Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1) Page 18

by Unknown

  I clung to him as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, crying out as my muscles clenched around the full length of his cock, milking him. With one last thrust, he roared in pleasure as he found his own release, burying himself deep inside me and rocking gently before collapsing onto his elbows, panting and face flushed.

  “I love you, too,” I said huskily.

  11 - A little bit of what you fancy?

  We fell asleep, naked in each other’s arms, revelling in the cool air coming in from the open window, only to be rudely awakened by a scream from downstairs.

  Jumping up and pulling on our clothes in record time, we ran out of the bedroom, Daniel taking the lead. As he ran into the kitchen, he stopped short, and I ran right into his back and bounced off. Looking around his arm, I saw Selina jumping like a maniac around the kitchen, arms over her head and scratching at her back, still screaming, as Agnes chased behind her.

  “What the hell is going on?” Daniel demanded.

  “Fucking spider… it’s been stalking us all day!” Agnes gasped as she ran.

  Selina turned and ran to me just as Agnes caught hold of her dress and smacked her on the back, knocking a big, fat, hairy spider onto the floor. She ran over to it and raised her leg, bringing her foot down hard on top of the spider. She stopped, looked over at us and then tilted backwards on to the floor. Hanging onto her foot was the smallest man I’d ever seen. Six inches tall. Complete with grey stubble. And he looked really pissed.

  “What the fuck de ye think ya dein, ye stupid crone!” he… squeaked, his face turning purple. “Am a fuckin familia!”

  Daniel transformed into a cat and arched his back. I looked down in amazement, staring back and forwards between angry, purple man and the cat. My Cat.

  Daniel was Cat?

  Purple Man hissed back at Cat. “An’ yee can shut ya fuckin’ cake whole! Call yasel a fuckin’ cat? Ye mangy git! Ye didn’t even kna a was there!”

  Cat’s paw came out to strike and I quickly scooped him up, cuddling him to me just as Agnes sat up, her hair sticking up at funny angles and a look of shock on her face. Selina sat down quickly on a chair, her eyes glued to Purple Man.

  “Why are you here?” I asked him.

  “Am here for the fuckin’ screama over there! Witch? Pah!” he spat. “What a fuckin’ big girl’s blouse ye are!” he said, walking over and standing in front of Selina with his hands on his little hips.

  Not proportionately little. Proportionately, they were rather robust and he could do to lose a few… ounces.

  “Ye called is, didn’t ye?” he asked in a broad Geordie accent.

  “Well, yes but that was ages ago! How come it took you so long?” asked Selina, looking at the little fella in shock.

  “Di ye have the slightest inclin how lang it teks a fella with a three inch leg span to waak ten of your miles, ye fuckin’ cretin?” he asked.

  “Less of the name calling or I let Cat go,” I warned him, stepping around to check on Agnes. I bent down in front of her as she sat, still staring at little fella. “Are you ok, Agnes?” I asked, touching her arm. She looked up at me with round, shocked eyes.

  “The little bastard tripped me!” she said, moving her head to stare at him again.

  “Ye tried ti fuckin squash is, what did ye think a wos gunna dee?” he responded, his face returning to its former, slightly pink colour. Agnes flipped him the finger, grimacing, then struggled to her feet with me holding onto one of her arms.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Selina said eventually in disbelief. “Of all the familiars I could have had, I get a spider… who is really a six inch, foul-mouthed old man?”

  “Yeah, well, you ain’t no Angelina fuckin Jolie either so suck it up,” he responded, grumbling. “And less of the ‘auld’ ye cheeky bitch; am anly sixty three.” He stomped over to the other chair and tried to climb up from the middle bar. After four failed attempts at hooking his leg over, he hung on and turned his head to me.

  “Well pen’t just stand there catchin fuckin flies! Giz a hand here!”

  I came out of my stupor and picked him up, standing him down gently on the top of the table. Cat took another swipe at him and I bent and dropped him gently to the floor.

  “Daniel, you’ve got some explaining to do later,” I said as I shooed him away, standing back up.

  “So what do I call you?” Selina asked, still in a bit of a stupor.

