Trump's War

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Trump's War Page 11

by Michael Savage

  But they made her the head of the whole North American Aerospace Defense Command.

  Everything with liberals is change, even when it’s change for the worse. Obama sought to change the mightiest military in the history of the world into something no military can be. The military is never going to be a gender-equal institution, but Obama and like-minded liberals never gave up trying.

  “General Robinson reflects that change as much as anything else,” said Maria Carl, retired Air Force colonel. She was another one who never flew a plane but the sorority made into an Air Force colonel.

  I’m sure Robinson is a brilliant woman. I’m sure she’s a great organizer. But the military is not a school. The military is about fighting the enemy and defeating the enemy, and not about social engineering. But since we had a man who was so intent upon reengineering the entire society from the toilets to the Thunderbirds, he put a woman in charge of this combat command.

  Do you think it is appropriate to simply appoint a woman in a combat-control position because she’s a woman? How in the world can you approve of a thing like this? Why not put a transgender who can’t fly a Piper Cub in charge of the Air Force?

  This is just another layer of insanity Trump and Mattis have to confront in order to rebuild our military. As Trump himself said on the campaign trail, it’s not all about spending more money. We can improve our military vastly without spending an extra dime by simply stopping this kind of nonsense. Not all progress means going forward. Some improvements require going backward. We need to return to promoting military officers based on their ability to lead troops to victory, not their demographics.

  It looks like we won’t be drafting women for combat quite yet, either. That was another gift the lefty looney Ashton Carter gave us, when he lifted all restrictions on women serving in the military.8 This insane liberal actually said, “They’ll be allowed to drive tanks, fire mortars, and lead infantry soldiers into combat. They’ll be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps infantry, Air Force parajumpers, and everything else that was previously open only to men.”

  There’s only one problem. They can’t do it, at least not physically. I hate to break it to any snowflakes who may have picked up this book by accident, but men and women are physically different and not just in their sexual organs. Men are on average physically much stronger than women.9 And there are aspects of combat that require 100 percent of that strength for the military to be successful.

  One might think that would be a deal-breaker for a Defense Department looking to integrate women into combat, but not for the “transformed” left-wing military Obama tried to build. If women couldn’t meet the physical standards, they’d just lower the standards so women could meet them. I wish I was making this up, but it’s true.10

  I don’t have to tell you that General Mattis finds all of this as idiotic as I do.11 He’s not alone. There are plenty of women in the military who oppose putting women into combat. They are proud to serve, but they understand that while men and women have equal rights, they don’t necessarily have equal abilities in all areas. There are some things women are better at than men. Soldiering happens to be one thing men are just more physically equipped for than women are. I’m sorry if you’re not happy with that reality. Take it up with God. I’m just the messenger.

  Here’s another little detail Mattis has brought up that doesn’t sit well with the politically correct classes. This may come as a shock, given what we were led to believe by the previous administration’s priorities, but most soldiers are not LGBTQ. Believe it or not, the overwhelming majority are heterosexual. And if they’re put in the close quarters of combat service, they’re likely to do what healthy young men and women usually do. That’s not “setting them up for success,” as Mattis put it.12

  I have no objection to women serving in the military. Women have supported our armed forces in one way or another throughout our history. But I do object to jeopardizing the lives of men and women in combat, as well as the success of the mission, just to satisfy some leftist academic’s dreams of absolute equality. That’s where the military has been going for eight years.

  The lunatic Carter was still pushing right up until Trump took office. As late as last December, he wrote, “I am proud to say that the first woman has entered training to become a tactical air control party airman.”13 There was only one problem. The woman he was referring to had left the program the previous July!14 What a perfect ending, if it turns out to be the end. The man whose entire military career was built upon denying reality proudly writes about a female trainee who wasn’t even in the program anymore.


  Whenever I say we need to rebuild the military, people automatically think I’m talking about spending more money. I’m not. We already spend more than the next ten or eleven nations combined on our military. It’s not about how much we’re spending. It’s about how we’re spending it and on what. Perhaps what I’ve told you so far in this chapter has given you a little insight into how wisely we’ve been spending our dollars over the past eight years. But the spending problem goes back far before Obama.

  Spending more on the military doesn’t necessarily mean you get a stronger military. Just look at the Air Force One boondoggle. The cost of a typical, commercial Boeing 747 is a little over $350 million.15 But Boeing gave the federal government a cost estimate of over $3 billion to build two of them for the president to fly in.

  Now, I understand the plane built for the president has many features not found in the average commercial airplane. There are all sorts of additional communication and countermeasure functions Air Force One has to have to ensure the president can continue to govern while in the air, not to mention protect him against a potential attack. That doesn’t mean the plane has to cost five times as much.

