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Relias: Uprising

Page 52

by M. J Kreyzer

  Eyes: Green

  Build: Muscular, athletic

  Weapon of Choice: Rifle

  Religious Affiliation: Duranism

  Notable Characteristics: While daughter of Luke, Tess possesses no known


  Brief History: After the invasion of Elysium, Tess was taken to a small settlement on the

  Outskirts of Diamide where she remained until the Commune developed technology that could

  Globally track the unique Furo radiation that Durants produce. From there she was taken to Olsgrad, as

  Were many other Durants as they now had no way to hide from the Commune and instead were forced to Fortify their position and hold out until a more practical solution could present itself. After escaping Olsgrad just ahead of her father, Tess remained in Brysdal only temporarily, leaving with the Ditrinity as they formed a small, Specialized unit of warriors under the new leadership of Nathan Hendrick. Tess, along with many other Durants and members of the Dark resistance, had discovered that increased solar radiation made it difficult for the Commune to make accurate readings on the locations of Durants. From there, the Darks rebuilt while Tess did her part to contribute to the overall effort with the ultimate goal of avenging her father's death at Olsgrad, her brother's execution and her mother's death at the hands of Vladmir Frenz. This drive prompted Samuel Alighieri to enlist her in a small operation known as Operation Rush.


  Luke Semprys- Father

  Trina Semprys-Mother

  Lazarus Semprys- Brother

  Lazarus Semprys

  Age: 31 (at age of death)

  Race: Durant


  Hair: Dark Brown

  Weight: 175 lbs.

  Eyes: Blue

  Build: Slender, Athletic

  Weapon of Choice: Katana with extra blades for extension

  Religious Affiliation: Duranism

  Aliases: Knight

  Notable Characteristics: Now deceased, Lazarus spent his early years as a

  Pit fighter before joining the war against the Commune.

  Brief History: Born a few years prior to the Union's establishment, Lazarus was raised in a peaceful and prosperous society. With his knack for athleticism and his father’s natural talent for combat, Lazarus became involved in amateur Pit Fighting at the age of 12, the earliest age an individual could participate. Within years, Lazarus was recognized as an athletic prodigy, becoming a dominating for in professional Pit Fighting and making millions in purse winnings and endorsements while his arena pseudonym, Knight, became a household name. After the death of his mother, though, and his father's failed attempt at


  Luke Semprys- Father

  Trina Semprys- Mother

  Tess Semprys- Sister

  Trina Semprys

  Age: 38 (At time of death 247 M.I)

  Race: Durant

  Height: 5'9"

  Hair: Blonde

  Weight: 120 lbs.

  Eyes: Green

  Build: Slender

  Weapon of Choice: None

  Religious Affiliation: Duranism

  Notable Characteristics: Deceased wife of Luke Semprys


  Luke Semprys- Husband

  Tess Semprys- Daughter

  Lazarus Semprys- Son

  Leviticus Semprys- Miscarried Son


  Age: 38

  Race: Half-Human, Half-Durant

  Height: 5'11"

  Hair: Glossy White

  Weight: 125 lbs.

  Eyes: Pale blue

  Build: Slender, athletic

  Weapon of Choice: Katana

  Religious Affiliation: Duranism

  Notable Characteristics: Eyes glow as a result of surviving extreme Furo

  Exposure, possesses s Singularity which maintains her perfect form and rapidly

  Regenerates her health.

  Brief History: Sable’s history is a mystery before her 18th birthday. After appearing on the banks of a river in the Elysium Basin, unconscious and wearing unusually advanced armor, Sable was taken to Peter Scarsborough, where it was determined that she would become a member of the Ditrinity. From that point, Sable would fight as an integral part of the Ditrinity.

  Nathan Hendrick

  Age: 56

  Race: Altigan

  Height: 6'2"

  Hair: Dark Brown

  Weight: 185 lbs.