  “Jist call is Geordie, an all call yee stupid,” he said, sitting down cross-legged. “Got any whisky?” he asked, looking at her expectantly.

  Selina poked him in the chest, sending him sliding backwards until he banged into a coffee cup and came to an abrupt stop, coffee sloshing over the sides and landing in a plop beside him.

  “Hey man! That cud’ve hit iz!”

  “Knock it off you two,” I said, picking up the cup and taking it across to the sink.

  “So what’s the deal? I get to keep you, like a little pet?” Selina sat back in her chair and folded her arms as she eyeballed Geordie. “I could buy you a little cage and one of those wheels for you to run around in. God knows you could do with the exercise.” She raised her eyebrow and smirked.

  “Aye, ye cud dee that,” he replied, patting his portly stomach and eyeballing her back. “… And ye cud wake up with nee eyebrows the next morning,” he said, sticking his hairy chin out at her.

  Agnes plonked herself down in a chair and Daniel jumped onto her knee, his tail still waving about frantically.

  “Christ almighty but this is a dry hoose,” said Geordie, holding his throat and coughing theatrically.

  Cat jumped off Agnes’ knee and padded across the floor to wrap himself around my legs as I washed the cups, transforming back to my big, beautiful man, and resting his chin on my head. He squeezed my hips then turned to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. Then he walked over to the cupboard and picked out a shot glass and a straw, his eyes on Geordie as he set the glass down in front of him. The top popped off the bottle of its own volition and Daniel spilled some beer into the glass and popped the straw in. Geordie reached forward, his beady eyes on the glass, when Daniel snatched it back, his eyes never leaving Geordie’s face.

  “You do your job, little man, or you will answer to me,” he said. He slid the glass back towards the now salivating man. Geordie pounced on the straw and sucked and sucked until his face went back to purple. His eyes rolled back in his head as the liquid finally reached his mouth and he swallowed three times quickly in succession.

  Then, either to answer Daniel or because it couldn’t be helped, he fell over backwards on his arse and burped loudly.

  Two hours later, Geordie was pissed as a fart and sleeping it off on top of a loaf of bread while Agnes, Selina, Daniel and I sat in the living room, having just finished eating dinner. Agnes and Selina sat on opposite ends of the sofa, and I sat curled up on Daniel’s lap as he rubbed his fingers up and down my trouser leg.

  “So, when were you planning on telling me?” I asked as we gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes.

  “I was working my way round to it,” he said, smiling at my lips. “And by the way, I do love the way you scratch my neck and rub my fur.” He leered at me and purred sexily.

  “Get a room, you two,” Agnes demanded as she lay sprawled out with one arm over the arm of the sofa and her legs splayed apart.

  There was a high pitched squeak and a bang from the kitchen as Geordie rolled off the loaf.

  “Geordie’s up,” said Selina, not moving from her seat.

  “Who the fuck are yee, like? Carmen fuckin Miranda?” we heard Geordie squeak.

  Daniel looked at me and I looked at him, and then we both jumped up, running to the kitchen with Selina and Agnes at our heels.

  Natalia was leaning over Geordie, whom she had pinned down to the table with the business end of the potato peeler pressed into his chest. A strange, blonde woman sporting a pink silk dress and an Adam’s apple was standing behind her. She had h
er arms folded and her heavily made-up red lips pursed. Her hat, skewed to one side, looked like a fruit bowl with a bunch of purple grapes draped across the front and a pineapple tufting out of the back.

  Ahh, now I get it, I thought.

  I stopped and looked closely again at her throat. Yep, definitely an Adam’s apple. Now this should be interesting.

  “The question, little man, is who the fuck are you?” said Natalia, eyeballing Geordie who looked like he had pissed his pants.

  “He’s Selina’s familiar, Natalia. It pains me to say it, but you can let him up,” said Daniel.

  Natalia flipped the potato peeler up in the air and caught it without taking her eyes off our little friend. She slammed it down into the table, inches from Geordie’s head, and it stood on point.

  “Hey, mind the bloody furniture!” said Agnes, pushing her spectacles back up her nose and snatching the implement. Natalia took her eyes off Geordie, looked at me and Agnes, and then pushed herself up straight.

