Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1) Page 10

by Unknown

  After all… these spirits meant to kill me.

  I felt suddenly sick and my eyes went blurry. I groaned and put my hand to my head. “I don’t feel so good.”

  Daniel jumped up and came over to me, putting his hand on the back of my chair and leaning down to look me in the eye.

  “Quick!” declared Agnes. “Get to the outhouse! The runs will be starting any minute!” She ran to the door and opened it with a flourish.

  Daniel bent down and scooped me into his arms. He carried me back to the bedroom and laid me down gently on the bed, Agnes following behind.

  “But, but…” she started, confused. Natalia took her by the arm and ushered her out of the room, explaining it probably wasn’t the runs, but if it was, it wasn’t her turn to do the washing.

  Daniel brushed the hair from my forehead. My eyes were heavy and my head hurt like a bitch.

  “Can I bring you anything? Do you want some pain killers?” he asked.

  “No, I just want to close my eyes.”

  He stroked my head gently and I felt him trying to heal me. I wasn’t sure if it was working, but eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

  Some hours later, I heard whispering in the darkness.

  “You need your rest too Daniel, just go. Natalia is perfectly capable of protecting her.”

  “I’m not leaving her. Just go,” I heard him whisper back.

  I realised I was wrapped in his arms and he was lying beside me on the bed, spooning me. I was too cosy to even pretend to be pissed off, so instead, I sighed contentedly and snuggled in as sleep took me away again.

  7 - The truth is out

  I woke up feeling refreshed and stretched my arms. Daniel was no longer beside me and I wondered if I’d dreamt him getting in to bed with me the night before. I pulled the covers back and realised that I was no longer dressed in the clothes I’d been wearing when I went to sleep. Someone had stripped me and dressed me in a nightshirt.

  I flew out of the bed, taking the stairs two at a time, and ran into the living room where Natalia was watching the television. She was wearing headphones and didn’t hear me coming in. I ripped them from her head.

  “Who undressed me?” I demanded.

  Natalia jumped back on the sofa, startled, then stared at me crossly.

  “It was me! Don’t worry Lauren, lover boy didn’t see you naked! Although by all accounts it wouldn’t have been the first time, now would it?” She wrenched the headphones back out of my hand.

  Agnes appeared at the door, wearing an apron with a naked man’s body on the front. Where the hell did that come from?

  “Good morning, sweet cheeks!”

  “What the hell are you wearing?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Oh, do you like it?” she asked, grabbing it by the corners and swinging backwards and forwards like a little girl. “Just something we found on that internet thing.”

  “Oh, and where did the money come from to buy it?” I asked suspiciously, following her into the kitchen with Natalia quick at our heels.

  “Now don’t worry Lauren. We used your card, but we only bought things that were absolutely essential!” Agnes stammered nervously. She ped over to the kettle on the pretence of making coffee but I was sure it was to put a safe distance between us.

  “You’re both banned from using the computer!” I said. “No more spending sprees, God knows what state my bank account is in!” I lowered myself delicately into a chair at the table.

  “How are you feeling today?” Natalia deflected, trying to change the subject.

  “I’ll be fine, once I’ve had my coffee,” I huffed. Agnes obliged and placed a hot cup in front of me.

  “Where’s Daniel?” I asked, averting her gaze.

  “He’s gone to put the vial in a safe place. He’ll be back,” Agnes replied, smiling.

  I caught the look in her eye and tutted.

  Natalia stretched her arms across the table, her red hair tumbling around her shoulders. “He’s a real hottie,” she said, dreamily. “Did you see that arse?”

  “You keep your hands to yourself!” Agnes swatted her with the tea towel.

  “Oh, feel free, Natalia,” I said, glaring at Agnes. “I’m sure you’re far more his type than I am! Besides, I have a date tomorrow, remember?” Agnes inhaled sharply, but I didn’t wait for her to reply. I jumped up and took my coffee back to the bedroom to get ready for work.

