and snatch him back to the sink.

  “Busted,” Shane grinned as Lacie began to laugh. Her cheeks turned the prettiest shade of pink. Holding up the stickered notecard, he asked, “So... does this mean you’ll have coffee with me tomorrow night?”

  “Yes,” she said. “The rose was beautiful, by the way, and the apple, delicious. Thank you. You made my whole day brighter.” Shane grinned, pleased. He would spend a lifetime doing little things to make her smile, especially if it got her to kiss him like that.

  “Well, I guess I’d better be going,” Lacie said, rising. “I promised Rinn I’d hang out with her tonight. She doesn’t like staying in that big house all by herself.”

  “Big plans?”

  “Huge. Take-out and some Supernatural binge watching on Netflix.”

  That sounded safe enough. “Make sure you lock the doors.

  Lacie gave him a patient smile. “Always.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Tomorrow,” she confirmed.

  The knot of worry eased a little, knowing that Lacie would be with Corinne. He’d spent a good portion of the day with Ian, investigating Craig Davidson. The more he learned, the more anxious he was to put as much space between Lacie and Davidson as possible.

  * * *

  “A single rose you say?” Corinne said later as Lacie told her about the presents awaiting her when she arrived at the school that morning. “What color?”


  Corinne rolled her eyes. “You might be older, but you are woefully naïve.” At Lacie’s blank look, she explained with exaggerated patience, “Because, my dear sister, roses are like a secret code, a very specific language. Everything matters – number, color – it all says something.”

  Lacie shook her head. “I doubt he put that much thought into it.”

  Corinne arched a brow. “We are talking about Shane Callaghan, aren’t we? Lace, I would bet that man has a very deliberate meaning for everything he does.” She pulled out her smartphone and started tapping away.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Decoding your secret love message,” Corinne said, waggling her eyebrows. She fired up Google and typed in “meaning of roses”. Lacie looked on curiously, even though she continued to mumble her skepticism.

  “Okay, just one rose, right? That means.... Ah, here it is – ‘The gift of a single rose of any color depicts utmost devotion’. See? That means he’s really into you.”

  Lacie tried not to put too much faith in that. It was a romantic interpretation. It might just as well have meant ‘I like you, but I’m not that into you, so I’m only getting you one so you don’t get ahead of yourself’. After all, it wasn’t as if they’d post that as a possible meaning.

  Then she thought about the way Shane had kissed her and felt bad for doubting him. It was just so hard not to, when everything about him screamed perfect. She might be a hopeless romantic at heart, but she’d seen enough to know that ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, something that seemed too good to be true, was.

  “And, hmm, that is a really interesting color,” Corinne was saying, studying the rose more closely. Lacie had placed it in a delicate bud vase the minute she’d gotten inside. During the school day it had sat regally in the small, reusable water bottle Lacie brought with her every day, and had stood proudly in the cup holder on the ride home. “I’m going to say that it’s ... peach. Hmm. Okay, here it is.”

  “What does it say?” Lacie asked, despite herself.

  “Oh, a believer now, are we?” Corinne chuckled. “It says that peach means ‘Let’s get together’. Well, that makes sense, doesn’t it? His note was asking you out for coffee.”

  “It says it could also mean sincerity, gratitude, and appreciation,” Lacie pointed out, tapping the screen with her finger.

  “Yeah, okay. So... he’s sincere about wanting to go out with you, he’s grateful for the chance to ask you out, and he appreciates the fact that you like to spend time with him.” She tapped a perfectly manicured nail against her teeth. “But really, he already took you out to a fantastic dinner and came over to stay with you when you were so out of it. Maybe you should get him a peach rose.”

  Corinne paged down, skimming the screens of information. “Hey, does that rose have any thorns on it?”

  Lacie imagined holding the delicate flower in her hand, how smooth it had been. “No, why?”

  “Because it says here,” Corinne said with a devilish grin, “that thornless roses mean love at first sight.”

  On Tuesday morning, Lacie found another perfect rose on her desk. This one was a beautiful shade of lavender. It was balanced upon a small house constructed entirely of Lincoln Logs, artfully done with windows and even a small porch. She laughed out loud into the silent classroom.

  She fished her mobile out of her pocket and tapped out a query on the tiny keyboard. It was still too early to call – Corinne had been up way past midnight studying – but a text message would do the trick. What does a lavender rose mean? she tapped out quickly, hitting send before she could change her mind.

  Lacie could barely hold the shiver of excitement when her phone vibrated in her pocket two hours later. She slipped it out and looked at the display, her heart doing that odd fluttering thing again.