  “I’ve brought help,” she said. “Everyone, this is Gerwyn Pryce. Gerwyn, this is… well… everyone.” She moved back to pull Gerwyn into our circle. My lips twitched as Daniel gawped at her.

  “Oi, never mind the fuckin lady boy, does anyone care av pissed mesel?” squeaked Geordie, sitting up and indicating his damp crotch with both little arms.

  Agnes pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and went to hand it to him. “Here, wrap yourself with that and drop your trousers.”

  Just as she was about to hand it over, Gerwyn stepped forward and waved her gloved fingers over Geordie. His clothes disappeared, and in their place, he was wearing an exact replica of the clothes and hat that Gerwyn herself was wearing – not to mention a lovely pair of high heels. Geordie looked down at himself, pulled off the hat, and slammed it on the table.

  “You have got to be fuckin jokin!” he glared at Gerwyn who was smiling now for the first time.

  “Watch it little man, or you won’t be needing clothes at all!” she said in a broad Welsh accent.

  Natalia rolled her eyes and jumped in, introducing us all by name to Gerwyn as Geordie continued to grumble under his breath, tearing the gloves off his tiny hands in disgust and sitting cross-legged on the table. Not a wise move in a dress.

  “Gerwyn is reputed to be the most powerful witch in history,” Natalia said, looking at Daniel.

  “Most powerful?” Agnes stepped up in front of her, pushed her specs up her nose, and tilted her head to get a better look. “Then how come I’ve never heard of you?” she demanded, her chin set in determination.

  “You’ve been dead four hundred years, witch. Get with it!” Gerwyn replied, waving her gloved hand with a bored expression.

  “How can you help?” asked Daniel, gaping, but jumping in before a full scale war broke out between the two.

  “Well, boyo, if we can all sit down, I’ll explain,” Gerwyn replied, lifting her leg and rubbing her ankle. “My feet are killin me in these shoes.”

  “Well, this should be fucking interesting,” muttered Agnes as she heaved herself in to a chair.

  Selina took another seat and Carmen, I mean Gerwyn, took the third. Daniel pulled me into his lap while Natalia leaned against the bench and crossed her legs. When everyone was settled, Gerwyn kicked off her pretty blue court shoes and began.

  “There are three issues here. The first is to capture Kincaid. The second, decide what to do with the spirits; and of course the third…” she lowered her eyes to look at Agnes. “What happens to Matthew. The first problem is easy. There’s a spell, see, that calls demons,” she waved her gloved hands about theatrically.

  “Well, there you go then,” said Agnes, slapping her thighs and turning away. “They’re not bloody demons, that won’t work.” She made to stand, but Gerwyn grabbed her by the arm to still her.

  “If we use the base ingredients and add a touch of mugwort and lavender, we can call the spirit. I’ve done it before and it works, I guarantee it.”

  “And how do we save Matthew?” I asked, scrunching my nose up.

  Gerwyn looked at me. “There are options,” she finally said, glancing at Agnes whose eyebrows had raised in surprise. “You either don’t return the trapped spirits, in which case Matthew will stay forever in purgatory and won’t ever get to perdition, but of course the curse would end.”

  Gerwyn paused a moment to let us consider what she was saying.

  “Or… you take the souls back to Hell and negotiate with the Devil for Matthew’s freedom. I wouldn’t recommend it though, as he can be tricky to deal with and you have to watch out for the fine print in the contracts. The only other option is an act of contrition on Matthew’s behalf.” Gerwyn pushed herself back in her seat and looked at us.

  “What does that even mean?” asked Selina, speaking for the first time. Gerwyn looked at her kindly.

  “Well, dear, Matthew is in purgatory because of his deeds. If someone were to counter-balance the bad with an act of good, his spirit would be released and he might even make it to heaven.”

  “It would have to be one hell of a good deed to work! What do we have to do, give blow jobs to the entire Catholic priesthood?” Agnes laughed disbelievingly and slapped her hand on the table top. Geordie bounced two inches in the air with the force and glared at her as he pulled his dress down to protect his modesty.