  Eyes: Sage Green

  Build: Slender, muscular, athletic

  Weapon of Choice: Blazers, Incendiary Grenades

  Aliases: Hendrick the Helldog, the Helldog

  Religious Affiliation: None

  Notable Characteristics: Lifelong history of psychological sickness, including suffering

  Extensively from schizophrenia, Bipolarity, Attention Deficit Disorder, Depression, and Split

  Personalities to name a few. Refused to join Ditrinity for personal reasons until the death of

  Ayla Reyrock in 247 M.I. whose vacancy in the Ditrinity he filled. Has a unique obsession with


  Brief History: Born in Desden. As a child, Hendrick experienced a good deal of abuse at the hands of his alcoholic father. Much of this, Hendrick feels, could be attributed to his father's confusion over how to handle such a strange, unpredictable and psychologically disturbed son. With home conditions being as they were, Hendrick branched out and joined a gang known as the 451's, a ragtag organization of boys and young men who made fire their calling card. As his initiation, Hendrick was charged with setting fire to a tree outside the public library. This fire immediately escaped their control and the gang fled. Hendrick, however, stayed and watched, entranced by the blaze, until the local police arrived and threw him into a juvenile detention facility. After four years, Hendrick was released at the age of sixteen. Throughout his later teens, Hendrick gained notoriety as a solitary figure known as the Helldog, a merciless, vengeful man who tracked down and murdered the leadership of the 451's. (The 451's, at this time, stood as a strong opposition to the established order, plaguing Desden with a years long crime spree.) With the deaths of these gangsters tagged clearly to his name, it wasn't until a psychological meltdown where Hendrick, convinced that certain citizens of Desden were spying on him and plotting his demise, set fire to a bus full of people on their morning commute. Following this incident he was thrown in prison where he was forced into years of solitary confinement, where his fragmented mind stabilized, though destroying several of its basic instincts including hyper arousal. It wasn't until Desden fell under attack in one of the final large scale battles before the Union was founded where two of the prison's guards released him in hopes that he would help fight a losing battle. Following the battle's conclusion, Hendrick befriends three other men and forms the Helldogs. As their leader they successfully defend towns along the Argintic front from any other attacks like the one that led to Desden's demise. Many years later, just after the framework of the Republican Union of Relias had been laid and after a period of inactivity, Hendrick and the Helldogs once again had to defend their new home, Brackis, against the Dakuya as they conquered smaller, more remote towns and cities to sap off their resources and fund their international crime organization. Fighting a losing battle, the Helldogs defended and eventually lost Brackis shortly before having their leader, Daniel Ratigan, killed at the hands of Nathan Hendrick after Ratigan had slit his throat and supposedly killed him. With the other Helldogs dead, the Dakuya that remained took Hendrick to a remotely located potato cellar and chained him up, leaving him to die. After a week, he was discovered by a general in the Union army, Luke Semprys, who had learned a great deal about the charismatic Helldog. Hendrick was hired on to reform the International Army, a task which drove him to establish a new military branch entirely which he dubbed the First Legionnaire. From there, he became good friends with Luke, Luke's family, and the Ditrinity until the day came when he would eventually join them.

/>   Morlo Greyhorn

  Age: 71 (Born 191 M.I.)

  Race: Highlander

  Height: 10'6"

  Hair: Brown

  Weight: 1550 Lbs.

  Eyes: Brown

  Build: Muscular, Broad

  Weapon of Choice: Battlehammer, Chain gun

  Religious Affiliation: Elemental Paganism

  Notable Characteristics: A prominent Highlander clan leader before the foundation of the Union,

  Experiences brutal bloodlusts in ways experienced in others only through the use of a Stimulant Dose