  After my shower, I inspected my hip. The bruises were still there, but there was no pain. Amazed, I dressed for work as I listened to Agnes and Natalia arguing downstairs.

  I walked into the living room in time to see them playing tug of war with the remote control.

  “Will you two behave?” I demanded. “I don’t want to come back and find the house in bits!”

  “You can’t go to work today!” Agnes cried, letting go of the remote and sending Natalia flying across the room. “Daniel’s not here to take you!”

  “He hasn’t escorted me other times and I’ve been fine,” I said haughtily.

  Agnes turned pink and looked at Natalia with round eyes. “You’ll have to go with her.”

  I glared at her. “I can’t take her to work! I have things to do!”

  I walked out of the room and grabbed my coat from the stand. Agnes made it into the hall in record time. She was definitely spritely for her age.

  “Now you listen to me, young lady. You will take Natalia with you or you are not setting a foot across that door!”

  Natalia came out of the living room and leaned against the door frame. I still hated her. She looked amazing for someone who never slept.

  “No one will even know I’m there. Promise,” she said, shrinking down into her rat form.

  Agnes bent down and scooped her up, popping her into my bag as I stood wondering how the hell I was going to get out of this.

  “Can you breathe ok?” Agnes asked the bag. A squeak came back in response and Agnes smiled to herself, content, before looking up at me. “Oh, one more thing!”

  She ran into the living room and returned with the hideous necklace. I grimaced but put it on anyway.

  “All sorted,” she said as she took a step backwards and put her hands on her hips, regarding me cheerfully.

  I gave in, grabbing the bag as I marched to the door. Then as I reached into my pocket for my keys, I groaned and remembered the car was still at the garage.

  Public transport again!

  Getting to work had been a challenge as the bus had been particularly busy. I was careful not to let anyone bang in to my bag, trying to protect Natalia.

  I reached the office five minutes late, glowing from the quick march from the bus terminus. I placed my bag gingerly on my chair as I took off my coat then I pushed the bag carefully under my desk and lifted the flap to allow more air inside.

  “Afternoon, sexy!” said Jack, looking up from his desk. I took that as sarcasm and gave him the look.

  “Morning, Jack,” I replied.

  Vaijayanti looked up from her desk. “We have deadlines, people!”

  She seemed a lot happier today. I put that down to the fact that she was no longer worried I was after her man.

  I ignored them both and made my way to the kitchen, making myself a coffee and then raiding the cupboards until I found a saucer. I filled it with water for Natalia and went back to the office, surreptitiously slipping it under the desk next to the open bag.

  “You got your big date tomorrow wit Samuel, eh?” said Jack, smiling at me over the top of his monitor.

  “Yes, I’m looking forward to it,” I lied. Oh shit, what the hell was I doing? Lusting after Daniel and going on a date with possibly the nicest man I’d met in my entire life.

  “Let’s hope he isn’t a slut like his brother,” said Vaijayanti, cocking her eyebrow at me. Jack scowled at her.

  Everything went swimmingly until lunch time when we were all summoned into a meeting with the big boss. This would be the first time I’d clapped eyes on him since
the party, and I remembered that Selina still hadn’t told me what had happened after I left.

  We all trooped into the board room to find John sitting between Justin, the Sales Manager, and Lucinda. To her right were the graphics team; David, Liz and Lynn. The graphics team didn’t mix with us as a rule. Vaijayanti had once referred to them as “the window lickin’ finger painters” at a Christmas work’s night, and that had been the start of all-out war between the two teams.

  Vaijayanti, Jack and I took our seats across from the enemy who were looking as confused we were. Lucinda was grinning from head to toe. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach when I realised the only person missing was the Head of pision, Emerson. I prayed it wasn’t my worst fear coming true, that Lucinda had managed to con her way in to another promotion.