  “Whatever floats your boat, sweetness,” said Gerwyn, laughing. “But I don’t think their God Almighty would take too kindly to that.”

  “Let’s worry about the other stuff once we’ve captured the spirit of Kincaid,” said Daniel, running a hand through his brown curls and pulling me tighter to him.

  “The bad news is, he’s the most powerful of the three,” said Agnes with a worried frown. “It’s not going to be easy.”

  “Then we need to do it on the next full moon,” said Gerwyn. “And we’ll need a full coven. There are four of you here who are witches, am I right?”

  Daniel nodded. “I can call on my three sisters, if that helps?”

  “More is better,” Gerwyn agreed, pursing her lips. “That will give us eight in total. Not ideal, but I can bring some friends to make it up to thirteen. That should do it.”

  “When is the next full moon?” I asked.

  “A week from Wednesday, the fourteenth of May,” said Agnes, scratching her chin.

  Natalie arched her eyebrows. “Then we’d better prepare.”

  Later that night, Daniel went with Selina to pick up fresh clothes for us, whilst Natalia and Geordie continued to goad each other. Gerwyn had long since left and Agnes was lying flaked out in the armchair.

  Bored, I went to take a shower. We’d agreed that we’d all stay at Daniel’s until after the full moon which would make it easier to ensure everyone’s safety. It meant Selina and I had to take time off work but, hey ho, I’d get to spend more time with my hunk so I wasn’t too concerned. It did get me to thinking, though, about how Daniel supported himself financially. I made a mental note to ask him about it when he returned.

  I’d just finished towelling myself dry when Daniel came into the room, carrying my largest suitcase. He dropped it on the floor and swept me into his arms as the towel slipped from my fingers. I pressed my naked, fresh body up against him and smiled when I felt the evidence of his desire flush against my pelvis.

  “Miss me?” I asked, loving his long eyelashes and how they lowered when he was horny. He leaned down and captured my lips for a kiss that made my toes curl.

  “Always,” he answered, growling throatily at me. He grabbed my naked behind and pulled me in to make sure I could tell just how much.

  “Now get dressed; we have plans to make before bedtime,” he said, slapping my behind playfully and disappearing in a flash.

  I struggled to pull the suitcase up onto the bed, marvelling at how light he had made it seem when he’d brought it into the room. What the hell had they packed? My entire house?

  I pulled out a lemon summer dress that had been in
my wardrobe since I was a teenager and grimaced. Daniel had obviously done the packing! Still, I pulled it on over my head then found clean knickers and stepped into them, almost tripping as my foot caught.

  I made my way back down the stairs to hear Geordie yelling obscenities at the top of his voice. Curious to see what all the noise was about, I walked into the living room to find Geordie trapped inside an upside down pint glass, his tiny hands pressed up against the sides.

  “Awe come on man! A’ll not di it again, let me oot!”

  I looked over at Natalia who was sprawled out across the floor with her hands behind her head.

  “He tried to cop a feel,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. I turned around and walked back out into the kitchen to find the others.

  “Don’t you care they are killing each other in there?” I asked Selina.

  “He asks for everything he gets,” she said, putting a fresh cup of hot chocolate down at the spare seat, obviously intended for me. As I went to sit, Daniel grabbed me and plonked me on his knee, grinning as he took my cup and drank from it, his eyes laughing at me as he did so.

  He smacked his lips. “Why does your drink always taste better than mine?”

  “That might be because I don’t spit in hers,” said Agnes, taking her seat. I laughed out loud and hugged his neck.

  “That’s the dress you were wearing when I first fell in love with you,” he whispered in my ear. I tried to remember when that was, but it wouldn’t come to me.

  Natalia came sauntering into the room and pulled herself up onto the bench, crossing her legs.

  “So, have you popped your cherry yet?” she asked, grinning. I blushed deep red but before I could respond, Agnes jumped in.

  “If you’d been here earlier, you wouldn’t have to ask,” she said, tutting. I blushed even more and hid my face in my hands as Daniel threw his head back and laughed, hugging me to him.

  “Come on, get serious,” said Selina, trying to help me out. “What do we need to do between now and the fourteenth?”


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