  Love at first sight. Enchantment. Told you. ;-)

  Chapter Twelve

  Never had ninety minutes lasted quite so long, Lacie thought as she willed the clock to move faster. Normally she enjoyed Professor Stevens’ lecture, but tonight she simply couldn’t concentrate. Was it only a week ago she had sat in this very spot, sound asleep, while one of the most compelling men she had ever met spoke in that rich, sensual voice? Dear Lord, what was wrong with her?

happens for a reason. Lacie’s mother’s words drifted across her mind, floating atop the sea of white noise that had become Professor Stevens’ monologue. If Lacie hadn’t uncharacteristically dropped off, Shane never would have given her a second glance. They never would have met, never gone for coffee. Who would have thought such an embarrassing event could result in something so... wonderful?

  Finally, finally the lecture was over. Lacie gathered up her book and notes – she had managed to capture a couple of key points, at least – in record time and was the first one out of the classroom. Perhaps such overeagerness wasn’t exactly proper, but she didn’t care. All she could think about was seeing Shane again.

  “Lacie.” If the familiar voice hadn’t caught her attention, the strong hand around her upper arm certainly did. She winced as her shoulder wrenched painfully; her forward progress was stopped so suddenly her backpack slipped from her shoulders and landed on the floor with a thud.

  “Craig! What are you doing here?”

  Oblivious to her discomfort, he tugged her out of the way as the classroom continued to empty out behind her. “I thought maybe we could grab a coffee, talk a little. You haven’t been around much.”

  “I’ve been really busy, Craig,” she said, bending over to pick up her bag the same time he did. The result was a solid thump to the head that sent her reeling backwards and onto her behind. Her casted hand reached out reflexively to catch herself, further rewarding her with a shooting pain that reminded her that it had recently been broken. Twice.

  “Ah, Christ, Lace, I’m sorry,” he said apologetically. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” she managed through gritted teeth as Craig hauled her to her feet. “I’m fine. You can let go now.” Lacie felt herself turning red as the others shot curious looks their way.

  Craig did not release her immediately, prompting Lacie to shrug out of his grasp. “I can’t have coffee with you tonight, Craig.”

  “Why not?”

  “I made other plans.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re meeting Callaghan again. Lacie, I’m warning you - ”

  “And I’m warning you,” she interrupted, her eyes blazing. “Back off.” She turned and started walking away, but Craig reached out for her once more. “Lacie.”

  “Let me go,” she hissed.

  “Not until you hear what I have to say.” Craig held her in place along the wall. Lacie tried to wrench free of his grasp without drawing too much attention to herself; there were already a few uncomfortable glances being thrown their way. The last thing she needed was for someone to call campus security, or for Shane to show up before she had a chance to handle this –

  “I suggest you let her go now.” Shane’s voice was cold, lethal. They both turned to see him behind them, his eyes like blue ice.

  “Or what?” Craig sneered.

  In answer, Shane’s lips curled upward in a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, promising both pain and humiliation. Craig saw it too, his own presence intensifying at the silent challenge, unconsciously squeezing Lacie’s arm until she yelped. Lacie saw Shane’s entire body tense, saw the ice in his eyes morph into flames, and knew she had to do something to diffuse the situation before someone really got hurt.

  She lifted her foot and stomped on Craig’s. Hard.

  “Ow! What the fuck was that for?” he grouched, but the move had done the trick. Craig released her.

  “For being an idiot,” she said. As much as she appreciated Shane’s willingness to stand up for her, he had to know that she was capable of fighting her own battles. And so did Craig.

  Lacie stood tall and faced her self-appointed guardian. “You and I are going to talk about this, Craig, but not here and not now.”

  The two men glared at each other. Craig’s expression was one of unmitigated loathing. Shane’s promised retribution for daring to touch Lacie. So much for her standing up for herself; she didn’t think either one of them even noticed.

  She touched her hand lightly to Shane’s arm. “I think I’d like that coffee now, if you’re still up for it.”

  Without taking his eyes from the other man, Shane put his arm at Lacie’s back and gently nudged her toward the exit. “You and I are going to have a little talk, too, Davidson,” he promised quietly.

  “I look forward to it,” Craig growled. Lacie felt the heat of his glare all the way to the exit.

  They walked in silence along the quiet, secluded pathway until they were out of sight of the building. Shane guided her to a bench beneath a standing carriage light to examine her more closely. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine,” she exhaled, relieved that the confrontation was over, at least for now. It was only a temporary respite, she knew. She was dreading having “the talk” with Craig, but it had to be done sooner than later. For now, however, she just wanted to forget about him and concentrate on the beautiful man looking at her with genuine concern. Even with his brow creased in worry and that serious expression on his face, he took her breath away.