  Donald Trump sent a signal before he even took office. He said, “Get the price down or I’m canceling the order,” in so many words.16 The party is over for the contractors who have helped the politicians run up a $20 trillion national debt. This is what you get with a businessman in the White House instead of a community organizer. It’s called “vendor management,” something every Fortune 500 company does. We can argue about what the government is going to spend money on, but whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you should have no objection to the government paying a fair price for whatever it does eventually buy.

  But of course, the vicious left-wing media couldn’t even give him credit for this. What was their answer to his encouraging “tweet” to Boeing? They fact-checked his number.17 Trump said the cost was $4 billion instead of $3 billion, as if that were somehow important. Even if it were $2 billion it would be too much!

  Trump sent his message out one day after Boeing committed to donating $1 million to Trump’s inauguration,18 which demonstrates again that the man can’t be bought. You may not agree with everything he says, but you would think that on something like this, the media would put aside their pettiness and recognize someone they may disagree with on many other things for genuinely putting his interests aside to do what’s right for his country.

  But no, they’d rather fact-check whether his $4 billion figure is accurate or not.

  There was a time in this country when Republicans and Democrats put their differences aside and worked together on nonpartisan issues of obvious national importance. Let me tell you something, those times are back. Republicans and a lot of Democrats and independents just worked together to elect Donald Trump, overcoming the Clinton machine, the media, and every rotten special interest, within this nation and without.

  And while the media couldn’t even take a few minutes off their nonstop propaganda campaign against Trump and the rest of us “deplorables,” the people had a much different take on the Boeing tweet. His audience in North Carolina erupted in thunderous applause a few nights later when he flatly said, “I’m not paying $4 billion for an airplane.”19

  Neither are w

  This is the approach Trump must take with the whole defense industry. We’re spending almost a trillion dollars per year when you add up all our military spending, including medical costs and all the spending hidden in other departments like energy. Yet our soldiers are still in combat using equipment that’s outdated or never worked in the first place.20

  The swamp doesn’t get any deeper than the defense contracting industry. I don’t have anything against defense contractors per se, but they’ve been given such free rein for so long they’ve run amok. Between the contractors just looking to maximize profits, like any business, and the sellouts in Congress, the interests of the soldiers in combat have been completely forgotten.

  The contractors aren’t stupid. They’ve located themselves strategically in enough congressional districts that just about every congressman has some interest in constantly increasing defense spending. Say no to a contractor and you’re killing jobs in your district and jeopardizing reelection. And let’s not kid ourselves, all our so-called representatives care about is getting reelected, regardless of whether they actually do any good for their districts, their states, or their nation.

  That’s why Congress continues to buy equipment the Pentagon itself says it doesn’t need. Army Chief of Staff General Raymond Odierno has been telling Congress for years to stop buying tanks. He said the same thing last year that he had already said in 2012. Odierno told Congress it was spending “hundreds of millions of dollars on tanks that we simply don’t have the structure for anymore.”21

  That’s a perfect example of our government in action. They want to campaign on how they’re supporting our troops, so they keep buying tanks the Army doesn’t even want every year, as if we’re still fighting Rommel in the African desert. We’re not. We’re fighting a new kind of enemy that hides among civilian populations and strikes at civilians in our own country. We don’t need tanks for that. Sometimes I want to walk onto the floor of Congress and start shaking people. Wake up!

  But let’s not forget what’s really behind us. Yes, there is plenty of stupidity in Congress, but there is more to this story than that. Use my most important three-word advice: Follow the money. You’ll find components for those tanks manufactured in many congressional districts and lobbyists for the manufacturer telling every one of those congressmen that if they want to keep their cushy jobs in Washington, they have to keep those people employed.

  At least the tanks the Army doesn’t need actually work, which is more than I can say for the F-35 fighter jet. Former RAND author John Stillion says the F-35 “can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run.”22 Other than that, it’s working just fine. I suppose I shouldn’t nitpick poor Lockheed Martin about a few glitches. They’ve only been working on this for twenty years, and spent $1.3 trillion of our money on a plane that can’t fly and is consistently outperformed by the ancient F-16. That’s right, I said $1.3 trillion.

  While trillions are being spent on disasters like the F-35, our special forces are in combat trying to win a war with faulty rifle sights.23 The contractor that made them settled a lawsuit for more than $26 million. That doesn’t help soldiers in the field who may have been killed or maimed because they missed their intended target due to faulty rifle sights.

  The soldiers can’t even depend on the helmets they’re wearing. Another contractor getting fat off the taxpayers to the tune of $30 million provided more than 126,000 faulty helmets to our troops.24 Why? Because they decided they could make a little more money having the helmets built by federal prisoners, while millions of Americans remain out of work.

  I could go on and on, but you get the picture. That military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about has completely infested the entire nation and is sucking us dry, while leaving our brave soldiers in the field with junk equipment. It’s a wonder they can still win at all. But they do. The soldiers are not the problem. The swamp is the problem.