  John cleared his throat. “Welcome everyone. I’m sorry to have to call you here during your lunch break, but if you look at the table at the back, we’ve provided you with food for after the meeting.” He paused while six pairs of eyes swivelled round to take in the table against the back wall.

  “Of course, it’s all tax deductible!” Lucinda smiled at John whose sharp intake of breath signalled his displeasure. He looked at her harshly then swung his gaze back to us.

  “As you know,” he continued, “Emerson Saunders has been Head of pision here for some four years. Emerson and his family are moving south to be nearer his wife’s family and he won’t be returning to serve out a notice period.” John paused to allow us to assimilate what he was saying. Part of me was glad Emerson had managed to patch it up with Silvie, but I dreaded what was coming next.

  “I have considered all options when making the decision as to who should replace Emerson, and I am happy to announce that Andrew Robertson, formerly of Design Worx, has agreed to make the transition to our little outfit and take the helm.”

  There was a round of applause as I sat in shock. Andrew? My Andrew? Lucinda had gone white but was still grinning, although it now looked almost rictus.

  When the applause died down, John continued. “Andrew will be joining us three weeks from today and in the interim, Jason will stand in to assist with the day to day running of the pision. I trust you will give him your support, and of course, support Andrew when he takes up position. Now, please, do enjoy the food.” John stood and made his way out of the room.

  Lucinda jumped up. “What are you waiting for people? Free food!” she said in false humour, and she made her way to the back of the room, still grinning inanely in an effort to convince us that this was all part of her master plan. I hope it chokes her, I thought, eminently grateful that I had been wrong and she wasn’t to be the new Emerson.

  David stood up and slapped Justin on the back. “Well done, mate. Sorry you didn’t get the permanent post though.”

  “I wouldn’t want it,” Justin admitted in relief, as he made his way to the buffet.

  Lucinda let out an almighty scream. She must have finally cracked!

  I whipped round to see her pointing at the table, before I froze in place with the rest of the room. There, in the middle of the buffet with her whiskers full of cream, was Natalia the rat.

  Now how the hell was I supposed to get her out of here before someone killed her?

  As I stood frozen to the spot in shock, Justin dashed to the table and tried to pull the cloth over the top of Natalia. I don’t know how he thought that was going to stop her escaping, but I gave him points for trying.

  Lucinda vaulted onto the nearest chair as Natalia shot out from under the table and headed for the door John had just vacated. Luckily it was open, and I willed her to make it out of the room. There was another crash and I looked back to see Lucinda sprawled out across the table. She’d jumped on to the chair so fast, her momentum had carried her forward, toppling her into the food. Some days, I just loved my job, and seeing Lucinda the bitch head first in the cheese dip had just made it to the number one slot. It was going to take some topping. Then I remembered Natalia was in trouble.

  By the time I looked back to the door, I could no longer see her. Lucinda’s convenient fall had distracted everyone enough to allow her to escape.

  I looked around as mayhem ensued. It was a circus. Vaijayanti helped Lucinda off the table, but her right breast seemed to have landed in the prawns and was now covered in seafood sauce. It also looked suspiciously smaller than her left breast, and if I’d had the time, I would have really enjoyed this show.

  Jack picked up a pile of napkins to help her clean it off, but then thought better of it and handed them to Lynn, who in turn handed them to Lucinda. Vaijayanti looked away with a smirk of satisfaction. There was definitely a story there, but I didn’t have time for it now. I needed to be sure that Natalia had made it back safely before a posse of graphics designers tracked her down. They’d come out of the boardroom and turned left to the kitchen area, so I slipped to the right and ran down the hall to the office, pushing the door shut behind me and ping under my desk. I grabbed the saucer up from the floor and put it on the desk to avoid suspicion and then lifted the flap on my bag to see if Natalia had made it back.

  Nada. Damn that woman!

  I was still searching on the floor when Jack and Vaijayanti came back in to the room, both laughing. I stopped. Shit, how was I going to explain being under the desk! Going for broke, I stuck my head up above the desk.