  “The tears in your eyes say differently,” he chastised gently. “Is it your hand?”

  She nodded, sniffling a little, hating that once again she was appearing the helpless female. “Yeah, but it’s okay. My head hurts more right now.”

  Shane pushed away a few tendrils of hair, spotting the emerging bump on her forehead. In a tender gesture, he pressed his lips to it. “We can get some ice for that when we get your hand x-rayed again.”

  “Not again,” she murmured.

  “Yes, again,” he said, his voice kind but firm. His hand massaged her upper arm where Craig had such a bruising grip on her. She was glad she was wearing three-quarter length sleeves, knowing that her flesh was probably already starting to darken. As it was, she could sense Shane’s rage simmering just below the surface, despite how gentle he was being with her.

  “Does anything else hurt?” he asked.

  Lacie’s face flamed at his question. With her injured hand all but useless in stopping her fall, she’d landed hard on her rear end. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Shane that, though.

  As if reading her mind, his eyes glistened and the corners of his mouth quirked. “I’d prefer to take care of that particular injury privately,” he said in a husky whisper, and Lacie forgot all about the pain in her hand, her arm, and her head as a new ache began to overwhelm her, one that had nothing to do with her latest fall from grace.

  “Come on,” he said, holding out his hand to her. “Let’s get that hand checked out. I’ll drive.”

  Shane guided Lacie into the passenger seat. When he leaned over her to fasten her seat belt for her, it placed the base of his neck right by her lips. Unable to help herself, she leaned forward and kissed him there, connecting with the hollow of his throat where his shoulders met his neck.

  Shane froze, closing his eyes. “Do that again,” he commanded softly. She did, feeling the ache start to blossom all over again when he gave an involuntary shudder of pleasure. Shane turned, his eyes that lovely glowing sapphire, and placed his lips over hers. “You know how to give a man incentive, don’t you?”

  Lacie squeezed her thighs together at the husky quality of his voice, just as he dipped his head lower and kissed her.

  By the time he released her, she was barely lucid. She thought she heard him speaking to someone briefly. The next thing she knew, he was sliding into the driver’s seat, giving her his sexy male grin.

  It just made the evening’s events more suckish. “Spending this evening in the ER is not what I had in mind,” she grumbled.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, we won’t,” he winked. “My brother Michael is at the hospital tonight. We’re getting express service.”

  Michael Callaghan was every bit as kind, soft-spoken, and gorgeous as his younger brother. He had a gentle touch and easy manner about him that Lacie liked immediately. Lacie asked about Maggie, and they spent a few minutes chatting about the farm and how much her “kids” enjoyed it every year.r />
  “Well, everything’s where it should be,” Michael said a few minutes later while he examined the images. “Just continue to be careful and you’ll be fine.”

  * * *

  Lacie thanked him. While she visited the ladies room, Michael pulled Shane aside. “I like her,” he said with approval. Of course he would. A Callaghan croie would naturally fit in with the rest of the family.

  Shane nodded. It was hard not to like Lacie. But he knew his brother well enough to know that Michael hadn’t pulled him aside to tell him that. “Spit it out, Mick.”

  “Is she... accident prone?” Michael asked carefully.

  Shane thought back to the first time they’d met a week ago. She’d been a bit clumsy at first. When she stood up and discovered him so close she’d tried backing away, tripping on the desk in the process. And when they’d walked outside, she’d run into the doorframe, whipping around the moment she felt his hand at her lower back. Both times had been a reaction to some small gesture he’d made, almost defensive in nature.

  Now that he thought about it, Lacie hadn’t stumbled, tripped, or bumped into anything in the times he was around her after that. At the restaurant. In her apartment. At the Pub. On the contrary, her movements had been smooth and graceful. Until tonight. Until she’d been trying to step away from Craig Davidson. Something unpleasant wriggled in his gut.


  Outwardly, Michael’s expression didn’t change, but Shane was adept at reading people, and was damn near psychic when it came to his own family. “It looks like that hand has been broken several times,” Michael said quietly, keeping his tone neutral. “Bones heal over time, but old injuries often show up on the higher resolution images.”

  Shane’s silence confirmed his suspicions. Michael glanced down the hallway to where Lacie was emerging from the ladies room. “If this were Maggie we were discussing, I’d keep her as close as possible.”

  Shane nodded, understanding Michael’s message. Michael had already figured out that Lacie was Shane’s croie, and the need to protect family was a strong one.

  After thanking Michael again, they left. “Your brother is really nice,” she said. “I’m glad Maggie married him.”


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