  Brief History: Being the son of a prominent clan leader and the grandson of the leader of the Arctanican Empire, Morlo Greyhorn distinguished himself from other warriors his age with a brutal fighting style, die-hard determination and an innate sense of leadership. With those characteristics Morlo quickly rose to notoriety, eventually taking his father's place as head of the clan. In the near anarchic conditions that existed before the Union, Morlo was a much feared lord in a predominantly warrior culture. He won battles, he defended their village and he made sure that his was a force to be feared and reckoned with. His uncle, Gamrik Greyhorn, had a penchant for harassing a nearby Durant settlement. For Morlo, this was no big deal. He didn't necessarily approve of Gamrik's actions but he felt that the matters were none of his concern. After little more than a year of this activity persisting, word came back to Morlo concerning the death of his uncle at the hands of a young Durant warrior known only as Mylo. Taking the death of his uncle as an act of war, Morlo prepared to mobilize his small army against the Durant village. However, in a move that Morlo didn't anticipate, this Mylo came to him. Accompanied only by Miles Scarsborough and Samuel Alighieri, Mylo revealed himself to be Luke Semprys, the last in a long line of historically powerful warriors. Still bitter about the death of his uncle, Morlo challenges Luke to a death match. Luke, of course accepts. After being knocked unconscious by a man nearly a tenth of his size, Morlo agrees to listen to him. After a series of diplomatic meetings, Morlo converts to the ideas that this Luke Semprys had. Luke also proposes to reestablish an old organization based in Runic ideology known as the Ditrinity. With Miles and Alighieri already having agreed to join, Morlo is more than happy to oblige. So Luke, under the leadership of Peter Scarsborough, leads the growing Ditrinity through the world war while Morlo proves himself to be an invaluable asset. With his help and the help of several others that would eventually join the Ditrinity, the Union is established and Morlo continues to serve in the Ditrinity as a bodyguard, most often for Luke's son, Lazarus.

  Vyvyr Syvyr (Pronounced Vee-ver See-ver)


  Race: Vampire

  Height: 5'11"

  Hair: Black

  Weight: 145 lbs.

  Eyes: Dark brown

  Build: Slender, lanky

  Weapon of Choice: Specialized Custom Infiltrator Sniper Rifle, Eternium Edged Scythe

  Religious Affiliation: Randism

  Notable Characteristics: Former leader of the Vyna coven in Brún before merging it with the

  Granlow coven under the then-new leadership of werewolf Pontious Granlow. Avoids emotion and all earthly cravings as he feels they only destroy. As such, Vyvyr is quiet, reserved, and extremely well read.

  Brief History: During his younger years, Vyvyr lived a life of solitude. Living a nomadic lifestyle, Vyvyr concerned himself a great deal with unifying himself with the universe and trying to bring a balance to Havoc that he feared was trapped in a downward, self-destructive spiral. He spent years with Randist monks in the Kyrgenti mountains in northern Arctanica, mastering meditation, conquering his worldly self and ultimately banishing his emotional, attached self in order to achieve a higher existence. And through these monks, Vyvyr also learned the arts of war, becoming a master of melee weapons but finally settling on a new form of weapon at the time: a long barreled, six-shot rifle that was considered to be the pinnacle of technology. And so, with his new weapon, Vyvyr became a master marksman, incorporating the lessons he learned from the Randist monks to purge fear, bridle emotion, and become the ultimate tool of destruction. During his tenure at the Randist monastery, Vyvyr dedicated himself to being well-read and well-educated as he was more than aware of the advantage that the intelligent and the educated had over their less-learned peers. But, what Vyvyr considered to be most important in the teachings he was given by these Randist monks was his understanding between the worlds of good and evil as well as the alarming frequency at which the two coincide. Randist monks, using the then current events as a reference, predicted the world's end though in terms too vague for Vyvyr to draw any real conclusions. Knowing that the world is made evil only through the actions of evil people, Vyvyr decided that, in order to save Havoc, he would have to end the lives of those who were more corrupt than good. So armed with a newfound education, Vyvyr set out into the world with the one idea in mind that he would hunt and kill these men who, after years of study, he had determined to be the roots of Havoc's evil. Over the next ten years, Vyvyr kept busy assassinating these individuals until he came to one man, a Durant with powers and abilities like he had never seen before. That man, Vladmir Frenz, was the leader of the world's largest crime syndicate, the Dakuya. With his vast resources, the man had sustained a network of drug and human trafficking that had connections in nearly every city and large town in Solara. This man, as Vyvyr had come to decide, was the world's ultimate evil and made Frenz his primary target. After decades of hunting him in his home city of Styne, Vyvyr eventually reaches a brutal and violent confrontation with Frenz which ends with Vyvyr near death. After several months spent in recovery, Vyvyr revises his tactics and realizes that, to destroy Frenz, he must have an army behind him. After returning to the Kyrgenti mountains where he recovers in the company of the Randist monks, Vyvyr departs to the coastal city of Brún and becomes a low-level member of the Vyna coven, led by the dark, brutal, Syn Vyna, another person of interest on Vyvyr's hitlist. After rising through the ranks with ease, Vyvyr becomes a close agent of Syn. Vyvyr then slits her throat in her sleep, publically claims responsibility and takes control of the Vyna coven in its violent struggle against the Granlow coven. Not long after assuming leadership, word of a young werewolf, the son of his nemesis Carnway Granlow, reaches Vyvyr. Vyvyr goes out of his way to reach out to this young man, one Pontious Granlow. Vyvyr offers his support to Pontious's cause and becomes his mentor. From there, the Carnway crime empire begins to crumble until it is dismantled entirely. Together, Pontious and Vyvyr rebuild Brún and establish a society where Vampires, Werewolves, Humans, and all minorities can peacefully coexist. And in the days prior to the Union, a community as vastly populated and peacefully kept was one-of-a-kind.