  “Have they found it yet?” I asked, blushing.

  “What the feck are ye doin under the table?” Jack gaped at me incredulously.

  “I was checking for the rat,” I huffed, and shuffled my way out of the room as Jack and Vaijayanti watched with their mouths agape.

  I had to find Natalia before anyone else did. Where would she go? Scrabbling to my feet, I opened doors as I went down the corridor, and then mentally gave myself a good kick. It wasn’t as if she could close the bloody things behind her! I needed to revise my strategy. I walked quickly down to the end of the corridor, looking for the first office with an open door.

  None. Damn it!

  I was making my way back up the corridor as Jack and Vaijayanti came out of the office.

  “Lauren, Justin’s given us all an extended lunch so we can get some food and celebrate. We’re off to The Dog and Duck, get your coat,” Vaijayanti shouted as they trouped out.

  “Be right there,” I called, continuing back to the office to regroup. The graphics team passed me on their way out, the lure of an alcoholic lunch proving more enticing than the chase for a rat. Thank God for small mercies! That left just the management contingent to worry about.

  I perted and made my way to the kitchen area. Getting down on my hands and knees, I pulled open the cupboard under the sink and started moving around the bottles of bleach and washing up liquid.

  “What are you looking for?” came a voice from behind me. Startled, I banged my head on the top of the cupboard in fright.

  I jumped up, rubbing the bump, to see Natalia laughing, her tresses framing a red halo around her head.

  “Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how worried I was?” I whisper-shouted at her.

  “Lauren, I can cloak too! Just not in front of a room full of people, unless you really want to raise suspicions,” she said, still laughing.

  “This is the last time you come to work with me,” I snapped. “I’d rather face the bloody witch prickers than have to put up with your antics!”

  “You can’t blame me for this,” Natalia said incredulously. “You left me with no food. I was starving! And what’s with the water? When have you never known me to drink water?”

  “Stop whining and either cloak yourself or get back in the bag. I’m taking you home!”

  “Hey, that guy you share the office with is pretty cute. Is he taken?” she asked, still laughing, as she allowed me to drag her back to the office.

  An hour later, I stormed into the kitchen, back home at last. I dropped the bag on the floor and heard a squeak.

  “Serves you right,” I grumbled
as Agnes appeared behind me.

  “What happened?” she asked, looking at me questioningly as she pushed the spectacles back up her nose, hand on hip. She looked down at the bag as I pushed passed her, removing my coat as I went.

  “Ask that dozy sod,” I snapped, hanging my coat. When I walked back into the kitchen, Natalia had changed back and was glaring at me as she massaged her rear.

  “You could have killed me,” she spat.

  “Bloody shame I didn’t! Call yourself a familiar? I’ve had to use a half day’s leave to get you out of there before the bloody exterminators came and did the job for me!”

  “Don’t put yourself out on my behalf, after all, I was only there to save your arse!” she snapped.

  It might have escalated further, but Agnes grabbed her ear in one hand, and mine in the other.

  “Now listen you two, this is a stressful situation for everyone, but fighting amongst yourselves is not the bloody answer!”

  She dragged us both into the living room then pushed us towards the sofa. Natalia’s elbow landed in my stomach as we fell.

  At that point, Daniel materialised. I could tell he was angry just by looking at him. Hands clenched, biceps bulging, eyes blazing.

  “I left specific instructions you were to stay home today,” he said, carefully enunciating each word, obviously trying hard to hold on to his temper. “Why the fuck did you leave the house?”

  If I hadn’t already been mad as hell, I might have let that slip. Instructions? He left instructions? Just who the fuck did he think he was?

  “Haven’t you heard, Daniel? I don’t follow instructions and I certainly don’t take orders from the likes of you!” I stood up and stormed out of the room, racing up the stairs and slamming the door behind me.

  My escape proved rather pointless as Daniel appeared directly in front of me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and glared.


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