  This is why Trump’s Boeing tweet was so important. It doesn’t matter if the plane was going to cost $3 billion or $4 billion or $2 billion. What’s important was the message to the whole, corrupt defense contracting industry: The party is over. We’re going to pay you well for quality products that help our troops protect the nation, but the days of $500 screwdrivers and $4 billion airplanes are over.

  This rot can be extricated from the Defense Department, saving hundreds of billions of dollars and making our military stronger and better equipped at the same time. All it takes is a president who isn’t wholly owned by the corporations that perpetrate it.

  The last step in rebuilding the military is to stop using it like a Whac-A-Mole hammer in every godforsaken backwater some do-gooder liberal or neocon wants to invade. No matter how well equipped, well trained, and devoted the troops are, no military can hold up under the constant deployments ours has been asked to support for going on two decades now. We need to destroy ISIS and then we need to take a fresh look at every military deployment around the world. It’s time to stop being the world’s policemen, paid for by the blood of our troops and the treasure of our taxpayers. That’s a part of Trump’s War I’ll talk about in the next chapter.


  Stand firm on peace with Russia

  Combat the war propaganda with the bully pulpit

  Destroy ISIS and then leave the Middle East

  Bring our troops home from unnecessary deployments




  Just after the election, I saw Mel Gibson’s movie Hacksaw Ridge. It’s about U.S. Army medic Desmond T. Doss, who served at the vicious Battle of Okinawa in World War II but refused to kill anyone. He became the first man in American history to win the Medal of Honor without firing a shot.

  This was the perfect movie to see in the context of Donald Trump as an anti-war president. While I was watching this moving film, Trump was speaking to Russian president Vladimir Putin, even though Trump hadn’t even been sworn in yet. The two men vowed to work together.

  It was a sigh of relief for me. The left should have been celebrating Trump instead of rioting in the streets. You know why? Because we almost had a war with Russia, thanks to the psychopath who previously occupied the White House, the man who thought he was the greatest thing since the cure for polio. He was ginning up a war with Russia and the neolibs and the neocons were salivating.

  Candidate Trump was on my show a month before the election and said he’d meet with Vladimir Putin, if he could, even before he was inaugurated. That’s how badly Trump wanted to tamp down war talk. The crazy feminist sorority that surrounded Obama was dying for a war with Russia.

  I led Trump to that commitment with a series of questions I asked him during that show. I’ve been writing about the demonization of Putin and Russia for years in my books. Putin is no angel and Russia’s interests don’t always coincide with ours. But that doesn’t mean we must be enemies or give the forces of darkness in Washington another war to get rich on while the rest of us suffer and our soldiers die for nothing. That’s why I wanted a commitment from Trump to talk to Putin at the earliest possible opportunity. I got it.

  What happened was predictable. The media went berserk the next day. All the little girls and the little boys in the media were running around saying, “Oh, Trump’s going to step on Obama’s foreign policy!” Let’s hope he does, early and often.

  Do you realize that if Trump does nothing else, he’s already done more than any other president would have given us, especially the hysteric Hillary Clinton, who wanted a war in order to satisfy the bloodlust of her followers?

  I’m an anti-war conservative. I know you don’t understand what those words mean because you think liberals are anti-war. But they’re not. As you can see in the streets of America, they are the violent fascists of our time, using the drug-addicted children as their shock troops, the same way ISIS uses civilians as human shields. All these left-wing organizations represent t
he true danger, not Trump.

  One of the reasons I worked so hard to get Trump elected is I believe he will be a man of peace. Put everything else aside. The most important thing in this world is not the economy. It’s peace. Domestic peace, international peace, peace between individuals, and peace between nations is far more important than gross domestic product or low interest rates.

  Hundreds of years ago, Thomas Hobbes said the very first law of nature is to seek peace.1 That is the essence of true conservatism. And I’m not just talking about the absence of military war on the battlefield. I’m talking about peace between individuals and groups within society. It’s truly the opposite of progressivism, which seeks nothing but conflict. They promote conflict between people of different racial groups, different sexual orientations, and different income levels. They even promote conflict between men and women.

  The spoiled brats who looted and pillaged because Hatchet Hillary lost the election don’t understand any of this. They don’t understand the connection between armies fighting on battlefields and classes fighting within society. That’s because their liberal schoolteachers and professors never taught them the true nature of government. Government is force. That’s all it is. It’s the pooled capacity for violence of every member of society. It’s the societal equivalent of a firearm for an individual. It’s only supposed to be used defensively, to protect innocent people from aggression by others.

  The insane left doesn’t want to limit government, this violent institution, to defending the innocent. They politicize everything. They want to transform peaceful, voluntary exchanges of property into violent, coerced redistributions. They wage war against voluntary associations and force people to associate against their will. They won’t even allow peace in the expression of one’s own thoughts. If a confused boy or girl can’t choose one of the two sexes to “identify as,” they want to force you to refer to them with a whole new set of pronouns.2 Under Obama, we were all Thomas Mores being forced to say the words the king orders us to say.


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