  World war eventually reached Brún's doorstep and Vyvyr, with Pontious at his side and an army of Werewolves, Vampires, and humans at his back, was prepared to repel it. However, speaking with the General Luke Semprys came as a revelation to Vyvyr. It was a well-known fact that Vladmir Frenz, being the powerful and charismatic individual he was, was a prominent leader in the forces that staunchly opposed the formation of the Union. Semprys, as Vyvyr had observed, was a tool against evil. In Randism, this 'tool against evil' was referred to as the Hibula, and according to Randist scripture, this Luke Semprys could easily be that man. Semprys was powerful, dominant, and most importantly, had his sights set squarely on Vladmir Frenz. Vyvyr decided that Luke Semprys's arrival was of divine intervention, and when the question of Vyvyr's and Pontious's alliance came into question it was no hard decision. Vyvyr and Pontious joined the Ditrinity and, alongside Luke Semprys, Miles Scarsborough, Samuel Alighieri and Morlo Greyhorn, continued the war and went on to establish the Republican Union of Relias.

  Pontious Granlow

  Age: 55

  Race: Werewolf

  Height: 5'10"

  Hair: Light Grey/White

  Weight: 170 lbs.

  Eyes: Orange

  Build: Slender, athletic

>   Weapon of Choice: Teeth, Infiltrator

  Religious Affiliation: Dexterianism

  Notable Characteristics: Descendant of rare group of Werewolves without

  Hair pigment, leader of the Granlow coven that merged with the Vyna coven under

  Vyvyr Syvyr's leadership.

  Brief History: When he was a young boy, Pontious was being raised as an eventual replacement for his father, Carnway, to assume command of the Granlow Empire. This preordination set poorly with Pontious, who rejected the inheritance and became an outlaw in his father’s eyes. As such, he was made a target by both the vampires of the Vyna Coven and the Werewolves of the Granlow Organization. Eventually he would capitalize on the discontent among the werewolves and vampire unaffiliated with either the Granlow Organization or the Vyna Coven who were made out to be second class citizens. Eventually this led to an uprising led by Pontious himself, a move that garnered the support and eventual alliance of Vyvyr Syvyr, leader of the Vyna coven. After a bloody revolt against the Granlow coven and the hold that it had on the southwestern half of Brún, the Granlow Empire was overthrown with Carnway Granlow dying at the hands of his son, Pontious. Pontious would go on to champion a truce between the vampire and werewolf races, becoming a close companion of Vyvyr and eventually joining the ranks of the Ditrinity.

  Trey Scarsborough


  Race: Half-Durant, Half-Human

  Height: 5'10"

  Hair: Dirty Blonde

  Weight:165 lbs.

  Eyes: Brown

  Build: Slender, athletic

  Weapon of Choice: Infiltrator, Obliterator

  Religious Affiliation: Duranism

  Notable Characteristics: Childhood friend of Lazarus Semprys, son of Miles Semprys,

  Former member of the Ditrinity and Luke's right hand man.

  Brief History: Being the son of Miles Scarsborough, Trey would eventually take his father's place as a member of the Ditrinity after his capture at the Invasion of Elysium. Before this, Trey fought as a member of the Darks resistance under the command of Samuel Alighieri. During the days of the Union, Trey was a close friend of Lazarus Semprys, son of Luke.


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